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OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the effects of varying ring diameter, wire tension, and wire-divergence angle on the axial stiffness characteristics of circular external skeletal fixator single-ring constructs. Study Design-Biomechanical evaluation using circular fixator components and a Delrin cylinder bone model. METHODS: Single ring constructs using two 1.6 mm diameter Kirschner wires to secure a 19 mm Delrin cylinder centered within the ring were examined. Component variables evaluated were ring diameter (50 mm, 66 mm, 84 mm, and 118 mm), wire-divergence angle (30 degrees, 60 degrees, and 90 degrees ), and wire tension (0 kg, 30 kg, 60 kg, and 90 kg). A total of 48 constructs were examined. Rings were rigidly mounted on a universal testing system and the cylinder loaded in axial compression (7.4 N/s) to 220 N. Load/displacement curves were analyzed to determine the following: the displacement (mm) that occurred before the slope of each load/displacement curve became linear, the stiffness (N/mm) of the linear portion of each load/deformation curve, and the total displacement (mm) produced at maximal load. Least-squares linear regression was used to model response variables as linear functions of ring diameter, wire divergence angle, and wire tension. Three-way interactions and 2-way interactions among independent component variables were evaluated first in the modeling process and included in a best model if response variables were found to have statistically significant regression coefficients. The regression coefficients and corresponding standard errors and covariances were used to estimate the maximal effect and standard error attributable to wire divergency angle (change from 30 degrees to 90 degrees ) and wire tension (change from 0 to 90 kg) for each ring diameter. RESULTS: All load/deformation curves had an initial exponential increase in stiffness, with the slope becoming linear at higher loads. The exponential phase was more pronounced in larger-diameter ring constructs and was mitigated by tensioning the wires. Ring diameter had the greatest influence on displacement that occurred before the curve became linear (semipartial r(2) [sp-r2] = .89), stiffness (sp-r2 = .94), and total displacement (sp-r2 = .93). Wire tension exerted a smaller influence on displacement that occurred before the curve became linear (sp-r2 =.06), stiffness (sp-r2 = .03), and total displacement (sp-r2 = .05). Wire divergence angle had a nominal effect on displacement that occurred before the curve became linear (sp-r2 = .0001), on stiffness (sp-r2 = .004), and on total displacement (sp-r2 =.003). CONCLUSIONS: Ring diameter had a profound effect on the axial stiffness characteristic of single ring constructs. Tensioning of the fixation wires can improve the axial stiffness characteristics of these constructs, particularly in larger diameter ring constructs, by mitigating the initial exponential phase of the load/deformation curve. Wire divergence angle had only a nominal differential effect on axial stability. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Understanding how individual component variables and their interactions influence bone segment stability should help surgeons to optimize interfragmentary strain. Tensioning fixation wires is probably unnecessary in 50 mm diameter ring constructs, but assumes greater importance as ring diameter increases.  相似文献   

Objective: To (1) mechanically evaluate polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) columns of various sizes and compare them to connecting bar materials (carbon fiber composite, titanium, stainless steel) and (2) compare the properties of an intact PMMA column to those of an acrylic interface. Study Design: Experimental mechanical study. Sample Population: Experiment 1: 6 groups of 6 specimens each; experiment 2: 2 groups of 12 specimens each. Methods: All specimens were tested in 3‐point bending. Stiffness, yield strength, and ultimate strength values were calculated for each specimen. Results: PMMA 1 columns (23.25 mm) compared favorably to titanium or stainless‐steel bars. PMMA 3 columns (30.15 mm) and carbon fiber bars had similar yield strength but PMMA 3 columns were less stiff than carbon fiber bars. PMMA 3 columns had lower bending modulus and a higher variability in their mechanical properties than PMMA 1 or PMMA 2 (25.64 mm) columns. Acrylic interface specimens were less strong but as stiff as intact specimens. Conclusion: An acrylic interface was easily created and had acceptable biomechanical characteristics. Clinical Relevance: PMMA 2 and PMMA 3 columns are not recommended for clinical use at this time. Further tests are needed to analyze an acrylic patch in a more clinically relevant loading model.  相似文献   

Objective —To compare two external fixation clamp designs for their ability to resist movement of a fixation pin in relation to the connecting rod. Study Design —Two designs of external fixator clamps were attached to connecting rods mounted on a jig for mechanical testing. Fixator pins were placed perpendicular to the connecting rod. A mechanical testing machine was used to deflect each 3.2-mm pin at a distance that was 25 mm from the center of the clamp bolt. Both clamp designs were tightened to 4.4, 6.1, and 7.8 newton-meters (N m) torque, and loads were applied in a position ramp through 4 mm and resisting loads were measured. Two clamp orientations were used during load application, such that the deflection of the pin tended to tighten the clamp bolt or tended to loosen the clamp bolt. The tests were videotaped to determine mode of failure. Comparisons of the load/displacement curves for the two external fixator clamp designs were made using nonlinear equational curve fitting methods. The resultant plateau and rise coefficients were compared using analysis of variance. Results —Slippage of the pin in relation to the clamp occurred with the Kirschner-Ehmer clamp tightened to 4.4, 6.1, and 7.8 N-m, and slipping of the pin in relation to the clamp occurred with the experimental clamp design tightened to 4.4 and 6.1 N-m but not to 7.8 N-m. At 7.8 N-m, the 3.2-mm pin deformed plastically with the experimental clamp design. Increasing the torque of the clamp bolt resulted in superior plateau coefficients for both clamp designs. At each level of tightness and in each clamp orientation to applied pin load, the experimental clamp design provided greater plateau coefficients than did the Kirschner-Ehmer clamp design. At 7.8 N m of tightness, the Kirschner-Ehmer clamp and bolt bent, whereas only slight plastic deformation of the experimental clamp design occurred. Conclusions —The experimental external fixator clamp was more secure in resisting fixator pin movement at all levels of tightening compared with the Kirschner-Ehmer-type external fixator clamp. At 7.8 N m of tightening, the new clamp design did not allow slippage of the pin within the clamp. Clinical Significance—The experimental external fixator clamp should result in greater rigidity of fixator configurations, in addition to providing design features that allow addition of a clamp between two installed clamps, sleeved predrilling of pilot holes for all pins, measurement of pin depth, and placement of positive profile pins at all sites.  相似文献   

Objective —To evaluate the suitability of epoxy putty for use as a connecting beam material in a free-form external skeletal fixator.
Design —Mechanical evaluation of beams and the pin-material interface of commonly used methacrylates and the proposed epoxy putty.
Procedure —The apparent modulus, bending strength, and toughness of 10 beams of three methacrylates (Technovit, APEF System, Bone Cement) and three epoxy putties (Oatey Epoxy Putty, All-Metals PowerPoxy, and Plumber's PowerPoxy) were determined in three-point bending. The shear strength of smooth and roughened-shaft pins embedded in the three methacrylates and the Oatey Epoxy Putty was determined by pull-out testing.
Results —The epoxy putties had similar strength, greater apparent modulus, and reduced toughness when compared with the methacrylates. The shear strength of the smooth pin interface with the Oatey Epoxy putty was greater than that with the methacrylates. The interface with roughened pins was much stronger than that with smooth pins for all materials tested.
Clinical Relevance —Epoxy putty is a suitable material for free-form external fixators. It is easy to handle, inexpensive, and has suitable setting times and mechanical properties.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare external fixator clamps from Kirschner-Ehmer (K-E), Synthes, and Meynard with respect to 6 mechanical parameters. Study Design-A bench test of mechanical properties. METHODS: Specially designed fixtures were used to mechanically test 6 clamps of each type at 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 Newton-Meters of clamp bolt-tightening torque. RESULTS: Components slipped axially and torsionally in the K-E clamp at higher forces for all parameters except for clamp bolt axis pivot. No bolt axis pivot occurred with the Synthes clamp. Instead, the clamp plastically deformed at the fixator-pin interface. This failure occurred at a higher applied torque than the pivot torque for other clamps. The Meynard clamp withstood significantly greater force than the K-E clamp when torsion was applied to the clamp bolt axis in the clockwise direction. Pivot forces for the K-E clamp were significantly higher than the Meynard clamp in the counterclockwise direction. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the K-E clamp was able to resist higher axial and torsional forces before slipping than the Meynard clamp or the Synthes clamp. The Synthes clamp was best able to resist torsion around the clamp bolt axis. Torsional resistance at the clamp-fixator pin and clamp-connecting bar interface was the weakest parameter of clamp mechanics. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The ability to resist motion within a clamp is related to fracture-reduction stability. Knowledge of the mechanical properties of fixator clamps will improve a clinician's ability to apply rigid fixation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the biomechanical effects of multistage versus one-stage destabilization of a type II external skeletal fixator (ESF) used to stabilize an oblique unstable tibial osteotomy in dogs. STUDY DESIGN: In vitro, in vivo, and ex vivo experimental study. ANIMAL POPULATION: Twelve healthy adult dogs. METHODS: The biomechanical characteristics of the type II ESF used in this study were determined. This fixator was applied to both tibiae of two groups of 6 dogs to stabilize a 2-mm-wide oblique osteotomy. One fixator on each dog remained unchanged throughout the 11-week study (control group). The fixator on the opposite limb was destabilized late and acutely in one group of dogs (single-stage) and early and progressively in the other (multistage). Clinical examination, radiographic examination, and force-plate analysis were used to evaluate the results. All dogs were euthanatized at 11 weeks. All tibiae were scanned to determine the cross-sectional area of the callus in the center of the osteotomy and subjected to biomechanical tests to determine mean pull-out strength of pins and callus strength and stiffness. RESULTS: Stiffness of the type II ESF used in this study was 578 N/mm in axial compression, 0.767 Nm/deg in torsion, 261 N/mm in medio-lateral bending, and 25 N/mm in cranio-caudal bending. Peak vertical forces of the hindlimbs were significantly lower at 2.5 and 5 weeks than before surgery. Peak vertical forces of the hindlimbs did not change before and after destabilization. No significant differences could be detected between the two destabilization sequences or between all control tibiae and pooled destabilized tibiae with regards to radiographic evaluation of the healing osteotomy, cross-sectional periosteal callus area, mean pull-out strength of transfixation pins, callus strength, and callus stiffness. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Bone healing of unstable osteotomies stabilized with a type II ESF is not significantly enhanced by staged destabilization of the fixation as performed in this study.  相似文献   

Objective: To report use of a pinless external fixator (PEF) for unilateral mandibular fractures in 9 equids. Study Design: Case series. Animals: Equids (n=9) with unilateral mandibular fractures. Methods: All fractures were stabilized with the AO/ASIF PEF using a minimum of 4 clamps, under general anesthesia. Fracture configuration, complications, outcome, and owner satisfaction were evaluated. Results: All fractures were stabilized; 2 equids were euthanatized; 1 because of an inability to stand after surgery and 1 because of owner decision after PEF dislodgement. Seven repairs healed with good outcome and owner satisfaction. Complications included dislodgement of the PEF (3), bone sequestration (3), and weight loss (1). Drainage associated with repair resolved after removal of sequestra and clamps. Conclusions: Stabilization of unilateral mandibular fractures with the PEF in horses was minimally invasive with minimal risk of tooth root interference; however, after care is time consuming. Clinical Relevance: PEF is an alternative technique for stabilizing unilateral mandibular fractures in equids.  相似文献   

Objectives: To report the repair of tibial diaphyseal fractures in 2 calves using a circular external skeletal fixator (CEF). Study Design: Clinical report. Animals: Crossbred calves (n=2; age: 6 months; weight: 55 and 60 kg). Methods: Mid‐diaphyseal tibial fractures were repaired by the use of a 4‐ring CEF (made of aluminum rings with 2 mm K‐wires) alone in 1 calf and in combination with hemicerclage wiring in 1 calf. Results: Both calves had good weight bearing with moderate lameness postoperatively. Fracture healing occurred by day 60 in 1 calf and by day 30 in calf 2. The CEF was well maintained and tolerated by both calves through fracture healing. Joint mobility and limb usage improved gradually after CEF removal. Conclusions: CEF provided a stable fixation of tibial fractures and healing within 60 days and functional recovery within 90 days. Clinical Relevance: CEF can be safely and successfully used for the management of selected tibial fractures in calves.  相似文献   

The relative strength of six different configurations of external skeletal fixation was determined by subjecting them to axial compression, and shear and torsion forces while measuring the load they would sustain before failing. The double clamp, single connecting bar, double connecting bar, quadrilateral frame, full pin splintage and three- dimensional tent configurations were found to be successively stronger in all three of the tests with the exception of the quadrilateral frame being more resistant to shear force than the full pin splintage configuration.  相似文献   

An external skeletal fixation technique that was effectively applied on comminuted maxillary fractures is described. With this method, pairs of Kirschner wires and/or Steinman pins were seated into the fracture fragments and the exposed cut ends of the pins were embedded into an acrylic bridge. Excellent stabilization of the fractures was effected and normal oral alimentation was resumed immediately. Healing of the fractures usually occurred within two or three months and the pins were then removed. Three representative cases are presented.  相似文献   

Objective— To report repair of a right proximal tibial Salter-Harris type II fracture in a foal with a hybrid external fixator (HEF).
Study Design— Case report.
Animals— A 5-month-old male foal.
Methods— After open surgical reduction, an HEF built with wires, 2 half-rings, 3 half-threaded connecting rods, and Schanz pins was used to stabilize the fracture.
Results— Immediately after surgery, the foal had relatively good weight bearing. The HEF was removed at 60 days after radiographic confirmation of healing.
Conclusions— HEF can be used to stabilize a proximal tibial Salter-Harris type II fracture in a 5-month-old foal.
Clinical Relevance— HEF should be considered as another option for repair of proximal tibial Salter-Harris type II fractures in foals.  相似文献   

Three different pin types (Ellis, enhanced threaded, and nonthreaded) were used in type 1 external skeletal fixation after transverse osteotomy of the radius and ulna in 12 skeletally mature dogs. Dogs were placed into three groups of four dogs based on the pin type used. Axial extraction forces were determined for each of the pin types after 8 weeks of weight bearing (chronic study). Nine contralateral radii were used to determine axial extraction forces for nine of each pin type not subjected to weight bearing forces (acute study). The force required for extraction of the enhanced threaded and Ellis pins in the chronic and acute studies was not significantly different. The force required to extract the nonthreaded pins was significantly less than that required for the other two pin types. Ground reaction forces had returned to levels measured before surgery by 2 weeks after surgery in the enhanced threaded and Ellis pin groups, however, dogs in the nonthreaded pin group required 4 weeks until normal ground reaction forces were measured. Radiographic evaluations 1,2,4, 6, and 8 weeks after surgery showed no difference among groups in the number of pin tract radio-lucencies, however, the enhanced threaded pins had caused more trans-cortical chip fractures than the other two pin types. None of the pins broke during the eight-week chronic study.  相似文献   

本文简要概述了红外辐射的原理,综述了国内外辐射散热材料的研究现状,及其在电子电器、节能建筑、航空航天等领域中应用,并展望其未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

The technique for stabilizing the mandible using the bi-phase external splint is described. Considerations for the use of external skeletal fixation on the mandible are reviewed. Two severe mandibular fracture cases and 1 case of unilateral mandibular body excision for the treatment of oral neoplasia are presented. Excellent results have been obtained by using the bi-phase splint in dogs of moderate to large size.  相似文献   

Objective: To report and evaluate use of external skeletal fixation (ESF) for repair of isolated (fibula intact) diaphyseal tibia fractures in skeletally immature dogs.
Study Design: Case series.
Animals: Skeletally immature (mean age, 17 weeks; range, 12–23 weeks) dogs (n=5) with isolated diaphyseal tibial fractures.
Methods: Medical records (2006–2007) of 5 dogs with isolated diaphyseal tibial fractures treated with Type 1a ESF were reviewed and outcome assessed by clinical examination and telephone interviews.
Results: Dogs were evaluated ∼2 and 4 weeks after surgery. Limb function, muscle mass, and comfort level remained very good to excellent throughout healing. Bony union was confirmed radiographically and the ESF removed ∼4 weeks after surgery (mean, 31.4 days; range, 28–37 days). Owner satisfaction was high when contacted a minimum of 4 weeks after ESF removal.
Conclusions: Use of Type Ia ESF with positive profile threaded pins is a practical and biologic method for treatment of isolated tibial fractures in skeletally immature dogs
Clinical Relevance: ESF is an effective alternative treatment to external coaptation and internal fixation for isolated diaphyseal tibial fractures in skeletally immature dogs.  相似文献   

The biomechanical characteristics of a 4-ring circular multiplanar fixator applied to equine third metacarpal bones with a 5 mm mid-diaphyseal osteotomy gap were studied. Smooth Steinmann pins, either 1/8 inch, 3/16 inch, or 1/4 inch, were driven through pilot holes in the bone in a crossed configuration and full pin fashion and fastened to the fixator rings using cannulated fixation bolts. The third metacarpal bone fixator constructs were tested in three different modes (cranial-caudal four-point bending, axial compression, and torsion). Loads of 2,000 N were applied in bending and axial compression tests and a load of 50 N ± m was applied during testing in torsion. Fixator stiffness was determined by the slope of the load displacement curves. Three constructs for each pin size were tested in each mode. Comparisons between axial stiffness, bending stiffness, and torsional stiffness for each of the three different pin sizes were made using one-way analysis of variance. There was no visually apparent deformation or permanent damage to the fixator frame, and no third metacarpal bone failure in any of the tests. Plastic deformation occurred in the 1/8 inch pins during bending, compression, and torsion testing. The 3/16 inch and 1/4 inch pins elastically deformed in all testing modes. Mean (±SE) axial compressive stiffness for the 1/8 inch, 3/16 inch, and 1/4 inch pin fixator constructs was: 182 ± 16 N/mm, 397 ± 21 N/mm, and 566 ± 8.7 N/mm; bending stiffness was 106 ± 3.3 N/mm, 410 ± 21 N/mm, and 548 ± 12 N/mm; and torsional stiffness was 6.15 ± 0.82 N.m/degree, 7.14 ± 0.0 N±m/degree, and 11.9 ± 1.0 N.m/degree respectively. For statically applied loads our results would indicate that a 4-ring fixator using two 1/4 inch pins per ring may not be stiff enough for repair of an unstable third metacarpal bone fracture in a 450 kg horse.  相似文献   

Transverse or oblique midshaft tibial osteotomies were created in 11 foals. The osteotomies were repaired during the same procedure using external skeletal fixation in either full splint or 3-dimensional (3-D) tent configurations. Four of the six foals receiving the full splint fixator recovered to full soundness; two were euthanized because of complications. The foals receiving the 3-D tent configuration would not bear weight on the limbs and consequently suffered significant secondary fracture disease. These foals were euthanized for humane reasons before the scheduled termination of the project. The full splint configuration is considered a viable option for use in foals less than 150 kg with fractures that are not amenable to other proven method of repair.  相似文献   

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