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文章针对湟源县肉羊规模养殖场生产效益低下问题选取标准化程度较高的一家养殖场进行了综合科学技术应用试验研究。通过试验,得出在全舍饲条件下,围产期母羊补饲与不补饲的生产性能变化差异显著,羔羊的初生重增加12%左右,母羊的体增重增加8.5%;在对围产期母羊进行补饲与不补饲时其羔羊的初生重试验组与对照组差异显著,平均增重12%;试验组肉羊出栏体重显著高于对照组,试验组出栏重增加7%,平均日增重增加6.4%;试验组与对照组育肥肉羊的体重变化差异显著。  相似文献   


The data on breeding and performance records (3830) of 1134 Lohi ewes kept at an Institutional Livestock Experiment Station, Okara in Punjab province during the period from 1972 through 2001 were used to study the influence of some non-genetic factors such as year and season of birth/lambing, age and weight at first service sex of lamb born, birth type, age of dam on various reproductive traits. The age of ewes at first service averaged 615.6±8.2 days and was not significantly affected by the year and season of birth of the ewes. The ewes born during spring season had comparatively low (613.6±7.9 days) age at first service than autumn born (617.5±9.8 days). The type of birth did not significantly influence age at first service. The least squares mean for the weight at first service was 42.10±0.24 kg and was significantly (P<0.01) influenced by the ewe's year and season of birth. The spring-born ewes were heavier (42.3±0.3 kg) at first service than autumn-born ewes (41.9±0.3 kg). The weight at first service was also significantly affected by the age at first service. The type of birth did not significantly influence weight at first service. The number of services per conception averaged 1.29±0.03 and varied significantly (P<0.01) between seasons. The number of services per conception was higher (1.37±0.02) in ewes bred during autumn than those bred in spring (1.16±0.06). The effects of years and weight at service on the number of services per conception were non-significant. The number of services per conception significantly increased with advancing age. Mean gestation period was 152.31±0.08 days and it was significantly affected by the years and seasons of lambing and the age of the ewe at lambing. However, gestation length was not significantly affected due to birth type and sex of the lamb born.  相似文献   

本研究旨在分析影响多胎细毛羊出生重和断奶重的因素,为优质多产细毛羊的选育奠定基础.利用SPSS19.0软件对多胎细毛羊羔羊的初生重和断奶重进行了描述性统计分析,并利用SAS9.2软件的GLM(最小二乘方差分析)程序对新疆科创畜牧繁育中心2009-2019年多胎细毛羊1 567条产羔记录分析出生年份、出生月份、性别和母羊...  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨发酵花生壳部分替代花生秧对育肥湖羊生长性能、血液生化及免疫指标的影响。文章将18只均重为(15.35±0.33)kg的健康公湖羊单独圈养在围栏中,随机分为3组,每组3个重复,每个重复2只羊。对照组饲喂基础饲粮,试验Ⅰ组和Ⅱ组分别替代日粮中20%和40%的花生秧,试验日粮中营养水平相当。结果显示,与对照组相比,两个试验组湖羊的ADG分别提高15.4%和6.3%,F/G分别降低9.3%和6.5%|两个试验组湖羊的胆固醇、血糖、总蛋白、谷丙转氨酶、碱性磷酸酶、肌酐和血尿素氮等血清生化指标无显著差异|两个试验组湖羊的IgA分别提高了12.9%和3.4%、IgG分别提高了22.9%和18.3%。结论:在本试验条件下,日粮添加20%发酵花生壳替代花生秧可有效提高湖羊ADG数值,降低F/G,并且不影响湖羊的肝肾功能,具有良好的可行性。[关键词]发酵花生壳|湖羊|生长性能|血液生化|免疫指标  相似文献   

Sulphur‐containing amino acids (SAA) are essential and usually the first limiting amino acids for growth, milk and wool production. The keratin fibre that grows from epidermal tissue is rich in SAA. The rate of fibre growth and its S content are influenced by the availability of SAA. Betaine is a dietary source for a labile methyl group and actively participates in methionine metabolism by donating methyl groups for the remethylation of homocysteine to methionine. Ruminants are capable of synthesizing SAA from inorganic S sources, and most bacteria in the rumen can use inorganic S to meet their requirements for growth. The objective of this study was to examine whether betaine and an inorganic sulphur supplement could provide methyl groups and sulphur amino acids in a way that growth performance and wool production of ewes and lambs are improved. Treatments performed included betaine supplementation, sulphate supplementation and betaine plus sulphate supplementation with five replications for each treatment. The dry matter intake of the ewes was affected by betaine plus sulphate supplementation (p < 0.05). In the ewes, betaine plus sulphate supplementation increased (p < 0.05) the wool growth rate, wool yield, staple length and wool sulphur concentration, while decreasing wool wax and wool yellowness (p < 0.05). In the lambs, wool growth rate, wool yield, fibre diameter, staple length, staple strength, wool sulphur concentration, wool wax and fibre percentage did not differ (p > 0.05) between treatments. In the ewes, plasma methionine concentration increased (p < 0.05) with betaine plus sulphate treatment. No corresponding difference (p > 0.05) was observed in plasma methionine concentration in the lambs. It can be concluded that betaine plus sulphate supplementation has the potential to change wool characteristics in the ewes, while these compounds were without any effect on growth and wool production of the lambs. Combining the two supplements was advantageous.  相似文献   

选择东北细毛羊×德国肉用美利奴的杂交一代肉羊12只,分成对照组、试验Ⅰ组和Ⅱ组,每组4只,研究谷胱甘肽对肉羊生长性能、屠宰性能及肉品质的影响。试验期60 d。结果表明:与对照组相比,谷胱甘肽显著提高了肉羊的日增重(P<0.05),试验Ⅰ组、Ⅱ组分别提高了14.6%和11.4%;降低了肉羊的料重比(P<0.05),试验Ⅰ组、Ⅱ组分别降低了11.0%和8.1%。试验Ⅰ组的净肉率和GR值显著高于对照组(P<0.05),Ⅱ组的宰前活重显著高于对照组(P<0.05);试验Ⅰ组肉的剪切力显著低于对照组(P<0.05);试验Ⅰ组、Ⅱ组的滴水损失显著低于对照组(P<0.05),而熟肉率显著高于对照组(P<0.05),且两试验组间差异不显著(P>0.05);各试验组宰后45 min内肉的pH没有显著差异(P>0.05),但试验Ⅰ组24 h的pH极显著地高于其他2组(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

This study aimed to establish a feasible model for analysing factors affecting piglet litter performance at birth. Data of 61,984 litters were collected from 16 herds, and general linear model (GLM), multilevel Poisson regression model (MPM) and multilevel linear model (MLM) were established to compare their goodness of fit for these data. Influencing factors of piglet litter performance at birth were analysed using the established optimal model. Results showed the intraclass correlation coefficients of total born piglets (TBP), piglets born alive (PBA), low-birth-weight piglets (LBW), and average birth weight of piglets (ABW) reached 27.89%, 23.88%, 24.66% and 22.27%, respectively (p < .05). Akaike's information criterion and Bayesian information criterion in MLM of TBP, PBA, LBW and ABW were lower than those in GLM. Pearson residuals in MPM increased to nearly 1 after introduction of a discrete scale factor, and the p values in MPM were similar to those in MLM. Analyses of MLM indicated crossbred sows with good management supplemented with oregano essential oil and farrowing at warm season had higher TBA, PBA and ABW, but lower LBW than other sows (p < .05). In conclusion, MLM is superior to GLM and can replace MPM in analysing discrete data with hierarchical structure in pig production. More importantly, other potential influencing factors of litter performance at birth can be analysed using the established MLM in the future.  相似文献   

链烷是一类普遍存在于植物表皮蜡质中的饱和直链碳氢化合物,应用链烷技术可以测定放牧动物采食量和食性组成,本试验采用气相色谱法对松嫩平原农牧交错区绵羊放牧系统(人工和天然羊草草地、玉米和大豆农田残茬)中主要粗饲料的链烷含量和特征进行了分析,以期为农牧交错区放牧绵羊营养研究提供基础数据。试验结果表明,松嫩平原草地和农田残茬饲料资源所含的链烷具有明显的种间特征,在C21~C35链烷之间,奇数链烷的含量总体上高于偶数链烷的含量,不同生长时期的全株羊草、5月份的野稗和碱蒿、5和8月份的苣荬菜、8月份的狗尾草、大豆和玉米残茬的茎、叶、荚中均以C31含量最为丰富,马蔺C29含量最为丰富,而羊草穗、7月份野稗、8月份的碱蒿以C27含量最为丰富。  相似文献   

试验旨在研究不同添加比例青贮杂交构树对育肥肉羊生长性能、屠宰性能及器官指数的影响,探讨青贮杂交构树替代豆粕作为蛋白质原料饲喂肉羊的可行性.试验选取体重(26.25±1.92)kg的杜泊×湖羊F1代公羊48只,随机分为4组,每组12只羊,对照组(CG组)、试验组(LG组、MG组、HG组)分别饲喂添加0%、6%、12%和1...  相似文献   

The concentrations of the oestrogen receptor (ER), and the mRNA levels of ER, progesterone receptor (PR) and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) were characterised in adrenal glands and uterine tissue of adult Corriedale sheep during the breeding season. The sheep were of different sex and gonadal status. Ewes had higher levels of cytosolic ER in the adrenals than the rams (mean±S.E.M.: 7.3±2.0 fmol/mg protein and 2.5±1.0 fmol/mg protein, respectively; P=0.0091) and gonadectomy increased ER (mean±S.E.M.: 2.9±1.2 fmol/mg protein and 8.6±2.3 fmol/mg protein, intact and gonadectomised sheep, respectively; P=0.0071). No differences could be observed in mRNA levels for ER and IGF-I in the adrenal glands of all of the sheep. PR mRNA levels were reduced in ovariectomised ewes and enhanced in castrated rams (sex×gonadal status: P=0.009). PR mRNA levels tended to be higher in ewes in the follicular phase than in ovariectomised ewes and intact rams (P<0.1). All of the animals had positive nuclear staining for ER in the adrenal cortex, but no differences were observed between the groups. In this study, we demonstrated the existence of ER in the adrenal gland of sheep and found varying sensitivity to oestrogens as the ER levels differed among sex and gonadal status. These findings indicate that oestrogens most likely affect steroidogenesis directly at the adrenal cortex and suggest that oestrogens are partly responsible for the sex differences in cortisol secretion in sheep.  相似文献   

Estradiol increases basal growth hormone (GH) concentrations in sheep and cattle. This study sought to determine the effects of estradiol on GH-releasing hormone (GRH)-stimulated GH release in sheep. Growth hormone secretory characteristics, the GH response to GRH, and steady-state GH mRNA concentrations were determined in castrated male lambs treated with 2 different doses of estradiol 17-β for a 28-d experimental period. Although no differences between treatments in mean GH, basal GH, or GH pulse number were observed after 28 d of estradiol treatment, GH pulse amplitude was greater (P < 0.05) in the 2.00-cm implant-treated animals than in the control and 0.75-cm implant group. The effect of estradiol treatment on GRH-stimulated GH release revealed differences between the control and estradiol-treated animals (P < 0.05). The 15-min GH responses to 0.075 μg/kg hGRH in the control, 0.75-cm, and 2.00-cm implant groups, respectively, were 76 ± 10, 22.6 ± 2.1, and 43.6 ± 15.0 ng/mL. Growth hormone mRNA content was determined for pituitary glands from the different treatment groups, and no differences in steady-state GH mRNA levels were observed. There were no differences in the mean plasma concentrations of IGF-I, cortisol, T3, or T4 from weekly samples. Growth hormone release from cultured ovine pituitary cells from control sheep was not affected by estradiol after 72 h or in a subsequent 3-h incubation with estradiol combined with GRH. These data suggest that estradiol has differing actions on basal and GRH-stimulated GH concentrations in plasma, but the increase in pulse amplitude does not represent an increased pituitary sensitivity to GRH.  相似文献   

姚州  谭焓  田芳  周勇  章程 《中国饲料》2021,1(7):7-12
智慧羊场具有科学化、标准化管理的优点,是羊场转型发展的趋势.计算机视觉技术是人工智能的核心,可以实现非接触性、自动化、实时监测羊的个体信息.本文总结并分析了计算机视觉在羊场的个体识别方法、行为识别方法、体尺与体重估测、疾病监测的研究现状,并指出计算机视觉在智慧羊场的进一步发展趋势.  相似文献   

通过在杜泊羊的日粮中添加5%~15%的高硒、高硒钴、高硒钴锌以及高硒钴锌铁4种苜蓿Medicago sativa青干草,研究对杜泊羊的采食性能、日增质量和饲料转化等方面的影响。结果表明,和添加普通苜蓿青干草相比,4种苜蓿青干草在添加量为5%~10%的情况下,均能在不同程度上提高羊日增质量,有利于饲料的转化与利用,并且饲喂安全,无副作用。其中添加15%高硒钴锌苜蓿青干草效果最好,日增质量比对照提高了59.4%,饲料转化率(30.72%)比对照提高了59.8%;在日粮中添加10%的高硒钴锌铁苜蓿青干草,效果接近前者,日增质量比对照提高了58.0%,饲料转化率(27.88%)比对照提高了44.7%。  相似文献   

刘希增 《中国饲料》2021,1(8):37-40
本研究评估了日粮添加富含浓缩单宁的树叶粉对感染线虫病绵羊采食量、营养利用和生产性能的影响.试验选择年龄一致、平均体重为(25.05±1.50)kg的绵羊36只,随机分为3组,每组6个重复,每个重复2头,其中24头绵羊感染同一剂量的线虫(2000个).试验绵羊分为对照组、感染组和单宁组(感染组日粮+1.5%树叶粉),试验...  相似文献   


Factors influencing rate of barren ewes, number of lambs born per pregnant ewe, and autumn live weight of the lambs were studied in 627 Norwegian sheep flocks based on herd level data from the Norwegian Sheep Recording System and a mailed questionnaire to the sheep farmers. The following factors were significantly associated (P<0.05) with rate of barren ewes: breed, herd average lambing date, type of production/age of farmer, routines for treatments for parasites, and housing type. Number of lambs born per pregnant ewe was significantly associated with rate of barren ewes, herd average lambing date, breed, percentage grass silage of total roughage, and no separation of gimmers during the housing period. Corrected autumn live weight of the lambs was significantly associated with breed, flock size, lambs born per pregnant ewe, no separation of gimmers during the housing period, and type of summer pasture.  相似文献   

不同放牧强度对荒漠草原植被和滩羊生产性能影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过放牧强度对荒漠草原植被和滩羊生产性能影响的研究得出:(1)随着放牧强度的增大,草地牧草生活力减弱;(2)放牧强度与植被总盖度之间存在负相关关系,随着放牧强度的增大草地植被总盖度减小;(3)放牧强度与草地牧草现存量之间存在负相关关系,随着放牧强度的增大,草地牧草现存量减少;(4)放牧强度越大,禾本科、豆科和杂类草牧草所占总产草量的比例越小;(5)滩羊个体增重与放牧强度之间存在着强的负相关,回归方程为:Ga=18.48-7.01G(r=-0.97**);单位革地面积(1 hm2)增重与放牧强度之间呈强的相关,回归方程为:Gh=0.31 17.60G-6.60G2(r=0.87*);(6)综合考虑各研究指标,本类草地放牧强度应以不超过0.75只/hm2为宜.  相似文献   

养殖环境主要因子对肉鹅生长性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旨在研究各个养殖环境主要因子对马岗鹅生长性能的影响。试验将96只刚出壳的马岗鹅平均分为A、B、C 3组,A组禽舍有运动场,周围无树木环绕;B组禽舍有运动场,且周围树木环绕;C组禽舍无运动场,周围无树木环绕。试验期间各组鹅自由采食、饮水,定期进行舍内清洁,保持饲养管理一致。试验共进行7周,每周最后一天对舍内温湿度、光强、二氧化碳、氨气、粉尘、空气微生物等环境因子进行检测,并统计鹅体重和采食量。结果表明,有运动场和周围树木环绕的B组鹅群的体重和日增重均最高,而无运动场的C组鹅群的生长状况最差。环境因子分析发现,B组的温度、湿度和空气总菌含量指标是3组中最优的,而其他环境因子不是。研究结果显示,马岗鹅的生长性能是多个环境因子共同作用的结果,其中温度和湿度是重要的影响因子,而运动场为鹅群提供足够的活动空间,是鹅生长性能正常发挥的保障。  相似文献   

为研究纳豆芽孢杆菌(Bacillus natto,BN)和枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis,BS)对绵羊生长性能、营养物质表观消化率和血清生化指标的影响,试验将体重相近的30只羊分为基础饲粮组(CK组)、基础饲粮+BN组(A组)、基础饲粮+BN+BS组(B组),每组10只。结果表明:(1)与CK组相比,A组平均日增重(ADG)提高32.29g(P<0.05),B组提高68.00g(P<0.01),A组和B组之间差异不显著(P>0.05)。(2)B组粗蛋白质的表观消化率比CK组显著提高16.31%(P<0.01),A组与CK组之间差异不显著(P>0.05)。(3)与CK组相比,A组血清尿素氮降低23.44%(P>0.05)、B组显著下降44.69%(P<0.01)。综上,在本试验条件下,饲粮中添加BN可显著提高绵羊的ADG,但复合添加BS的效果更好。同时,饲粮中复合添加BN和BS可显著提高绵羊对粗蛋白质的表观消化率、降低血清尿素氮含量。  相似文献   

The effect of feeding forage legumes, Cowpea, Silverleaf desmodium and Oxley fine stem stylo, as protein supplements to natural pasture (veld) hay on intake, growth rate and nitrogen metabolism in growing lambs was evaluated. Thirty growing lambs were stratified according to body weight and randomly assigned, within a stratum, to five diets in a completely randomised design. The diets were veld hay alone (V), veld hay supplemented with either 10 g/kg of urea (VU), veld hay supplemented with 250 g/kg Cowpea (VC), 250 g/kg Silverleaf desmodium (VS) or 250 g/kg Oxley fine stem stylo (VF) forage legume hays. The V and the VU groups were used as control diets. Animals supplemented with either urea or the forage legume had higher (P < 0.01) total dry matter intake compared with the animals on V. The animals supplemented with the forage legumes had higher (P < 0.01) nitrogen intake and faecal nitrogen output than the non-supplemented group. All animals, across the treatments, lost body weight; lambs on V had higher (P < 0.01) body weight losses than those in the other treatments. The forage legume supplemented groups lost less (P < 0.01) body weight than those on the V and VU diets. Although supplementation with forage legumes enhanced feed intake and reduced weight losses it did not maintain body weights of lambs fed a basal diet of poor quality roughages.  相似文献   

The preslaughter handling and behaviour, and subsequent bruising was observed in 49 groups of sheep in a commercial slaughterhouse. A greater percentage of bruised carcases was found in lambs (71%) than in ewes (49%) (P less than 0.01). A greater percentage of severely bruised carcases was found in lambs from markets (20%) than in those direct from farms (12%) (P less than 0.05). Significant correlations were found between the occurrence of recent bruising and wool-pulls during unloading, riding by another sheep, and hits and squashes against structures at the slaughterhouse. However, even assuming that each potentially traumatic event observed in the slaughterhouse caused a bruise, only about one-quarter of the bruising could have been attributed to handling problems at the slaughterhouse. Eight-eight per cent of all bruises were estimated to have been caused within about 24 h of death, indicating that most bruising probably was caused by handling problems during loading on the farm, during transit and particularly at markets.  相似文献   

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