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1月9日至10日,国家林业局在北京组织召开了全国林业厅局长会议。会议的主要任务是,学习贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,深入落实党的十八大和十八届一中、三中全会,以及中央经济工作会议、中央农村工作会议精神,总结2013年林业工作,部署2014年和今后一个时期林业工作,推动生态林业民生林业建设再上新水平。  相似文献   

1月9日~10日,2014年全国林业厅局长会议在北京举行。会议的主要任务是学习贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,深入落实党的十八大和十八届二中、三中全会,以及中央经济工作会议、中央农村工作会议精神,总结2013年林业工作,部署2014年和今后一个时期林业工作,推动生态林业民生林业建设再上新水平。  相似文献   

这次全国林业厅局长会议,是在两个“五年计划”交替的重要时刻召开的一次重要会议。会议的主要任务是:深入贯彻落实中央最近召开的一系列重要会议和中央林业决定精神,回顾总结“十五”、研究部署“十一五”特别是2006年的林业工作,将我国林业推向又快叉好发展的新阶段。  相似文献   

在全国上下深入贯彻党的十七届四中全会和中央农村工作会议精神的重要时刻,新疆维吾尔自治区党委、政府今天隆重召开全区林业工作会议,全面贯彻落实中央林业工作会议和胡锦涛、温家宝等中央领导同志对林业工作的重要批示精神,认真总结全区林业改革发展成效.深入分析林业改革发展的新形势和新任务,研究部署全区林业改革发展工作。充分体现了自治区党委、人民政府对林业工作的高度重视,必将对新疆林业改革发展产生重大而深远的影响。  相似文献   

今年全国林业厅局长会议的任务是:以党的十七大精神为指导,贯彻落实中央经济工作会议、中央农村工作会议部署,围绕履行建设生态文明的重大使命,回顾总结林业工作,研究分析林业形势,安排部署林业工作,推进现代林业又好又快发展。  相似文献   

这次全国林业厅局长会议的主要任务是:认真学习贯彻党的十六届六中全会、中央经济工作会议、中央农村工作会议精神,深入贯彻落实科学发展观和中央林业《决定》,总结2006年林业工作.分析当前林业形势,研究全面推进现代林业建设问题。部署2007年林业工作。  相似文献   

全国林业厅局长会议侧记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全国林业厅局长会议1月14、15日在北京召开。会议的主要任务是以党的十七大精神为指导,贯彻落实中央经济工作会议、中央农村工作会议部署,围绕履行建设生态文明的重大使命,回顾总结林业工作,研究分析林业形势,安排部署林业工作,推进现代林业又好又快发展。全国林业厅局长会议强调,  相似文献   

这次全国林业计划财务暨资金管理会议.经过与会同志的共同努力,圆满地完成了预定的各项议程.今天就要结束了。这次会议是全党上下开展共产党员先进性教育活动、加强执政能力建设的新形势下召开的,也是抓中央9号文件和前不久刚刚结束的全国林业厅局长会议精神落实的进一步深化。会上,国家林业局党组副书记、副局长李育材同志作了重要讲话,针对当前林业计划财务工作的实际.  相似文献   

这次会议的主要任务是:深入贯彻党的十七大和十七届三中、四中全会及中央和全省经济、农村、林业工作会议以及全国林业厅局长会议精神,认真落实胡锦涛总书记、温家宝总理等中央领导同志重要批示精神,总结去年全省林业工作,分析当前林业发展形势,  相似文献   

同志们:在“十一五”开篇之际.我们召开全国林业计划财务会议。认真贯彻中央林业《决定》、党的十六大、十六届五中全会、中央经济工作会议、中央农村工作会议和国家林业局新一届党组的一系列指示精神.全面落实科学发展观.回顾总结“十五”期间工作.研究部署“十五”及2006年主要任务。国家林业局党组非常重视这次会议,局党组副书记、副局长李育材同志就全国林业“十一五”期间林业发展的总体要求、任务、改革措施以及强化资金管理工作作了讲话.具有十分重要的意义。下面,我就如何落实李育材副局长讲话精神,做好新时期的林业计财工作,讲几点意见。  相似文献   

目前,由浙江省林业局、浙江省花卉协会、浙江省林业产业协会、浙江森禾种业股份有限公司联合开发运营的“中国绿色产业网”(www.green168.com)已经开始正常运作。作为一家专业性的行业网站,中国绿色产业网服务于林业及其相关行业单位,并与众多行业主管部门、协会、科研机构、龙头企业建立了密切的合作关系,拥有非常丰富的行业资源支持。现在,网站拥有遍布各地的信息收集、发布渠道以及体系完善的省市林业局网站群,能够及时提供丰富、翔实、权威的各类林业信息。同时,网站将专业行业知识和先进网络技术完美结合,使其具有栏目…  相似文献   

当前林业标准化工作基本情况我国林业标准化工作始于1952年。50年来,经过广大林业标准化工作人员的不懈努力,林业标准化工作从无到有、从弱到强,取得了很大成绩。林业标准体系框架初步形成。截止目前,林业标准(不包括企业标准)总数已达1650项,其中国家标准268项,行业标准582项,地方标准800项。这些标准基本上覆盖了林木种苗、营造林、林工产品、林化产品、林业机械和人造板机械产品等林业生产和建设的各个方面。近年来,国家林业局加大了标准制定工作的力度,“九五”期间,共组织制修订标准217项,其中国家…  相似文献   

We address the question of how credible knowledge that will contribute to more effective forest policy and management can be produced. We argue that some forest-related knowledge-producing practices of professional scientists and of local people are similar, and given the differences in the knowledge they produce, we explore how they might be used productively together to create better understandings of forests with resulting better forestry practice and policy. Using a case study of participatory forest ecology research, we demonstrate that when professional (conventional) scientists do research in collaboration with local experts (civil scientists), the resulting knowledge can be more accurate and more policy relevant than they could produce doing research on their own or only with other conventional scientists.  相似文献   

在全面建设小康社会的新时期,林业实现跨越式发展,一项重要的措施就是大力发展非公有制林业。在当前非公有制林业的发展中有许多不利因素制约了其发展,我们应采取有效措施,克服困难,使非公有制林业得到良好的发展。  相似文献   

林业可持续发展是当代林业的标志性特征,具有鲜明的现实与未来客观性,体现了人类与自然的和谐。从1992年里约环境与发展大会到2002年约翰内斯堡世界峰会,人们对林业可持续发展和人类生存环境之间关系的理解发生了重大变化,无论是发展中国家还是发达国家都日益关注森林和人类的未来。正是这种关注把世界各国带入了有关森林可持续发展的全球谈判进程,森林可持续发展已经成为这个时代国际议程的重要内容。在全球经济一体化和信息化背景下,有关森林可持续发展的世界性和区域性国际公约与协议的形成和执行,推动着世界林业日益融入经济全球一体化…  相似文献   

非公有制林业是随着我国20多年经济改革开放发展起来的,正在成为我国林业跨越式发展的重要推动力量.文章讨论了非公有制林业的内涵,认为要拓宽非公有制林业发展空间,必须走企业化经营之路,提高经营主体的竞争力.  相似文献   

介绍了参与式林业的概念、原则和内涵 ,阐明了引入参与式林业对促进湖南林业可持续性发展的重要意义 ,对参与式林业在实践应用中存在的问题进行了分析 ,并提出了建议。  相似文献   

在论述林业在我国国民经济中所处的重要地位与作用的基础上,进一步从保证林业建设质量,发展林业产业化及与世界林业的接轨的趋势,协调林业建设内部之间的关系,实现林业科学性和集约性经营,增加林业管理机构的透明度等5个方面阐述了林业标准化在林业建设中的地位与作用。  相似文献   

发展碳汇林业,应对气候变暖   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对全球气候变暖的原因及危害分析,提出了减排的主要途径及生物减排的意义。着重论述了国际国内在发展碳汇林业,应对气候变暖所做出的新举措。  相似文献   

Trees outside forests: agro-, community,and urban forestry   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Long  Alan J.  Nair  P.K. Ramachandran 《New Forests》1999,17(1-3):145-174
Planted forests are often considered to consist of tree plantings at a scale large enough to satisfy such objectives as commercial production of timber and fiber, protection of watersheds, and preservation of natural habitats. However, trees are planted also at greatly reduced scales in agroforestry systems or as community woodlots to provide a mixture of products and services to resident households, local communities, and regional cultures.Agroforestry systems represent a major form of small-scale tree planting, where trees are grown in purposeful combinations with agricultural crops and/or livestock in order to take advantage of tree-crop interactions, and thereby enhance crop production, diversify farm output, stabilize or improve soils, or ameliorate harsh environmental conditions. Some important examples of these systems in tropical countries include homegardens, alley cropping, improved fallows, intercropped trees for shade and fodder production, and trees planted in hedgerows and along fence lines. Throughout the tropics, there is a large variety of indigenous practices and species mixtures that represent adaptations of these systems to meet localized needs and opportunities. Research and development programs have supported the expansion and refinement of many of these systems during the last 20 years, but substantial constraints on tree planting still exist in the form of land-tenure practices, population pressures that relegate agroforestry practices to degraded lands, subsistence needs that prevent extended periods of tree growth, and insufficient technical information or technology dissemination.Agroforestry systems in temperate, industrialized countries include combinations of trees, pasture, and livestock; fruit or nut trees interplanted with vegetable or grain crops; windbreaks and shelterbelts; multispecies riparian buffer strips; and forest farming systems for specialty crops. Compared to the tropics, however, temperate-zone systems tend to focus on one or two high-value crops, often involve some level of mechanization, and frequently represent an opportunistic approach to improving the economic profitability of farms rather than meeting subsistence needs. In both tropical and temperate regions, agroforestry systems and community woodlots will be an important component of new sustainable agriculture and environmental protection programs.Although species diversity is an essential feature of all agroforestry systems, community forests generally involve planting only a few species in small woodlots near farms, around villages, along roads, and as riparian buffers. Provincial or state governments and the local populace are often involved in landownership and plantation establishment. Major objectives of these forests are production of fuelwood for local consumption and of other tree products for market; soil stabilization, reclamation, or improvement; and protection of water quality. As with many other planted forests, the number of species widely used in community forests has been relatively small, with the genera Eucalyptus, Pinus, and Acacia providing the bulk of the species. Major issues with these planted forests focus on rights for use of the products, tending responsibilities once trees are established, protection until trees are large enough for their designated use, increasing interest in using native species, and greater community involvement in planning and management.Trees planted along streets and waterways, or as woodlots in parks and other public places, represent a major group of planted forests in many urban and periurban landscapes. In addition to providing many of the same environmental services that agroforests and community forests do, these urban plantings have unique aesthetic and recreational value. For much of the world's ever-increasing urban population, these may be the only tangible reference points for understanding planted forests.These relatively little-recognized forms of planted forests -- planted trees, to be more appropriate -- are now receiving much greater attention. There are, however, some serious technical and sociopolitico-institutional constraints to their development as more widely adopted systems in both tropical and temperate regions.  相似文献   

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