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文章以长寿区为例,分析农业持续增收主要成效和做法,认为因地制宜、统筹城乡,发展现代特色效益农业是解决库区农业增收的根本途径。  相似文献   

以延庆县为典型研究区域,针对京郊山地旱作区粮食产量低而不稳,农业生产水平低,高效种植养殖开始起步的现状,以及区域内存在的生态环境脆弱,生产结构不合理,农产品加工发展不足和产业化要素配置不完整等主要问题,提出该地区农业持续高效发展的方向是:充分利用当地生态资源优势,通过创建绿色安全农产品品牌,建设一批蔬菜、果品、养殖基地,大力发展绿色种植业、养殖业。具体对策主要是重视资源合理高效利用和生态环境保护;促进特色主导产业的形成和发展,调整农业生产结构;按现代农业产业化经营体系要求配置其要素组合,同时启动主导产业工程和可持续能力建设工程两类工程建设。  相似文献   

黑龙江寒区农业集约化高效种植模式研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
集约化高效种植模式是在市场经济条件下生产力进一步发展的产物,它具有较明显的区域特征和技术特点.该文仅就黑龙江寒区农业集约化高效种植模式的形成、特点、类型及开发推广措施作以研究分析.  相似文献   

张家口地区土地资源利用现状及农业可持续发展对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会经济的发展,人类对资源的开发利用强度越来越大,加之利用不合理,导致了严重的水土流失、地力衰竭和生态环境恶化。本文通过对张家口地区的土地利用现状的调研与评价及其农业中存在问题的分析,提出了本地区农业可持续发展的对策:乔灌成网,构筑京张承生态三角,建设京津冀北地区的生态屏障;调整作物生产结构,组织区域间产品互补生产;调整畜群结构,发展舍饲生产;合理利用水浇地,集约生产错季无公害蔬菜;增施有机无机肥料,培肥土壤肥力。这些政策对促进土地综合整治、农业结构调整与优化以及国民经济持续发展具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

在三峡库区的云阳、涪陵等10县市作物种质资源考察中,收集到29份瓠瓜种质资源,后在成都进行了田间种植鉴定。三峡库区瓠瓜种质资源类型齐全,品种较为丰富。介绍了可供其他地区利用的3个瓠瓜品种  相似文献   

三峡库区肉牛营养模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用利木赞杂交牛(均为阉公牛)30头,8~12月龄,栓系舍饲,采用随机完全区组设计(体重为区间)将试验牛分成6个营养模式组,进行300d的育肥,分析其日增重和饲料利用率,并对所有试验牛进行屠宰,测定其胴体质量和肉品品质,并对其经济效益进行分析。结果表明:低-高组饲料利用率和经济效益最好,高-高组增重速度和肉品品质最好。  相似文献   

中国农业信息资源建设与利用问题研究分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国农业信息资源建设已经取得了明显的成效,但在开发与利用中仍然存在着问题。对农业信息资源建设与利用中的问题从政策、技术、组织、服务、及产业措施等方面进行了研究与分析,为农业信息资源的建设与利用提供理论参考。  相似文献   

为贯彻落实党中央、国务院和省委、省政府“打好种业翻身仗”决策部署,阿坝藏族羌族自治州在农业种质资源收集、保护和开发利用方面做了大量工作,取得了长足进步。为深入实施种业振兴行动,摸清本地种质资源家底,开展了农业种质资源普查行动,制定了农业种质资源发展规划,助推农业种质资源的保护和开发利用,加强种子知识产权的保护和市场监管,确保了种业行业健康有序发展。  相似文献   

农业生产要全面提高经济效益适应市场发展的需要,一个非常重要的问题是建立完善的农业 保障体系。三峡库区地处贫困山区,年年干旱、洪涝、风雹、病虫等自然灾害交替侵袭,使 库区农业生产基础条件十分脆弱,加之三峡工程建设淹没区人口80多万,淹没耕地和柑桔约 2.7万hm2,库区损失70%以上的优良柑桔带和沃土带,毫无疑问给库区农业发展加 大了难度。如何建立多功能协调一致的农业保障体系,使库区农业稳定健康发展是当前十分 紧迫的任务。  相似文献   

三峡库区农业非点源污染的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
三峡水库建成后,三峡库区生态系统服务价值将减少8852.90×104 ̄9708.35×104元。特殊生态环境有助于三峡库区农业非点源污染的发生,将对三峡水库水体安全造成极大威胁。建立不同土地利用类型下土壤养分流失模型是三峡库区农业非点源污染调控研究的核心,农业非点源污染防治的关键在于库区内土地利用结构的调整及拦截缓冲带的建立。  相似文献   

In this paper, the possible geological disasters in Three Gorges Reservoir Area are reviewed. Firstly, the types of geological disasters are classified and their influencing factors and growth characteristics are analyzed, then the damages, which have happened in this area up to now, are listed. On this basis, five aspects of dangers brought by geological disasters to society and economic environment are analyzed. Finally, a conclusion was drawn that the geological disasters in Three Gorges Reservoir Area have done some harms to this area and the situation becomes worse than before. So some reasonable measures should be taken quickly.  相似文献   

Suspended sediments play an important role in the transformation process of pollutants in rivers.The adsorption characteristic of suspended sediments in Three Gorges Reservoir Area to phosphate was studied in this paper.Based on the indoor adsorption balancing experiment and kinetic modeling experiment,the main factors for adsorption process of sediments(particle size of sediment,initial concentration etc.) were discussed.The major results of the experiment were as follows:(1) Three kinds of suspended sediments with different particle sizes were used for the study of adsorption characteristic with different sediment concentration.The amount of phosphate adsorption increased with the increase of the sediment concentration and sediment particle size.(2) With the help of Langmuir isotherm theory,the related parameters in kinetic model were estimated,the experiment results indicated that the adsorption isotherm of phosphate in Three Gorges Reservoir Area fitted with the fifth type of Langmuir adsorption isotherm,the maximum amount of phosphate adsorption would emerge when the phosphate concentration was relatively high,but it would move down when the phosphate concentration increased afterwards.(3) Phosphate adsorption increased with the increase of initial phosphate concentration,the average time for adsorption balance was 2-4 hours.  相似文献   

After the dam of the Three Gorges is built, the raising water will inevitably cause the revival of the part of ancient landslide and the generation of new landslide ,which will influence the town development and traffic safety in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. In the light of the specific conditions of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, this paper, taking Fengdu's MingShan landslide in Chongqing for an example, has considered ten typical calculative projects, offered the correspondent load systems acting on the sliding mass and put forward the analytical and calculative method to evaluate the stability of a landslide. The ten typical calculative projects include dry season(natural state), raining season (rainstorm or rain for a long period of time), dry season and water level (175m ) of the reservoir, raining season and water level (175 m) of the reservoir, dry season and earthquake, raining season and earthquake, dry season and water level (175 m ) of the reservoir and earthquake, raining season and water level (175 m) of the reservoir and earthquake, dry season and water level lowered from 175 m to 145 m, raining seasons and water level lowered from 175 m to 145 m, and so on.  相似文献   

作为控制食品安全的一种手段,很多国家和地区已经实施了HACCP体系,对羊肉生产过程中的各个环节可能存在的潜在危害进行了生物的、化学的、物理的分析,根据HACCP原理确定相应的关键控制点(CCP)和关键限值,并制定了相应的预防措施,建立了监控方法,将生产过程中的危害因素降低到最低程度,从而最大限度提高羊肉的食用安全性,旨在促进库区肉羊屠宰加工产业的发展。  相似文献   

Such the geological hazards as landslide, rockfall, debris-flow and so on frequently occur in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, so it is a very practical and immediate job to explore the mechanism caused the geological hazards and how to forecast and control the geological hazards. For this reason, this paper introduces the situation of the geological hazards occurred in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area and the major type and feature of the geological hazards occurred in Chongqing, and discusses the basic principle about the modern nonlinear science applied to the geological hazards and the creep-slip, stick-slip occurred on the joints of rock mass and the monitoring technology of the geological hazards.The basic thinking is put forward which can be applied the modern nonlinear science to the geological hazards occurred in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area.  相似文献   

There is a promising future for lateral aviation in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area of the Yangtze River because of the abundant natural and cultural tourism resources.The advantage of the lateral aviation is its low investment,convenience,speed,and wide service area.It is an important factor for the future development of tourism in cities in this area.This paper analyzes the realities and problems facing lateral aviation in this area and suggests some countermeasures and planning suggestions for lateral aviation development.  相似文献   

Complexity of mutual act and different sensation of different tourists are important factors influencing regional tourism resources evaluation. Fuzzy mathematic method can be used to up quantitative evaluation method on tourism resources evaluation. Taking Wushan Small Three Gorges as an example, the author carries out the evaluation of the tourism resources in the Three Gorges Reservoir. At the same time, the authors consider that five factors, such as improvement of the comunication of tourism resources, quickening the Steps of urbanization in reservior area, must be done well.  相似文献   

A 1D hydrodynamic model on Pengxi Backwater Area (PBA) in the Three Gorges Reservoir during its preliminary operation period (2007 2008) is set up based on HEC RAS. In the large submerged area or water fluctuation zone, virtual levee is set up in the model between the conveyance channel and the storage area. The Manning’s n in PBA is calibrated and selected in the range of 0.27〖XC半字线.tif,JZ〗0.35. Calibrated model has good modeling results. Quasi Steady simulation approach is applied to calculate 1D hydrodynamic condition in the PBA during the study period. Analysis on the hydrodynamic condition in the PBA show that in the low water level operation stage, average velocity of upper reach in PBA will exceed 0.5 m/s, which is close to natural river. The Gaoyang Lake is formed as a relative independent and semi closure dam lake in the middle reach of PBA. Due to the enlarged cross section, the velocity at downstream of PBA is significantly decreased. In the high water level operation stage, no remarkable difference of velocity among cross sections in the PBA, indicating a significant hydrological characteristic of deep river based reservoir. The variation of reservoir capacity and hydraulic retention time in the PBA is 8.26×10 8〖XC半字线.tif,JZ〗2.51×10 8 m 3 and 157.0〖XC半字线.tif,JZ〗3.8 d respectively. The variation of reservoir capacity in PBA is impacted by the water level fluctuation more significantly. The hydraulic retention time in the PBA is impacted by both and river discharge dually. Frequency analysis show that 17.8% of hydraulic retention time data in the PBA is showed to be overflow reservoir type and 82.2% of that data showed to be transition type.  相似文献   

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