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Ignoring plant diseases misinforms the climate change and food security debate. Diseases are expected not only to cause more severe crop loss in many areas in the world and threaten food security, but also to decrease the climate change mitigation capacity of forests, of other natural ecosystems and of producing crops. However, if research, policy and industry join forces to obtain the multidisciplinary knowledge necessary to adapt integrated pest management (IPM) to the changing climate, it is expected that sufficiently resilient cropping systems can be developed in time. This was the main conclusion of the International Conference on Climate Change and Plant Disease Management held in Evora, Portugal, in November 2010.  相似文献   

The efficacy of any pesticide is an exhaustible resource that can be depleted over time. For decades, the dominant paradigm – that weed mobility is low relative to insect pests and pathogens, that there is an ample stream of new weed control technologies in the commercial pipeline, and that technology suppliers have sufficient economic incentives and market power to delay resistance – supported a laissez faire approach to herbicide resistance management. Earlier market data bolstered the belief that private incentives and voluntary actions were sufficient to manage resistance. Yet, there has been a steady growth in resistant weeds, while no new commercial herbicide modes of action (MOAs) have been discovered in 30 years. Industry has introduced new herbicide tolerant crops to increase the applicability of older MOAs. Yet, many weed species are already resistant to these compounds. Recent trends suggest a paradigm shift whereby herbicide resistance may impose greater costs to farmers, the environment, and taxpayers than earlier believed. In developed countries, herbicides have been the dominant method of weed control for half a century. Over the next half‐century, will widespread resistance to multiple MOAs render herbicides obsolete for many major cropping systems? We suggest it would be prudent to consider the implications of such a low‐probability, but high‐cost development. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

There has been a recent rapid decline in the efficacy of some, but not all, azole fungicides in controlling the Septoria leaf blotch pathogen of wheat, Mycosphaerella graminicola. Hans J. Cools and Bart A. Fraaije ask the question: can widespread resistance to all azoles develop in this pathogen? Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

F. Korte 《EPPO Bulletin》1971,1(4):27-46
Definitions are given for the terms «environmental chemical>> and «undue persistence>>. A suggested model for the general evaluation of environmental chemicals is a balanced combination of the evaluations of environmental radioactivity and of pesticides. The classification of environmental chemicals should be based on chemical structures only, independent of use patterns. For the evaluation of any chemical, the knowledge of its total production and of the quantitative use pattern is indispensable.  相似文献   

Nematodes are ubiquitous and cosmopolitan parasites of vascular plants, causing substantial crop damage. Although various species exploit all parts of the plant, roots are the major target. Nematodes deploy a broad spectrum of feeding strategies, ranging from simple grazing to the establishment of complex cellular structures (including galls) in host tissues. Various models of feeding site formation have been proposed, and a rôle for phytohormones has long been speculated. Based on recent molecular evidence we present several scenarios involving phytohormones in the induction of giant cells by root-knot nematodes. The origin of parasitism by nematodes, and the rôle of horizontal gene transfer from microbes is discussed. Throughout, parallels with aphid-plant interactions are emphasized.  相似文献   

Historically, bee regulatory risk assessment for pesticides has centred on the European honeybee (Apis mellifera), primarily due to its availability and adaptability to laboratory conditions. Recently, there have been efforts to develop a battery of laboratory toxicity tests for a range of non‐Apis bee species to directly assess the risk to them. However, it is not clear whether the substantial investment associated with the development and implementation of such routine screening will actually improve the level of protection of non‐Apis bees. We argue, using published acute toxicity data from a range of bee species and standard regulatory exposure scenarios, that current first‐tier honeybee acute risk assessment schemes utilised by regulatory authorities are protective of other bee species and further tests should be conducted only in cases of concern. We propose similar analysis of alternative exposure scenarios (chronic and developmental) once reliable data for non‐Apis bees are available to expand our approach to these scenarios. In addition, we propose that in silico (simulation) approaches can then be used to address population‐level effects in more field‐realistic scenarios. Such an approach could lead to a protective, but also workable, risk assessment for non‐Apis species while contributing to pollination security in agricultural landscapes around the globe. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

In pesticide bioassays, especially those with neurotoxic agents, effects on animals are typically grouped into classes according to behaviour, such as normal and affected behaviour, which may range from unstable walking behaviour, to unable to move, to mortality. Generally, recovery is observed in all these effect classes, except the last. Mortality, however, disturbs the analysis of the recovery processes because it decreases the number of animals that otherwise could have shown a reversible effect. We consider that this interaction between mortality and other, reversible, effects is a conceptual problem, and give arguments in favour of analysing changes in behaviour and mortality as two independent, simultaneously occurring neurotoxic syndromes. As an illustration, two data sets are analysed in both ways and these show that marked differences may exist between conclusions reached by the two viewpoints. The consequences thereof are discussed in relation to toxico-kinetic explanations for neurotoxicant effects on behaviour and mortality. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The assessment of human health risks resulting from the presence of metabolites in groundwater and food residues has become an important element in pesticide authorisation. In this context, the evaluation of mutagenicity is of particular interest and a paradigm shift from exposure‐triggered testing to in silico‐based screening has been recommended in the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Guidance on the establishment of the residue definition for dietary risk assessment. In addition, it is proposed to apply in silico predictions when experimental mutagenicity testing is not possible due to a lack of sufficient quantities of the pesticide metabolite. This, combined with animal welfare and economic considerations, has led to a situation where an increasing number of in silico studies are submitted to regulatory authorities. Whilst there is extensive experience with in silico predictions for mutagenicity in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, their suitability in pesticide regulation is still insufficiently considered. Therefore, we herein discuss critical issues that need to be resolved to successfully implement (Quantitative) Structure‐Activity Relationship ((Q)SAR) as an accepted tool in pesticide regulation. For illustration purposes, the results of a pilot study are included. The presented study highlights a need for further improvement regarding the predictivity and applicability domain of (Q)SAR systems for pesticides and their metabolites, but also raises other questions such as model selection, establishment of acceptance criteria, harmonised approaches to the combination of model outputs into overall conclusions, adequate reporting and data sharing. © 2020 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Herbicide‐resistant crop technology could provide new management strategies for the control of parasitic plants. Three herbicide‐resistant oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) genotypes were used to examine the response of attached Cuscuta campestris Yuncker to glyphosate, imazamox and glufosinate. Cuscata campestris was allowed to establish on all oilseed rape genotypes before herbicides were applied. RESULTS: Unattached seedlings of C. campestris, C. subinclusa Durand & Hilg. and C. gronovii Willd. were resistant to imazamox and glyphosate and sensitive to glufosinate, indicating that resistance initially discovered in C. campestris is universal to all Cuscuta species. Glufosinate applied to C. campestris attached to glufosinate‐resistant oilseed rape had little impact on the parasite, while imazamox completely inhibited C. campestris growth on the imidazolinone‐resistant host. The growth of C. campestris on glyphosate‐resistant host was initially inhibited by glyphosate, but the parasite recovered and resumed growth within 3–4 weeks. CONCLUSION: The ability of C. campestris to recover was related to the quality of interaction between the host and parasite and to the resistance mechanism of the host. The parasite was less likely to recover when it had low compatibility with the host, indicating that parasite‐resistant crops coupled with herbicide resistance could be highly effective in controlling Cuscuta. Published 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The most parts of the Earth experience precipitation variability as a part of their normal climates over both short- and long-time periods. These variations of precipitation will have unpredictable and perhaps unexpectedly extreme consequences(such as drought and flood) with respect to frequency and intensity for many regions of the Earth. Because of high precipitation fluctuations, the Mediterranean region is also the areas of the world sensitive to precipitation changes which often involve frequent drought conditions in Turkey. In this study, drought conditions at annual, seasonal and monthly time scales over the period of 1975–2010 were examined for Antakya-Kahramanmara? Graben which is located in the eastern part of the Mediterranean region of Turkey. Application of appropriate measures to analyze and monitor droughts is recognized as a major challenge to scientists involved in atmospheric studies. Standardized Precipitation Index(SPI) and cumulative deviation curve techniques were used to determine drought conditions. Results indicated that the study area presented a cyclic pattern of variations with alternating drier and wetter years. From analyses of annual, seasonal and monthly drought series it can be seen that precipitation characteristic of the area is changing. By the results, apparent wet and dry periods can be distinguished. This study also indicated that precipitation totals of winter, spring and summer seasons were slightly decreased during the study period. Drought frequency was increased especially for the northern part of the area in the last ten years. Drought periods were divided into 1982–1985, 1999–2002 and 2004–2008, respectively. According to our analyses, the time scale of 1999–2002 was the driest period in the most of the graben area. The study area, which covers agriculturally important fertile alluvial plains, will experience increasing pressure on its water resources because of its growing population and industry, ever-larger demands for intensive agricultural activities, and frequent drought events.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  In den Jahren 1980–1990 wurden auf insgesamt 100 Probefl?chen Wühlmausf?nge für die Schadensprognose in Forstkulturen durchgeführt. Die gefangenen Tiere wurden im Labor eingehender untersucht und verschiedene Parameter mit der Dichteentwicklung der Schadnager verglichen. Für einen beschr?nkten Zeitraum von etwa 3 Monaten war die ?u?erlich me?bare L?nge der m?nnlichen Gonaden mit der Populationsentwicklung korreliert. Bei einer mittleren L?nge der Testes über 3,5 mm wurde eine Zunahme der Populationsdichte beobachtet (Gradation). Bei einer geringeren Gonadenl?nge war die Populations-entwicklung rückl?ufig (Retrogradation). Dieser Zusammenhang kann für eine Schadensprognose bedeutsam sein.
Predicting damages of voles in forest cultivations
Voles like the Field VoleMicrotus agrestis, the Common VoleM. arvalis, the Bank VoleClethrionomys glareolus and the Water VoleArvicola terrestris can cause severe damages in forest cultivations by gnawing the trunks and the roots of the young trees. Damages occur during winter time when the population density of these species is high and food resources are limited. The forecast of the development of vole populations is needed to prepare countermeasures against vole damages. The increase or decrease of a vole population can be predicted, if the fertility of the caught specimens is observed. The gonadal size of the males was a suitable predictor for the trend of the development of a vole population. The change of population density of the Bank Vole in a time interval of 3 month (September–December) was highly correlated (r=0.86) with the gonadal index of males. The percentage of pregnant or lactating femals was also a good indicator, but less suitable for practical use. It is assumed, that the hormones of the hypophysis like FSH, LH and Prolactin rule the growth of the gonads, the fertility and the reproduction in a vole population. Testis size is an indicator for the activity of these fertility hormones and for the reproductive process. It can be used to predict the development of vole populations for a limited time interval.

Ancient Egyptian insect relics were accidentally enclosed in embalming resin which leaked from a priest's mummy and solidified on the floor of a wooden coffin from the end of the XVIIIth Dynasty (presumably 1323–1295 BC). The preserved insect relics were blowflies (Calliphoridae) recognized as Chrysomya marginalis or Chrysomya megacephala whose larvae had developed by feeding on the deceased's body prior to mummification as well as furniture beetles (Anobiidae) being either Oligomerus ptilinoides or Priobium carpini whose larvae had ingested the coniferous wood of the coffin. It is most likely that the human corpse and coffin were first attacked by the blowflies and furniture beetles prior to embalming, while infestation of the insect remains and textiles by Anthrenus sp. (Dermestidae) occurred in our time.  相似文献   

The existence of facultative parthenogenesis in mealybugs has been reported by different authors and questioned by others in relation to certain species. We tested the hypothesis of facultative parthenogenesis in relation to three mealybug species, Planococcus citri (Risso), Pseudococcus calceolariae (Maskell) and Pseudococcus viburni (Signoret). The results suggest that these mealybug species are obligate amphimictic.  相似文献   

Storehouses and mills in the Magdeburg region are known to be infested with black (ore house) rats. In residential buildings, however, house rats (Rattus rattus L.) have not been detected for at least 20 years. Therefore, it was of much interest for the expert to note that this rat species had been seen in two occupied residential buildings (a refurbished old building and a terraced house). It has been suspected for a longer time that black rats can be found in certain residential buildings in towns or even cities.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  In den Jahren 1996 und 1997 wurde in ausgew?hlten Gebieten des Rheinlands die Populationsdichte von Schmetterlingsraupen erfa?t, die an Eichen (Quercas robur undQ. petraea) und an Hainbuchen (Carpinus betulus) Kahlfra?, an Rotbuchen (Fagus sylvatica) erheblichen Fra?schaden verursachten. An dem Blattfra? waren insgesamt 63 Schmetterlingsraupen beteiligt. An Eichen erfolgte Kahlfra? gleichzeitig durch mehrere Arten (Operophtera brumala, O. fagata, Erannis defoliaria undTortrix viridana), w?hrend an Hainbuche und RotbucheOperophtera fagata für den hohen Fra?schaden verantwortlich war. Standorte, an denen Massenvermehrungen nachgewiesen wurden, waren gut mit N?hrstoffen versorgt und best?tigen so die Hypothese zur Ressourcenverfügbarkeit. Die Populationsdichten der Schmetterlingsraupen waren an Eichen so gro?, da? es zu inter- und intraspezifischer Konkurrenz (scramble competition) kam. In Eichenbest?nden, die mit Rotbuchen unterbaut waren, wurde die Konkurrenzsituation unter den Schmetterlingsraupen vermindert. Somit k?nnen waldbauliche Ma?nahmen, besonders bei einer Massenvermehrung vonOperophtera fagata, zu einer Verl?ngerung der Gradation beitragen.
Mass occurrence of phyllophagous caterpillars in the deciduous forests of the Rhineland
We investigated species assemblages of Lepidoptera which fed onQuercus petraea, Carpinus betulus andFagus sylvatica trees growing in commercial forests in the Rhineland (Germany). In total we found 63 different species of caterpillars. Several species (Operophtera fagata, O. brumata, Tortrix viridana, Agriopis leucophaearia, A. aurantiaria andErannis defoliaria) appeared in high abundances on oak trees, which they together defoliated. Defoliation ofCarpinus betulus as well as high feeding damages onFagus sylvatica were caused mainly by a single species,Operophtera fagata. From our observations of individual caterpillars and their extraordinarily high feeding damages (=45%) onFagus sylvatica trees which were growing in the shade of oak trees, in comparison to individualF. sylvatica trees not growing beneath oak trees (feeding damage= 7%), we made the following conclusions: Firstly, in the case of mass occurrence a severe influence of scramble competition occurs between caterpillars. Secondly, a prolongation of gradation of polyphagous caterpillars is caused when stratification byFagus sylvatica living as undergrowth of oak trees occurs. Defoliated trees occurred in sites with enhanced nutrient availability. This supports the resource availability hypothesis. Although there was a surplus of nutrients in the soil and within the roots we found a deficiency of P in the leaves.


Eco-climatic niche models are powerful tools for assessing the potential range of plant pests and pathogens, widely applied in comprehensive pest risk assessments globally. We conducted a bibliometric analysis comparing the number of CLIMEX models developed for plant pathogens and plant arthropod pests. We found that plant pathogens were statistically significantly under-represented, with fungal plant pathogens less than half as likely as plant insect pests to be the subject of a published CLIMEX niche model. We explore key factors that may account for this disparity, including inconsistent experimental paradigms and lack of cross-disciplinary (i.e., plant pathology and modelling) expertise.  相似文献   

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