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土壤与植物中硫行为研究进展   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32  
周卫  林葆 《土壤肥料》1997,(5):8-11
对土壤与植物中硫行为若干机理性或关键性问题的近期进展进行了综述,内容包括土壤有机硫的矿土,土壤对硫的吸会,硫的营养生理功能,硫与植物营养元素的互作及机理等四个方面最后提出了今后应加强研究的问题。  相似文献   

土壤中植物有效硫的评价   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
本文综述了土壤硫素形态及有效性、土壤有效硫的测定方法以及不同方法测定的土壤有效硫与植物生长的相关性。土壤有效硫的测定主要考虑表层土壤可溶性和部分吸附态硫酸盐,但土壤有机质含量、有机硫含量和组成、土壤机械组成、pH值以及下层土壤硫素状况也是不可忽略的重要因素。目前还没有一种行之有效的统一方法能够合理评价土壤有效硫状况。今后应进一步研究不同土壤的供硫特性,并对不同有效硫评价方法进行筛选,找出适合我国土壤和气候条件下的土壤有效硫评价方法和指标,以期为合理施用含硫肥料提供依据。  相似文献   

土壤中的钴及其对植物的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘雪华 《土壤学进展》1991,19(5):9-15,42

石灰性土壤中硫形态组分及其影响因素   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
对陕西 ,湖南等 7省 (市 ) 22个农田耕层土壤硫形态组分的分析表明 ,供试土壤总硫平均为405.5 111.8mg/kg ,总有机硫占总硫 85.4 % 10.0%。供试土壤中酯键硫 (C -O-S)、碳键硫(C -S)、惰性硫平均含量分别为 130.3 64.6、65.5 29.4、152.5 96.7mg/kg ,分别占总硫的31.4 % 12.9%、18.0 % 10.7%、36.0 %17.8% ;分别占总有机硫的 36.6 % 14.4 %、21.8 13.8%、41.5 % 19.1%。石灰性土壤C -O -S、C -S形态硫与土壤有机碳之间分别呈极显著 (r =0.7334* * )和显著 (r =0.4426*)正相关。石灰性母质发育土壤C -O -S含量显著大于黄土母质发育的土壤。供试土壤无机硫组分中主要是难溶硫 ,其平均含量达 28.4mg/kg ,占总无机硫 50.7%。土壤中难溶硫与总无机硫 (r =0.6040* *)和CaCO3(r =0.6800* *)之间呈极显著正相关 ,而与总有机硫 (r =- 0.5286*)、C-O -S (r =- 0.4417*)和有机碳 (r =-0.4786*)之间呈显著负相关。黄土母质发育土壤难溶硫含量 ,占总硫和占总无机硫的比例显著或极显著高于石灰性母质发育的土壤。为了全面评价石灰性土壤硫素供应潜力 ,有必要开展石灰性土壤难溶硫形成及转化规律和生物有效性的研究。  相似文献   

土壤中总硫和不同形态硫的提取与测定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
李成保 《土壤学进展》1990,18(6):42-46,49

随着稀土的持续开采和在各领域中的广泛应用,稀土进入土壤环境的风险逐渐增大,导致稀土与重金属的复合污染问题,其中稀土元素对土壤-植物系统中重金属行为的影响研究也开始受到关注。研究已表明,外源稀土可以显著影响土壤与植物系统中重金属的赋存形态和迁移分布特征,可缓解重金属对植物的毒性,也可能和重金属产生协同毒害作用。分别从浓度-剂量、作用时间、稀土或重金属元素种类、稀土元素的施用方式和施用时间以及植物品种等方面详细综述了稀土元素对土壤-植物系统中重金属行为影响的主要因素及其机理的研究进展。最后,对稀土影响土壤-植物系统中重金属行为的研究现状进行了总结并展望了其研究前景。  相似文献   

[目的]探究外来植物入侵对乡土植物土壤氮素及其代谢酶活性的影响的微生物学机制,为中国入侵植物的有效防治和生态管理提供科学依据.[方法]采用田间小区控制试验,通过连续5 a的观测,研究了4种外来入侵植物(独行菜、紫茎泽兰、小飞蓬和黄顶菊)和乡土植物矮牵牛(对照)土壤氮素、酶活性及微生物学特征.[结果]①植物入侵降低了叶片...  相似文献   

土壤中硫的氧化还原及其生态学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

土壤与植物中锰的研究进展   总被引:57,自引:0,他引:57  
刘铮 《土壤学进展》1991,19(6):1-10,22

Data of atmospheric Hg concentrations measured near the chlor-alkali complex of Rosignano Solvay (Livorno, Italy) show that the impact of the industry on the terrestrial environment is restricted to a close area around; background values (3 to 5 ng m?3) are reached within a radius of 4 to 5 km. Hg levels in plants (Poa sp. Pinus nigra and Solidago sp.) and in soil show the highest values in the sampling stations near the electrolytic cells.  相似文献   

In dry Mediterranean‐type climates boron (B) levels may naturally be high and even toxic to plants. Although liming of an acidic soil is expected to decrease B levels, it is not known what the effects would be in such areas of high‐B soils, especially in B‐sensitive crops such as apple trees. Thus, our aim was to study the behavior of added B in newly planted apple rootstocks in an acidic soil which was limed to pH 6.5 in an outdoor pot experiment. Added B increased significantly B extractability from soil, and B levels were lower in the limed compared to the acidic soils. Plant B concentrations also increased with added B but differences between limed and unlimed soils were not evident, because plant B did not seem to reflect changes in B behavior in soil. However, B uptake was significantly increased with added B, and was further increased with liming, contrary to what the soil extractions indicated, due to improved growth conditions. Our results show that although liming decreased soil B levels, at the same time it did not affect plant B concentration and accelerated the uptake of added B, indicating a possibility for increased soil‐to‐plant mobility of B.  相似文献   

滇池流域大棚土壤硝酸盐累积特征及其对环境的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
对滇池流域主要大棚土壤的分析结果表明:随着大棚年限的增长,土壤剖面(0~60 cm)土层中硝态氮在不断累积,加重了土壤次生盐渍化;大棚内0~20 cm、20~40 cm土壤硝态氮含量与全盐的相关性均达极显著水平。同时对大棚区的地下水、地表水的分析结果表明:地下水中NO-3含量与土壤NO-3含量呈正相关,相关系数为0.945**,大棚种植区土壤的NO-3累积严重威胁地下水环境;地表水中的总氮含量与大棚土壤NO-3含量的相关性很好(r=0.994**),大棚种植区土壤的NO-3累积将加重滇池面源污染的负荷。  相似文献   

Summary It is commonly assumed that a large fraction of fertilizer N applied to a rice (Oryza sativa L.) field is lost from the soil-water-plant system as a result of denitrification. Direct evidence to support this view, however, is limited. The few direct field, denitrification gas measurements that have been made indicate less N loss than that determined by 15N balance after the growing season. One explanation for this discrepancy is that the N2 produced during denitrification in a flooded soil remains trapped in the soil system and does not evolve to the atmosphere until the soil dries or is otherwise disturbed. It seems likely, however, that N2 produced in the soil uses the rice plants as a conduit to the atmosphere, as does methane. Methane evolution from a rice field has been demonstrated to occur almost exclusively through the rice plants themselves. A field study in Cuttack, India, and a greenhouse study in Fort Collins, Colorado, were conducted to determine the influence of rice plants on the transport of N2 and N2O from the soil to the atmosphere. In these studies, plots were fertilized with 75 or 99 atom % 15N-urea and 15N techniques were used to monitor the daily evolution of N2 and N2O. At weekly intervals the amount of N2+N2O trapped in the flooded soil and the total-N and fertilized-N content of the soil and plants were measured in the greenhouse plots. Direct measurement of N2+N2O emission from field and greenhouse plots indicated that the young rice plant facilitates the efflux of N2 and N2O from the soil to the atmosphere. Little N gas was trapped in the rice-planted soils while large quantities were trapped in the unplanted soils. N losses due to denitrification accounted for only up to 10% of the loss of added N in planted soils in the field or greenhouse. The major losses of fertilizer N from both the field and greenhouse soils appear to have been the result of NH3 volatilization.  相似文献   

设施蔬菜土壤剖面氮磷钾积累及对地下水的影响   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
针对设施栽培中传统施肥灌溉带来的养分浪费和环境污染问题,采集河北省定州市设施蔬菜、农田土样及相应的地下水样品,分析了不同设施蔬菜种植年限土壤剖面中速效养分的累积规律及地下水受硝酸盐污染的程度。结果表明:0~200cm和0~400cm设施土壤的速效养分累积均高于对照农田。低龄棚硝态氮、速效磷、速效钾及水溶性磷含量分别为377.2mg·kg-1、448.8mg·kg-1、1405.6mg·kg-1、30.6mg·kg-1,分别是对照农田的4.7倍、4.6倍、1.4倍和11.5倍;老龄棚硝态氮、速效磷、速效钾及水溶性磷含量分别为629.1mg·kg-1、555.0mg·kg-1、2567.1mg·kg-1、35.2mg·kg-1,分别为对照农田的6.4倍、16.3倍、2.7倍和12.0倍。设施土壤速效养分深层累积比例随棚龄增加而增加。设施蔬菜栽培区表层地下水(地下饮用水,20m)受硝态氮污染严重,超标率和严重超标率为39.3%和7.1%;而深层地下水(农田和大棚灌溉水,40m)硝态氮含量7.4mg·L-1和9.6mg·L-1,超标率分别为25.0%和37.5%,无严重超标水样。  相似文献   

日光温室土壤温度环境边际效应   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
为探索日光温室边际区域的界限和边际环境特点,在暖温带的河南省郑州市冬春季,选择当地有代表性的全钢架无支柱日光温室,实测了边际土壤温度,测试确定日光温室边际区域的界限点。结果表明:土温界点在不同时期是不同的。11月下旬土温界点距离南底脚105 cm。在最冷的1月,土温界点距南底脚270 cm。3月下旬,此界点距南底脚仅为45 cm。土温界点在一天中也是不同的。代表最冷季节的1月中旬最远界点出现在6︰00~8︰00,距南底脚285 cm,最近界点出现在15︰00~17︰00,距南底脚150 cm。边际区域的界点可作为日光温室优化设计的指标,并指导设施保护区域自然资源的充分利用。  相似文献   

保护性耕作及其对土壤有机碳的影响   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
本文把保护性耕作的发展划分为3个阶段,系统总结了保护性耕作技术发展的历程与趋势,并结合我国实际情况,论述了我国保护性耕作研究与应用存在的不足及其与国外的差距,进一步探讨了保护性耕作对土壤有机碳的影响。指出我国在该领域的研究应侧重以下几方面:加强研究保护性耕作对生态环境的作用,寻求有效的固碳途径和管理措施;探讨农田土壤保护性耕作系统能流-碳流循环过程及其动态响应,实现农田系统碳汇/源科学管理调控;采用GIS技术结合土壤有机碳动态模拟模型,评价保护性耕作区域尺度生态效益。  相似文献   

秸秆覆盖对土壤环境及冬小麦产量状况的影响   总被引:40,自引:1,他引:40  
在陕西乾县、武功等地设置田间试验。结果表明,夏闲期和冬小麦生长期采用秸秆覆盖,能显著降低土壤蒸发,增加土壤蓄水量,使土壤上层长期保持湿润状态。其中,以覆盖6000kg/hm2秸秆为最好,夏闲末2m土层可比不覆盖多蓄降雨41.9mm,冬小麦增产19.3%。此外,连续多年秸秆覆盖,还可改善土壤结构,培肥地力。  相似文献   

Lasius flavus is a dominant mound-building ant species of temperate grasslands that significantly modifies soil parameters. These modifications are usually the result of workers’ activities such as food accumulation and nest construction. An alternative hypothesis that could explain changes in soil is colony founding in areas of higher soil fertility.In our study we investigated several soil parameters sampled in 10 ant nests and adjacent (control) plots in mountain grassland in Slovakia. The alternative hypothesis was tested by comparing occupied and abandoned mounds. While we found increased concentrations of available P and K in the nests, concentrations of total C, total N, Ca2+ and Mg2+ were lower there. We propose that differences found between the soil of nests and control plots are entirely a product of ant activity during mound occupancy and not due to initial soil differences during nest establishment. This was confirmed by the comparison of occupied and abandoned nests in which the soil fertility of abandoned nests was similar to conditions in the surrounding soil.Along with the modification of soil chemistry, we recorded changes in soil physical properties and the vertical distribution of nutrients. Ant nests were characterized by the dominance of 0.02–0.1 mm particles and lower bulk density. In the same habitat, nutrient concentrations did not change along the vertical gradient in contrast to control plots where soil nutrients decreased and bulk density increased with depth. Root biomass followed the vertical pattern observed with nutrients: in control plots, most roots were concentrated in the uppermost layer (0–3 cm), whereas they were evenly distributed along the vertical gradient in the nests. We also found that rhizome internodes of Agrostis capillaris were thinner and longer in plants from the mounds. Changes in soil physical properties, vertical distribution of nutrients and root biomass in the nests are most probably a consequence of mounding and soil mixing (bioturbation), which has been less reported on in ant-soil studies.  相似文献   

心土培肥犁改良瘠薄土壤的效果   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
研究根据心土培肥的改土技术要求研制出心土培肥犁,并分别在瘠薄黑土和碳酸盐草甸黑钙土上开展大面积机械改土试验,明确自主研发的心土培肥犁改土后对土壤理化性质影响及对作物产量的效果,为其广泛应用到低产土壤改良提供机械及技术支持。试验设深松、心土培肥和常规对照耕作,采用大田对比方法。研究结果表明:心土培肥和深松在不同类型土壤上对土壤理、化性质,对作物产量及产量性状影响后效不完全一致;心土培肥降低土壤抗剪强度后效明显,碳酸盐草甸黑钙土10~30 cm土层土壤抗剪强度比对照降低6.65~12.16 k Pa,黑土比对照降低8.20~11.31 k Pa,碳酸盐草甸黑钙土改土后效果明显,黑土改土后效长,心土培肥改土效果优于深松;土壤容质量和硬度趋势同上;心土培肥提高土壤透气系数为2.78~14.28倍,饱和导水率为2.38~11.62倍;深松和心土培肥可提高下层土水分消耗比例,30~60 cm土层耗水量为心土培肥区深松区对照区,心土培肥耗水量比照高10%;心土培肥处理可提高土壤磷含量和供磷强度,20~30 cm和30~40 cm土层土壤供磷强度比对照分别提高4.19~5.17倍和4.96~17倍,碳酸盐草甸黑钙土高于黑土;心土培肥可提高玉米产量,碳酸盐草甸黑钙土上心土培肥增产幅度为6.82%~18.01%,黑土增产幅度为6.45%~11.18%,平均增产效果碳酸盐草甸黑钙土薄层黑土,但黑土持续增产效果好。  相似文献   

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