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Summary. Oat seedlings were grown by two different methods in various concentrations of bensulide. Root growth was inhibited, the roots were sometimes curved and root hairs were often present close to the root tip. Structural features of the treated roots included epidermal cells which were greatly elongated radially; short, pitied trachcary elements differentiated close to the root tip; and occasional lesions. One of the primary effects of bensulide appears to be inhibition of root growth, though it does not completely inhibit mitosis.  相似文献   

棉花体内的假单胞菌及其对棉苗根病的防效   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Summary. The root and shoot growth of oat (Avena saliva L.) and squash (Cucurbita maxima Duchesne) was reduced in proportion to propachlor concentration. Corn (Zea mays L.) root growth was inhibited only by concentrations of 16 ppm and higher. Cell division in onion (Allium cepa L.) root tips was reduced by propachlor and totally inhibited by 16 ppm. Auxin-induced cell elongation of oat coleoptiles was inhibited in proportion to propachlor concentration. Propachlor treatment prevented the normal senescence of squash cotyledons by inhibiting the autolysis of proteinaceous and lipid reserves. Effets morphologiques, anatomiques et biochimiques du propachlore sur la croissance des plantules Riisumi.  相似文献   

气候因素对禾谷缢管蚜发生程度的影响及预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程兰 《植物保护学报》1990,17(2):131-132
小麦禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphum padi(L.)是本省小麦主要害虫,其发生程度受诸多因素的影响。作者通过整理1979—1987年田间系统调查资料,应用通径分析方法,对影响小麦禾谷缢管蚜发生程度的气候因子进行了研究。试验选取3月中旬均温  相似文献   

播前施用氟乐灵对棉花苗期病害及蕾期枯萎病的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田间试验在棉花苗病和枯萎病常年发病田进行。以175ml48%氟乐灵乳油/666.7m^2的剂量处理苗床地表土,播种棉籽后以含氟乐灵(1.0-1.5mg有效成分/kg土)的土壤覆盖。以清水处理为对照,。结果表明L氟乐灵处理组的出苗率高于对照,苗前残废对比照降低,52.91%-79.80%。处理组苗床期立枯病和侄蛱贩发病率及死苗率显著降低,分别下降30%和42%左右;棉苗枯萎病的发病率及病情指明显低于  相似文献   

 过去,国內外許多学者証明,适当的应用微量元素和生长刺激剂处理种籽,对农作物苗期生长有促进作用,也常常收到提高产量的效果。关于应用于棉籽处理方面,波波甫应用了溴化鉀浸种,显著的提高了棉花的产量。  相似文献   

 本試驗的目的是探索各种棉籽处理方法对于防治棉苗病害的效用。一方面,通过对比的方法,进一步明确在南方棉区的具体条件下,目前所推行的温湯浸种和藥剂拌种的效果大小;另一方面,探索抗生素对于防治棉花苗期病害的作用。  相似文献   

阳离子对黄瓜苗期猝倒病菌果胶酶活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 本文首次从寄主-寄生物相互关系角度系统研究了阳离子对黄瓜苗期猝倒病菌Pythium aphanidermatum产生的果胶酶活性的影响,胚轴胞壁Ca2+含量很大,而且随苗龄增加,其含量也有规律的增加。细胞壁Ca3+含量变化与胚轴抗病菌果胶酶能力密切相关。不同阳离子对病菌在寄主体内、外产生的PG活性有明显影响,并随反应时间而变化。病菌在寄主体内和体外合成的PG对阳离子敏感程度不同。低浓度Ca2+有激活PG的作用,高浓度Ca2+则抑制PG活性。Na+超过一定浓度时有抑制PG活性的作用。PGTE比PMTE对Ca3+抑制作用敏感。  相似文献   

水杨酸对水稻幼苗抗瘟性的诱导作用   总被引:51,自引:3,他引:51  
 网室试验证明,水杨酸(SA)叶面喷雾可减轻水稻幼苗稻瘟病的发生。在平板培养中,SA对稻瘟菌分生孢子的萌发及菌丝生长均无明显抑制作用,因此认为SA处理后稻瘟病病情指数的下降是由于SA处理提高了水稻幼苗的抗瘟性,即稻苗产生了诱导抗性而引起的。SA诱发水稻幼苗产生对苗叶瘟诱导抗性的浓度为0.01~0.1mM。SA喷雾处理后2~4天接种,诱导抗性表现最强。0.01mMSA在接种前2天喷雾处理三叶一心期稻苗一次后,水稻叶片的病斑数目和大小比清水对照分别降低72.7%和55.4%,病指比对照降低59.8%,抗瘟性的持久期为15天(病指降低24.3%)。经0.01mMSA诱导处理后再用同浓度SA进行一次强化处理可增强诱抗效果,延长抗性持久期。用0.01mMSA处理水稻第一和第二叶可使未经处理的第三和第四叶上产生系统性抗瘟性。  相似文献   

Summary. The growth of wild oat (Avena fatua L.) was accompanied by an increase in the amount of spray retained per plant and per unit weight of plant, probably because the projected area (plan view) increased as the plant became larger. Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) retained a fairly constant volume of spray per plant from the 8-leaf to the 35–40-leaf stages, so that the spray retained per unit plant weight decreased considerably as the plants grew. This was related to the decrease in projected area as a proportion of the whole. There was also a difference in retentivity between the cotyledons and true leaves; the cotyledons retained ten to twenty times more spray per unit weight. These results suggest that maximum selectivity would be achieved by spraying at an advanced stage of growth. Wild oat at the 3-leaf stage retained more than half the aqueous spray in the two leaf axils, while flax retained most on the cotyledons. Distribution was shown to be a probable reason for selectivity. Addition of a surfactant greatly increased retention by both species, but although the effect of a spray on wild oat might thereby be increased, under certain conditions injury to flax might be increased and the margin of selectivity reduced. Croissance et retention des bouillies herbicides par la folle-avoine et le lin en rapport avec la sélectivité  相似文献   

Summary. The solubilities of three isopropylamino, ethylamino-triazines (chloro-, methoxy- and methylthio-) and three, N′-phenyl-. NN-dimethylureas (0, 1 and 2 chlorine substitutions on the phenyl group) were determined in water and in solutions of chloride salts of NH+4, K+ and Ca++ at ionic strengths of 0·3 and 0·6. Adsorption of these compounds by soil from the same chloride solutions at ionic strengths of 0·3 was measured. As expected, the solubilities were depressed by increasing ionic strength but the type of cation exerted a small, though significant, effect. Adsorption of the test compounds increased in the presence of the various salts. The possible import of these findings in relation to joint fertilizer and herbicide use and soil drying following herbicide application is commented on. Effets des électrolytes sur la solubilité et l'adsorption par le sol de quelques 1,3,5-triazines et urées substituées Résumé. Les solubilités de trois isopropylamino, éthylamino-triazines (Chloro-, méthoxy-et méthylthio-), et de trois N′-phényl-NN-diméthylurées (0, 1 et 2 chlores substitutés sur le groupe phényle) ont été déterminées dans l'eau et dans des solutions de sels de chlorure de NH4+, K+ et Ca++à des forces ioniques de 0,3 et 0,6. L'adsorption de ces composés par le sol à partir de ces mêmes solutions à la force ionique de 0,3 a été mesurée. Comme il était attendu, les solubilités furent diniinuées par l'accroissement de la force ionique mais la nature du cation exerça une influence faible mais néanmoins significative. L'adsorption des composés essayé fut accrue en présence des différents sels. La signification possible de ces réultats, en relation avec l'utilisation simultanée des engrais et des herbicides ainsi qu'avec le déssèchement du sol aprés um traitement herbicide fait l'objet de commentaires. Einfluss von Elektrolyten auf die Löslichkeit einiger 1,3,5-Triazine und Harnstoffderivate und auf ihre Adsorption an Boden Zusammenfassung. Die Löslichkeit von drei Isopropylamino-äthylamino-triazinen (Chlor-, Methoxy- und Methylthio-) sowie drei N′-Phenyl-NN-diniethyl-harnstoffen (0, 1 und 2 Chlorsubstitutionen an der Phenylgruppe) wurden in Wasser und in Lösungen von NH4Cl, KCl und CaCl2 bei Ionenstärken von 0,3 und 0,6 bestimmt. Die Adsorption dieser Verbindungen an Boden aus Lösungen derselben Saize wurde bei der Ionenstarke von 0,3 gemessen. Wie erwartet wurde die Löslichkeit mit zunehmender Ionenstärke erniedrigt, wobei die Art des Rations einen kleinen, jedoch signifikanten Effekt zeigte. Die Adsorption der untersuchten Verbindungen nahm in Gegenwart der verschiedenen Salze zu. Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass diese Befunde für die kombinierte Anwendung von Düngesalzen und Herbiziden wichtig sein können. Ebenso können sie wichtig sein für eine mögliche Austrocknung des Bodens nach Herbizideinsatz.  相似文献   

Summary. When paraquat was added to four different soils, nitrification was not appreciably affected but ammonification of soil organic-matter nitrogen was slightly retarded. Carbon dioxide evolution as well as oxygen consumption was used as an index of metabolic activity of soil micro-organisms and paraquat had a stimulatory effect at higher concentrations. Oxidation of added sulphur was slightly depressed. Paraquat decreased both the total mould and bacterial populations in Chehalis silt loam. After 30 days incubation the percentages of Streptomyces and Penicillia were markedly increased by most treatments but were little affected in Chehalis silt clay and Woodburn soils. Except for the temporary suppression of nitrification, paraquat had no significant influence on general microbial activities of importance to soil fertility. Some bimodal effects or toxicity inversions were observed with intermediate concentrations. Effet du paraquat sur les activités microbiennes dans les sols  相似文献   

Summary. IAA, GA, kinetin, 2,4-D and naptalam were applied at 100 or 1000 ppm in lanolin to wounds made at the top of the hypocotyl of Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh. seedlings. Formation of normal periderm was prevented in the hypocotyl below the wounded tissue by 1000 ppm IAA or naptalam and 100 or 1000 ppm 2,4-D. IAA or naptalam at 100 ppm and GA or kinetin at 100 or 1000 ppm retarded normal periderm development. Wound periderm development was prevented only by 1000 ppm 2,4-D. Wound-stimulated development of normal periderm in tissues near the wound was prevented by 1000 ppm kinetin and 100 or 1000 ppm 2,4-D. Anomalous growths which appeared morphologically similar to nascent roots developed in the wounded hypocotyl section of seedlings treated with 1000 ppm naptalam and 100 or 1000 ppm 2,4-D. Identical growths were found in unwounded portions of the hypocotyl of seedlings treated with 100 or 1000 ppm 2,4-D. The data emphasize differences in physiological control of normal and wound periderm development. Effets de substances de croissance et d'herbicides sur l'onlogénie du pérderme normal ou blessé dans des plantules de Fraxinus pennsylvanica.  相似文献   

刘维  周良佳 《植物保护学报》1983,10(3):160-160,196
粟锈病在我国南北粟产区普遍发生。在流行年份,影响产量颇巨。1970年河北省曲阳,1980年保定,同年辽宁西部山区平肥地等,则造成严重减产,应引起足够的重视。狗尾草,尤其是金狗尾草(Setaria lutescens)和青狗尾草(S.Viridis)是粟田内  相似文献   

本文报道了在辽阳地区土壤条件下,用化学药剂防治松苗立枯病(Rhizoctonia solaniKühn,Fusarium sp.)效果不明显、而施入森林腐殖土防治该病取得了极显著效果。方法是将森林腐殖土按每平方米苗床10千克用量与苗床10公分表上掺拌均匀。防病原因是:1.腐殖土中含有大量菌根菌,该菌与苗根形成菌根,有利于水分及无机盐类的吸收、利用。菌根菌又有抑制立枯病菌的作用;2.增加了土壤中有机质及N、P、K的含量,苗木生长健壮,提高了抗病能力。  相似文献   

 从高梁重病地块的病苗上,分离到立枯丝核菌(Rhizoctonia solani),串珠镰刀菌(Fusarium moniliforme),尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysporum),禾谷镰刀菌(Fusarium graminearum),罗氏白绢小菌核菌(Sclerotium rolfsii),瓜果腐霉菌(Pythiumaphanidermatum)6种真菌,其中以前三种的分离量比较大。致病性测定表明:立枯丝核菌的AG5是高梁苗病的病原菌,而其它5种分离菌只能造成微侵染,基本上不是致病菌,也不能促进立枯丝核菌对高梁幼苗的侵染。苗龄10-15天是从田间分离病菌的最好时期。多数表面消毒剂不适合立枯丝核菌的分离。不正常的温度、光照、湿度条件,容易导致错误的病原学结论,接近自然发病的条件的控制是研究病原学的关键。  相似文献   

戊唑醇和三唑醇种衣剂对小麦幼苗生长发育的影响   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
三唑醇、戊唑醇用于小麦种子处理,当包衣浓度分别高于0.3g ai/kg种子和0.6g ai/kg种子时,对小麦的发芽及出苗都有较为严重的影响;对小麦的生长发育有明显的影响主要表现为株高降低,根长、胚芽鞘高度、第1片真叶长减小,而分根数增加,第1片真叶宽增大;除包衣用量大于1.2g ai/kg种子百株鲜重明显降低外,其余与空白对照无明显差异。相同用量下,戊唑醇对小麦幼苗生长发育的抑制作用要比三唑醇的  相似文献   

Nitrogen fertilizer in three forms, urea, sulphate of ammonia and calcium ammonium nitrate, was applied at three rates, 26, 52 and 104 kg N/ha, early (January) and late (May) during land preparation for three consecutive barley crops, to determine the effect of fertilization on wild oat populations. On the fertilized areas there was significantly greater germination of wild oats prior to sowing than on the unfertilized areas, with calcium ammonium nitrate and sulphate of ammonia tending to be more effective in stimulating germination than urea. Despite the destruction of these heavy populations of wild oat seedlings by cultivation prior to sowing, in-crop infestations of the weed were still heavy. Late-applied nitrogen by comparison with the early application tended to produce greater numbers of wild oat panicles in the crop, particularly at the lower fertilizer rates. The overall effect after three annual dressings of nitrogen was one of greatly increased wild oat seed reserves in the soil. These had increased five-fold in no-nitrogen plots, six-fold in early-fertilized plots and eight-fold in late-fertilized plots. It was concluded that annual dressings of nitrogen fertilizer on winter cereals in wild-oat-infested areas led to an increase in the population of the weed. Some suggestions are made as to why nitrogen fertilizer stimulated wild oats to germinate, and the overall results are discussed in the light of the agricultural situation of the Darling Downs.  相似文献   

苜蓿品种间种子萌发及苗期耐盐性差异的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文模拟内蒙古河套灌区盐分组成,对九种紫花苜蓿品种种子萌发及苗期的耐盐性进行了研究。结果表明:苜蓿品种在种子萌发期和苗期所能忍受的极限盐浓度不同,分别为1.0%和0.7%左右,揭示出苗期对盐分反应较种子萌发期更为敏感。综合评定苜蓿品种耐盐能力强弱:芋县苜蓿=准格尔苜蓿≥沙湾苜蓿>新疆抗旱苜蓿=苏联36号苜蓿=公农1号苜蓿≥阳高苜蓿>公农2号苜蓿=紫苜蓿。  相似文献   

气候条件对油菜菌核病的影响及防治阈值   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
油菜菌核病是里相河农下区首要病害,常年发病指数约20%,损失产量15%-30%。对兴化,扬州油菜菌核病连续8年的观测结果表明,油菜开花期的降雨量是导致并加重菌核病的决定因素,而日均气温对菌核病的影响不大。  相似文献   

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