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The occurrence of leptospirosis in swine of southeastern Alabama was determined. A total of 627 sera were tested, using the microscopic agglutination method, with live antigens of 12 serovars. Of the sera tested, 121 (19.3%) had a titer of 1:100 or greater to the serovars employed. The percentage distribution of sera with titers of greater than or equal to 1:100 among serovars most commonly reported was as follows: Leptospira interrogans serovars pomona, 3.8%; icterohaemorrhagiae, 3.3%; canicola, 1.6%; hardjo, 0.7%; and grippotyphosa, 0.16%. Of the less commonly recognized leptospiral serovars, the percentages reacting were as follows: ballum, 4.9%; autumnalis, 3.2%; pyrogenes, 1.1%; and bataviae, 0.4%. None of the sera reacted with antigen of serovars australis, tarassovi, or wolffi.  相似文献   

Microtitration of Salmonella pullorum agglutinins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Salmonella typhimurium within the 3rd stage larvae of Nematospiroides dubius was shown to infect mice, evidenced by prolonged shedding of salmonellae in the feces. Numbers of S typhimurium needed to infect mice were approximately 1,000- fold less if incorporated within the 3rd-stage larvae of N dubius. Results of these experiments demonstrate that nematode parasites may act as a vector for pathogenic species of enteric bacteria.  相似文献   

Experimental Salmonella typhimurium infection in calves.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The paper describes the clinical, bacteriological and pathological findings in experimental Salmonella typhimurium infection in calves. Oral doses of 10(8) and 10(9) organisms produced clinical disease and high mortality; doses ranging from 10(4)--10(7) organisms were less consistent in their action. Jersey calves appeared more susceptible to infection than Friesian calves. The clinical signs in most calves were pyrexia and a characteristic diarrhoea that lasted for up to 11 days; more severe symptoms were seen in the calves that received the higher doses. Following infection, all calves excreted S typhimurium in their faeces, the highest counts being observed in the calves that died. In the calves that survived, counts ranging from 10(2)--10(5)/g faeces occurred continuously for up to a maximum of 20 days and subsequent intermittent excretion occurred in a number of calves. In the calves that died, necrotic enteritis in the ileum and large intestine was the most striking lesion; lesions were uncommon in other organs. The findings are discussed in relation to the pathogenesis, diagnosis and control of the disease.  相似文献   

The serological response of two groups of chickens was followed by three techniques after experimental infection of one group with Salmonella typhimurium. Results obtained illustrate the greater sensitivity of the microantiglobulin (Coombs) test over more conventional methods for detecting salmonella agglutinins. The possibilities of the diagnostic use of the microantiglobulin test in the field are discussed.  相似文献   

Cloacal swabs were collected from 280 captive psittacine birds belonging to 13 species. Samples of dna were tested by PCR using a pair of primers that amplify a 284 base pair fragment of the Salmonella genus invA gene, and the PCR-positive samples were tested by standard microbiological techniques. Thirteen per cent of the samples were positive by PCR, but negative by microbiological techniques. The infection rates were significantly different among the 13 species, the most commonly infected being Amazona amazonica (28 per cent) and Amazona pretrei (20 per cent). Specific tests for Salmonella Typhimurium Salmonella Enteritidis, Salmonella Pullorum and Salmonella Gallinarum did not produce positive results.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a galactose epimeraseless mutant of Salmonella typhimurium administered as an oral vaccine to one week old calves and to investigate properties of galactose epimeraseless mutants which affect their virulence and immunogenicity. The galactose epimeraseless mutant S. typhimurium strain G30D caused diarrhea and fever in three calves to which it was administered orally at a dose of 10(10) organisms; all three calves died following challenge with virulent S. typhimurium ten days postvaccination. Mild illness developed in four calves vaccinated with a dose of 9 X 10(6) organisms and one of these calves survived challenge. Three unvaccinated calves died following challenge. The vaccine organism persisted in tissues and was shed for a prolonged period by calves which received 10(10) organisms. Studies of characteristics of galactose epimeraseless mutants of S. typhimurium showed that, in the presence of galactose, there is selection for secondary mutants which are galactose resistant. The studies indicate that galactose epimeraseless mutants of S. typhimurium are not good candidate live vaccine organisms for use in calves.  相似文献   

Ten Holstein calves were divided into 2 groups. Five calves served as nonvaccinated controls, and 5 calves were vaccinated IM at 2 and 3 weeks of age with 10(9) aromatic-dependent (aro-) Salmonella typhimurium strain SL1479 containing O antigens 1, 4, 12. Serious adverse reactions to vaccination were not observed in the calves. Mean maximum rectal temperature increase in the vaccinated calves was 1.5 C. One calf had diarrhea and depressed appetite for 1 day after vaccination. At 5 weeks of age, all calves were challenge exposed orally with 1.5 X 10(11) virulent S dublin strain SL1367 (O antigens 9,12). After challenge-exposure inoculum was given, 1 of 5 vaccinated calves died and 4 of the 5 nonvaccinated calves died (P less than 0.05). Thus, some cross serotype protection against S dublin was induced by parenteral vaccination of calves with aro- S typhimurium strain SL1479, although protection was not complete.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to ascertain whether the growth of Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) or Salmonella Typhimurium (ST) would be suppressed in the presence of antibodies contained in egg yolks. Specific pathogen-free chickens (102 days of age) were subcutaneously immunized with oil-adjuvanted bacterin of SE or ST, twice within a four-week interval. During 160 to 170 days of age, eggs were collected, the yolks were removed and mixed with an equal volume of physiological buffered saline, inoculated with ten colony forming units (CFU) of SE or ST, and incubated at 37 degrees C or 20 degrees C for 23 hr. The growth of organisms in each yolk solution was examined. The egg yolk derived from non-immunized hens was examined in the same manner as the controls. There was no difference in the growth titer between the antibody-positive yolk and the negative yolk. The result suggests that the antibodies in the yolk do not influence the growth of each organism, even if the hens are highly immunized.  相似文献   

Aromatic-dependent Salmonella typhimurium as modified live vaccines for calves   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Strains of Salmonella sp with complete nonreverting aromatic biosynthesis (aro) defects are expected to be nonvirulent, in respect to invasive infection, because they need the aromatic metabolites paraaminobenzoate (for making folate) and dihydroxybenzoate (for making enterochelin) which are not available in host tissues. Derivatives with transposon-generated complete nonreverting aro-defects were prepared from 3 mouse-virulent strains of S typhimurium, namely, FIRN, WRAY, and UCD. The latter 2 parent strains originally were isolated from calves and are known to be calf-virulent. The resultant aromatic-dependent (aro-) strains were used to vaccinate 27 calves (2 to 3 weeks old), usually giving 2 doses by the IM route (10(9) bacteria) or orally (1.5 X 10(11)). Vaccination did not cause severe ill effects in any calf. Thus aro- defects cause loss of virulence for calves, as previously shown for mice. Vaccinated and control calves were challenge exposed, usually at 5 weeks of age, by feeding 1.5 X 10(11) cells of 1 of 2 calf-virulent S typhimurium strains, either UCD 108-11 or SL1323. Of the 16 challenge-exposed control calves, all became anorectic and depressed (CNS), and 15 had diarrhea. Fourteen of the 16 died; all tested tissues were bacteriologically culture-positive for Salmonella at necropsy. Vaccination with the live UCD aro- vaccine strain, SL1479 by either of 2 schedules (IM or orally) appeared effective.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The characteristics of Salmonella typhimurium infection in hatchlings and adult poultry given by the intravenous, oral and percloacal routes were compared. Based on LD50 determinations, 1-day-old birds were most susceptible to percloacal infection. It is claimed that this infection technique yields predictable results in terms of mortality and numbers of organisms in the liver, spleen and intestinal tissues. Though older birds do not die when given large doses of organisms by this route, small numbers are sufficient to establish transient infection or carriage in the intestine.Based on quantitative data, the course of the percloacal infection appeared similar to that given by the oral route in hatchlings; however, the number of organisms required to establish infection by the former route was significantly less. It is suggested that the percloacal infection route may be a useful model for studying Salmonella infection-immunity in birds, particularly if resistance mechanisms operating in the intestine are to be taken into account. The possibility that it may be an important infection route in natural circumstances must also be considered.  相似文献   

The possible fate of Salmonella typhimurium in the rumen was investigated by monitoring rumen volatile fatty acids (VFA), lactate concentrations and pH over periods which included regular feeding and 48 h starvation. Preparations were made containing 50 per cent rumen fluid from the cow or VFA solutions, and then inoculated with S typhimurium. Viable counts before and after incubation for 24 h at 37 degrees C were compared. Incubation in broths with high concentrations of VFA and low pH resulted in a marked decrease in salmonella numbers, while lower VFA concentrations had little or no inhibitory effect on growth.  相似文献   

为了探讨crp、cya、sipB、crp/cya、crp/sipB基因缺失株成为鼠伤寒沙门菌减毒候选活疫苗的可能性,对缺失株的生物学特性进行研究。结果显示,缺失株的血清型仍和亲本菌株相同,其中crp、cya、crp/cya、crp/sipB与亲本菌株相比失去了利用麦芽糖、乳糖、山梨醇等碳源的能力,也不能分解H2S、半乳糖和鼠李糖,但仍保留了利用葡萄糖的能力。通过口服方式把5株crp、cya、sipB、crp/cya、crp/sipB基因缺失株接种KM小鼠进行毒力测定和免疫保护性测定,结果它们的半数致死量比野生株的至少高700倍,双基因缺失株的毒力更弱,攻毒后crp、cya、sipB、crp/cya、crp/sipB基因缺失株的免疫保护率分别为90.0%,60.0%,50.0%,60.0%,60.0%。结果表明,crp基因缺失株可作为鼠伤寒沙门菌减毒活疫苗的候选株。  相似文献   

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