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Russia has long needed a world-level soil attribute (profile) information database which should become the basis for creating a system of monitoring of the state of soils and for developing measures for their conservation and efficient land use. A unified system of gathering and storing information on soils, which at the same time would be open for general use, is needed. The present work is devoted to problems of the concept and methodology of creating a soil geographic database (SGDB) of Russia. The structure and content of the soil attribute database, underlying which is the concept of representative soils profiles, are given. A list of classifiers for preparing data presentation formats in the SGDB on the basis of existing concepts of soil morphology and classifiers characterizing the main physicochemical properties of soils is developed. The work underlies the creation of an information resource—“Soil-Geographic Database of Russia. Project of the Dokuchaev Soil Science Society”—on the Internet at the address .  相似文献   

X-ray fluorescence monitoring of technogenic metal pollution of Moscow soil near two highways with heavy traffic was fulfilled. As a result of vehicles running, the macro and microelement composition of Moscow roadside soil was seen to substantially differ from the composition of both soddy podzolic soil (typical for Moscow region) and any other soil of the temperate climatic region of Russia. The average Fe, Mn and Ti contents in soil were found to exceed the usual background level by 2–5-fold, maximum Pb content — by 10–15-fold. The lateral and depth distribution of enumerated metal contents in soil near the highways was studied. It was shown that the behavior of lateral pollutant distribution in soil has no specific exponential shape. It has local extremuma and depends on the metal nature and the roadside terrain topography. For Pb — one of the most dangerous pollutants — the mechanism of chemical transformations and the interrelation of the pollutant chemical form, its molecular weight, the dwelling time in atmosphere and the distance to the highway were discussed.  相似文献   

The water-stability of soil and coprolite aggregates in soddy-podzolic soils and the participation of fungi in the formation of water-stable aggregates from earthworm (Aporrectodea caliginosa) coprolites were assessed. The water stability of the soil and coprolite aggregates in the soils increased in the following sequence: potato field—mown meadow—mixed forest. The fungal mycelium reserves increased in the same sequence. The water stability of the coprolite aggregates of Aporrectodea caliginosa inhabiting these soils is 2–2.5 times higher than that of the soil aggregates of the same size (3–5 mm). The inhibition of the growth of fungi by cycloheximide decreased the water stability of the coprolite aggregates, on the average, by 15–20%.  相似文献   

Specific features of the soil formation and soil cover patterns in the mountainous alpine tundra and forest landscapes of the Central Khangai Range are analyzed. It is shown that the specific mucky grayhumus permafrost-affected soils are only formed under larch forests within the tundra-alpine and forest zones. Other soils have a wider geographic area. The morphological, physicochemical, and chemical characteristics of the widespread soils are given. A medium-scale map of the soil cover patterns—soil complexes, combinations, and mosaics—has been developed for the studied area.  相似文献   

The effect of two methods for the preparation of soil samples for sorption experiments—hard (dehydration at 105°C) and mild (drying over P2O5 at 20°C in vacuum) drying—on the values of the vaporphase sorption of p-xylene was studied depending on the content of organic matter in the soil. It was shown with dark gray forest and chernozemic soils as examples that the hard drying of soil samples taken from the upper layer of the humus profile with a high content (>4%) of organic carbon decreased their sorption capacity in the range of 0–5% by 7–81%. Therefore, the method is unsuitable for these soils. It was also found that the mild method of soil preparation had obvious analytical advantages.  相似文献   

The communities of soil algae in saltwort ecosystems of the Transural part of Bashkiria were studied. The impact of salinization on the soil alga Xanthonema exile (Klebs) Silva (section Xanthophyta) was specially investigated. Sodium chloride and sodium carbonate were applied as salinization agents in the following concentrations: NaCl—2 × 10−1; 3.5 × 10−1; 5 × 10−1; 7 × 10−1; 1, and 1.5 M/l (11.7, 20.5, 29.3, 41.0, 58.5, and 87.8 mg/l); Na2CO3—5 × 10−4, 1 × 10−3, 5 × 10−3, 1 × 10−2, and 5 × 10−2, M/l (0.053, 0.106, 0.53, 1.06, and 5.3 mg/l). Algae in the natural salt-affected soils of the studied region were represented by 83 species belonging to 5 divisions, 11 orders, 23 families, and 24 genera. The genera Phormidium, Navicula, and Oscillatoria were represented by the maximum numbers of species. The ecological groups of soil algae relative to the soil salinization were distinguished. The study of the impact of salinization with NaCl and Na2CO3 on X. exile demonstrated a reliable change in the size of algal cells. Upon the high concentration of salts, changes in the size of the algal cells were also accompanied by their morphological disturbances. Sodium carbonate proved to be more toxic than sodium chloride. The minimal salt concentrations upon which changes in the cell morphology took place were 5 × 10−2 M/l Na2CO3 (1.06 mg/l) and 1 M/l NaCl (58.5 mg/l). Original Russian Text × L.S. Khaibullina, L.A. Gaisina, 2008, published in Pochvovedenie, 2008, No. 2, pp. 241–247.  相似文献   

General concepts of tectology—the universal organization science—are discussed. It is shown that some of them can be applied for the formal analysis of visual images of soil systems obtained at different levels of their organization—from photos of thin sections to soil maps—and the corresponding attribute data. The structure of visual and attribute data at the level of thin sections and the methods of their analysis do not differ from those applied upon the analysis of soil cartographic materials. In particular, this concerns the procedures for data classification—the universal tool to analyze empirical data and to generate various hypotheses. These procedures include the methods of multivariate statistics and data convolution, the development of systems of information indices, the development of hierarchical and/or ordinate structures of soil objects, etc. Modern information technologies, including data bases and geographic information systems with solid mathematical support, make it possible to advance the ideas of tectology with the aim to improve the efficiency of theoretical and applied studies in soil science.  相似文献   

The intensity of decomposition of the organic matter in the particle-size fractions from a agrogray soil sampled in a 5-year-long field experiment on the decomposition of corn residues was determined in the course of incubation for a year. The corn residues were placed into the soil in amounts equivalent to the amounts of plant litter in the agrocenosis and in the meadow ecosystem. A combination of three methods—the particle-size fractionation, the method of 13C natural abundance by C3–C4 transition, and the method of incubation—made it possible to subdivide the soil organic matter into the labile and stable pools. The labile pool reached 32% in the soil of the agrocenosis and 42% in the meadow soil. Owing to the negative priming effect, the addition of C4 (young) carbon favored the stabilization of the C3 (old) carbon in the soil. When the young carbon was absent, destabilization or intense decomposition of the old organic matter was observed. This process was found even in the most stable fine silt and clay fractions.  相似文献   

In two layers of the humus horizons in soddy-podzolic soils of different biogeocenoses (Kostroma oblast) representing a succession series, the carbon content in the microbial biomass (Cmic) was determined using the method of substrate-induced respiration and the rate of microbial CO2 production (basal respiration, BR). The Cmic content was from 110 to 755 μg/g soil, and the BR was from 0.40 to 2.52 μg CO2-C/g/h. A gradual increase in the Cmic content and BR was found in the following sequence: cropland—fallow (7-year-old)—young (20- and 45-year-old) forests—secondary and native (primary) forests (90- and 450-year-old, respectively). In the litter, the Cmic content was higher in the 45-year-old forest than in the secondary and native forests: 10423, 6459, and 4258 μg C/g of substrate, respectively. The portion of Cmic in the soil organic carbon content in the upper layer of the soils studied varied from 1.3 to 5.4%; its highest value was in the soils under the secondary and native forests. The pool of microbial biomass carbon and the microbial CO2 production in the upper 25-cm layer of the soils were calculated.  相似文献   

The structure of humic acids (HAs) in zonal soil types—soddy-podzolic soils (two samples), gray forest soil (one sample), and chernozems (two samples)—was quantitatively studied by 13C NMR spectros-copy. In the series considered, the content of unsubstituted carbon in the aromatic fragments of HAs increased, and the fraction of unsubstituted aliphatic structures decreased. HAs of soddy-podzolic soils were found to be enriched with carbohydrate fragments compared to HAs of chernozems and gray forest soil. The carbon skeleton of HAs from typical rich chernozem contained significantly more aliphatic and carbohydrate fragments compared to typical chernozem, which probably reflected the lower degree of HA transformation in rich chernozem.  相似文献   

In the burozems of the plains, the composition of the invertebrates and saprophages (the prevailing primary destroyers) differed from that in the mountainous soils only by the absence of millipedes of the Geophilomorpha order. At the same time, the differences in these characteristics between the burozems and soddypodzolic soils of the neighboring coniferous-broad-leaved forests were more significant: in the latter, the composition of the ecological groups of earthworms was more diverse. Among the earthworms, secondary destroyers (detritophages) consuming well-decomposed residues of plants and animals predominated: Aporrectodea caliginosa, A. rosea, and Octolasium lacteum. In the taiga burozems, among the secondary destroyers, very few O. lacteum among the earthworms, and Polyzonium germanicum among the millipede diplopods were found. Primary destroyers that only comminute plant tissues (Dendrobaena octaedra and Dendrodrilus rubidus f. tenuis) were the main representatives in the invertebrate population of these soils. The differences also concerned the group composition and the proportion between the life forms of the earthworms. In the southern taiga burozems, only the litter (Dendrobaena octaedra and Dendrodrilus rubidus f. tenuis) earthworms and species of the upper soil layer (Octolasium lacteum) were present. In the mountainous burozems of the Transcarpathian region, litter inhabitants (Dendrobaena attemsi and Aporrectodea submontana), soil-litter inhabitants (Dendrobaena alpina—Transcarpathian region), and inhabitants of the upper (Helodrilus cernosvitovianus) and middle (Aporrectodea carpathica and A. sturanyi) soil layers (in the Primorskii region, only the soil-litter Eisenia nordenskioldi) were identified. In the soddy-podzolic soils, dwellers of the middle soil layers (Aporrectodea caliginosa, A. rosea, and Lumbricus terrestris) were constantly present along with the species dwelling in the litter and in the upper soil layers (in the litter—Dendrobaena octaedra, Dendrodrilus rubidus f. tenuis, and L. castaneus; in the litter-soil layer—L. rubellus; in the upper soil layer—Octolasium lacteum). The higher diversity of the earthworm life forms in the soddy-podzolic soils points to the stronger development of their humus horizons as compared to those horizons in the burozems of the southern taiga and mountains.  相似文献   

The factors of soil formation are not directly taken into account in the new profile-genetic Russian soil classification system; they are not reflected in the names and diagnostics of the soils. At the same time, as well as in many other modern soil classification systems, including the American Soil Taxonomy and the WRB system, the choice of the diagnostic criteria, the establishment of the relationships between them, and the setting of the quantitative boundaries between the soil taxa are based on our perception of soil geneses with due account for the factors of soil formation. In contrast to the ecological-genetic soil classification system of 1977, information on the factors of soil formation in the new system is encoded in the properties of the soil horizons. In some cases, this is insufficient for the definite geographic localization of soils and complicates the practical application of the new classification system. In this context, information on the ecological niches of soil types was included in the field manual on soil correlation-an abridged version of the soil classification system published in 2008—in the form of special tables developed for native and agrogenic soils. The analysis of these tables made it possible to outline certain geographic regularities in the distribution of soil types belonging to the trunk of postlithogenic soils.  相似文献   

This review analyzes the publications of Russian and foreign microbiologists presenting new approaches and methods for assessing the bacterial diversity of soils in the last twenty years. Using the example of peat soils, it is shown how the concepts of the diversity of the bacterial communities changed in conformity with the evolution of the analytical methods—from the traditional cultural to the molecular-biological ones. The data on the new phylotypes, genera, and species of bacteria adapted to growth in the acid medium and low temperatures characteristic of bog ecosystems are presented. Presently, one of the principal problems of soil microbiology is the necessity of the transfer from the databases on the microbial diversity constructed on the basis of molecular-biological methods to the analysis of the ecological functions of soil microorganisms. The prospects of the ecological evaluation of the bacterial diversity in soils based on the integration of different methods are discussed.  相似文献   

The evolution of automorphic cultivated soils of the Fayette series (the order of Alfisols)—close analogues of gray forest soils in the European part of Russia—was studied by the method of agrosoil chronosequences in the lower reaches of the Iowa River. It was found that the old-arable soils are characterized by an increase in the thickness of humus horizons and better aggregation; they are subjected to active biogenic turbation by rodents; some alkalization of the soil reaction and an increase in the sum of exchangeable bases also take place. These features are developed against the background of active eluvial-illuvial differentiation and gleyzation of the soil profiles under conditions of a relatively wet climate typical of the ecotone between the zones of prairies and broadleaved forests in the northeast Central Plains of the United States.  相似文献   

In a spatial regression context, scientists are often interested in a physical interpretation of components of the parametric covariance function. For example, spatial covariance parameter estimates in ecological settings have been interpreted to describe spatial heterogeneity or “patchiness” in a landscape that cannot be explained by measured covariates. In this article, we investigate the influence of the strength of spatial dependence on maximum likelihood (ML) and restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimates of covariance parameters in an exponential-with-nugget model, and we also examine these influences under different sampling designs—specifically, lattice designs and more realistic random and cluster designs—at differing intensities of sampling (n=144 and 361). We find that neither ML nor REML estimates perform well when the range parameter and/or the nugget-to-sill ratio is large—ML tends to underestimate the autocorrelation function and REML produces highly variable estimates of the autocorrelation function. The best estimates of both the covariance parameters and the autocorrelation function come under the cluster sampling design and large sample sizes. As a motivating example, we consider a spatial model for stream sulfate concentration.  相似文献   

Changes in the physical, physicochemical, and biological properties of cultivated gray forest soils after their abandoning and overgrowing with meadow and forest vegetation for 8–10 years are clearly seen in the upper part of the former plow layer. The organic matter content and the content of available forms of phosphorus and potassium increase; a significant increase in the root biomass and in the soil biological activity is observed. Changes in the physical properties—an increase in the degree of soil aggregation and a decrease in the bulk density values—are seen in the upper and middle parts of the former plow layer. The biological factor is the major factor of transformation of formerly cultivated gray forest soils upon their abandoning and overgrowing with meadow and forest vegetation. At the same time, a significant role in the improvement of the structural state of the soils belongs to the physical shrink-swell and freezing-thawing processes.  相似文献   

黄土区高标准梯田生态服务功能及其价值   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
研究黄土区高标准梯田生态服务功能的变化特征,探讨坡改梯工程对高标准梯田生态服务功能价值的影响趋势和潜力,可为黄土丘陵区探索低投入、高效用和可持续农业发展模式提供理论基础。在庄浪县采用机会成本法和影子工程法等生态经济学方法,界定了黄土区高标准梯田的生态服务功能,选取土壤肥力保持功能、水土保持功能、土壤水分涵养功能3类生态服务功能,构建了高标准梯田生态功能的物质量模型和价值量模型,评估了高标准梯田的生态服务功能和价值。结果表明:每公顷高标准梯田每年为人类提供了约119 667.00 kg的总物质量和114 046.53元的生态服务总价值,其生态功能价值可观;庄浪县坡耕地和高标准梯田的水土流失量分别为82.76,0.05 t/(hm~2·a),高标准梯田的水土保持量为82.71 t/(hm~2·a),坡耕地改造成高标准梯田对生态服务功能的价值有显著影响;高标准梯田单位面积的水土保持功能价值为3 831.67元/(hm~2·a),远低于土壤肥力保持功能价值(88 869.52元/(hm~2·a))和土壤水分涵养功能的价值(24 239.20元/(hm~2·a)),高标准梯田水土保持功能还有很大的提升空间和升值潜力,应通过梯田产业结构调整,选择合适的经营发展模式,提高梯田单位面积收益,最大限度发挥高标准梯田的水土保持功能。黄土区高标准梯田建设在国民经济发展过程中具有重要的生产、生态和生活功能特征,文中为高标准梯田的生态功能价值核算提供了较为全面的评估方法,研究结果有利于完善黄土区高标准梯田建设过程中生态功能的价值核算方法,最大限度发挥其生态效益,同时挖掘潜在的生态功能和价值,从而实现高标准梯田生态系统的可持续发展。  相似文献   



The use of only one or a few species—representing an entire taxon—in ecotoxicological standard tests poses risk of underestimating the impact of toxicants on the environment. In earthworm ecotoxicity tests, the species Eisenia fetida or Eisenia andrei are commonly used, and there is evidence that these species respond relatively insensitive towards environmental pollution. With the present study, we wanted to evaluate the risk of underestimating effects of the insecticide imidacloprid in soil organisms by comparing E. fetida with two other earthworm species (Aporrectodea caliginosa and Lumbricus terrestris) regarding their sensitivities towards soil contaminated with this widely used insecticide.  相似文献   

Changes in the trophic status and moistening of oligotrophic peat soils subjected to oil pollution and subsequent reclamation in the middle reaches of the Ob River are discussed. The main plants-indicators are listed. Numerical estimates of the trophic level and the degree of moistening of natural and transformed soils of the widespread bog biogeocenoses—pine-dwarf-shrub-sphagnum, complex ridged-hollow, and cotton grass-sphagnum bogs—are suggested on the basis of the ecological scales developed by L.G. Ramenskii. These estimates have been grouped into several classes used to describe the ecological conditions in natural biogeocenoses of the middle taiga subzone. The main tendencies in the transformation of ecological conditions are revealed. Indicative characteristics of the anthropogenic salinization of peat soils are established.  相似文献   

The role of soil organic phosphorus (P) in plant nutrition was assessed using data from a glasshouse pot experiment carried out on seven soil types using two contrasting plant species (Lolium perenne, Pinus radiata) and 12 different extractants (five salts (0.025 M ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), 0.025 M EDTA pH 7, Olsen, Mehlich-III, and 6% NaOCl pH 7.5) and seven exchange resins (Hampton chelating resin, Bio-Rad Chelex-100, Dow MAC-3, Amberlite IRC76, Diaion WT01S, Lewatit MP500A, Diaion WA30)). The contribution from mineralization of soil organic P was inferred by consistent increases in correlation coefficients between extractable P and plant P uptake when organic P was considered in addition to inorganic P. The best correlated extractants for combined inorganic and organic P were NaOCl (r = 0.84), Hampton chelating resin (r = 0.78), and MP500A resin (r = 0.73), which compared favorably with Olsen P (r = 0.66) and EDTA (r = 0.72). 31P nuclear magnetic resonance analysis of selected extracts from two soils confirmed that the Hampton-chelating-resin-extractable P was mainly monoester and diester forms of organic P, while there was no monoester or diester organic P in the IRC76 resin extract—poorly correlated with plant uptake. The findings of this study suggest that readily extractable forms of organic P in soil contribute to short-term plant P uptake, and this P should be considered for inclusion in routine tests for soil P availability.  相似文献   

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