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笔者通过对环洞庭湖地区农村进行实地调研,发现许多农村存在产业结构缺乏特色、基础设施水平不高、乡风文明陈旧滞后、生态环境破坏严重、民主制度不够健全等五个方面的问题。论文以"生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主"为建设目标,对构建环洞庭湖地区新农村技术文明、物质文明、精神文明、生态文明和政治文明等"五个文明"作了深入的思考,并提出了"五个文明"建设的具体措施。  相似文献   

“生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主”,是中央为社会主义新农村描画的美好图景。其中,“生产发展、生活宽裕”是基础,也是广大农民的企盼。在社会主义新农村建设中,农民对如何增收,有着更加热切的期待。花木业是带动农村致富的重要产业之一。加快花木业的发展  相似文献   

社会主义新农村建设的大幕徐徐拉开,“十一五”规划《建议》勾勒出的新农村景象令人向往。建设社会主义新农村,是党的十六届五中全会提出的重大历史任务。这项惠及亿万农民、关系国家长治久安的战略举措,包含了五个方面、二十个字的基本要求:“生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主”。生产发展、生活宽  相似文献   

农业产业化经营是我国亿万农民的伟大创造,也是农村经营体制的重大创新。要把农村建设成为“生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主”的社会主义新农村,就必须坚持为农民服务的方向,必须以科技为先导,以深加工为龙头,以市场需求为坐标,不断拓展产业链,加速农业产业化进程。  相似文献   

农村劳动力转移对促进社会主义新农村建设、解决“三农”问题意义重大。论文以重庆市九龙坡区的新农村建设试点地区为例,在2006年6—8月的2个月时间内对该区中梁山西部9个镇150余农户进行了新农村建设有关情况尤其是农村劳动力转移情况的跟踪调研,在此基础上分析了该地区农村劳动力转移的基本特点及其经济学、心理学和社会学方面的驱动机理,并揭示了目前新农村建设试点地区农村劳动力转移中普遍存在的自发性强、稳定性弱、保障度低的问题,提出了在新农村建设契机下加强政策管理和教育资金投入、完善保障制度等以推进农村劳动力转移和新农村建设的建议。  相似文献   

韩国新村运动中的文化建设经验及启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杜丽华 《中国农学通报》2011,27(20):178-181
韩国在20世纪60年代组织实施的“新村运动”中,农村文化建设取得了巨大成功。文章总结了韩国新村运动中的文化建设经验:充分发挥政府的职能;重视农民的“精神启蒙”;注重农民的教育培训;注重村容环境的改观;政府给予财政支持等。指出中国当前在新农村文化建设中应该落实政府责任,发挥政府主导作用;重视农民教育,培养新型农民;创新农村人文生态环境,打造新村镇。  相似文献   

安海燕 《中国农学通报》2013,29(17):101-104
新农村建设的重点难点在西部欠发达地区,而欠发达地区的成功案例具有较大的推广意义。以贵州湄潭县为例,在认识其新农村建设的特殊性后,对首批新农村建设的13个试点村进行系统调研分析。结果表明:调研区生产方式基本发生了由单一到多元的转变,在发展中逐步形成了适合每村自身发展的主导产业,生活条件明显改善;通过黔北新民居的打造村容乡风有了较大的改善;“四民”项目的实施推进管理民主化。另外对调研区新农村建设的模式进行总结,主要有特色产业带动性、立体农业带动型和企业带动型。在此基础上提出一些启示与思考。  相似文献   

高新 《中国农学通报》2013,29(23):82-88
[摘要]本文根据金融支持新农村建设的实际,确定影响金融支持新农村建的因素为哈尔滨市GDP(亿元)、财政农林水事务支出(亿元)、农村GDP(亿元)、农村存款(亿元)、、农村贷款(亿元)、农村固定资产投资(亿元)、农村人口数(万户)、农村人均纯收入(元)、、农村人均消费支出(元)、、农村居民家庭劳动力文化程度(平均每百个劳动力中大专以上学历)、每百户有彩色电视的台数、农业保险收入(万元)、农业保险支出(万元),共计13个因素,13个因素的数据来源于哈尔滨市统计年鉴,通过运用SPSS主成分分析法对以上13个因素进行分析,得到两个新的综合性因素:经济因素、保险因素,根据主成分分析得到的结果,提出相关的对策和建议,使金融能更好地支持新农村建设。 [关键词]:金融;主成分分析;对策建议  相似文献   

2006年是社会主义新农村建设的起步之年,中央提出,新农村建设包括“生产发展、生活宽裕,乡风文明,村容整洁,管理民主”5项内容,它们之间既递进而又相辅相成。生产发展是基础,没有发展何谈富裕与文明。  相似文献   

社会主义新农村建设视域下农村实用人才研究概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为促进农村实用人才为社会主义新农村建设提供有力的人才保证和智力支持,以社会主义新农村建设中的人才需求为背景,对农村实用人才研究的基本观点进行了全面考察分析,研究内容主要在农村实用人才的基本内涵、重要性、队伍建设现状和开发对策研究4个方面取得了重要进展。纵观农村实用人才的研究历程,提出农村经济社会发展的客观需求、农村的教育培训创新和建立健全科学的机制体制是促进农村实用人才发展的3个动力因素。  相似文献   

Ancient village as a precious historical and cultural heritage of China is hailed as the "eco-museum" of classical folk cultures and "living fossil" of rural history culture. This paper elaborated human settlement characteristics of ancient Dongyuan Zengs' Village, Jinxi County from the perspectives of village environment, history evolution, village layout and village building, and explored the substantial content of village human settlement protection, and proposed specifi c approaches of protecting the human settlement, such as ancient village layout, history and culture, and provided references for protecting human settlement of the ancient villages.  相似文献   

Temple of local land god is a kind of traditional sacrificial architecture in China's village,and is cultural landscape generated under special farming system of China,which reflects the spiritual world of the working people and bears the history of the village. Its protection and continuity must take inheriting the cultural spirit as the most important prerequisite,and "place spirit" established by Norberg Schultz provides important theoretic basis for it. In this paper,based on "place spirit","place spirit" of temple of local land god is interpreted,and important role of "place spirit" in its protection and continuity and the ways to create "place spirit" of temple of local land god are explored.  相似文献   

基层党组织是农村最主要的领导力量,村域经济发展要充分发挥党组织的领导、凝聚和协调作用。针对很多地区产业不断发展而农民依然贫困、集体经济实力依然薄弱、基层党组织引领经济发展能力不够等问题,本文基于我国基层党支部的发展历史,结合各地区党组织的经济发展实践,提出了打造“支部+”平台为核心的利益联结机制设想,并以江苏省句容市唐陵村“支部+”为例进行具体分析。研究发现,唐陵村通过构建“支部+”平台利益联结机制,很好地促进了当地的经济发展,当地村民对党组织和经济发展效果具有很高满意度。以“支部+”平台为核心形成的利益联结机制,为我国村域经济发展提供了新路径。通过“支部+”平台整合各方面资源,激发各经营主体积极参与产业发展,而且通过党组织把握村级产业的性质与发展方向,使经济发展成果惠及广大农民群众,达到乡村振兴的目的。  相似文献   

On the vast land of China there are still some ancient Villages scattered, which were formed under some specific historical situations.Due to the limitations such as geographical and transport factors,these ancient villages have been little affected by the construction boom outside,keeping the original shape,architectural style and even the plain and simple customs until now.During the course of location selection and village formation, the traditional culture of the villagers has been embodied into the substantial system of the village and has become the important part of the village culture.The study on the ancient village-the prototype of city inhabitation-will contribute to understanding the trace of city development,that is,the concept of city planning and designing transforms from the functionalism to humanism approach.It is endowed with further cultural connotation promoting the continuous development of the city. In this paper, the external form of traditional culture in the ancient villages were inquired into from four aspects:the thought of "gendu"(farming and study) culture, the idea of village defense,the concept of "lishui" culture and the notion of "fengshui" culture.  相似文献   

古村落绿化美化建设探讨——以青田为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
古村落是宝贵的历史文化遗产,其绿化美化建设成为崭新的课题。笔者回顾了对近年来对古村落保护和建设的一些研究;以青田阜山乡陈宅村和方山乡龙现村2个古村落为例,分析了其绿化美化建设现状、特点及存在的问题;总结了古村落绿化美化建设的总体思路;提出了以下古村落绿化美化方法:(1)形成“外围、内部和内外通道”的布局结构;(2)按照“点、线、面”相结合的形式进行建设;(3)坚持“保护为主,新建为辅”的原则,走“继承-发展-创新”的道路。  相似文献   

摘 要:为进一步提升王家寨民俗村的旅游品位,对该村的景观进行了修订性的规划,并运用AutoCAD绘制了景观现状平面图和景观规划平面图,然后分析规划前后景观指数变化,结果表明:规划后各类型斑块数量和密度绝大部分有所增加,景观斑块形状破碎化指数变化较大,多样性指数、优势度指数、丰富度指数均有大幅提高,总之,规划后景观类型集中程度加强,景观更加丰富多彩,旅游设施更为完善,有利于旅游业的发展。  相似文献   

在国家乡村振兴的战略背景下,针对乡村中赋存的地质遗迹和化石资源,探讨如何在有效保护的基础上,发挥其科学普及和研学旅游功能,以带动乡村基础设施建设、促进产业结构调整和农民就业。文章提出了“化石村”的概念以及如何建设化石村的建议。总结了中国第一个化石村——湖北远安化石村的建设成效和建设经验,并提出了在全国推广化石村品牌的设想。为指导化石村的建设,避免盲目开发,笔者建立了一套化石村评价指标体系。  相似文献   

"China's deep-rooted family culture and the resulting family spirit is one of the basic characteristics of Chinese society that differs from western society," said by Chinese sociologist Fei Xiaotong. German sociologist Max Weber defi nes Chinese society as "family structure society"[1]. And sociologist Fei Zhengqing believes that the villages in China are organized by families. In sociological studies, the traditional villages are divided into three types: single-clan villages with only one dominating family, main-clan villages which are mainly composed of several families, and multi-clan villages where some coequal families live together[2]. The authors believe that traditional villages are organized social communities with kinship as a link. They are products of the family system. There is a close connection between a village's family composition and its space construction. Single-clan village is an introverted spatial organization mode entirely based on kinship, ancestral hall is located in the center and the whole spatial structure grows toward it. Main-clan village is a decentralized family aggregate based on the ties of blood as well as region. And the organization of its village space depends on temples and pavilions where families enshrine and worship ancestors and gods. It owns obvious features of collage and collaboration. M ulticlan village is a collaborative and extroverted complex spatial system led by relationship of colleagues, where large public buildings are taken as the core to organize commercial activities. Its form is similar to the form of small towns. Taking sociological term "family" as the starting point and cases of national historic cultural villages including Hong Village, Zhuge Village, Zoumatang Village, Suzhuang Village and Guoyu Village into further study, this article analyses the correlation between kinship composition and spatial form of villages, tries to reveal the essential structure of traditional space of villages and to provide a new perspective on spatial study as well as basis for preservation of traditional villages.  相似文献   

Agricultural production, rural areas, and farmers are three key aspects of agriculture related to sustainable economic and social development in China. Rural development is a process of multi‐participation, which involves actors from governments, village committees, villagers, rural economic cooperatives, enterprises, financing institutions, and non‐government organizations (NGOs). Based on social network analysis (SNA), this article analyzes the social network structures and characteristics of various actors in different stages of rural development in Yanhe village, Hubei Province, China. The results show that both the village committee and villagers have great influence on rural development; NGOs are the leaders of rural environmental improvement; village cooperatives are the promoters of rural economic development; enterprises are the accelerators of rural construction and development. The study outlines the rural development model in Yanhe village where the village committee is the leader and multiple forms of participation and cooperation are present; there are excellent partnerships and communication mechanisms among the participants. The endogenous and sustainable development model identified from Yanhe village is valuable for other villages in China to adopt.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the concept of "smart contraction" and its enlightenment to the revitalization of rural areas. Taking Dawan Yard in Tianwan Village, Wanzhou District, Chongqing City as an example, construction dilemmas in mountain area are analyzed, such as backward rural economy, low farmers' incomes, the loss of labor population, the decentralization of village construction land, small-scale village construction land, and the lack of technology and funds for the improvement of village living environment. Combining with the development opportunity of Dawan Yard in Tianwan Village, it puts forward three planning countermeasures of "smart contraction": smart utilization of village resources, smart allocation of public service facilities and smart inheritance of village memory. We hope to provide a new way to revitalize the countryside via case analysis of Dawan Yard.  相似文献   

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