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OBJECTIVE: To determine effects of dietary lipid and protein on development of hepatic lipidosis (HL) and on physical and biochemical indices following rapid weight loss in cats. ANIMALS: 24 ovariohysterectomized cats. PROCEDURE: Cats were fed a high energy diet until they gained 30% of their ideal body weight and then randomly assigned to receive 1 of 4 weight-reduction diets (6 cats/diet) at 25% of maintenance energy requirements per day. Diets contained a low or high quality protein source and a lipid source deficient or sufficient in long chain essential fatty acids (LCEFA). Serum and plasma samples and liver biopsy specimens were obtained for biochemical analyses and determination of hepatic lipid content before and after weight gain and during and after weight loss. RESULTS: Irrespective of weight-reduction diet fed, all cats lost weight at a comparable rate (4.51 to 5.00 g/d/kg of obese body weight). Three cats developed hepatic lipidosis. Significant changes in plasma insulin, cholesterol, triglyceride, and serum glucose concentrations were detected after weight gain and weight loss in all diet groups, but values for these variables did not differ among groups. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Cats can lose 25 to 30% of their obese body weight over 7 to 9 weeks without developing overt clinical signs of HL, provided that weight-reduction diets are highly palatable, contain a high quality protein, have a source of LCEFA, and are fortified with vitamins and microminerals. However, rapid weight loss may increase risk factors associated with development of diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

High dietary carbohydrate is suggested to promote development of diabetes mellitus in cats. Glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity, and insulin secretion were assessed in young [0.8–2.3 (median = 1.1) years, n = 13] and mature [4.0–7.0 (median 5.8) years, n = 12] sexually intact females of a large (n ? 700) feline colony in which only dry‐type diets (35% metabolizable energy as carbohydrate) were fed from weaning. Insulin sensitivity was assessed from the ‘late‐phase’ (60–120 min) plasma insulin response of intravenous glucose tolerance tests (IVGTTs) and from fractional change in glycaemia from baseline 15 min after an insulin bolus (0.1 U/kg, i.v.). Insulin secretion was assessed from the ‘early‐phase’ (0–15 min) plasma insulin response of IVGTTs. Compared to the young cats, the mature cats had greater body weights [2.3–3.8 (median = 2.9) vs. 3.0–6.3 (median = 4.0) kg, p < 0.01], greater late‐phase insulin responses (p < 0.05), lower insulin‐induced glycaemic changes (p = 0.06), lower early‐phase insulin responses (p < 0.05), and non‐significantly different rates of glucose disposal. The late‐phase insulin response was correlated with body weight and age (p < 0.05). When group assignments were balanced for body weight, the age‐group differences and correlations became non‐significant. The findings indicate that body weight gain is more likely than dry‐type diets to induce the pre‐diabetic conditions of insulin resistance and secretion dysfunction.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the effect of dietary protein content on renal parameters in 23 healthy spayed female cats. The objective was to determine if cats eating diets high in protein will have higher serum urea nitrogen (UN) and creatinine values without a detectable change in kidney function, as assessed by urinalysis. A single random cross-over design was used. Cats were fed a standard maintenance diet for at least 1 month prior to the dietary trial. They were fed in two phases. For the first phase, cats were randomly assigned to receive either a high protein [HP=46% metabolizable energy (ME)] or low protein (LP=26% ME) diet. For the second phase, cats were fed whichever diet they were not fed during the phase I period. Blood and urine samples were collected at 2-week intervals for the duration of the study (10 weeks). UN, albumin, alanine aminotransferase and urine specific gravity were significantly higher, and creatinine and phosphorus were significantly lower (P<0.05) when cats were fed the HP diet as compared to when they were fed the LP diet, although none of the mean values were found to be outside of the corresponding reference interval. Dietary intake can result in clinically significant changes in UN and statistically significantly changes in several other biochemical analytes, although all analytes are likely to remain within normal reference intervals. Therefore, an accurate dietary history is necessary to help determine if renal parameters are being influenced by diet in a particular patient.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of dietary fat and energy density on body weight gain, body composition, and total energy expenditure (TEE) in neutered and sexually intact cats. ANIMALS: 12 male and 12 female cats PROCEDURE: Male cats were castrated (castrated male [CM]) or underwent no surgical procedure (sexually intact male [IM]). Female cats underwent ovariectomy (spayed female [SF]) or laparotomy and ligation of both uterine tubes without ovary removal (sexually intact female [IF]). Cats were fed either the low-fat (LF) or high-fat (HF) diet for 26 weeks, with the final allocation consisting of 8 groups: IF-LF IF-HE SF-LF, SF-HF IM-LF, IM-HF, CM-LF, and CM-HF. Mean food intake for each group was recorded daily, and body weight was monitored weekly throughout the study. Body composition and TEE were measured before surgery in week 0 and at the end of the study (week 26) by isotope dilution (double-labelled water). RESULTS: N eutered cats gained significantly more body fat and body weight (53.80+/-5.79%) than sexually intact cats (27.11+/-5.79%) during the study. Body weight gain of neutered cats fed the HF diet was greater than those fed the LF diet. Following correction for body composition, TEE was similar in all groups and no pattern towards increased food intake was evident. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Weight gain in neutered cats was decreased by feeding an LF, low energy-dense diet. To prevent weight gain in cats after neutering, a suitable LF diet should be fed in carefully controlled meals rather than ad libitum.  相似文献   

The effect of dietary nonstarch polysaccharide (NSP) content on the metabolic rate in group-housed sows was studied. Twelve groups of six nonpregnant sows were each fed one of four experimental diets similar in composition except for the starch and NSP content. Exchanging sugar beet pulp silage (SBPS) for tapioca created the difference in starch and NSP ratio in the diet. On a DM basis, diets contained 0, 10, 20, or 30% SBPS. Sows were group-housed and fed at 1.30 times the assumed maintenance energy requirements. Nitrogen and energy balances were measured per group during a 7-d experimental period, which was preceded by a 33-d adaptation period. Both digestibility and metabolizability of energy decreased with increasing dietary SBPS content (P < 0.05). Heat production and energy retention were unaffected by the exchange of starch for NSP (P > 0.1). Based on energy retention data and apparent fecal digestibilities of crude protein, crude fat, starch, and NSP, the estimated net energy value of fermented NSP was 13.4 kJ/g. The present study shows that group-housed sows are capable of using energy from fermented NSP (i.e., NSP from SBPS) as efficiently as energy from digested starch (i.e., starch from tapioca).  相似文献   

The effects of dietary nonstarch polysaccharides (NSP) on behavior and heat production in group-housed sows were studied. Twelve groups of six nonpregnant sows were fed one of four experimental diets that were similar in composition except for starch and NSP contents. Exchanging sugar beet pulp silage (SBPS) for tapioca created the difference in dietary starch and NSP ratio. On a dry matter (DM) basis, diets contained 0, 10, 20, or 30% SBPS. Sows were group-housed. Intake of fermentable NSP (fNSP) for diets containing 0, 10, 20, or 30% SBPS averaged 7.06, 9.18, 11.61, and 13.73 g x kg(-0.75) d(-1), respectively. Sows were fed, once a day at 0800. Dry matter intake for diets containing 0, 10, 20, or 30% SBPS, averaged 38.05, 38.38, 38.53, and 38.35 g x kg(-075) x d(-1), respectively, and ME intake averaged 523, 518, 514, and 493 kJ x kg(-0.75) x d(-1), respectively. On average, sows spent 177 min/d on physical activity, of which 8.8% was spent on eating. Time spent in physical activity was affected by diet (P = 0.005). Sows fed 0 or 10% SBPS spent more time on physical activity than sows fed 20 or 30% SBPS (P = 0.002). Energy cost of physical activity averaged 464 kJ x kg(-0.75) x d(-1) (standard estimated mean of 31) and was similar for diets (P = 0.679). Total heat production (HP) and activity-related heat production (AHP) were affected by diet (P < 0.05). Sows tended to be quieter when fNSP intake increased (P = 0.063). The effect of fNSP intake on HP and AHP was not constant during the day. During the night period, fNSP intake did not affect HP and AHP (P > 0.10). During the day period, increased fNSP intake decreased HP (P = 0.006) and tended to decrease AHP (P = 0.062). During eating, increased fNSP intake increased HP (P = 0.012) and tended to increase AHP (P = 0.074). Despite similar DMI, sows fed 0 or 10% SBPS spent less time eating than sows fed 20 or 30% SBPS (P = 0.009). Feed consumption rate was higher (P = 0.003) in groups fed 0 or 10% SBPS than in groups fed 20 or 30% SBPS. Feed consumption rate decreased by 0.19 g DM x kg(-0.75). min(-1) (P = 0.003) for each gram of fNSP intake. The energy saving effect of physical activity on the NE value of fNSP from SBPS ranged between 2.3 and 3.7 kJ/g of fNSP intake. In conclusion, intake of fNSP from SBPS affected energy expenditure for physical activity (P = 0.063); however, this effect was not constant during the day.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine effects of dietary protein quality (casein [CA] vs corn gluten [CG]) and dietary lipids (corn oil [CO] vs oil blend [OB] rich in long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids [LCPUFAs]) on fatty acid composition in liver and adipose tissue after weight loss in overweight cats. ANIMALS: 24 ovariohysterectomized adult cats. PROCEDURE: Cats were allowed ad libitum access to a high-quality diet until they weighed 30% more than their ideal body weight. Cats were then randomly assigned to 1 of 4 weight-reduction diets (6 cats/diet) and were fed 25% of maintenance energy requirements per day. Diets consisted of CG-CO, CA-CO, CG-OB, and CA-OB, respectively, and were fed until cats lost weight and returned to their original lean body mass. Liver biopsy specimens and samples of perirenal, subcutaneous, and abdominal fat were obtained and analyzed for fatty acid content. RESULTS: Following weight loss, fatty acid composition of the liver and adipose tissue was primarily affected by protein quality in that cats fed CA had significantly higher percentages of 20:4(n-6) and 22:6(n-3) fatty acids than those fed CG. Cats fed the CG-CO diet had the lowest concentrations of LCPUFAs, suggesting that dietary lipids and protein quality each influence fatty acid composition in tissues. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: These data provide direct evidence that dietary protein quality alters fatty acid composition of tissues during weight loss in cats. The fatty acid patterns observed suggest that protein quality may alter fatty acid composition through modulation of desaturase activity.  相似文献   

Serum lipoprotein concentrations, routine serum biochemical values, and morphologic changes of the liver were evaluated in cats undergoing weight loss. Food was withheld from 6 obese and 6 control cats for 3 days (days 0 to 2), followed by feeding 50% of previous food intake for 26 days (days 3 to 28). Percutaneous liver biopsy specimens were obtained from all cats on days 0, 7, 14, and 28. Blood samples for serum biochemical analysis and lipoprotein profiles were obtained on days 0, 3, 7, 14, and 28. All cats lost weight throughout the study, and none developed signs of clinical illness, including those of idiopathic hepatic lipidosis syndrome. Serum total cholesterol concentrations decreased initially in all cats, but rapidly returned to normal after day 3 in obese cats, suggesting altered cholesterol metabolism during dietary restriction. Low-density lipoprotein concentrations decreased throughout the study in control cats, but were unchanged in obese cats. Examination of liver biopsy specimens from each cat revealed minimal lipid accumulation in all specimens, although some specimens contained hydropic degeneration.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine effects of dietary lipid and protein on plasma lipoprotein and free fatty acid concentrations and hepatic fatty acid synthesis during weight gain and rapid weight loss in cats. ANIMALS: 24 ovariohysterectomized cats. PROCEDURE: Cats were fed a high energy diet until they gained 30% of their ideal body weight and then randomly assigned to receive 1 of 4 weight reduction diets (6 cats/diet) at 25% of maintenance energy requirements. Diets contained a low or high quality protein source and a lipid source deficient or sufficient in long chain essential fatty acids. Plasma samples and liver biopsy specimens were obtained before and after weight gain and during and after weight loss for determination of free fatty acid, triglyceride, and lipoprotein concentrations. Synthesis of these substances was measured by use of isotope enrichment. RESULTS: Plasma total cholesterol concentration and concentration of lipoprotein fractions increased after weight gain, compared with baseline values. Weight loss resulted in a significant decrease in concentrations of all lipoprotein fractions except high density lipoprotein. High density lipoprotein concentration was significantly greater in cats fed diets containing an oil blend, compared with cats fed diets containing corn oil. Fatty acid synthesis after weight loss was below the detection limit of the measurement technique. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In cats undergoing rapid weight loss there is neither increased triglyceride synthesis nor decreased transport of very low density lipoproteins from the liver, suggesting that their involvement in the development of hepatic lipidosis may be minimal.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to measure circulating metabolic and inflammation-related biochemical analytes in obese cats before and after weight loss. Thirty-seven overweight neutered cats were studied, median body weight 6.85 kg (range, 4.70 to 10.30 kg), representing a range of ages and both sexes. An individualized weight-loss program was devised for each cat and monitored until completion. Body fat mass was determined by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry, whereas plasma concentrations of acute-phase proteins (APPs; eg, haptoglobin and serum amyloid A), hormones (eg, insulin, IGF-1, and adiponectin), and enzymes (eg, butyrylcholinesterase and paraoxonase type 1 [PON-1]) associated with inflammation and metabolic compounds (eg, glucose) were also measured. No significant changes were found in APPs after weight loss (P > 0.3), but significant increases in plasma adiponectin (P = 0.021) and IGF-1 (P = 0.036) were seen, whereas insulin (P < 0.001) and homeostasis model assessment (P = 0.005) decreased significantly. Plasma concentrations before weight loss of PON-1 (P = 0.004), adiponectin (P = 0.02), and IGF-1 (P = 0.048) were less in cats that failed to complete weight loss than cats that were successful, whereas glucose concentration was greater. Finally, multivariable linear regression analysis showed that lean tissue loss during weight management was associated with percentage weight loss (greater weight loss, greater lean tissue loss; R = 0.71, P < 0.001) and plasma adiponectin concentration before weight loss (lesser adiponectin, more lean tissue loss; R = -0.52, P = 0.023). In conclusion, various metabolic abnormalities occur in feline obesity, and these can be linked to outcomes of weight-loss programs. The changes that occur with weight loss suggest an improved metabolic status.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate effects of dietary carbohydrate on urine volume; struvite crystal formation; and calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium balance in clinically normal cats. ANIMALS: 21 healthy adult cats (15 sexually intact males and 6 sexually intact females). PROCEDURE: Diets containing no carbohydrate source (control diet), control plus starch, or control plus fiber were given in a 3 X 3 Latin-square design. The diets were available ad libitum in study 1 (n = 12) and given under restrictions in study 2 (9) to equalize daily intakes of crude protein among the 3 groups. Formation of struvite crystals and balance of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium were measured. RESULTS: Urine volume was lower in the starch group and fiber group in study 1, whereas no differences were detected among the groups in study 2. Urinary pH and struvite activity product were higher in the starch group in both studies, and the fiber group also had higher struvite activity product in study 2. In both studies, urinary concentrations of HCl-insoluble sediment were higher in the starch group and fiber group. In the fiber group, a net loss of body calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium was detected in study 2. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Starch and fiber in diets potentially stimulate formation of struvite crystals. Hence, reducing dietary carbohydrate is desirable to prevent struvite urolith formation. In addition, a net loss of body calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium during feeding of the fiber diet suggests that dietary inclusion of insoluble fiber could increase macromineral requirements of cats.  相似文献   

Mature mammalian oocytes contain lipid droplets (LDs), which are neutral lipid storage organelles critically important for energy metabolism. In mice, maternal obesity, induced by long-term (> 3 months) high-fat feeding, contributes to the accumulation of LDs in mature oocytes. However, few studies have investigated the influence of short-term high-fat feeding on LD content. In this study, we demonstrated that 3 weeks of high-fat feeding is sufficient to increase LD content and intracellular triacylglycerol levels. Using a two-step centrifugation technique to release LDs into the perivitelline space, we found that short-term high-fat feeding increased the level of LDs in MII oocytes and that 3 days of high-fat feeding were sufficient to increase efficiency of LD release. Collectively, our study suggests that short-term high fat feeding can have a higher impact on lipid metabolism during oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of carnitine (Ca) or taurine (Ta) supplementation on prevention of lipid accumulation in the liver of cats. ANIMALS: 24 adult cats. PROCEDURE: Cats were fed a weight-gaining diet sufficient in n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), low in long-chain n-3 PUFAs (n-3 LPUFA), and containing corn gluten for 20 weeks. Cats gained at least 30% in body weight and were assigned to 4 weight-reduction diets (6 cats/diet) for 7 to 10 weeks (control diet, control plus Ca, control plus Ta, and control plus Ca and Ta). RESULTS: Hepatic lipids accumulated significantly during weight gain and weight loss but were not altered by Ca orTa after weight loss. Carnitine significantly increased n-3 and n-6 LPUFAs in hepatic triglycerides, decreased incorporation of 13C palmitate into very-low-density lipoprotein and hepatic triglycerides, and increased plasma ketone bodies. Carnitine also significantly increased weight loss but without altering the fat to lean body mass ratio. Taurine did not significantly affect any variables. Diets low in n-3 LPUFAs predisposed cats to hepatic lipidosis during weight gain, which was further exacerbated during weight loss. Mitochondrial numbers decreased during weight gain and weight loss but were not affected by treatment. Carnitine improved fatty acid oxidation and glucose utilization during weight loss without correcting hepatic lipidosis. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The primary mechanism leading to hepatic lipidosis in cats appears to be decreased fatty acid oxidation. Carnitine may improve fatty acid oxidation but will not ameliorate hepatic lipidosis in cats fed a diet low in n-3 fatty acids.  相似文献   

Body composition and energy requirements are different between males and females in several species, and both interfere with weight loss. The aim of this study was to compare the total and regional body composition and energy requirements in obese male (n = 8) and female (n = 8) cats, during weight loss and weight maintenance over 17 subsequent weeks after regimen. The total and regional (thoracic and pelvic limbs, and trunk) body composition was assessed by dual‐energy X‐ray absorptiometry (DXA). Females exhibited a higher fat mass (FM) than males (p < 0.05), and the trunk was the site with greater fat accumulation regardless of gender. A 23.0 ± 2.8% reduction in body weight was followed by a 50.3 ± 9.4% and a 37.0 ± 8.9% reduction in fat in the trunk region in males and females respectively. Lean mass (LM) mobilization was also increased in the trunk (p < 0.05), and the loss of LM was associated with a reduction in bone mass. The energy intake to achieve the same rate of weight loss was 12.9 ± 3.4% higher in males (p < 0.05). The cats exhibited a gradual increase in energy requirements to maintain their body weight after weight loss (p < 0.05). It was concluded that obese cats mainly accumulate fat in the trunk. The reduction in lean mass after the regimen also occurred in the trunk, with no modifications in the skeletal muscle mass of the limbs. Neutered male cats have higher energy requirements than neutered females, and gender should be considered during obesity management in cats.  相似文献   

1. The effects of body weight loss (0.20, 0.25 or 0–30) during the period of food withdrawal and the subsequent feeding of cracked grain for 3 weeks, pullet grower ration for 3 weeks or layer ration immediately after the period of food withdrawal and their interactions on the second cycle performance of breeder layers were investigated.

2. Hens losing 0.30 of their initial body weight (BWL) produced more hatching eggs and chicks than those which lost 0.20 BW.

3. Hens fed on cracked grain produced fewest non‐hatching eggs, most chicks and the most efficient food utilisation.

4. The interactions showed that hens which lost 0.20 BW and were fed on layers ration produced most eggs. When number of chicks hatching was the criterion then hens losing 0.25 to 0.30 BW which were fed on cracked grain for 3 weeks gave the best performance.  相似文献   

Obesity is one of the most common medical diseases in cats, but there remains little information on success of weight loss regimes in obese client-owned cats. No information currently exists on body composition changes during weight loss in clinical cases. Twelve obese client-owned cats undertook a weight loss programme incorporating a high-protein low fat diet. Body composition was quantified by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, before and after weight loss. Mean (+/-standard deviation) weight loss was 27+/-6.8% of starting weight, and mean rate of weight loss was 0.8+/-0.32% per week. Mean energy allocation during weight loss was 32+/-7.0 kcal/kg target weight. Mean composition of tissue lost was 86:13:1 (fat:lean:bone mineral). The proportion of lean tissue loss was positively associated with overall percentage of weight loss (simple linear regression, r(2)=44.2%, P=0.026). Conventional weight loss programmes produce safe weight loss, but lean tissue loss is an inevitable consequence in cats that lose significant proportions of their starting body weight.  相似文献   

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