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Studies were made of seedling emergence of three phenotypes of Avena fatua L. with dif ferent coloured lemmas (fA, fB, fC) originally collected from one site. Each phenotype was grown under the same conditions in 1975 and the resulting seed buried 25 mm deep in soil im mediately after collection. The soil was either left uncultivated (all phenotypes) or cultivated monthly (phenotype fA only). Seedling emergence was assessed weekly and the number of remaining viable seeds was determined at the end of three years. Seeds of different lines of A. fatua (fA phenotypes) obtained from separate locations were grown under the same conditions in 1983, buried and seedling emergence moni tored for 85 months. Without cultivation, overall emergence (mean of three phenotypes) in successive autumns and springs was 9%, 18%, 9%, 33%, < 1%, 14% and <1%. A further 3% of viable seeds were recovered at the end of the experiment. Periodicity of emergence was the same for all phenotypes. Actual numbers of seedlings emerging in each of the periods varied between phenotypes. Total emergence of seed from the inner zone of panicles was significantly less than that from the outer zone, although there was little difference between the two zones in each of the natural emergence periods. Cultivation increased emergence, particularly from secondary seed in the first spring after burial, but did not changes its periodicity. By the second spring seed numbers had declined, and seedling counts were similar from cultivated and non-cultivated soil. No viable seed remained in the cultivated soil after three years. Emergence from the two lines of fA was very different. Seedling emergence occurred after hot dry con ditions, or in warm periods immediately after periods of chilling, particularly those below 4°C.  相似文献   

Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) can release dormancy of imbibed wild oat (Avena fatua L.) seeds. Treatments found effective included (i) immersing intact seeds in 800 mm NaOCl for 1 h followed by incubation on 5 × 10?4m gibberellin A3(GA3); (ii) immersing dehulled seeds in 800 mm NaOCl for 1 min followed by incubation on 5 × 10?4m GA3; (iii) immersion of dehulled seeds in much lower concentrations of NaOCl, e.g. 13 4 mm for 3 h followed by incubation on water; or (iv) incubating dehulled seeds on a low concentration of NaOCl. Based on the concentrations of each of the reagents required to produce equivalent responses, NaOCl is approximately 4–6 times more effective than hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in triggering the onset of germination, and 6 times as effective in causing growth inhibition in the roots. These results suggest the modes of action of NaOCl and H2O2 in the termination of dormancy reside in a modification of the properties of the hull and seed coat membranes, and in the provision of additional oxygen to the seed.  相似文献   

Soon after the development of the inflorescence and prior to anthesis, the future detachment point of the floret of Avena fatua L. is formed. This zone is denoted initially by files of cells that will eventually become the future break-point where a scar is formed. The edge of the future scar (at the articulation zone) is composed of small cells, which, despite the retention of prominent primary wall material, have highly lignified secondary walls. The grain will break from the rachilla in the region of these small cells. The centre of the future scar is composed mainly of thin-walled parenchyma cells with large intercellular air spaces. Underneath the future break-point, the stalk is composed of a solid core of vascular elements and lignified cells. These features are absent in the cultivated out (Avena sativa L.). Le détachement de graines d' Avena fatua L. Sitôt après le développement de l'inflorescence avant l'anthèse, le point de détachement de la fleur d'Avenu fatua L. est formé. Cette zone est marquée au départ par des rangées de cellules qui deviendront le futur point d'abscission où une cicatrice se forme. Le bord de la future cicatrice (à la zone d'articulation) est composé de petites cellules qui. malgré le maintien d'une première barrière saillante, ont lignifié des parois secondaires. Le centre de la future cicatrice est composé principalement de parenchyme à cloisons fines avec des espaces intercellulaires larges. A proximité du futur point d'abscission, la tige est composée d'un noyau solide d'éléments vasculaires et de cellules lignifiées. Les caractéristiques énoncées ci-dessus sont absentes chez l'avoine cultivée (Avenu sativa L.). Ueber die Ablösung der Samen bei Avena fatua L. Bei Avena fatua L. wird bald nach der Entwicklung der Infloreszenzen, aber vor ihrer vollen Ausbildung, die spätere Ablösungsstelle der Blüte angelegt. Diese Zone ist anfänglich durch Zellreihen gekenntzeichnet, welche sehliesslich die Bruchstelle darstellen und wo eine Narbe gebildet wird. Der Rand der zukünftigen Narbe besteht aus kleinen Zellen, welche, obwohl noch auflällig viel primäres Zellwandmaterial enthaltend, stark verholzte sckundäre Zellwände aufweisen. Der Same bricht im Bereiche dieser kleinen Zellen aus der Aehrchenachse (Rachilla). Das Zentrum der zukünftigen Abbruchnarbe besteht aus dünn wandigem Parenchym mit grossen Interzellularräumen. Unterhalb der späteren Abbruchstelle ist die Aehrchenachse aus einem dichten Gewebe aus Gefässelementen und verholzten Zellen aufgebaut. Beim Kulturhafer (Avena sativa L.) fehlen die oben beschriebenen Elemente.  相似文献   

Wild oat plants of types fA, fB and fC were grown at a constant 15 or 20°C during the period of seed maturation. Seed of the three types differed little in dormancy when grown at 15°C, but at 20°C a larger proportion of seeds of type fA were dormant compared with fB or fC. Overall, dormancy of seed produced at 15 and 20°C was 97 and 63% respectively. Plants of another collection of type fB were grown from seed at 15 or 20°C with or without water stress applied only from the time of panicle emergence. Water stress and high temperature reduced viable seed production. Seed dormancy was tested immediately after collection by planting the seed in soil, and by Petri dish tests. Further Petri dish tests were made after 6 months storage. Seedling emergence in the first autumn from seeds of plants matured without water stress at 15°C was 10% compared with 30% for seeds grown at 20°C. Seeds grown with water stress at 15°C gave 47%, and at 20°C 78% emergence. The majority of emergence from seeds formed at 15°C without water stress occurred in the second spring after burial. Petri dish tests support these findings and suggest that seeds produced in hot dry summers are less dormant than those produced in cool moist ones.  相似文献   

B. J. WILSON 《Weed Research》1985,25(3):213-219
Avena fatua was sown in a cultivation experiment in the autumn of 3 successive years. For each population seedling emergence and viable seeds in the soil were recorded for 4 years in crops of winter barley in which new seed production was prevented. About half of the seeds sown were recovered after 1 year. In subsequent years viable seeds in the soil declined more rapidly with tine cultivation than with ploughing. After 4 years up to 5% of the original seeds were still viable. One population exhibited greater seed dormancy than the other two populations, due it is thought to higher summer rainfall and the greater availability of moisture during seed maturation. Most seedlings emerged in the autumn and spring, between 12 and 18 months after sowing. A total of 950 seedlings emerged from 12 000 seeds sown; 21% of these seedlings came from new seeds (< 1 year old), 57% from seeds 1–2 years old, 14% from seeds 2–3 years old and 8% from seeds 3–4 years old. Autumn seedlings arose fairly evenly from all age groups while spring seedlings mostly came from the 1–2-year-old seeds. With tine cultivation total seedlings over 4 years represented 9–7% and with ploughing 6–2% of the original seeds sown. A. fatua was more persistent than in previous experiments in spring barley, which suggests that control measures would have to be applied for longer in a succession of winter cereals than spring-sown crops to reduce A. fatua to low populations.  相似文献   

The physiological basis of the dormancy-breaking properties of ammonia gas was investigated. Treatment of dormant, air-dry wild oat (Avena fatua, Montana 73) seed with ammonia did not influence the activity of the pentose phosphate pathway enzymes glucose-6-phosphate dehydro-genase (G6PDH) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGDH). Ammonia thus does not beak dormancy via increased activity of these enzymes. α-Amylase synthesis in de-embryonated endosperm halves which had been treated with ammonia and subsequently washed under tap water for 48 h increased five-fold. Catalase activity was inhibited by treatment of seed with ammonia but peroxidase activity was stimulated. In the dormant Montana 73 seed both ammonia and GA3-stimulated germination could be partially inhibited by salicylic hydroxamic acid (SHAM), but SHAM had no effect on the germination of semi-dormant Oxford seeds. Ammonia treatment led to an 81% increase in respiration in incubating seeds. This increase in respiration was also partially inhibited by SHAM. It is postulated that loss of dormancy induced by treatment with ammonia is associated with the induction of increased respiratory activity. There is, however, no conclusive evidence that this increased respiratory activity is via the alternative respiratory pathway. The stimulation of peroxidase activity may also play a role in the loss of dormancy. Les bases physiologiques de la levée de dormance chez les semenees de folles avoines par l'ammoniac Les bases physiologiques des propriétés d'agent de levée de dormance du gaz ammoniac ont étéétudiées. Le traitement de semence de folle avoine en dormance (Avenu fatua Montana 73) avec de l'ammoniac n'a pas eu d'influence sur les enzymes de la chaîne pentosc phosphate, les glucose 6 phosphate deshydrogénase (G6PDH) et 6 phos-phosluconate deshydrogénase (6 PGDH). L'ammoniac ne lève donc pas la dormance par l'augmentation de l'activité de ces enzymes. La synthèse de l'a amylase dans des demi-endo-spermes désembryonnés, traités à l'ammoniac puis lavés sous un robinet d'eau pendant 48 h, a été multipliée cinq. L'activité des cataiases a été inhibée par le traitement de semences à l'ammoniac tandis que celle des peroxydases a été sitmulée. Pour les semences Montana 73, stimulées par NH3, et GA3, la germination pourrait être partiellement inhibée par l'acide salicyl-hydroxa-mique (SHAM); en revanche le SHAM n'a pas eu d'effet su la germination des semences Oxford en semi-dormance. Le traitement à l'ammoniac a entraîné une augmentation de 81% de la respiration pour les semences en incubation. Cette augmentation de la respiraiton était également en partie inhibée par le SHAM. Il a été retenu le principe que la levée de dormance induite par le traitement à l'ammoniac était liée à l'induction de l'augmentation de l'activité respiratoire. Cependent. il n'y a pas de preuve décisive que cette activité respiratoire accrue passe par l'autre chaîne respiratoire. La stimulation de l'activité des peroxydases pourrait également jouer un rôle dans la levée de dormance. Physiologiche Ursachen fuür den Verlust der Samenruhe nach Behandlung mit Ammoniak bei Wildhafer (Avena fatua L.) In dieser Arbeit wurden die physiologischen Grundlagen für die, die Samenruhe abbrechende Wirkung von Ammoniakgas untersucht. Eine Behandlung ruhender, lufttrockener Samen von Wildhafer (Avena fatua, Montana 73) mit Ammoniak beeinflusste die Aktivität der den Pentosephosphat Zyklus regulierenden Enzyme Glukose-6-phosphat-Dehydrogenase (G6PDH) und 6-Phosphoglukonat-Dehydrogenase (6PGDH) nicht. Demnach bewirkt Ammoniak den Abbruch der Ruhezeit nicht über eine erhöhte Aktivität dieser Enzyme. In Endosperm-hälften, deren Embryonen entfernt worden waren, stieg die α-Amylasesynthese nach einer Ammoniakbehandlung und darauffolgender, 48 h dauernden Waschung mit Leitungswasser, um das 5-fache. Die Begasung der Samen mit Ammoniak hemmte die Katalasewirkuking, stimulierte hingegen die Peroxydaseaktivität. In ruhenden Samen von Montana 73 konnte die durch Ammoniak und GA3 stimulierte Keimung teilweise durch Salicylhydroxamsäure (SHAM) gehemmt werden; SHAM hatte jedoch keine Wirkung auf halbdormante Oxford-Samen. In keimenden Samen führte die Ammoniakbehandlung zu einer 81%-eigen Steigerung der Atmung. Diese Atmungserhöhung wurde durch SHAM ebenfalls teilweise gehemmt. Es wird angenommen, dass der durch Ammoniak veranlasste Abbruch der Samenruhe mit der Einleitung einer erhöhten Respirationsaktivität verbunden ist. Es ist allerdings kein schlüssiger Beweis vorhanden, wonach die gesteigerte respiratonsehe Aktivität durch den alternativen respiratorisehen Zyklus verursacht wird. Beim Abbruch der Samenruhe mag eine verstärkte Peroxydaseaktivität ebenfalls eine Rolle spielen.  相似文献   

An infestation of Avena fatua in two successive spring barley crops was monitored from March 1972 to June 1973. The numbers of viable seeds on the uncultivated stubble, viable seeds in the soil, and seedlings emerging in autumn and spring were assessed. Both seed and seedling populations declined when seeding was prevented in 1972, hut increased in all situations where seeding occurred. The greatest increase occurred when the unburnt stubble was cultivated after harvest; the increase was less following straw burning. The greatest losses of newly shed seeds occurred when the stubbles were left uncultivated throughout the autumn, and delaying cultivation was more effective than burning in limiting the rate of increase. Old seeds, already in the soil before 1972, were less dormant and produced a higher percentage of seedlings in 1973 than did seeds shed in 1972. Once in the soil, the greatest losses of seeds occurred during the spring, and it is likely that many seeds germinated but failed to establish as seedlings. It is suggested that the seed reserves of A. fatua in the soil are less persistent than previously reported, especially where mouldboard ploughing is replaced by tine cultivation. The periodicity of seedling emergence in spring was unaffected by the time or type of cultivation, by the age of the seeds or by burning the straw in the previous autumn. Etude de la dynamique d'une population d'Avena fatua soumise à l'influence du brûdage de la paille, de la chute des semences et des façons culturales. Une infestation d'Avena fatua, dans deux cultures successives d'orge, a été observée depuis mars 1972 jusquà juin 1973. Les nombres des semences viables dans le chaume non cultivé, des semences viables dans le sol, et des plantules levant à l'automne et au printemps, ont étéévalués. Les populations de semences et de plantules ont toutes deux diminué lorsque la montre à graine a été empêchée en 1972, mais se sont accrues dans toutes les situations ou la mise k graines s'est produite. L'aceroissement le plus important s'est produit lorsque les chaumes non brûlés ont été cultives apres la moisson; l'aceroissement a été plus faible apres le brülage de la paille. Les pertes les plus élevées de semences récemment tombées se sont produites lorsque les chaumes sont restes non cultives durant tout rautomne, et le retard des fagons culturales a été plus efficace que le brülage pour limiter le taux d'aecroissement. Les semences anciennes, qui étaient dans le sol avant 1972, ont été moins dormantes et ont produit, en 1973, un pourcentage plus élevé de plantules que les semences tombées en 1972. Une fois dans le sol, les plus grandes pertes de semences se sont produites pendant le printemps et il est vraisemblable que de nombreuses semences ont germé mais n'ont pas abouti a l'établissement de plantules. II est suggéré que les réserves de semences d'Avena fatua dans le sol sont moins persistantes qu'on ne le pensait autrefois, particulierement lorsque le labour avec une charrue à versoir est remplacé par un travail avec des appareils á dents. La périodicité des leviés au printemps n'a pas été affectée par I'époque ou par le type de façon culturale, ni par l'âge des semences ou par le brülage de la paille à Tautomne précédent. Eine Untersuchung iiber die Populationsdynamik von Avena fatua L unter dem Einfluss von Strohabbrennen, Samenfall und Bodenbearbeitung In einer Folge von Sommergerste auf Sommergerste wurde der Flughaferbefall von Mai 1972 bis Juni 1973 beobachtet. Die Anzahi lebensfähiger Samen (Karyopsen) in der unbear-beiteten Stoppel und im Boden wie auch die Anzahl der im Herbst und Frühjahr aufgelaufenen Keimpflanzen wurde erfasst. Sowohl die Samenwie auch die Keimpflanzenpopula-tion ging 1972 zurück nachdem das Aussamen verhindert wurde, nahm aher in jedem Fall wieder zu, wenn die Pflanzen aussamen konnten. Die siärkste Zunahme trat dann ein, wenn die nicht abgebrannte Stoppel nach der Emte bear-beitet wurde; nach Stoppelabbrennen war sie geringer. Die grössle Ahnahme frisch ausgefaltener Samen trat dann ein, wenn man die Stoppel den ganzen Herbst unbearbeiter liess und eine spate Bodenbearbeitung war im Hinblick auf die Zunahme an Flughafer wirkungsvoller als das Abbrennen. Alte Samen, die berelts vor 1972 im Bodden waren. zeigten eine geringere Keimhemmung und produzierten 1973 mehr Keimpflanzen als Samen die erst 1972 ausfielen. Die grossten Verluste an den im Boden vorhandenen Samen trat im Fruhjahr auf und wahrscheinlich konnten viele gekeimten Samen als Keimpflanzen nicht ijberteben. Man kann anneh-men. dass der Samenvorrat von A. fatua im Boden kurzlebiger ist als fruher angenommen wurde, besonders dort, wo Pfliigen durch Grubbern ersetzt wurde. Die Regelmassigkeit des Flughaferauflaufs im Friihjahr war unbeeinflusst vom Zeitpunkt und Art der Bodenbearbeitung, vom Alter der Samen oder vom Abbrennen des Strohs im vorausgegan-gcnen Herhst.  相似文献   

Seeds from seven genetically inbred pure lines of wild oats (Avena fatua L.) with different levels of dormancy and viability were analysed for seed-borne fungi. All lines had fungi on the seeds. The predominating fungi were Alternaria alternata and Cladosporium herbarum, of which the latter was non-pathogenic and the former only weakly pathogenic on seedlings of wild oats. Drechslera avenacea, Cochliobulus sativus and Fusarium spp., frequently isolated, were pathogenic on A. fatua. Only D. avenacea was host specific to A. fatua and cultivated oats Avena sativa. Cochliobolus sativus and Fusarium spp, were equal or more pathogenic on seedlings of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), oats and rye (Secale cereale L.) than on seedlings of A. fatua. Drechslera avenacea occurred on a significantly higher percentage of seeds from A. fatua lines, AN 51 and AN 474, than from the other lines. Other fungi isolated occurred randomly on all A. fatua lines. There was no relationship between low viability of seeds and fungi carried on the seeds.  相似文献   

Avena fatua L. seed of types fA (brown very hairy lemma) and fB (grey moderately hairy lemma) were collected from six locations in Britain during summer 1974. Primary and secondary seeds were planted separately at 20 and 100 mm depths. Emergence was recorded for 5 years and the number of viable seeds remaining at the end of the experiment was determined. With an increase in planting depth from 20 to 100 mm, there was a decrease in final emergence from secondary seed from 84 to 61% and from primary seed from 93 to 83%. At 20 mm there was no difference in emergence between collections, but at 100 mm there were differences between secondary seeds of some collections. There were also differences in the emergence behaviour of types fA and fB, both between and within collections. More seedlings from primary seeds than from secondary seeds emerged in the early stages, but later the reverse was true. After 5 years secondary seed had produced 16% fewer seedlings than primary seed. Seed unaccounted for at the end of the experiment was 18% for both types, twice as many seeds were unaccounted for at 100 mm than at 20 mm. Likewise, twice as many secondary than primary seeds were unaccounted for. On average the number of viable seeds remaining at the end of the 5 years was less than 1%, although 23% of secondary seeds of type fA from one collection buried at 100 mm remained viable. Flushes of emergence were correlated with prior experience of periods of temperature below 6°C in the soil. Facteurs qui influent sur la levée de plantules de différentes souches d'Avena fatua L. Des semences d'Avena fatua L. de deux sortes, fA (glumelle brune, très velue) et fB (glumelle grise, moyennement velue) ont été collectionnées pendant l'été 1974 à six endroits en Grand Bretagne. Les semences primaires et secondaires ont été plantées séparément à des profondeurs de 20 et de 100 mm. La levée a été signalée au cours de 5 ans et le nombre de semences viables qui restaient à la fin de l'essai a été déterminé. A mesure quàugmentait la profounder du semis de 20 à 100 mm. la levée définitive diminuait de 84 à 61 % pour les semences secondaires et de 93 à 83% pour les primaires. A 20 mm, aucune différence dans la levée n'a été constatée entre les différentes collections mais à 100 mm. centaines différences se sont fait voir entre les semences secondaires de certaines collections. Des différences ont été constatées aussi dans le comportement des sortes fA et fB en ce qui concerne la levée, différences entre les collections et à l'intérieur d'une collection. Au début, les plants provenant des semences primaires étaient plus nombreux que ceux des secondaires, mais plus tard on a constaté le contraire. Au bout de 5 ans, les semences secondaires avaient produit 16% moins de jeunes plants que les primaires. A la fin de l'essai, 18% des semences des deux sortes avaient disparu, deux fois plus à 100 mm qu'a 20 mm. De même deux fois plus de semences secondaires avait disparu que de semences primaires. En moyenne, moins de 1% des semences restaient aptes à germer au bout des 5 ans; néanmoions, 23% de semences secondaires de la sorte fA dans une des collections, enfouies à 100 mm, étaient toujours viables. Des levées sporadiques se trouvaient correlées à des périodes préalables où la température du sol ne dépassait pas 6°C. Ueber Faktoren, welche das Auflaufen verschiedener Linien von Avena fatua L. beeinflussen Im Laufe des Sommers 1974 wurden an sechs verschiedenen Orten in England Spelzfrüchte der Formen fA (braune, sehr stark behaarte Deckspelzen) und fB (graue, mässig behaarte Deckspelzen) von Avena fatua L. gesammelt. 1. und 2.Spelzfrüchte wurden getrennt in 20 und 100 mm Tiefe ausgesät und während 5 Jahren ihr Auflaufen beobachtet; am Ende der Beobachtungsperiode erfolgte eine Bestandesaufnahme der noch lebensfähigen Samen. Mit zunehmender Saattiefe nahm die Auflaurate für die 2.Spelzfrüchte von 84 auf 61% und für die 1. von 93 auf 83% ab. Bei 20 mm Saattiefe bestanden keine Differenzen im Auflaufen zwischen den an den verschiedenen Standorten gesammelten Mustern; bei 100 mm Tiefe wurden jedoch lokale Unterschiede bei den 2.Spclzfrüchten festgestellt. Es bestanden auch Unterschiede im Auflaufverhalten der Formen fA und fB, sowohl zwischen als auch innerhalb der verschiedenen Standortmuster. In der Anfangsphase der Beobachtungsperiode erschienen mehr Keimlinge aus 1. als aus 2. Spelzfrüchten; später war das Gegenteil der Fall. Im Vergleich zwischen 1. und 2.Spelzfrüchten hatten letztere nach 5 Jahren 16% weniger Pflanzen hervorgebracht als die 1. Für beide Formen (fA und fB) wurden am Ende der Versuchsperiode 18% nicht gekeimte, resp. nicht mehr lebensfähige Samen registriert; in 100 mm Tiefe waren es doppelt so viel als bei 20 mm. Ebenfalls doppelt so viele 2.Spelzfrüchte als 1. waren nicht keimfähig. Im Mittel waren nach 5 Jahren weniger als 1% lebensfähig, obwohl bei einem Standortmuster 23% der 2.Spelzfrüchte in 100 mm Tiefe noch lebensfähig waren. Vorange-gangene Perioden mit Bodentemperaturen unter 6°C waren für gehäuftes Auflaufen verantwortlich.  相似文献   

Dormancy of seeds harvested from excised Avena fatua panicles grown in solutions containing sucrose increased with increasing concentrations of sucrose. Induction of this sucrose-imposed dormancy could be partially inhibited by the inclusion of GA4/7 in the growing medium. The sucrose-grown seeds were fully viable and dormancy could be broken by methods commonly used to break dormancy, such as treatment with GA3 or dehusking and pricking the caryopsis. Low concentrations of sucrose added to the incubation medium stimulated GA3-induced α-amylase synthesis in mature de-embryonated A. fatua caryopses but higher concentrations inhibited it. The relevance of these findings to the explanation of the environmental component of A. fatua seed dormancy is discussed.  相似文献   

The imposition of water stress before or al the time of spraying diclofop-methyl reduced efficacy against wild oat (Avena fatua L.). Similar reductions in herbicide performance were obtained by application of 20 μg of the methyl ester of abscisic acid (ABA) to plants with three to four leaves before spraying with I kg ha?1 diclofop-methyl. Application of 40–100 μg ABA per plant effectively protected plants against damage from diclofop-methyl applied at 1 5–2 0 kg ha ?1. The application of 20 μg ABA induced rapid stomatal closure and a reduction in leaf extension rate, which were sustained for 7–8 days after treatment. These changes were associated with an overall reduction in shoot growth. ABA-treated plants that were additionally sprayed with diclofop-methyl sustained ABA symptoms, but no additional weight loss or leaf chlorosis. The mechanism of the protective action of ABA on diclofop-methyl has not been determined.  相似文献   

野生稻、野燕麦、枸杞DNA的提取方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用CTAB法和2种经改进SDS法提取野生稻、野燕麦、枸杞总DNA。提取结果表明植物的种类不同,所适用的提取方法也有所不同。野生稻和野燕麦DNA提取较合适的方法为SDS-和CTAB法,枸杞DNA提取较合适的方法为SDS-法。  相似文献   

The recent characterization of triallate-resistant lines of wild oat (Avena fatua L.) deficient in triallate sulfoxidation provides an experimental system to investigate and differentiate the effects of triallate and triallate sulfoxide on wax and lipid biosynthesis. Greenhouse applications of triallate dramatically reduced epicuticular wax deposition in susceptible (S) but not resistant (R) wild oats. Triallate treatment had no effect on in-vivo concentrations of C12 to C26 fatty acids and fatty alcohols in R plants, while elongated fatty acid fractions (C>18) were significantly reduced in S plants. In contrast, treatment with triallate sulfoxide reduced in-vivo concentrations of elongated fatty acids equally in R and S, supporting the hypothesis that triallate sulfoxide is more inhibitory than triallate towards fatty acid elongases. Although de-novo synthesis of short-chain fatty acids was not affected by triallate or triallate sulfoxide in R or S plants, synthesis of elongated fatty acid fractions was dramatically reduced in S plants by triallate. Fatty acid biosynthesis in R and S plants was equally sensitive to triallate sulfoxide. The results support the idea that in-vivo triallate sulfoxidation is necessary for herbicidal activity, and confirm that reduced rates of triallate sulfoxidation confer resistance in R wild oats. © 1997 SCI.  相似文献   

A study was made of the caryopsis weights of Avena fatua grown in the field and in pots and of the competitive ability of A. fatua from heavy seed (≥18 mg) and light reed (≤11 mg) grown at a depth of either 25 or 75 mm with spring barley sown at 25 mm. The weight of field- and pot-grown caryopses of A. fatua types fA, fB and fC ranged from 3 to 25, 5 to 23, and 5 to 25 mg respectively. With one exception, both the field- and pot-grown samples showed a double normal distribution pattern. The mean weights of pot-grown primary and secondary caryopses of fA, fB and fC were 15 and 9, 19 and 11, and 18 and 11 mg respectively. In a competition experiment, A. fatua grown from heavy seeds sown at 75 mm depth with an equal number of barley produced 47% more panicles, 54% more seed and 56% more dry weight per plant than plants from light seeds. When barley and both seed weights of A. fatua were sown at 25 mm depth these differences were smaller, being 21, 28 and 34% respectively. When the barley was at Zadoks stage 87, and when the barley and A. fatua were grown at equal densities at 25 mm depth, the dry weight of barley was reduced from 10·4 to 7·7, and to 5·8 g per plant by light- and heavy-seeded A. fatua, respectively. When the barley was grown at 25 mm and the A. fatua at 75 mm, the weight per barley plant was reduced to 9·5 and 7·2 g by A. fatua plants grown from light and heavy seeds respectively. Reductions in numbers of grain were caused mainly by a reduction in the number of fertile heads.  相似文献   

Buried populations of dormant and non-dormant wild oat (Avena fatua) seed persisted less than 2 years, depth of burial having very little influence on their survival. The mode of seed disappearence, however, was closely related to their depth in the soil. Seed exhaustion through germination in situ increased with increasing depth in the soil, whereas exhaustion through non-viability increased with decreasing depth. Physical and induced dormancies are apparently not capable of supporting prolonged persistence of A. fatua seeds in soil. The lack of prolonged persistence of A. fatua seeds in Colorado derives from a lack of genetically programmed embryonic dormancy in these populations and makes A. fatua easier to control in Colorado than in other cereal-growing regions south of the 43rd parallel because it dramatically reduces the survival of seeds in the soil. The most effective non-chemical control of this grass weed is achieved by means of the shallowest cultivations possible, carried out as late as possible.  相似文献   

Control of Avena fatua (L.) (wild oat) with diclofop methyl applied at 0·7 kg ha?1 at the two-leaf stage and difenzoquat at 0·84 kg ha?1 at the four-leaf stage in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under field conditions was good and not affected when either of these herbicides was mixed with 3,6-dichloropicolinic acid as the monoethanolamine salt at 0·14, 0·20 or 0·30 kg ha?1. In the glasshouse, mixtures containing 3,6-dichloropicolinic acid at rates as high as 0·6 kg ha?1 also did not affect control of A. fatua. When barban at 0·35 kg ha?1, or flamprop methyl at 0·56 kg ha?1 was mixed with similar rates of 3,6-dichloropicolinic acid and applied at the two-leaf and four-leaf stage of A. fatua respectively, a reduction in control of A. fatua (antagonism) occurred under both field and glasshouse conditions. The herbicides for control of A. fatua did not influence the fresh weight suppression of C. arvense shoots obtained in the glasshouse with 3,6-dichloropico-colinic acid at 0·3 kg ha?1. Early tolerance of wheat (cv. Neepawa) was acceptable with all mixtures. Wheat yields with diclofop methyl or difenzoquat alone or in mixture with 3,6-dichloropicolinic acid were increased over the yields from the A. fatua-infested control.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Essential oils have herbicidal effects, which can potentially be improved by the addition of adjuvants. The present study evaluated (1) the stability and...  相似文献   

A. fauta reduced yields of spring barley in the majority of 51 experiments carried out during 1971 and 1972. Infestations ranging from 8 to 662 seedlings/m2 in the spring resulted in yield reductions varying from nothing to 72%; in 11 experiments these exceeded 1–2 t/ha. Reductions in yield were poorly correlated with numbers of seedlings, panicles or wild oat seeds produced. However, there was a good correlation between yield loss and the dry weight of wild oats at harvest. Growth and competitive effects of wild oats differed between the two years. Grain losses were due mainly to reductions in the numbers of ear bearing barley tillers. The influence and significance of the effect of competition on the size of barley grains is discussed.  相似文献   

防除以看麦娘和野燕麦为主的禾本科杂草,春季使用15%炔草酸WP 450 g/hm2、3%甲基二磺隆OF300~450 mL/hm2、3.6%二磺.甲碘隆WG 300~375 g/hm2、6.9%精唑禾草灵EW 1 500~2 250 mL/hm2和5%唑啉·炔草酸EC 1 350~1 500 mL/hm2均有较理想的防效,鲜重防效均在90%以上,高于株防效。  相似文献   

Glyphosate was applied to panicles of wild oats (Avena fatua L.) before, at and after anthesis. The florets in spikelets exposed to the herbicide before, at and immediately after anthesis produced seeds with abnormal embryos and endosperm. Histological and embryological studies showed that in all cases the chemical did not stop the normal process of double fertilization in the florets. The zygote divided, but did not proceed beyond the proembryo stage. The development of both the proembryo and the endosperm was abnormal. The proembryos and the early stages of embryos showed no normal provascular or vascular tissue differentiation. Externally also there was no proper development of embryo parts, such as the scutellum, epiblast, shoot and root apices. The embryonic tissues showed considerable obliteration and shrinkage and the nuclei in cells appeared small and shrunken. The cells, especially in the meristem regions, appeared lacunose. The embryo and the endosperm in the caryopses treated with glyphosate 9 days after anthesis or later, were morphologically and structurally very similar to those of the controls of comparable age. It was concluded that the greater the delay of glyphosate application after anthesis, the less was the effect on seed development. Une étude histologique de l'effet du glyphosate sur le developpement des graines de folle avoine (Avena fatua L.) Du glyphosate a été appliquéà des panicules de folle avoine (Avena fatua L.), avant, pendant et après l'anthèse. Les fleurs dans les epillets exposés à l'herbicide avant, et pendant immédiatement après l'anthese ont donné des graines avec des embryons et des endospermes anormaux, Des études histologiques et embryologiques ont montré que dans tous les cas le produit n'a pas arrêté le processus normal de double fertilisation au niveau des florets. Le zygote s'est divisé mais n'a pas été au-delà du stade proembryon, Les développements du proembryon et de l'endosperme ont été anormaux. Les proembryons et les stades précoces des embryons n'ont pas montré de différenciations normales des tissus provasculaires ou vasculaires, Extérieurement également, il n'y a pas eu un développement plus correct des parties embryonnaires comme le scutellum, epiblast les ébauches racinaires et tigellaires. Leurs tissus embryonnaires ont montré des manques considérables et des rétrécissements et les noyaux dans les cellules sont apparus petits et rétrécis. Les cellules, particulièerement dans les régions méristématiques semblaient pleines de lacune. L'embryon et l'endosperme chez les caryopses traités au glyphosate 9 jours après l'anthèse ou plus tard, étaient structurellement et morphologiquement très voisins de ceux des témoins à un âge comparable. II en est conclu que plus le délai après l'anthèse de l'application du glyphosate était élevé, moins l'effet était fort sur le développement de la graine. Eine histologische Untersuchung der Wirkung von Glyphosat auf die Samenbildung des Flug-Hafers (Avena fatua L.) Glyphosat wurde auf die Rispen von Flug-Hafer (Avena fatua L.) vor, während und unmittelbar nach der Blüte appliziert, woraufhin die Embryos und das Endosperm sich anormal entwickelten. In histologischen und embryologischen Untersuchungen zeigte sich, daß der Wirkstoff in allen Fällen den normalen Befruchtungsprozeß nicht beeinträchtigte. Die Zygote teilte sich, doch kam sie nicht über das Proembryo-Stadium hinaus. Die Entwicklung sowohl des Proembryos als auch des Endosperms war anormal. Die Proembryonen und ersten Embryo-Stadien zeigten keine normale Entwicklung des Provascular-bzw. Leitungsgewebes. Auch äußerlich waren die Embryonen nicht ordentlich entwickelt, was sich am Scutellum sowie Epiblast und an den Sproß-und Wurzelspitzen zeigte. Die Embryo-Gewebe hatten beträchtliche Lücken und Schrump-fungen, und die Nuclei waren klein und geschrumpft. Die Zellen, besonders in den Meristemen, erschienen lückig. Nach Glyphosat-Behandlungen 9 Tage oder später nach der Blüte entwickelten sich Embryo und Endosperm sowohl morphologisch als auch struk-turell sehr ähnlich wie in Kontrollpflanzen gleichen Alters. Daraus ließ sich schließen, daß die Wirkung von Glyphosat auf die Samenent-wicklung umso geringer ist, je später die Behandlung erfolgt.  相似文献   

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