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为了探究不同品种、胎次、断配间隔和输精次数对母猪繁殖性能的影响,试验以健康、体况相近的长白猪、大白猪、长白猪和大白猪的二元杂交猪为研究对象,采用单次输精和传统深部人工授精配种试验猪,记录每窝产仔总数、产活仔数、产健仔数和初生窝重繁殖信息,研究不同品种、胎次、断配间隔和输精次数对母猪繁殖性能的影响。结果表明:长白猪和二元杂交猪母猪的窝均产仔总数、窝均产活仔数、窝均产健仔数及平均初生窝重差异不显著(P>0.05),且均显著优于大白猪母猪(P<0.05)。不同胎次母猪繁殖性能差异较大,母猪在第1胎或第2胎时繁殖性能最佳,窝均产仔总数、窝均产活仔数、窝均产健仔数和平均初生窝重分别为13.01头、12.96头、12.28头和19.85 kg;第3胎和第4胎时繁殖性能趋于稳定,第5胎后明显下降;第6~8胎繁殖性能最差,窝均产仔总数、窝均产活仔数、窝均产健仔数和平均初生窝重分别为11.54头、11.45头、10.89头、17.46 kg,除窝均产健仔数与第5胎差异不显著外(P>0.05),其他指标均显著低于其他胎次(P<0.05)。断配间隔为1 d或2 d的母猪繁殖性能最佳,...  相似文献   

根据山东正阳牧业有限公司2012年的935头太湖母猪(与配长白猪公猪)1 502个产仔胎次的繁殖记录,分析了太湖母猪不同产仔季节、不同胎次的繁殖性能。结果表明:太湖母猪的第1胎产活仔数最低,29胎次的产活仔数较高,说明太湖母猪的有效利用年限较长;29胎次的产活仔数较高,说明太湖母猪的有效利用年限较长;28胎次太湖猪的初生重、初生窝重、日龄窝重、断奶窝重均表现良好,而第9胎后其生产水平下降;冬季配种的母猪繁殖性能优于其他季节。不同季节、不同胎次对太湖猪的繁殖性能具有一定的影响。  相似文献   

对江苏省某国家生猪核心育种场丹系大白母猪各胎次的产仔数、产活仔数、断奶仔猪数及初生窝重、断奶窝重等繁殖性状进行了比较和相关性分析,旨在进一步了解丹系大白猪的繁殖性能,为后备母猪的选种选育提供参考。结果表明,丹系大白母猪第1、2胎产仔数较少,至第3胎达到最高为10.39头,后趋于稳定。不同胎次对产活仔数与断奶仔猪数的影响与产仔数的变化趋势基本一致。不同胎次的仔猪初生窝重基本持平,并以第3胎最高为14.81 kg。各胎次断奶窝重基本稳定。相关性分析表明,丹系大白母猪第3胎与第4胎产仔数、产活仔数、初生窝重呈显著正相关,第2胎与第5胎的产仔数、产活仔数、初生窝重间均呈显著负相关。第4胎与第5胎断奶仔猪数有显著负相关。第4胎和第5胎的断奶窝重有显著正相关。第3胎繁殖性能相对稳定,可以反映母猪繁殖性能,因此丹系大白母猪第3胎次的繁殖性能可作为选育后备母猪的重要依据。  相似文献   

可乐猪繁殖规律的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对毕节地区可乐猪的研究结果发现,初产可乐母猪的各项繁殖性能指标均有随着选育代数的增加而提高的趋势,且第1胎的初生重与产活仔数呈反比关系.其产活仔数、断奶头数、断奶重、育成率分别从第一世代的4.60头、3.20头、8.59 kg、65.97%提高到第五世代的5.89头、5.16头、9.10 kg、87.61%,提高幅度较大.经产可乐猪的产活仔数、断奶头数、断奶重也分别从第一世代的8.12头、7.20头、10.26kg,提高到第四世代的8.61头、7.62头、10.42 kg,提高幅度较明显.  相似文献   

一、DⅢ系 DⅢ系是由浙江省农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所于“八五”期间育成的我国瘦肉型猪杂交配套母本新品系。 (一)DⅢ系的主要性能 1.繁殖性能:经7个世代选育DⅢ系的繁殖性能有显著提高。初产母猪总产仔数从0世代的(9.28±2.90)头提高到(10.58±1.76),提高14.0%;产活仔数从(7.53±3.31)头提高到(9.72±1.35)头,提高29.08%;平均窝育成仔猪数(7.78±2.06)头,初生窝重(11.47±1.98)公斤,断奶窝重(139.78±37.30)公斤(5世代);经产母猪产仔数由13.05头提高到14.08头,产活仔数由11.78头提高到13.70头,分别增加了1.03头和1.92头。经大…  相似文献   

皖南花猪按头型可分为狮子头型、马脸型和桩头型,为研究皖南花猪母猪不同头型母猪间的繁殖性能差异,研究通过整理安徽省皖南花猪保种场以往数据,现场记录等方法,统计皖南花猪不同头型经产母猪(370窝)的窝产仔数、窝产活仔数、初生窝重、35日龄窝断奶仔猪数和35日龄断奶窝重等繁殖性能指标,并进行比较分析。结果如下:皖南花猪马脸型母猪窝产仔数、窝产活仔数、仔猪初生窝重、35日龄断奶仔猪数、35日龄断奶窝重均显著高于狮子头型及桩头型母猪(P0.05);皖南花猪桩头型母猪在窝产仔数、窝产活仔数、仔猪初生窝重等繁殖性能上优于狮子头型母猪,但在35日龄断奶窝重这一指标中低于狮子头型母猪。研究表明皖南花猪马脸型母猪繁殖性能与狮子头型、桩头型母猪相比更为优异,为皖南花猪种质资源保护与开发利用提供了一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

瑞典大白猪繁殖性能的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文统计分析了2 063窝瑞典大白猪的繁殖性能,总产仔数、产活仔数、初生窝重、断奶头数、28日龄断奶窝重分别达到了12.03头、11.21头、17.09 kg、10.44头和83.21 kg,第4胎繁殖性能达到了最佳,最佳使用年限为6胎次。平均产仔间隔161.24 d,繁殖性能与产仔间隔呈反比关系。  相似文献   

南昌白猪6~7世代的选育过程中,6世代头胎产仔10.59头,产活仔数9.68头,60日龄窝重170.66kg,第3胎产仔12.05头,产活仔数11.08头,60日龄窝重186.59kg,其后裔7世代后备公猪6月龄体重93.58kg,日增重609.589,料重比3.14:1,三点均膘厚2.35cm;后备母猪6月龄体重83.19kg,平均日增重521.31g,毛色、耳形及体形一致,其它各项性能保持相对稳定。  相似文献   

不同胎次与配种季节对金华猪繁殖性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据浙江加华种猪有限公司2004—2008年的388头金华猪母猪(与长白猪公猪杂交)生产记录,分析了金华猪母猪不同胎次、不同配种季节的繁殖性能。结果表明:金华猪母猪的第1胎产活仔数最低,第2~9胎次的产活仔数较高,说明金华猪母猪的有效利用年限较长;第2~8胎次金华猪的初生重、初生窝重、21日龄窝重、断奶重、断奶窝重均表现良好,而第9胎后其生产水平下降;冬季配种的母猪繁殖性能优于其他季节。  相似文献   

测定杜长大三元杂交体系和斯格配套系各杂交组合的繁殖性能,计算出繁殖性状的杂种优势率;选用5个与繁殖性状紧密连锁的微卫星标记对测定个体进行基因型检测,利用混合效应线性模型计算出繁殖性状各位点的基因效应。结果表明:斯格祖代猪与父母代猪产仔数、产活仔数、断奶仔数、断奶窝重的差异均达到极显著水平(P<0.01),父母代猪与祖代猪的初生窝重差异显著(P<0.05),斯格父母代猪的产仔数、产活仔数、断奶仔数和断奶窝重与长大母猪的差异均达到极显著水平(P<0.01),斯格父母代猪与长大母猪的初生窝重差异显著(P<0.05),初生重、断奶重杂优率低,其余各性状的杂种优势率处于较高水平。显性效应在初生窝重、断奶窝重的杂种优势中起着很重要作用,加性效应是初生重和断奶重杂种优势的主要遗传学基础,产仔数、产活仔数、断奶仔数的杂种优势的产生存在上位效应。  相似文献   

高温环境对母猪繁殖性能的影响规律与作用机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在生猪养殖业中,母猪的繁殖性能直接影响猪场的效益。除品种、营养、疾病等因素外,母猪繁殖性能在很大程度上还受温度、湿度和光照等环境因素影响,其中环境温度影响最为明显。本文综述了高温环境对母猪繁殖性能及其后代的影响,以期为生产上更好地控制并改善母猪舍内环境温度提供基础数据和理论依据,获得更大的经济效益。  相似文献   

关于三元母猪种用价值和改善措施的探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
非洲猪瘟背景下,猪场面临两大难题,一是安全问题,二是种源问题。通过不断提升生物安全等级能够有效保障猪场安全,但种源问题却一时难以解决。在这种特殊背景下,部分猪场开始大胆创新的将三元母猪作为种源进行生产。但是,国内外关于三元母猪种用的资料文献几乎没有,无法形成有效的借鉴。一时之间,关于三元母猪究竟有没有种用价值和如何提高其种用价值成为养猪业的热门话题。文章从三元母猪种用价值、种用劣势和改善措施三个方面进行深入剖析和探讨,旨在为猪场了解和使用三元母猪提供参考。  相似文献   

Since January 1 2013, group housing of sows has been compulsory within the European Union (EU) in all pig holdings with more than ten sows. Sows and gilts need to be kept in groups from 4 weeks after service to 1 week before the expected time of farrowing (Article 3(4) of Directive 2008/120/EC on the protection of pigs). The legislation regarding group housing was adopted already in 2001 and a long transitional period was allowed to give member states and producers enough time for adaptation. Even so, group housing of sows still seems to be uncommon in the EU, and is also uncommon in commercial pig farming systems in the rest of the world. In this review we share our experience of the Swedish 25 years of animal welfare legislation stipulating that sows must be loose-housed which de facto means group housed. The two most important concerns related to reproductive function among group-housed sows are the occurrence of lactational oestrus when sows are group-housed during lactation, and the stress that is associated with group housing during mating and gestation. Field and clinical observations in non-lactating, group-housed sows in Sweden suggest that by making basic facts known about the pig reproductive physiology related to mating, we might achieve application of efficient batch-wise breeding without pharmacological interventions. Group housing of lactating sows has some production disadvantages and somewhat lower productivity would likely have to be expected. Recordings of behavioural indicators in different housing systems suggest a lower welfare level in stalled animals compared with group-housed ones. However, there are no consistent effects on the reproductive performance associated with different housing systems. Experimental studies suggest that the most sensitive period, regarding disturbance of reproductive functions by external stressors, is the time around oestrus. We conclude that by keeping sows according to the pig welfare-friendly Directive 2008/120/EC, it is possible to combine group-housing of sows with good reproductive performance and productivity. However, substantially increased research and development is needed to optimize these systems.  相似文献   

To achieve optimal reproductive performance in pig herds, sows need to become pregnant as soon as possible after weaning. The aim of this study was to investigate herd and management factors associated with reproductive performance of sows after weaning. A questionnaire pertaining to sow management at weaning and herd reproductive data were collected from 76 randomly selected commercial pig herds in Belgium. Associations between the herd factors and two reproductive parameters after weaning (weaning‐to‐oestrous interval: WEI and percentage of repeat breeders: RB) were analysed using general linear mixed models. A separated feeding strategy of breeding gilts from 60 kg onwards was significantly associated with a shorter WEI (5.54 vs 7.28 days; p = 0.040). Factors significantly associated with a lower percentage of RB were housing the newly weaned sows separated from the gestating sows (7% vs 12%; p = 0.003), using semen < 4 days after collection (7–9 vs 14%; p = 0.014) and stimulating oestrus twice a day (8 vs 11%; p = 0.025). In conclusion, some management practices, such as feeding strategy of breeding gilts, housing conditions of sows, method of oestrous stimulation and storage duration of semen, have an influence on the outcome of reproductive parameters such as weaning‐to‐oestrous interval and percentage of repeat breeders. These practices can be implemented rather easily by pig producers and may consequently lead to improvements of reproductive performance of sows after weaning.  相似文献   

旨在通过猪体细胞克隆技术,生产乌金猪火毛系,并分析生长发育能力及繁殖性能,为该技术在地方优良猪种保种上的应用提供理论依据。本研究采集了符合乌金猪种质特征的3头公猪和12头母猪的耳组织样品。公猪年龄分别为3、6、11月龄,母猪年龄差距较大,最小的2月龄,最大的10岁。其中3头母猪和1头3月龄公猪已被去势,10岁母猪已无繁殖能力。结果,成功建立了15头乌金猪的耳组织成纤维细胞系,分别选择1头3月龄乌金猪()和10岁乌金猪(♀)的成纤维细胞进行体细胞核移植,经胚胎移植入16头代孕母猪,共获得25头克隆猪,克隆猪生长发育正常,性成熟后进行自然交配共获得39头F1代活仔。本研究通过体细胞克隆技术成功克隆了乌金猪,具备正常的生长发育性能和繁殖性能,为地方猪种的保护研究提供了新的途径。  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment was to study the growth and developmental ability and reproductive performance of cloned Wujin pigs fire hair line by somatic cell cloning technology, and provide a theoretical basis for the application of somatic cell cloning technology in the conservation of local excellent pig breeds. In this study, the ear samples were collected from 3 male and 12 female pigs which met the characteristics of Wujin pigs. The 3 boars were 3, 6 and 11 months old, respectively. The sows had a large age gap, from 2 months old to 10 years old, the three sows and one boar of 3-month-old had been castrated and the sow of 10-year-old had no reproductive capacity. The ear fibroblast cell lines were successfully established from 15 Wujin pigs. Then the fibroblast cells from 3-month-old() and 10-year-old(♀) pigs were used as donor cells for somatic cell nuclear transfer. The cloned embryos were transplanted into 16 surrogate sows and 25 cloned pigs were obtained. The growth and development indexes of these cloned pigs were all normal. After sexual maturity, the male and female cloned pigs mated naturally and 39 live piglets (F1) were obtained. This study successfully cloned Wujin pigs by somatic cell nuclear transfer technology, and cloned Wujin pigs had normal growth and developmental ability and reproductive performance. The study result provides a new way for the conservation of local pig breeds.  相似文献   

陈伟  曾勇庆 《猪业科学》2020,37(10):31-34
非洲猪瘟导致能繁母猪产能断崖式下降,二元母猪价格居高不下,产能严重不足,而频繁引种不利于疫情防控,这给我国养猪业带来了前所未有的挑战。为快速恢复生猪产能,三元商品猪被迫留为种用;然而,三元母猪繁殖性能较差,如果选留、选配等管理措施不当会进一步降低其繁殖性能。文章针对这些问题介绍了非洲猪瘟对我国养猪业的影响,重点分析了杂种母猪的利用原理以及三元母猪的轮回杂交闭群繁育选配策略,期望实现三元母猪的种用价值最大化,提高商品猪养殖的经济效益,促进生猪产业的可持续性发展。  相似文献   

影响母猪繁殖性能的营养因素及调控措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来随着中国养猪业不断规模化、集约化的发展,如何提高母猪的繁殖性能已成为养猪行业的热点。母猪的繁殖性能受遗传、营养、环境、健康状况等因素综合影响,其中营养因素是十分重要的因素之一。在母猪饲养管理的不同阶段采取一些简单可行的营养学方法,会显著提高母猪繁殖性能。作者在分析影响母猪繁殖性能的营养因素的基础上,提出了在母猪不同饲养阶段所采取的营养调控措施。  相似文献   

母猪的繁殖性能直接影响着养猪业的经济效益。不可消化性碳水化合物在母猪后肠经微生物发酵可产生丁酸。研究发现,丁酸可通过调控卵泡、胚胎和乳腺的发育来提高母猪的繁殖性能。本文综述了丁酸对母猪繁殖性能的影响及其可能机制,分析了丁酸在母猪生产应用上存在的问题和未来发展方向。  相似文献   

With the fetal growth and mammary gland development during late gestation,the metabolic of sows is gradually increased.Owing to imbalance of glucose and lipid metabolism,the metabolic disorder appears.The physiological changes and environmental stress experienced by sows in the reproductive cycle are of great significance to glycolipid metabolism.Energy accounts for more than 70% of the dietary composition.It is direct and effective to develop appropriate dietary energy sources during gestation and lactation for improving the reproductive performance of sows by regulating the balance of glycolipid metabolism.Starch and fat are the main energy sources of sows’ dietary.Previous studies have shown that dietary energy sources have a significant effect on puberty initiation of gilts or improvement of reproductive performance of sows.However,it is rarely reported that summary on the effects of different sources and levels of starch and fat on the reproductive performance of sows based on the glycolipid metabolism characteristics of sows.This paper firstly reviewed the characteristics of glycolipid metabolism during pregnancy and the possible mechanism behind metabolic changes,summarized the adverse effects of metabolic disorders during pregnancy on reproductive performance of sows,and then introduced the absorption and metabolism characteristics of starch and fat in dam,compared and analyzed the effects of different levels and sources of starch and fat on the reproductive performance of sows.Finally,to maximize the economic benefits of the pig farm,the basis for selecting the appropriate energy source was summarized according to the actual production purpose.The purpose of this paper was to offer data and theoretical support for the selection of appropriate levels and sources of starch and fat to improve the reproductive efficiency of sows.  相似文献   

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