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通过近年来对兴平地区秸秆还田后茬作物生产技术进行探索,分析了上茬作物秸秆还田对下茬作物的影响,并分别总结了小麦、玉米的栽培技术,在农业生产上水平起到了积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

为了解云南的农业生产情况,以期与上海的农业生产情况进行对比,笔者介绍了开远市小龙潭地区农业的基本情况和3种主要作物的施肥情况,分析了生产中存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策和建议,以供参考。  相似文献   

阜新地区的气候资源及其与旱地农业关系初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阜新地处辽宁西北部,属于半干旱大陆性气候,阜新地区的农业生产基本是"雨养"农业,受自然因素尤其是气象因素影响很大.如何开发阜新地区的气候资源,避免或减轻气象灾害的影响,不但关系到这一地区农业生产的发展,而且对辽西北地区农业生产的发展,也具有重要意义.为此,作者就该地区的气候条件与作物产量的关系、防御气象灾害的对策与措施、及提高气候资源利用率的途径进行了初步的分析和探讨.  相似文献   

通过对泰兴地区特色旱杂粮作物产业的调查研究,阐述了发展特色旱杂粮作物产业的现实意义和生产现状,分析泰兴地区特色旱杂粮作物生产中存在的问题,提出了培育壮大特色旱杂粮产业、深入推进农业结构调整的对策和思路。  相似文献   

通过长期定位试验,研究了宁夏半湿润偏旱区农田水分运动规律,主要作物农田水分盈亏状况,作物对农田水分的利用率,农田水分对作物生长发育的影响对降水资源的利用情况,认为宁夏半湿润偏旱地区春小麦水分入不敷出,干旱缺水与降水的季节性变化是该地区农业生产的主要限制因子,作物水分利用率低影响了降水生产潜力的发挥,因而开发本地区降水生产潜力是提高农业生产的关键。  相似文献   

卞秀芬 《河北农业》2023,(10):60-61
在农业生产中,气候变化对农业生产有很大的影响,各种气象灾害对作物生长的影响也各不相同,加强对农业气象灾害领域的研究与分析,明晰气象灾害对作物产量产生的影响,并立即采取相应的防范措施,可提升农作物产量,促进农业经济的稳健发展。本文对一些常见的农业气象灾害及其特征进行了描述,讨论和分析了其对作物生产的影响,提出了预防的对策,希望能减少气象灾害的影响,增加作物产量,保证农业的生产和收入的增长。  相似文献   

通过“三小”作物产品市场供求分析与预测,结合阜新地区现状,对发展“三小”作物的有利条件以及存在的问题进行了探讨。进而阐述了大力发展“三小”作物种植,对阜新地区农业结构调整及经济转型的重要意义。  相似文献   

设施农业是我国农业生产的主要形式,利用设施农业进行农业生产可以有效保护作物的生长,减少环境差异造成的危害。在设施农业生产方式的助力下,农业经济得到快速稳步发展。设施农业在生产过程中受气象条件影响很大,本文以辽中地区为例,分析气象条件对设施农业生产过程的影响,并总结出相应对策。  相似文献   

金沙江河谷地区是云南省迪庆香格里拉农业发展潜力最大的地区之一,地区光照资源充沛,热量充足,冬季气候温度较高,霜期短,非常适合发展热带和亚热带经济型作物。最近几年,金沙江河谷地区积极发展多种作物,积极建设高产粮和冬季蔬菜生产基地。本文主要结合实际情况,就金沙江河谷地区经济作物、粮食作物、林果业种植现状进行了分析,然后提出了金沙江河谷地区种植发展对策,希望通过本次研究对更好促进河谷地区农业经济效益提升有一定助益。  相似文献   

孙莺歌 《北京农业》2013,(27):132-133
因暴雨变化和气候暖化,丹东地区的农业生产出现了较大变化。喜温高产的玉米和水稻种植面积扩大,高产种植品种不断增加。由于播种期提前,粮食产量不断上升。只有认真分析丹东地区气候波动情况,了解气候变化对农业生产的影响,才能保证丹东地区农业作物优产、高产。  相似文献   

Poor soil fertility due to low nutrient inputs is a major factor limiting grain production in Kenya. Increasing soil fertility for crop productivity in China has implications for food security in Kenya. The purpose of this study was therefore to investigate the historical patterns of grain production, nutrient inputs, soil fertility and policies in Quzhou, a typical agricultural county on the North China Plain, and to compare grain production in Quzhou County and Kenya to identify a potential approach for increasing grain production in Kenya. Grain yields in Quzhou increased from 1 to 3 t·ha1 between 1961 and 1987 by increasing manure application accompanied by small amounts of chemical fertilizer after soil desalinization. There was a further increase from 3 to 5 t·ha1 up to 1996 which can be mainly attributed to chemical fertilizer use and policy support. Hence, a beneficial cycle between soil fertility and plant growth in Quzhou grain production was developed and strengthened. In contrast, there was only a slight increase in grain yields in Kenya over this period, resulting from low soil fertility with limited external nutrient inputs, a consequence of poor socioeconomic development. It is suggested that grain yields in Kenya would likely be boosted by the development of a self-reinforcing cycling between soil fertility and plant growth with manure and chemical fertilizer use if supported by policy and socioeconomic development.  相似文献   

土壤培肥、自然降水高效利用、作物秸秆循环利用、作物高产高效是土壤可持续利用和粮食生产能力持续提高的关键问题。豫南雨养农业区存在着降雨量较大但降水时空分布与作物需水时段相矛盾、土壤培肥能力不足等问题。为此,结合豫南雨养区的生产、生态实际和多年定位试验,提出了资源循环高效利用与作物持续高产假设,并集成创新了小麦简耕覆盖高产高效技术,其核心技术是机械化玉米秸秆粉碎覆盖还田和小麦免耕直播。自2006开始,在驻马店市和南阳市进行了多年示范应用,取得了良好的效应。该技术解决了利用合理的耕作措施解决培肥土壤、提高自然降水和农业废弃物利用率、作物高产与资源高效协同一致的问题,为土地可持续利用和生产能力持续提升提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

Sustainable food production to feed the growing population in Africa remains a major challenge. Africa has 64% of the global arable land but produces less than 10% of its food locally due to its inherently low soil nutrient concentrations. Poor soil fertility and a lack of fertilizer use are the major constraints to increasing crop yields in Africa. On average only about 8.8 kg NPK fertilizer is applied per hectare by African smallholder farmers. There is therefore considerable potential for increasing food production through sustainable intensification of the cropping systems. The low crop yields in Africa are also partly due to limited farmer access to modern agronomic techniques, including improved crop varieties, a lack of financial resources, and the absence of mechanisms for dissemination of information to smallholders. This study analyzed the Science and Technology Backyards (STBs) model and investigated its use for the transformation of agriculture in Africa. Some key lessons for sustainable crop intensification in Africa can be found from analysis of the STB model which is well established in China. These include (1) scientist-farmer engagement to develop adaptive and innovative technology for sustainable crop production, (2) dissemination of technology by empowering smallholders, especially leading farmers, and (3) the development of an open platform for multiple resource involvement rather than relying on a single mechanism. This review evaluates the benefits of the STB model used in China for adoption to increase agricultural productivity in Africa, with a perspective on sustainable crop intensification on the continent.  相似文献   

Traditional agricultural practices have resulted in decreased soil fertility, shortage of water resources and deterioration of agricultural ecological environment, which are seriously affecting grain production. Conservation tillage (CT) research has been developed and applied in China since the 1960s and 1970s, and a series of development policies have been issued by the Chinese government. Recent research and application have shown that CT has positive effects on crop yields in China. According to the data from the Conservation Tillage Research Center (CTRC), Chinese Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), the mean crop yield increase can be at least 4% in double cropping systems in the North China Plain and 6% in single cropping systems in the dryland areas of North-east and North-west China. Crop yield increase was particularly significant in dryland areas and drought years. The mechanism for the yield increase in CT system can be attributed to enhanced soil water content and improved soil properties. Development strategies have been implemented to accelerate the adoption of CT in China.  相似文献   

加强耕地质量建设实现粮食稳产增产   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以有利于推进嫩江县农业生产节本增效,有利于促进耕地质量建设,发展可持续农业,促进粮食穗产高产,增加农民收入为目标,于2009年结合农业部实施的测土配方施肥项目对嫩江县耕地地力进行调查与评价,主要表现为:有机质含量下降,氮、钾等养分也相应减少,土壤肥力逐年减退;土壤水蚀、风蚀严重.人们在生产经营中注重用地,不注重养地,用...  相似文献   

本文用通径系数法分析了农业生产的8个基本构成因素:种植业投入、养殖业投入、人口数量、劳动力数量、粮食作物面积、经济作物面积、人工草地面积、人均家畜数量及商品畜数量对6个农业效益如种植业产值、总收入、净收入、养殖业产值、总收入、净收入的重要性。发现不仅各构成因素间存在着相关关系,还直接或间接地影响各效益因素,认为在河西地区以种植业为主的农业生产系统中,发展经济作物、扩大人工草地、重视家庭畜牧业,走多种经营、农牧并举的道路,才能提高促进农业生产总效益。  相似文献   

农业生产中防治土壤酸化的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
土壤酸化是土壤退化的一个重要方面,使土壤肥力降低、肥料效率下降、作物生长受影响以及有毒物质对作物的毒害加重,其已经成为了地球生态环境变化的重要内容之一。主要从土壤酸化源头控制、改良剂的研制和施用、农业管理措施等方面,阐述了防治和解决农业土壤酸化问题的主要途径,并在分析了当前存在的主要问题基础上,对土壤酸化防治的进一步研究作出了展望,旨在为以后农业土壤酸化的防治提供理论参考。  相似文献   

沼肥对土壤和作物的影响研究玖   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高红莉  郝民杰  赵风兰 《安徽农业科学》2009,37(30):14813-14815
综述了沼肥对土壤和作物的影响研究现状,重点总结了施用沼肥对改善土壤理化性状、提高土壤肥力、改善土壤酶活力和土壤微生物数量的作用,以及对农作物增产、改善作物品质如提高作物维生素、含糖量、对防治某些作物病虫害、减少作物硝酸盐含量的作用。并对沼肥在农业生产中应用的研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

基于MapInfo的棉花土壤施肥推荐及信息管理系统的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以新疆兵团农五师81团为研究对象,针对土壤肥力信息数据在农业生产中的重要作用,应用MapInfo与Delphi集成技术和组件式GIS模块,依据区域土壤肥力差异、作物需肥规律、土壤供肥性能与肥料效应等众多因素,建立了集棉田土壤养分信息管理、土壤模型施肥推荐、GIS图形信息管理于一体的新疆农五师81团棉田土壤肥力信息管理与施肥推荐决策系统。  相似文献   

微生物肥料及其在农业生产中的应用进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
微生物肥料是一种新型肥料,它不仅能增强土壤肥力,还能改善农作物品质,在绿色生态农业生产中发挥着重要作用。综述了微生物肥料的研究进展、微生物肥料的分类及其在农业生产上的应用现状,分析了微生物肥料发展过程中存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

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