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<正>盆景是一门艺术,观果盆景更是让人百看不厌,然而小型观果盆景的出现又给人们的生活增添了无限乐趣,我单位经过几年的摸索、探讨、总结出了一套比较成熟的制作过程。在苹果、梨、石榴上均可使用。一、首先是品种选育砧木是我们自己培育的实生苗,在准备嫁接的前一年就要通过夏季摘心,疏枝,扭枝等手  相似文献   

唐吉青 《花木盆景》2002,(11):42-43
修剪是树木盆景造型的重要手段,树木只有通过蟠扎和修剪才能达到造型的目的。修剪在树木造型和养护的过程中是永远无法终结的工作,具有阶段性和连续性,每次修剪只能完成某一阶段的目的和要求。  相似文献   

所谓果树盆景不正常落果,是相对其座果过多,果实之间自然竞争,强座,弱落而言。一般果树由于花繁果多,而树本身吸收、制造的营养难以满足座果的需要,迫使一部分弱果、病态果在自然竞争中被壮果排挤掉,这种现象实际上是一种正常落果现象。不仅观果盆景如此,而且果园中的果树每年也都如此。除此之外,笔都叫它不正常落果。  相似文献   

随着圣诞节和元旦春节的临近,位于江苏省东海县驼峰乡境内的连运港苍梧观果盆景园中准备了5000多盆玫瑰球、长寿果、海棠果等10多个品种的观果盆景,销往北京、上海、浙江等地,  相似文献   

盆景是一门既劳力又劳心的视觉欣赏艺术,其中树桩是盆景构成的主要材料。由于树桩生长在不同的自然环境条件下,从而形成了各自不同的个性形态,这种个性形态远远满足不了树桩盆景艺术的欣赏要求,使之在盆景创作中留下了许多遗憾。  相似文献   

左宏发 《花木盆景》2003,(9):28-28,5
金弹子,别名瓶兰花,柿科,常绿大灌木。山间大树高达10m,叶革质,油绿,长椭圆形,每年4月开花结果,入秋果子由青变红,十分喜人,是观叶、观果、观形的极好盆景素材。  相似文献   

田间苹果成熟组织RNA高效提取方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对田间苹果成熟组织富含多酚、多糖和大量次生代谢产物的特点,建立了适合田间苹果不同组织的高效RNA提取方法,以不同季节田间生长的苹果叶片和皮层为材料,用此方法均能在2 h左右完成超过10个样品的总RNA提取,质量高、完整性好的总RNA,可用于田间苹果病毒RT-PCR检测,获得良好效果.经反复大量试验证实,该方法适合田间...  相似文献   

大棚王杏原产美国,1993年山东省果树研究所引进接穗,1995年定植。经过5年观察发现,该品种果实特大,平均单果重120.0g,6月初成熟,最佳授粉品种为甜仁1号。花量大,坐果均匀,定植第二年全部结果,4-5年生树单株产量可达45kg。  相似文献   

Data obtained in 2005 from thinning experiments with ‘Ariane’ and ‘Pitchounette’ apples (Malus × domestica L. Borkh.) were used to estimate tree mean fruit diameter (MD), weight (MW) and proportion of red overcolour (MC) using random samples. Twenty fruit per tree were taken from the boxes containing the fruit harvested at each picking. To avoid taking only fruit in the upper layers of the boxes, fruit from each tree were spread out on a table beforehand. The estimated values were compared with the true MD, MW or MC calculated from each picking and from the entire crop. Statistical techniques were used to assess agreement between the values obtained with estimation methods and the true values. Estimates obtained from a sample averaging ∼15–20% of total crop may range from 2 to 3% of the true mean diameter, and from 6.0 to 8.5% of the true mean weight. Estimates for MC obtained from the same samples may range from 10 to 25% of the true mean overcolour. The error margin associated with estimating fruit diameter and weight from the sampling method employed in this study seems to be small enough to consider it reasonably adequate to detect treatment differences that would be considered biologically or economically significant. Blind sampling and colour determination through image analysis are suggested as a means to obtain unbiased and objective data for fruit colour determinations.  相似文献   

A rapid method of fruit cell isolation for cell size and shape measurements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Cell size is a structural component of fleshy fruit, contributing to important traits such as fruit size and texture. There are currently a number of methods for measuring cell size; most rely either on tissue sectioning or digestion of the tissue with cell wall degrading enzymes or chemicals to release single cells. Neither of these approaches is ideal for assaying large fruit numbers as both require a considerable time to prepare the tissue, with current methods of cell wall digestions taking 24 to 48 hours. Additionally, sectioning can lead to a measurement of a plane that does not represent the widest point of the cell.  相似文献   

提高红富士苹果含硒量的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过叶面喷施、土施和树干注射补施亚硒酸钠,旨在提高红富士苹果的含硒量。结果表明,果实套袋前和除袋后各喷1次10mg/kg的亚硒酸钠,可明显提高红富士苹果的含硒量,树干注射相同浓度的亚硒酸钠,与叶面喷施效果相同,但叶面喷施更方便于应用。  相似文献   


The influence of wood age, fruiting position and leaf area within the tree canopy on fruit mineral content and quality for several apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) cultivars was investigated. Size and Ca, Mg and K content of individual fruit on one-year (lateral and terminal positions), two-year and older than three-year wood were compared for cvs Royal Gala, Braeburn, Granny Smith and Fuji. Fruit on two-year spurs and one-year terminals was generally larger at commercial harvest than that on one-year laterals and spurs older than three years. Flower receptacles at full bloom were larger and fruit growth rates were greater from 60 to 100 d after full bloom on two-year spurs than on one-year laterals. Fruit Ca and Mg concentrations and contents at commercial harvest were highest for terminal fruit, but there was no consistent difference between fruit from other positions. One-year terminals had the greatest primary and bourse leaf areas, two-year spurs were intermediate and one-year laterals had the lowest areas of both leaf types. Removal of 50% of primary leaves and/or removal of bourse shoots from clusters at bloom reduced fruit Ca content at commercial harvest for two-year spurs, one-year laterals and one-year terminals. Bourse shoot removal also reduced Mg content for all positions. However there was no effect of leaf removal on fruit size or K content. Ca content of individual fruit increased curvilinearly with increasing total spur leaf area for fruit on two-year spurs and one-year terminals but not for fruit on one-year lateral clusters. Terminal fruit with total spur leaf areas and fruit size similar to those on two-year spur fruit had higher Ca content.  相似文献   


The effect of irrigation rate under various crop loads on the fruit size of apple (Malus domestica Borkh cv. Golden Delicious) was investigated in three field experiments in 1993–1995. During the first two years the field experiments evaluated the effects of various crop loads on yield, fruit size and midday stem water potential under 40% deficit irrigation. In 1995, the effects of five irrigation levels (0.42–1.06 of USDA Class A evaporation pan) and four crop loads (100–450 fruits per tree) were studied in a factorial experiment. Midday stem water potential increased with irrigation level and decreased with crop load in 1993 and at the lowest irrigation level in 1995. Daily fruit growth rate decreased with midday stem water potential in 1993 and at the lowest irrigation level in 1993. The effect of crop load on fruit growth rate was associated with limited soil water availability. A reduction in yield and average fruit size were associated with midday stem water potentials lower than –1.3 MPa. Taking an additional 0.1 MPa as a safety factor, –1.2 MPa could serve as a reasonable threshold for irrigation control in the orchard.  相似文献   

采用在M26采穗株上分段芽接栽植品种,再枝接于平邑甜茶实生砧上,2年即可培育质量较好的矮化中间砧苹果苗,生产时间短,经济效益高。  相似文献   

栽培苹果的技术要点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周润生 《落叶果树》2007,39(1):54-57
1 选择栽培品种 确定栽培品种要根据品种特性、立地条件、栽培目的和市场需求,其中立地条件和市场需求为首选条件.就山东省来讲,西部平原区物候期早,秋季温热量大,昼夜温差小,宜栽培早熟和中熟品种.  相似文献   

孙宗双 《落叶果树》2004,36(1):51-52
用M26和MM106做自根砧或中间砧,嫁接新红星、玫瑰红、金矮生等苹果品种育成苗木,用口径20~50cm、高度20~40cm的瓦盆、瓷盆、木箱等做容器,填装风化粘土、炉渣灰和腐熟厩肥配制的营养土进行盆栽。将树体培养成小纺锤形、折叠扇形、开心形或“Y”形。加强肥水管理,生长季通过摘心、抹芽、曲枝等方法平衡树势,促进花芽形成,花期人工授粉保证坐果,可培养成观花赏叶尝果、果实经秋不落的苹果树盆景。  相似文献   

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