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研究了抹芽、摘心、短截等夏季修剪措施对核桃采穗圃及短截、缩剪、重缩剪、长放几种冬季修剪措施对云新核桃采穗圃品种问、品种内,强、弱母枝的发芽率、成枝率、枝接长度和利用率、方块芽数量的影响;确定了不同品种提高枝接穗条长度和方块芽数量的修剪技术措施。  相似文献   

任何果树的整形修剪都必须根据各树种、品种的特性和土壤、环境等条件而固树修剪,随枝作形。因此,在进行板栗的整形修剪之前,首先要熟悉它的生长结果习性、对环境条件的要求和整形修剪方法。1生长结果习性1.1枝芽特性 顶芽有自枯现象,即顶芽在枝条生长后期枯死脱落,其顶端第一节实为侧芽,一般称“假芽”。板栗的芽可分为:完全混合芽、不完全混合芽、叶芽、休眠芽四种。枝可分为:发育枝、结果枝、结果母校、雄花枝、徒长枝和细弱枝等。1)完全混合芽多着生于结果母枝的顶部,芽体肥大,发育充实,萌芽后形成具有雄花序和雌雄两…  相似文献   

为选择适宜鄂西山区栽培的早实核桃品种(系),分2次共引进西南、华北核桃产区21个品种(系),分别在海拔1 200 m、145 m建立品种(系)比较试验园,调查各品种(系)的物候期、生长习性和抗寒性。结果表明:品种(系)单株孕雄能力随着树龄的增加而增加;在海拔1 200 m试验点,漾濞大泡、华林大白壳幼龄林休眠期间发生2~3级冻害,云新系列核桃品种(系)萌芽期主芽受晚霜危害的概率较高。在海拔145 m试验点,核桃黑水病、根腐病危害重,品种(系)保存率低;铁核桃抗核桃黑水病、根腐病的能力强,本区域核桃基地建设适宜选择铁核桃作砧木。综合比较结果表明,本地区域宜选择云新系列、鲁光、香玲、中林、清香等品种(系)开展海拔区域试验研究。  相似文献   

核桃方块芽接愈合体形态特征调查   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
砧木和接穗质量是植物嫁接繁殖工作的基础,对砧木和接穗数量化指标研究工作很少。以云新核桃方块芽接愈合体为研究对象,采用大样本的调查方法,调查了砧木粗度、帮扎方式、导流孔宽度、芽片的大小和芽的形状。分析结果表明,核桃生长期方块芽接时砧木和接穗的量化指标为:①接穗芽座无,叶痕无或有隆起但不明显;②方块芽芽片宽度在16~25 mm,长度在40~50 mm之间;③绑扎方式为露芽和叶柄;④导流孔宽度2~5 mm之间;⑤砧木嫁接部位的粗度以1.3~2.0 cm最为适宜。  相似文献   

温185和新新2核桃枝条与混合芽的生长动态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探明核桃二次枝及其混合芽能否正常生长发育并成花,以温185和新新2两个品种核桃树为研究对象,对其一次枝、二次枝及其混合芽的生长发育动态进行了观测和比较分析。结果表明:温185和新新2核桃一次枝的生长物候期、二次枝的生长物候期均无显著差异,其一次枝至5月下旬停止伸长生长,二次枝开始萌发生长,多数二次枝生长发育期在5月下旬至6月底,其在研究地的生长期的长短及气候条件完全能够满足核桃二次枝生长发育的需求;在一次枝和二次枝基本停止生长时,其混合芽的体积已经占到休眠期混合芽体积的70%~80%,至休眠期,其一次枝的混合芽的芽型指数(纵径/橫径)均为(1.16±0.05),而其二次枝混合芽的芽型指数分别为(1.18±0.01)和(1.18±0.06),二次枝上的混合芽与一次枝上的混合芽的大小无显著差异。生产中可以合理选用二次枝培养树形,采取整形修剪和水肥的合理供应等措施,以控制其生长,提高枝条和混合芽的质量和核桃产量。  相似文献   

适龄果树不结果是生产中较普遍的问题,主要原因是生长和发育失去平衡,要解决这一问题,除做好地下管理工作外,还须针对树势采取相应的修剪措施。下面谈谈对长势强旺果树的修剪要点。 冬季修剪 1.骨干枝修剪。冬剪时在骨干枝的延长头处从饱满芽处中短截,剪口芽留背下芽,  相似文献   

8个泡核桃品种在广西凤山县的栽培试验初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了筛选能适应广西壮族自治区凤山县生态条件的优质丰产泡核桃品种,引进漾濞大泡、三台、娘青、大屁股夹绵、硬壳核桃、云新1号、小泡核桃7个泡核桃品种在该县进行了栽培试验,以当地优选的薄壳泡核桃凤优1号为对照,并对其早期表现及品种特性进行了观测与分析。结果表明:8个品种在凤山气候条件下均能正常生长、开花、结果、收获;8个品种中漾濞大泡核桃与凤优1号的生态适应性强,果实大且品质优,综合性状好,可作为当地主栽品种;云新1号早实,可作为鲜食品种在当地发展;三台核桃除坚果较小外,其他性状较优良,可作为主栽备选树种发展;小泡核桃、娘青核桃取仁较难,出仁率低,宜作为漾濞大泡核桃、云新1号、三台核桃的授粉树品种;大屁股夹绵核桃与硬壳核桃坚果果壳不易破碎,取仁难,出仁率低,经济性状差,但其生长势强,可作为治理石漠化的生态树种加以发展,却不宜作为经济树种发展。  相似文献   

1 .品种选择。常见的品种有从法国引进的布兰瑞克和卵园黄两种。2 .繁殖方式。多采用无性繁殖。分株、压条、扦插均可。一般以扦插为主。春插以 4月初发芽为宜 ,将剪下的一年生粗壮枝条截成长度为 1 5~2 0cm的枝段 ,上端剪口距芽 1cm处剪成平口 ,下端剪口斜剪 ,采取直立扦插法 ,上端露出地面 ,株距为 2 0cm× 30cm ,插好覆土浇水。3.栽植技术。春栽一般在 3月下旬进行。株距 2m× 3m ,挖 70cm见方的坑 ,在坑底施有机肥 ,栽植时舒展苗根 ,填土踏实 ,并浇透水。4.肥水管理。 4~ 6月份追肥 3次以上 ,以氮、磷、钾肥为主。 7~ 8月份应补磷钾…  相似文献   

王娜 《河北林业》2008,(4):35-35
红星苹果树势强,生长旺盛,萌芽力、成枝力强,极易形成叶丛枝和大叶芽枝,树冠内易冒条,枝条角度小,对修剪反应敏感。但结果较晚,一般在5-6年开始结果。以短果枝结果为主,坐果率低,采前落果较重,树势衰弱后不易恢复。根据上述特点,对红星苹果进行冬季修剪必须掌握下列要点:  相似文献   

根据云新系列品种核桃生长特性、气象条件、核桃种植要求和核桃中耕管理的薄弱环节,总结和积累的集约化栽培管理技术,推行"七个一"的栽植标准、核桃栽培管理技术和丰产树体培养技术,提高了核桃种植成活率,促进了核桃经济林树体发育和培育,提高核桃挂果量。探索核桃的规模化、集约化的林业产业发展,引领陆良走可持续发展的现代林业之路,示范引导作用突出,社会效益显著。  相似文献   

建设核桃高效采穗圃,在8a经营期内,投资回收期短、净现值比值高、内部收益率大于50%、投资净现值比值高、经济效益显著。  相似文献   

Witches' brooms caused by Taphrina betulina on Betula pubescens formed from the development of large numbers of axillary shoots on infected buds. Broom shoots showed vigorous growth during the first season, but died in the second or third year after initiation. Occasional adventitious root production was noted at the base of broom shoots. Cortex and secondary phloem tissues of the central gall-like structure of the brooms expanded. The bark of infected material lacked brachysclereids, and tangential ray parenchyma of the secondary phloem were also absent. Numerous shoot bases and aborted axillary buds were present within the bark. Abundant starch granules were present, especially in the phellogen and phelloderm layers. Distortion of the internal lignified tissues was due to the presence of multiple vascular connections from the proliferation of shoots on the broom.  相似文献   

Bud-burst on first order lateral branches of Abies bafsamea L. (balsam fir) was delayed when the branches were rotated 180 degrees about their long axis. This was not a consequence of injury caused by the treatment because buds rotated 180 degrees on inverted plants flushed at the same time as the controls, whereas flushing of all other buds was delayed. Buds thus appear to be more vigorous when maintained in the same orientation to gravity in which they are formed and the site of gravitational stimulus perception appears to be the bud itself. Except on the leading shoot, leaves from inverted buds turned so that their adaxial surface faced upward, unless there was intense illumination from below. However, both anisophylly and positioning of leaves on lateral shoots were apparently predetermined because the shorter, more forward pointing leaves appeared below the longer distichous leaves on shoots from inverted buds. Shoots with normally oriented leaves appeared the next season.  相似文献   

Annual cycles of change in bud morphology, bud burst ability, abscisic acid (ABA) concentration, and starch and water content were studied in mid-crown terminal buds of short shoots and underground basal buds of Betula pubescens Ehrh. In particular, we investigated the roles of ABA and bud water content in the regulation of bud growth. Basal buds differed morphologically from terminal buds of short shoots in that their leaf initials did not develop into embryonic foliage leaves and their total size did not increase significantly during summer. Bud burst ability, measured by forcing detached short shoots and stumps under controlled conditions, was maintained in the basal buds throughout the year, whereas the terminal buds of short shoots remained dormant until October, thereafter their bud burst ability increased gradually and reached a maximum in March-April. The ABA concentration of the basal buds was relatively constant throughout the sampling period (1-3 micro g g(DW) (-1)), whereas that of the terminal buds of short shoots, which was much higher (5-10 micro g g(DW) (-1)), showed a distinct seasonal cycle with a maximum from August to November. Bud ABA concentration decreased during the first 10 days of forcing, especially in basal buds. In both bud types, the amount of starch increased toward the autumn, declined in November, and was negligible in the terminal buds of short shoots between January and March, but in April, the amount was high again in both bud types. Water content varied characteristically in both bud types, although more distinctly in the terminal buds of short shoots, with an increase in spring before bud burst and a decrease during the summer until September. The significant morphological and physiological differences between the mid-crown terminal buds of short shoots and the underground basal buds may partly explain the characteristic growth habit of the basal buds and their development into coppice shoots after cutting the tree. The results also indicate a role for ABA in maintaining dormancy of the terminal buds of short shoots and emphasize the relationship between tissue water status and ABA concentration.  相似文献   

修剪对油茶春梢生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在冬季和初春两个时段分别对4个不同油茶家系进行修剪对比试验。结果表明:修剪对油茶春梢的长度、粗度、叶片数和有效芽数的影响显著,修剪后4个品种的各个指标都高于未修剪的对照;冬季修剪春梢的长度、粗度、叶片数和有效芽数都显著或极显著高于与对照,初春修剪除春梢的粗度外,其他各指标与对照的差异不显著;冬季修剪对春梢生长的效果优于初春修剪。  相似文献   

Tetraploid plantlets were regenerated from cultured apical and axillary buds of a 23-year-old colchicine-polyploid and irradiation-mutant Betula pendula Roth tree. Bud explants were grown on modified Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 2.0 mg l(-1) benzylaminopurine (BAP) and 0.01 mg l(-1) 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). The medium allowed both induction of adventitious buds and development of shoots. The cut ends of new shoots produced new buds and shoots during a 4-week culture period. The micropropagated shoots were rooted on modified Murashige and Skoog medium containing 0.1 mg l(-1) NAA as the sole growth regulator. Plantlets were transferred to a peat/soil mixture (1:1) in the greenhouse, acclimated and then transplanted to a cold frame. The regenerated plantlets had a tetraploid chromosome set (4n = 56) and an altered leaf morphology typical of colchicine-polyploid birches. The leaves were hypertrophied and asymmetrical, with curly leaf margins. The mutant nature of the parent tree was also evident in the light-green color of the leaves of the plantlets.  相似文献   

The effect of two training systems (Central Leader with branch pruning versus Centrifugal Training with minimal pruning, i.e., removal of fruiting laterals only) on canopy structure and light interception was analyzed in three architecturally contrasting apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) cultivars: 'Scarletspur Delicious' (Type II); 'Golden Delicious' (Type III); and 'Granny Smith' (Type IV). Trees were 3D-digitized at the shoot scale at the 2004 and 2005 harvests. Shoots were separated according to length (short versus long) and type (fruiting versus vegetative). Leaf area density (LAD) and its relative variance (xi), total leaf area (TLA) and crown volume (V) varied consistently with cultivar. 'Scarletspur Delicious' had higher LAD and xi and lower TLA and V compared with the other cultivars with more open canopies. At the whole-tree scale, training had no effect on structure and light interception parameters (silhouette to total area ratio, STAR; projected leaf area, PLA). At the shoot scale, Centrifugal Training increased STAR values compared with Central Leader. In both training systems, vegetative shoots had higher STAR values than fruiting shoots. However, vegetative and fruiting shoots had similar TLA and PLA in Centrifugal Trained trees, whereas vegetative shoots had higher TLA and PLA than fruiting shoots in Central Leader trees. This unbalanced distribution of leaf area and light interception between shoot types in Central Leader trees partly resulted from the high proportion of long vegetative shoots that developed from latent buds. These shoots developed in the interior shaded zone of the canopy and therefore had low STAR and PLA. In conclusion, training may greatly affect the development and spatial positioning of shoots, which in turn significantly affects light interception by fruiting shoots.  相似文献   

银杏雄花芽生理分化期间花芽中赤霉素 (GA1 3)、脱落酸 (ABA)含量下降 ,玉米素 (ZRs)、异戊烯基腺嘌呤类 (iPAs)的含量以及ZRs GA1 3、iPAs GA1 3、ZRs ABA、iPAs ABA上升且高于叶芽 ;形态分化开始后 ,花芽内ZRs、iPAs的含量以及ZRs GA1 3、iPAs GA1 3、ZRs ABA、iPAs ABA下降且维持低水平 ,花芽内ABA含量和ABA GA1 3在高于叶芽的水平上波动。在银杏雄花芽分化过程中 ,雄花芽叶中钾和总糖含量均高于同期雄叶芽叶 ,而全氮的含量基本低于同期雄叶芽叶 ;生理分化期雄花芽叶内磷含量高于同期雄叶芽叶。  相似文献   

张琴  刘德良 《经济林研究》2001,19(1):17-19,25
本文对三台核桃进行动态和定态观测,结果表明:牙于3月下旬开始分化,先后顺序是叶芽、雄花芽、混合芽;品种不同,顶(侧牙的抽生情况不同,其中结果母枝粗是影响顶(侧)芽抽生数的主要性状;雄花芽的抽生数大于混合芽的抽生数,雄花序开放至脱落历时16d左右。  相似文献   

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