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2015年度采用定容式孢子捕捉器对田间空气中小麦白粉病菌分生孢子传播的初步研究表明,在病害发生初期病菌分生孢子捕捉量比较低,但随着菌源中心病害的逐渐加重,病菌分生孢子在距菌源中心20 m和40 m远处捕捉量随之增大。线性弧度相关分析结果发现,距菌源中心北向20 m和40 m处的孢子捕捉量与风向存在显著正相关性;距菌源中心不同距离处的孢子捕捉量之间均存在极显著正相关性,且在相同方向上,距菌源中心20 m处孢子捕捉量显著高于40 m处孢子捕捉量。  相似文献   

利用Burkard定容式孢子捕捉器结合real-time PCR定量技术,分别对种植高抗、中感和高感白粉病小麦品种的田间空气中白粉病菌分生孢子浓度进行监测,结果表明,real-time PCR定量与传统的显微观察计数两种方法测得的孢子浓度呈显著正相关(P≤0.01),且两种病菌孢子计数方法在同一抗性品种上监测到的孢子浓度动态相近。此外,两种方法测得的孢子浓度与各气象因子的相关性分析结果一致,空气中的白粉病菌孢子浓度主要与空气相对湿度显著正相关。在此基础上,利用两种方法测定的田间空气中白粉病菌孢子浓度分别建立了基于累积孢子浓度的田间病情估计模型。分析发现,基于两种孢子浓度测定方法建立的病情估计模型间无显著性差异,表明real-time PCR定量技术测定的孢子浓度在构建白粉病病情估计模型上具有一定可行性。该结果为real-time PCR定量技术与病菌孢子捕捉技术相结合用于小麦白粉病的监测和预测提供理论依据。  相似文献   

2014和2015两年度利用Burkard定容式孢子捕捉器监测了高感小麦白粉病品种京双16种植区和中感品种众麦2号种植区田间空气中的病菌孢子浓度变化动态,同时利用小型气象站监测了田间的气象因子,通过分析京双16和众麦2号种植区空气中孢子浓度与空气温度、湿度、降雨、风速和太阳辐射率的相关性,发现空气中的孢子浓度主要与空气温度呈显著的正相关性(r0.348 3,P0.05)。在此基础上,分别分析了田间病情与调查日期前累积孢子浓度、一周前累积孢子浓度、前一周累积孢子浓度和当周累积孢子浓度的关系,结果表明,中感品种众麦2号田间病情与累积孢子浓度的关系均呈指数关系,其中田间病情与调查日期前累积孢子浓度或一周前累积孢子浓度的拟合效果最好,而感病品种京双16的田间病情与累积孢子浓度多呈对数关系,其中病情指数与一周前累积孢子浓度的拟合效果最好。  相似文献   

小麦白粉病菌对三唑酮抗药性的监测   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
小麦白粉病是世界性病害,因缺少抗性品种,长期以来依赖于药剂防治。三唑类药剂是防治白粉病的高效药剂,由于长期、大量、单一的应用,致使病菌抗药性发生。我国胶东沿海是小麦白粉病的多发地区,使用三唑酮防治该病近10年,病菌抗药性的研究与探明对农业生产具有指导意义。应用小株法和叶段法进行小麦白粉菌对三唑酮抗药性监测,3年共监测单孢堆菌系333个。结果较基线MIC高3~7倍者占86%,表明已进入抗药性发展初期。由于近年春旱抑制发病而抗药性发展很慢,一旦白粉病有中度以上流行条件,大面积连续用药即会发生抗药性,使防治失效,威胁生产,建议尽早治理。  相似文献   

 Experiments were conducted by using RAM Air Sampler for Use with Moving Vehicle to estimate field disease severity of wheat powdery mildew during 2002-2005. Results showed that there was significant correlation between field disease index and trapped spore number. Therefore, two models relating field disease index to spore number trapped were constructed using data from 2002 and 2005, or 2003 and 2004, respectively. These two models can be used to estimate field disease indexes of wheat powdery mildew in different years when disease severity is different.  相似文献   

小麦白粉菌群体的毒性基因研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
 1987-1989年间,自四川收集的85个小麦白粉菌株接种在11个已知抗白粉病单基因小麦品种及近等基因系上。试验结果表明:v1,v3b,v3c,v5毒性基因频率很高,达90%以上,次为v3a,v7,v8(88.2-65.9%),v2,v6分别为42.4%和37.6%,v4a,v4b频率最低(15%以下),毒性基因组合中,以v2+v6,v2+v4a,v2+v4b,V4b+v6,v4a+v8的出现极少,表示含有相对应抗性基因组合的品种是高度抗病的。供试的四川小麦白粉菌株,多数均具有7-8个已知毒性基因,毒谱较广。这给该地区小麦抗白粉病育种工作增加了难度。  相似文献   

北京地区小麦白粉菌闭囊壳越夏的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 由于世界各地气候条件、地理环境的不同,小麦白粉菌闭囊壳的越夏情况差异很大。在夏季干燥无雨炎热的地区,闭囊壳能顺利越夏,成为小麦白粉病在秋苗上的初侵染源;在夏季多雨潮湿的地区,闭囊壳则不能越夏,关键在于是否导致自生麦苗发病,北京地区小麦白粉菌闭囊壳的越夏行为尚未见报道,作者进行了这方面的研究。  相似文献   

小麦品种的慢白粉性田间鉴定   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
小麦品种的慢白粉抗病性是一种较稳定的抗病类型。许多研究证明,慢白粉性组分包括侵染效率低、潜育期较长、产孢能力弱,从而使白粉病上升速度缓慢,最终严重度和普遍率较低。对于如何评价品种的慢白粉性,许多学者提出了不同的方法,比较趋向一致的是用病害严重度作为选择指标。本文报道了1988和1989两年在田间用白粉病严重度发展曲线下面积和最终严重度作指标评价10个小麦品种的结果,以期寻找出具慢白粉性的品种。  相似文献   

小麦白粉菌附着胞畸形现象的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
 研究了70份小麦抗白粉病育种材料和品种上小麦白粉菌附着胞的畸形现象。结果表明:附着胞分瓣是畸形的主要形式,分瓣附着胞丧失了侵入能力,因此分瓣是一种重要的抗病现象。分瓣的发生与寄主的局部抗病反应无关,而与Pm4抗病基因有着密切的关系。  相似文献   

细胞乳突的形成和小麦白粉菌成功侵染的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 用一套己知抗白粉病单基因的小麦材料,研究了小麦白粉菌诱发寄主表皮细胞产生的乳突与成功侵染的关系。抗病小麦叶片上,诱发产生乳突的分生孢子占测定分生孢子数的58.8%,感病品种为63.8%。这表明抗性不同的小麦材料接种白粉菌之后,叶表皮细胞内形成乳突的百分率相近,然从在抗病材料和感病材料中形成的乳突阻止病原物发育和成功侵染的作用不相同,在抗病叶片上,诱发产生乳突的分生孢于中有88%停留在压力孢阶段,不继续发育,仅有12%能突破乳突形成吸器,使得侵染成功。与此对照,在感病叶片上只有32%诱发乳突的分生孢子不能穿透乳突,而68%则能突破乳突。成功地与寄主建立寄生关系。我们的研究表明,乳突能否成功地阻止白粉菌侵入可能与乳突形成的迟早有关。  相似文献   

由Blumeria graminis f.sp.tritici引起的小麦白粉病是危害甘肃省小麦安全生产的重要病害之一,分析病原菌毒性结构和抗病基因有效性对于指导白粉病的有效控制具有重要意义。2013年对甘肃省小麦白粉菌群体进行毒性分析结果表明,91个供试菌系中,对Pm1、Pm2、Pm3a、Pm3b、Pm3c、Pm3d、Pm3e、Pm3f、Pm4a、Pm4b、Pm5a、Pm6、Pm7、Pm8、Pm19、Pm33、Pm5+Pm6、Pm4+Pm8、Pm4b+Pm5b和PmEra的毒力频率达到70%以上,已无利用价值;对Pm13、Pm16、Pm21和Pm24的毒性频率在15%以下,尚可利用。选用甘肃省不同毒性谱的单孢堆菌系,对35个甘肃省及国内生产品种(系)进行苗期致病性测定,发现仅有‘绵麦37’具有优异抗病性。供试白粉菌系对‘定西40号’等22个品种(系)的毒性频率达到60%以上,甘肃省及中国生产品种中,苗期抗病品种(系)匮乏。  相似文献   

小麦品种对小麦白粉病菌侵染信号传递初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 通过测定抗病性不同的小麦品种在接种小麦白粉病菌后钙调素含量的变化发现其存在差异。如抗病品种钙调素含量高峰出现在接种后4 h,即寄主与白粉病菌接触阶段。而感病品种接种后24 h出现钙调素含量高峰。比较测定了不同的钙调素抑制剂对小麦品种抗白粉性的影响,发现10mmol/L TFP和5 mmol/L CPZ处理使抗病品种变为高度感病,50 mmol/L CPZ处理使小麦感染白粉菌后反应型下降,表明钙调素与小麦抗白粉性有关。  相似文献   

小麦白粉病是由白粉菌(Blumeria graminis f.sp.tritici)引起的世界性真菌病害之一,白粉病原菌的生理小种多,毒性变异速度快,很容易造成品种抗病性的丧失。培育抗病新品种有两种基本措施,一是发现与利用新的抗病基因;二是诱导防御  相似文献   

Conidia from living conidiophores of barley powdery mildew ( Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei ) on host leaves were collected consecutively using an electrostatic spore collector. The collector consisted of an electrical conductor plate linked to an electrostatic voltage generator and insulator plates placed abreast on a timed conveyer. The conductor plate was negatively charged by the potential supplied from the voltage generator. The negatively charged conductor plate caused dielectric polarization of the insulator plate, and the surface charge on the insulator plate attracted mature conidia abstricted from conidiophores on colonies growing on leaves placed 2 cm from the insulator plate. The surface charge on the insulator plate was proportional to the voltage applied to the conductor plate. Under optimized conditions, abstricted conidia were attracted to the electrostatically activated insulator plates without any detriment to their survival. During a colony's life span of c . 460 h, conidia were released throughout the day and c . 12 × 104 conidia were collected during the lifetime of the colony. This is the first report on the direct quantification of progeny conidia produced by powdery mildew infecting host leaves.  相似文献   

Fungicides inhibiting sterol biosynthesis are frequently used for powdery mildew control and can be subdivided into sterol demethylation inhibitors (DMIs) and morpholines with different modes of action. Whereas fungicide resistance to DMIs (Rdmi) and morpholines (Rmor) has been continuously monitored, there are no data available on the combination of Rdmi and Rmor, which led us to ask whether multiple resistance to triadimenol (Rtria), representing DMIs and to fenpropimorph (Rfen), representing the morpholines, evolved in France from 1993 to 1996. The method used allowed testing of both chemicals simultaneously, with the same inoculum. In 1993, the resistance factor of the mean (RFM) of the French wheat mildew population was 9·59 for Rtria and 5·11 for Rfen. Resistance increased, leading to RFMs of close to 14 for Rtria and 8 for Rfen at the end of the study. From the analysis of single colony isolates (SCI) that are genetically uniform, the presence of multiple resistance and its increase were evident and in line with the results of bulk isolates. Covariance of resistance to both chemicals was close to one. In contrast to the increase of Rfen, the use of morpholines decreased. These effects are supposed to result from multiple selection due to the use of mixtures of DMIs and morpholines that have been favoured in recent years. Fungicide sensitivity is, in general, not normally but lognormally distributed in a population. A new way to evaluate and describe lognormal data is presented. It is easy and convenient to use and provides solutions for current problems in the literature with lognormal distributions. Multiple resistance, its evolution and persistance are discussed in relation to fungicide use and to implications for anti-resistance strategies. © 1998 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

小麦条锈病菌和白粉病菌多重TaqMan Real-time PCR方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>小麦条锈病(Puccinia striiformis f.sp.tritici,Pst)和小麦白粉病(Blumeria graminis f.sp.tritici,Bgt)是我国小麦生产上的重要病害。条锈病主要发生在西北、华北、长江中下游和西南各省、自治区;白粉病则在西南各省和河南、山东、湖北、江苏、安徽等省发生较重,且西北、东北麦区也日趋严重[1]。条锈病菌依靠夏孢子造成小麦初侵染和再侵染并随气流远距离传播导致大区流行,白粉病菌则依赖于分生孢子或子囊孢子进行初侵染和再侵染。二者作为典型的气传病害,空中的接种体在  相似文献   

Isolates of Erysiphe graminis f.sp. tritici with wild-type or reduced sensitivity to fenpropimorph were similar in sterol composition, viz. ergosta-5,24(28)-dienol (±90%) and episterol (±10%). Following treatment with fenpropimorph, the relative content of episterol increased in conidia of all isolates tested, while that of ergosta-5,24(28)-dienol decreased. These results suggest that fenpropimorph, under the test conditions used, does not inhibit activity of sterol Δ14-reductase or Δ8→Δ7-isomerase but probably interferes with the final part of the demethyl sterol synthesis. However, modifications in this part of the pathway are probably not responsible for the decreased sensitivity of the pathogen to the fungicide. © 1998 SCI.  相似文献   

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