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In the face of the corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, it is essential to stabilize the security of urban “shopping baskets”. Through a survey and interviews with 46 agricultural cooperatives in Shanghai, this paper analyzes the impact of the pandemic on vegetable production and offers suggestions on agricultural insurance. The research results show that: (1) the pandemic has impacted almost all stages of the vegetable supply chain but has had a greater impact on the sales stage; (2) the market risks of vegetable production have increased significantly, and the gap between the field price and the market price has widened. The sales price difference between traditional channels and e-commerce is notable; (3) farmers' incomes have generally declined due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and traditional small-scale farmers have suffered more losses; and (4) agricultural insurance plays an important role in stabilizing the supply of vegetables to the city. To minimize the impact of the pandemic on vegetable production and to stabilize both urban “shopping baskets” and farmers' incomes, it is necessary to further improve agricultural insurance, especially to provide insurance against market risks.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study are to assess the COVID-19 pandemic's impacts on the dairy industries in China and the United States and to derive policy recommendations for enhancing the diary industries' resilience to pandemics and other market shocks. Specifically, data from the two nations are used to analyze and compare the mechanisms through which the pandemic has affected their dairy industries and to discuss potential lessons from their experiences. The findings suggest that this pandemic has heavily affected the dairy industries in both China and the United States through similar mechanisms, such as decreased farmgate milk prices, disruption and difficulties of moving milk within the supply chains, worker shortages, increased production costs, and lack of operating capital. There were also significant differences in the affecting mechanisms between the two nations, including transportation difficulties from widespread road closures and significant reduction in holiday sales of dairy products in China, and the shutdown of many dairy processors in the United States due to the closing of schools, restaurants, and hotels. While government financial reliefs are highly needed to help many dairy farms and processors survive this pandemic in the short term, the dairy industries and governments need to work together to develop long-term strategies and policies to balance the industries' efficiency and flexibility, product specialization and diversification, supply chain integration and local food systems, and market mechanisms and policy regulations and interventions.  相似文献   

How do Chinese agricultural exports to ASEAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations) evolve? And what factors affected the evolution pattern? This study measures the trade margins of Chinese agricultural exports to ASEAN by utilizing the 2000–2015 Harmonized System's six-digit agricultural trade data, and further analyzes their determinants by developing an augmented gravity model of international trade. The results indicate that, the main growth source of Chinese agricultural exports to ASEAN has shifted from the extensive margin before the formal establishment of CAFTA(China–ASEAN Free Trade Area) in 2010 to the intensive margin since the formal establishment of CAFTA, but changes in Chinese agricultural exports to ASEAN have always mainly depended on the intensive margin. Since the formal establishment of CAFTA, the evolution pattern of Chinese agricultural exports to ASEAN has shifted from "more varieties, low price, and small quantity" to "less varieties, high price, and large quantity". Relative economic scale, relative population scale, capacity of agricultural export, trade integration, global financial crisis, and common border significantly affect the trade margins of Chinese agricultural exports to ASEAN.  相似文献   

2020年开年之初,新冠肺炎病毒肆虐中国大地。此次疫情对我国各地区各行业影响巨大,对北京市农业也带来了严重的影响。北京市农业主要产值由种植业、养殖业、休闲观光农业构成。受疫情影响,农产品运输成本增加,养殖业长期供给紧张,休闲观光农业面临游客出游意愿锐减等困难与问题。未来北京市应在资金、技术、政策方面帮扶农业企业,如采取减税等政策帮扶受损农企,搭建智慧农业平台,拓展线上销售市场,加强农业技术指导,制定旅游业重振计划等。  相似文献   

朱晶  张瑞  张瑞华  谢超平  杨静 《世界农业》2021,(5):4-15,126
新冠肺炎疫情全球大流行给世界经济贸易的发展带来强烈冲击。然而部分国家借疫情之名,实施保护主义,阻碍了全球农产品的正常流通。本文通过全面梳理和分析疫情期间全球农产品进口限制措施,发现一些国家为应对疫情冲击和保护本国农业生产所采取的部分进口限制措施,并不符合《非关税措施的国际分类》《关税贸易总协定》(GATT)和《实施动植物卫生和检疫措施协定》(《SPS协定》)中相关条例,具有较强的贸易保护主义色彩,其合理性有待进一步商榷。根据以往经验,贸易保护主义不可能从根本上解决此次由于疫情引起的全球危机,反而会加剧全球农业经济和贸易的萎缩。受进口限制措施的影响,中国农产品贸易也呈现出大幅下滑态势。鉴于新冠肺炎疫情的常态化发展,加之逆全球化声浪的不断提高,各国应加强合作,在满足合理诉求的情况下,对农产品贸易采取限制程度最低的措施,保障全球农产品贸易畅通。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]识别信息需求的情境因素对于理解信息需求的产生机制具有重要意义.[方法/过程]本研究从百度知道社会问答平台上爬取了2019.12.31~2020.3.30期间网民关于新冠肺炎的提问数据,采用内容分析法、共现网络分析法等方法,识别网民信息需求主题、揭示信息需求主题关联、发现不同信息需求主题在各种情境因素下的特...  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic had an enormous impact on the vegetable supply chain in China. Effective evaluation of the pandemic's influences on vegetable production is vital for policy settings to enhance the security of vegetable supply. Based on first-hand data from 526 households, we explored regional differences in different types of loss and potential factors affecting the severity farmer households suffered during the pandemic. The results underline that sales contraction and price volatility in the context of interruption of supply chain dominate the total losses during the pandemic. Such losses differ across provinces and are more substantial in provinces with stricter confinement measures. Farmer households' participation in local market and modern marketing methods helps mitigate the negative effects of the COVID-19 shock, while labor hiring and facilities adoption in production widen the losses due to the shortage in the workforce. In the future, the vegetable industry practitioners and relevant government departments should work together to coordinate the development of short and long supply chains and strengthen the stability and security of the vegetable supply chain.  相似文献   

基于安徽省443个调研数据对村民乡村人居环境治理现状认知和参与乡村人居环境治理意愿响应进行分析。结果表明,农村基础设施供给数量和质量不均衡问题依然存在,基层卫生保障条件水平还有较大提升空间,村民参与人居环境治理水平相对偏低,互联网在乡村人居环境治理中的作用开始显现。大部分村民愿意以出资方式参与乡村人居环境治理水平提升行动,村民对村庄环境提升作用认识、对村干部信任程度对他们的出资意愿具有显著正向影响。建议在乡村人居环境治理中关注乡村人居环境内涵建设,多措并举提升乡村人居环境治理质量。  相似文献   

随着多边贸易体制的发展,以技术法规、技术标准和苛刻的评定标准为主要内容的技术性贸易壁垒,已经成为限制发展中国农产品出口的重要手段。本文立足于青岛市农产品出口现状,有针对性地分析了技术性贸易壁垒对青岛市农产品出口的影响,从国际和地区角度阐释了青岛农产品出口受阻的深层原因,据此提出了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

为及时探讨新冠肺炎疫情对猪肉价格的短期冲击是否会演变为长期的趋势性波动.选取2020年1月20日-2020年9月30日期间新冠肺炎累计确诊人数与零售白条猪价格的日度数据,通过构建VAR模型,利用Granger因果检验、脉冲响应函数、方差分解以及物理学冲击波模型共同探讨新冠肺炎疫情对猪肉价格冲击的时变特征与内在机理.结果...  相似文献   

为探究新冠疫情对消费者畜禽产品购买偏好的影响,本研究运用选择实验的方法,基于网络问卷形式获得湖北武汉、河南郑州、湖南长沙、浙江杭州4个城市934位消费者行为数据,采用混合logit模型进行数据分析.结果表明:从区域上看,不同区域消费者对线上渠道偏好存在差异,相对于轻度疫情区域,重度疫情区域的消费者对线上渠道偏好显著,对...  相似文献   

本文简单分析了近年来台湾农产品进出口贸易的总体情况、农产品贸易结构、地区分布及台湾对大陆的农产品进出口贸易情况。  相似文献   

课题组于 2020年对农业生产经营现状、农户教育培训情况、新冠肺炎疫情对农业生产影响等方面进行线上调研,发现京郊农业生产以小规模为主,农民老龄化问题严重,对教育培训意愿需求较大。因此,农民的教育培训在新形势下转化新思路,农民培训转换为线上、直播授课的方式,农民教育停课不停学,为农民解决了生产的迫切需求。  相似文献   

农业机械是一种重要的国际贸易产品,但我国至今没有一个统一规范的农机产品贸易统计口径。为构建出明确的农机产品贸易统计口径,比较分析了现有口径的优缺点,利用行业、生产、贸易3个层面的产品分类体系及其对应关系,提出了逻辑严密的产品选择方法,在HS编码体系下构建了清晰明确、易与农机化产业对接且具有开放性的产品对外贸易统计口径。进一步将所有农机产品划分为10个大类,与农业机械分类行业标准保持一致。研究结果有助于评价我国农机工业行业的发展水平和国际竞争能力,也可以为制定相关产业政策提供基础支持。  相似文献   

【目的】在“数字地球”大背景下,从国际视角认清我国农业发展的现状与态势,找准其优势与劣势,采取积极对措,使我国尽快实现由农业大国向农业强国迈进。【方法】文章以我国为研究对象,通过我国与亚洲4国及亚州4国平均、欧洲8国平均及北美洲2国平均4个方面的9个指标,运用了统计分析、比较与综合等方法进行比较分析。【结果】我国农业自然条件用水效率有待提升,化肥用量依然有很大减量空间;从农林牧渔业就业人口的比重和农业增加值占GDP比重劳动就业条件看,虽呈明显下降趋势,但仍相对较高;基础设施条件虽大有改善,但公路密度、互联网网民比重及千人拥有移动电话量明显滞后,有很大提升空间;农业营商环境和信贷融资便利度方面,虽进步速度最快,但距离一流强国还有较远距离。【结论】我国农业应继续加强水资源利用率研究,减少化肥施用量,促进农业资源高效利用和绿色发展;继续加大一二三产业融合和农业产业化步伐,降低农林牧渔业产值占GDP比重和农林牧渔业就业人口比重,促进国家工业化发展来反哺农业;继续加大农业基础设施投资和建设力度,以尽快提高公路密度和互联网网民比重等,提高农业现代化步伐;继续加快营商环境改革创新力度,使农业企业化和...  相似文献   

冯阳 《广东农业科学》2013,40(3):214-216
中国与东盟国家的农业生产禀赋及比较优势都存在较大的差异.2004年零关税计划的启动和2010年中国-东盟自由贸易区的全面建成极大地促进了双方间的农产品贸易.通过计算产业内贸易指数,实证分析中国与东盟农产品贸易的产业内贸易情况.结果显示,中国与东盟国家间的农产品贸易产业内与产业间贸易并存,但以产业间贸易为主.双方应本着平等互利的原则进一步推进中国-东盟自由贸易区的全面建设与落实,以更好地获得对外开放和贸易自由化的潜在利益和有利影响.  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情对我国肉牛生产的影响及对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自新型冠状病毒肺炎(以下简称“新冠肺炎”)疫情发生以来,全国相继采取隔离措施,有效地控制了疫情,但是也对经济发展带来影响。为了掌握新冠肺炎疫情对肉牛产业的影响,2020年2月,通过调研全国肉牛主产区21个省市的263个肉牛场,发现疫情对我国肉牛养殖造成了严重影响:在饲草料储备方面,48%的肉牛场精饲料储备量不足1个月,45%的牛场粗饲料不足2个月,95%的牛场酒糟等副产品断货;在架子牛收购和育肥牛出栏方面,95%的育肥牛场不能按计划补栏,育肥牛延迟出栏,饲草料消耗加大,导致饲草料紧缺的问题更加突出;活牛交易市场关闭,造成活牛收购价下滑;在繁殖方面,繁殖母牛错过1~2个情期;在疫病防控方面,70%的牛场兽药储备不足,春季防疫工作不能按计划进行。针对当前肉牛生产中突出问题,建议养殖企业(场、户)认真落实疫情防控要求,确保人员和生产安全;做好应对预案;完善精细化饲养管理和标准化生产流程,调整生产经营策略;各级政府全面贯彻有关文件精神和要求,为养殖业开辟“绿色通道”,保障物资和产品运输;尽快出台专项补助资金政策,银行提供小额信贷,帮助养殖企业提升信心,尽快恢复生产。  相似文献   

两岸农业合作对台湾农产品贸易的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文根据海峡两岸农业合作程度不同,将海峡两岸农业合作置于不同的阶段加以考虑,提出海峡两岸农业合作对台湾农产品贸易带来的影响,同时认为两岸农业合作的顺利进行有利于台湾农产品贸易的发展。  相似文献   

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