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用显微镜观察和电子天平称量相结合的方法,从外部形态和内部结构等方面对暗紫贝母种子进行了研究。结果表明,暗紫贝母种子种皮薄、细胞层次少,对种子的保护作用较小,使种子容易损伤、霉变和腐烂;种胚发育不完善,未分化出胚芽、胚轴、胚根及子叶等结构,说明胚在结构上并未成熟。因此,暗紫贝母种子萌发率低,主要跟种皮保护作用缺失和种胚发育不完善两方面的因素有关。  相似文献   

为了解夏蜡梅种子形态结构和萌发特性,以其种子为研究对象,用体视显微镜结合石蜡切片法观察夏蜡梅种子形态和种胚的解剖结构,用称重法测定不同处理种子吸水率,并统计不同贮藏种子萌发情况。结果表明,夏蜡梅种子呈不规则纺锤状或长圆形,由种皮和胚两部分组成,属双子叶无胚乳种子;外种皮致密坚硬,深褐色、有光泽,透水能力较差,通过刻伤种皮,可显著提高吸水率;内种皮薄膜状,浅褐色,紧贴种胚;种胚发育较为成熟,白色或淡黄色,胚细胞富含淀粉粒,子叶发育良好,两片子叶相互卷合,胚芽分化不明显;湿沙冬藏处理可缩短种子萌发时间并显著提高发芽率,高达(72.22±6.44)%;刻伤种皮处理,可显著提高吸水率,从而打破休眠,提高其发芽率。研究表明,水分冲破种皮对破除夏蜡梅种子休眠和促进萌发极为重要。  相似文献   

[目的]研究红松种子发育过程中的生理特性和变化规律,探明红松种胚发育成熟的机制,为红松种子发育的人工调控与体胚发生中碳源、有机物的添加提供参考。[方法]以处于胚胎发育不同时期的红松种子作为研究材料,监测种胚形态发育过程,分析可溶性糖、淀粉与蛋白质含量变化。[结果]红松种胚发育先后经历原胚期、裂生多胚期、柱状胚期、子叶胚前期、子叶胚期;原胚期至子叶胚前期是红松种子的快速生长阶段,裂生多胚期至子叶胚前期种子重量增加显著。可溶性糖含量呈现先快速增加后迅速降低的变化趋势;淀粉含量呈现持续递增的变化趋势,子叶胚前期和子叶胚期淀粉含量最高;蛋白质含量变化趋势与淀粉变化近似,但全程维持在较低的水平。[结论]红松种胚发育过程形态变化明显,形态建成与器官分化过程可溶性糖大量积累,发育晚期期可溶性淀粉与蛋白质含量较高。  相似文献   

为了解金银莲花个体发育早期器官发育特性,采用形态观察和常规石蜡切片技术相结合的方法对金银莲花种子至种苗发育的形态结构进行研究。结果表明:种子表面具有乳突状的纹饰,种子离开母体时胚的分化程度较高,为成熟胚时期,但根端和苗端未见明显分化。种子萌发时下胚轴延长使胚根突破种皮,并在下胚轴和与胚根交界处出现根环,在根环区域逐渐发育出根环毛。根环毛由根环处的表皮细胞外凸形成,为单细胞结构,其出现的时间和位置与根毛不同。种苗子叶期至少停留10天以上,此时初生根逐渐发育,由直根系变为须根系。综上,金银莲花果实成熟时胚大部分发育至成熟胚阶段,种子萌发初期在胚根和下胚轴交界处出现根环和根环毛,种苗的根端发育快于苗端。可见,金银莲花早期发育过程中出现水生发育性状,后期发育出现陆生发育性状。  相似文献   

种胚是整株植物的雏形个体;种胚的分化发育是遗传信息在内、外因素影响和复杂而微细的调控之下顺序表达的结果。种胚发育与代谢变化和生化特点的局部差异密切相关。这些研究工作的进一步深入,并与植物遗传工程逐步联系起来,将对育种等研究起重要促进作用。作者等对我国最重要的粮食作物水稻,在1979~1985年,比较系统地研究了种胚发育的生理与分子基础。现将所得结果简单汇报如下: 一、根据对籼粳稻种胚分化发育过程中胚重、体积和细胞数的变化规律,以及核酸蛋白质、淀粉等生物  相似文献   

东北刺人参种胚形态后熟过程中的解剖观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张鹏  沈海龙  纪玉山  王红 《种子》2007,26(12):45-47
通过对东北刺人参(Oplopanax elatus Nakai)种子后熟期间胚形态的解剖观察发现:东北刺人参果实成熟时种胚尚未分化完全,处于心形胚阶段,这是种子休眠的主要原因。种子在暖温处理过程中逐渐完成种胚的分化与生长,种子胚分化和发育的速度不一致,从而导致种子休眠程度不一致。  相似文献   

采用显微切片等方法,研究马蔺种子萌发过程中的形态结构变化,从而了解马蔺种子休眠的原因。结果表明,马蔺种子质地坚硬,形状不规则。胚乳占种子的主要部分,白色半透明角质,细胞壁具有大量半纤维素。胚较小,有一定的分化。种子萌发时胚需要突破胚乳和种皮的束缚,萌发过程中子叶中间部分伸长,将包含胚根、胚芽的鞘状结构推出种子,子叶为留土型。种子的结构可能与其长期适应盐碱环境有关。  相似文献   

冬小麦种子的发育及其田间活力   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
赵笃乐  张树榛 《种子》1998,(6):7-11
1993-1994年北京对六冬小麦品种籽粒发育程度及不同发育程度籽粒的发芽力、活力进行了研究。从花后5天开始每3天取样一次,测定籽粒的干重,观察了其中两种材料发育早期籽粒种胚的器官分化,对各发育程度种子进行了标准发芽测定及田间幼苗活力鉴定。  相似文献   

对中国石蒜种子的解剖学结构和组成成分进行了研究。结果表明:中国石蒜的种子含水量较高,有顽拗型种子的特征;胚乳丰富,含有较多的可溶性糖和淀粉,可为种子的后期发育提供物质基础。胚呈棒状,位于胚乳中央,由胚根、胚芽、胚轴和子叶组成;子叶占绝大部分比例,胚轴极度缩短,结构不明显。  相似文献   

太子参种子特性及种胚离体诱导培养技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用解剖学观察和无菌诱导培养技术研究太子参种子特性并离体诱导培养种胚。结果表明:太子参种子由外种皮、内种皮、外胚乳和胚构成,胚由子叶、胚芽、下胚轴和胚根组成,其中胚芽非常细小;种子具休眠特性,需要后熟过程才能自然萌发;种子的外胚乳对胚的萌发有抑制作用,剥去种皮和外胚乳的裸胚在培养基MS+6 BA 1.0 mg/L+NAA 0.2mg/L中能很快被诱导萌发生长,萌发率78.3%。说明太子参种胚通过离体诱导培养,可有效解决种子的休眠现象,这为实现太子参无病毒种苗的工厂化育苗提供新途径及技术支持。  相似文献   

以远杂9102为母本,徐州68-4为父本杂交衍生的F5和F6共188个家系,构建了一张包含365个标记,总长度713.07 c M,标记间平均距离1.96 c M的栽培种花生遗传图谱。图谱包含22个连锁群,各连锁群平均长度12.37~81.39 c M,连锁群上标记数量3~46个。结合2013和2014年采集的荚果表型数据,采用Win QTLcart 2.5软件的复合区间作图法(composite interval mapping,CIM)进行QTL定位和效应估计。2个环境下共检测到41个QTL,其中与荚果长、宽、厚和百果重相关的QTL分别为13、7、13和8个,表型变异解释率为3.14%~18.27%。有6个QTL在2种环境下被重复检测到,其中百果重相关的2个(q HPWLG13.1、q HPWLG14.1),分布在LG13和LG14连锁群,遗传贡献率为6.95%~14.60%;与荚果长相关的3个(q LPLG2.2、q LPLG13.1、q LPLG14.1),分布在LG2、LG13和LG14连锁群,遗传贡献率为3.14%~18.27%;与荚果厚相关的1个(q TPLG3.4),分布在LG3连锁群,遗传贡献率为8.24%~9.24%。本研究涉及性状存在9个QTL热点区,每个热点区涉及2~3个性状,表型贡献率为3.57%~18.27%。  相似文献   

Peanuts ( Arachis hypogaea L.) which are commonly grown in intercropping systems often suffer from shading caused by the associated crop. Through this study an attempt has been made to estimate the effect of different levels of shade at different growth stages on crop yield. Field experiments were laid out during monsoon and winter seasons of 1985 and 1986 by creating artificial shading up to 25 and 50 per cent of the day/natural light at flowering-pegging, pod filling and maturity stages of a Spanish bunch type peanut. Dry matter production has shown linear response to light intensity and due to 50 per cent shading it was reduced by 55 per cent. Vegetative growth rate during pod filling stage was very poor as a result of increase in shading at this stage. In shaded plants the nodulation was less and some reduction in chlorophyll content was also observed. However, oil content in kernel was not affected by shading. Shading caused significant reduction in pod number and kernel weight and thus there was decrease in pod yield. Flowering to pegging and pod filling stages seemed to be sensitive to shading while increase in shading at maturity stage did not cause any reduction in yield. It could be possible to obtain about 90 per cent pod yield by avoiding shading during flowering to pegging stage (45 DAS).  相似文献   

Twenty six lines of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) of varying productivity were tested for yield under four treatments involving fungicidal control of rust and leafspots. Disease severity was measured at two stages of growth, namely 70 days (stage 1) and 90 days after sowing (stage 2). Instead of pod yield, a score (based on an Isd test and grouping over pod yield, shelling %, 100-kernel weight and % residual green leaf area at stage 2) was used to define performance status of the lines. A study of various character combinations revealed the importance of % residual green leaf area at both stages 1 and 2 in predicting the relative yield performance of lines. This result was obtained by comparing the % agreement of the status of lines given by a particular character set with performance status and was confirmed by a multiple regression analysis of pod yield on all other traits. Seven lines and three progenitor parents showed stability of performance with respect to rust resistance. They included lines derived from crosses between the national check, ‘Robut 33—1’, as one parent and either a rust resistant genotype, NC Ac 17090 or an early Russian accession of (Spanish type) ‘Chico’, as the other. It was suggested that breeding programmes should take into account performance status based on yield and disease severity instead of pod yield alone.  相似文献   

花生是重要的油料作物,成熟花生的出仁率不仅与花生的产油量相关,还与果壳厚度及脱壳难易程度相关,是花生遗传改良的重要性状。本研究以远杂9102×徐州68-4杂交后代衍生的重组自交系(RIL)的188个家系为材料,2013—2014年连续2年考察出仁率和荚果表型,发现有29份材料的出仁率稳定高于高值亲本远杂9102。出仁率与荚果长、荚果宽、荚果厚和百果重之间呈显著或极显著负相关。利用已构建的包含365个标记22个连锁群的遗传连锁图,采用Win QTLcart 2.5软件的复合区间作图法对出仁率进行QTL定位和效应估计,2年共检测到22个出仁率QTL,表型贡献率为2.75%~13.49%,其中2年重复检测到的区间有5个(AHGS0344–AGGS2438、AGGS0957–AHGA7048、AGGS0058–AHGA72558、AHTE0446–AHGA363492和AGGS0311–AGGS2287),分布在连锁群LG02、LG03和LG10上,表型贡献率为3.61%~13.49%。结合前期对该群体荚果大小QTL定位分析结果,有4个与出仁率相关的区间同时存在荚果大小QTL,其遗传效应均相反。在2年能检测到的出仁率QTL中,LG02上的区间AHGS0344–AGGS2438有与荚果长相关的QTL。在1年能检测到的出仁率QTL中,LG13上的区间AHTE0470–AGGS1233有与荚果长、百果重相关的QTL,LG06上的区间AGGS1363–AHGA24894有与荚果长相关的QTL,LG18上的区间AHTE0381–AGGS0100有与荚果宽、荚果厚相关的QTL。  相似文献   

In this article first a historical review is given of the groundnut culture in Suriname. Around 1930 the runner type was replaced by a Spanish bunch type from Indonesia. This variety is now being replaced by Matjan, also of the Spanish type.Secondly a review is given of the methods used in groundnut selection. Single hill selection in indigenous and foreign varieties was adopted. Subsequently the pure lines were compared for yield in variety trials. Thirdly the characters desired by various groundnut breeders are reviewed.Plants were selected with (a) many large or a great number of smaller pods, only slightly constricted and strawcoloured, (b) ovate, well-tasting seed of Jumbo size, 0.9–1.0 gram per seed, (c) uniform ramification and ripening, the Spanish type being preferred, (d) a growing period of 90 to 100 days, (e) presence of a distinct but short dormant period of the seed, not longer than 30 days, (f) good pod retention, (g) fleshcoloured or pink seed coat, (h) dark green, not too abundant foliage, (i) field resistance to the Cercospora leafspot disease. The selected variety Matjan meets these requirements except the qualities mentioned under b, e and i. However, Matjan is not very susceptible to Cercospora.Experience showed that pure line selection in indigenous varieties or varieties from countries of comparable latitude and climate offers the greatest chance of success when starting a selection programme for groundnut.

Formerly agronomist at the Agricultural Experiment Station, Paramaribo, Suriname.  相似文献   

Anticipated climate change will alter the temperature and rainfall characteristics of crop growing seasons. This will require genetic improvement of crops for adapting to future climates for higher yields. The CROPGRO model for groundnut was used to evaluate genetic traits of Virginia and Spanish types of groundnut for various climate scenarios of India. The analysis revealed that productivity of groundnut can be increased in current and future climates by adjusting the duration of various life‐cycle phases, especially the seed‐filling to physiological maturity (SD‐PM). Increased maximum leaf photosynthesis rate (AMAX), increased partitioning to reproductive organs (XFRT) and increased individual seed‐fill duration (SFDUR) all contributed to the increase in pod yield in all climates. More determinate pod set (shorter PODUR) was beneficial only in the water deficit environments. The positive effect of increasing specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf size (SIZLF) on pod yield was greater in environments more favourable for plant growth. Increasing reproductive tolerance to high temperature by 2 °C increased pod yield of groundnut in warmer environments, especially where the crop often suffers from drought. Increased adaptive partitioning to roots (ATOP) increased drought resistance of groundnut on high water‐holding capacity soils. Combination of traits had additive effects and pod yield increased substantially. These results indicate that the CROPGRO model can be used to assess the potential of individual or combination of plant traits for guiding breeding of improved groundnut varieties for current and future climates.  相似文献   

分析适宜机械化栽培的甘蓝型油菜农艺性状与单株产量的相关性及耐密油菜育种探讨,为选育耐密种植,适合轻简化收获的油菜提供理论基础。对农艺性状与单株产量的灰色关联度、通径分析和因子分析进行研究。结果表明:单株有效角果数、每角粒数和分枝数的关联度最大,在相关性中,株高、单株有效角果数、每角粒数与单株产量呈现显著相关,而且性状内部也存在着相关性,对单株产量的直接作用大小为:单株有效角果数>主花序有效角果数>每角粒数>结角密度>千粒重>株高>分枝部位>主花序长>分枝数。因子分析表明:株高、分枝部位、主花序长、主花序角果数、单株有效角果数在农艺性状中累计贡献率占到了总体的74.99%,起到了主要作用。在选育中应加强主花序有效角果数和结角密度的选择,分枝部位要合适,减少无效分枝数,注重株型结构性状的选择,从而努力提高角粒数和千粒重,为有效提高单株产量打下基础。  相似文献   

Pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] is an important legume crop in the semi-arid tropics, and pod fly [Melanagromyza obtusa (Malloch)] is an important emerging constraint to increase the production and productivity of this crop under subsistence farming conditions. Host plant resistance can be used as an important tool for the management of this pest. Therefore, a set of ten pigeonpea genotypes from a diverse array of plant growth types and maturity groups including two appropriate commercial checks, was evaluated for resistance to pod fly under field conditions, and characterized for physico-chemical pod traits. The non-determinate type GP 75 (extra early maturing) and GP 118 (early maturing), and determinate type GP 233 (extra early maturing) and GP 253 (early maturing) genotypes had significantly lower pod and seed damage as compared to determinate (Prabhat) and non-determinate (Manak) early maturing checks, suggesting that resistance to pod fly is not linked to plant growth type and maturity period of the genotype in pigeonpea. Pod wall thickness, trichome density, reducing and non-reducing sugars, total phenols, tannins, and crude fiber were found to be negatively associated (r = −0.83** to −0.97**), while total protein positively associated (r = 0.88** to 0.97**) with pod fly infestation. Therefore, these traits particularly total phenols, tannins, crude fiber, trichome density, and pod wall thickness, can be used as physico-chemical markers to identify pigeonpea genotypes with resistance to M. obtusa, and use in pod fly resistant breeding program in pigeonpea.  相似文献   

本文对普通型和珍珠豆型花生品种地膜覆盖栽培效应进行了研究,从各品种物候特点、植物学特征和经济性状、产量结果等方面进行比较分析,结果表明,普通型与珍珠豆型花生品种荚果产量差异不显著,且普通型品种的饱果数、荚果品质低于珍珠豆型品种,所以在我县花生地膜覆盖栽培应以珍珠豆型品种为宜。  相似文献   

豇豆种质资源农艺性状的相关性、主成分及聚类分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为给豇豆育种中品种资源的合理利用提供依据,对41份豇豆品种资源15项主要农艺性状进行相关性、主成分和聚类分析。结果表明,枯萎病发生程度的变异系数最大,与豇豆产量关系密切的单荚重和单株嫩荚数2个农艺性状,与株型、嫩荚长、单株花序数和单荚种子粒数都呈现显著正相关,单株嫩荚数与开花期、叶宽和单株分枝数呈现显著负相关。15个主要农艺性状可以归纳为5个主成分,第1主成分包括株型、初花节位、嫩荚长、单荚重、单荚种子粒数、单株花序数、单株嫩荚数和单株分枝数;第2主成分包括开花期、叶长和叶宽;第3主成分包括种皮颜色和嫩荚宽;第4主成分包括嫩荚颜色;第5主成分包括枯萎病发生程度。41份豇豆种质资源在遗传距离为25处分为2大类,在遗传距离为15处分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ类,其中第Ⅰ类的品种优势明显,具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

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