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Abstract. The effects of temperature on the activity of antisera from coho salmon ( oncorhynchus kisutch ) and from rabbit were compared. Agglutination activity of salmon anti-Aeromonas salmonicida serum declined following incubation at 55°C whereas rabbit antiserum lost agglutination activity after incubation at 65°C.  相似文献   

In salmonids, growth hormone (GH) stimulates growth, appetite and the ability to compete for food. This study tested the hypothesis that increased GH levels in GH-transgenic coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum) increase competitive ability through higher feeding motivation. The transgenic strain of salmon used contained a gene construct consisting of the sockeye metallothionein-B promoter fused to the type 1 growth gene coding region. The transgenic animals (mean size = 250 g) were F1 individuals. In six consecutive feeding trials, the intake of contested food pellets by size-matched pairs consisting of one control (1 year older non-transgenic coho salmon) and one GH-transgenic coho salmon was compared. Pellets were provided sequentially until neither fish took three consecutive pellets; the identity of the fish taking each pellet was noted. Calculated on the three first pellets offered at each feeding trial, the transgenic coho salmon consumed 2.5 times more contested pellets than the controls, supporting the hypothesis that GH transgenesis increases the ability to compete for food. Overall, the transgenic fish consumed 2.9 times more pellets that the non-transgenic controls, indicating a high feeding motivation of the transgenic fish throughout the feeding trials. It appears that GH transgenesis and GH treatments can induce similar changes in the feeding behaviour of salmonids. Depending on how transgenic and wild individuals differ in other fitness-related characters, escaped GH transgenic fish may compete successfully with native fish in the wild.  相似文献   

Smolts of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) were exposed to 5 × 10?5 mg·l?1 morpholine for 15 days and released into the Salmon River along with an unexposed control group. During the following two autumns, morpholine was introduced into the hatchery's fish ladder on various days and the return of experimental fish was recorded. The returns of morpholine-exposed and control fish were not statistically different. With morpholine present in the fish ladder, control fish were not repelled, and with morpholine absent from the ladder, morpholine-exposed fish returned as readily as control fish.  相似文献   

Coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum), is intensively cultured in Chile. An increasing proportion of the eggs necessary to sustain the culture are locally produced by some hatcheries. However, there is no information about the origin or the genetic variability in these strains. The present study analysed allozymic variability and its distribution within and between some commercial strains of coho salmon in southern Chile. The genetic variability was estimated using horizontal starch gel electrophoresis. Samples of coho salmon were obtained randomly from four Chilean hatcheries. Twenty‐five enzymatic systems were examined, representing 51 enzymatic loci. Eight loci showed variability in at least one strain, which represented a total polymorphism (P) of 15.7%. Only the PGM‐1* locus was variable in all strains. The remaining loci were fixed in at least one strain. Total heterozygosity (HT) and within population heterozygosity (HS) were 0.35% and 0.36% respectively. The index of genetic diversity (GST) was 1.5%. The results confirm previous reports of low genetic variability in cultured strains of coho salmon in Chile, below that observed in their native range, which suggests loss of the genetic variability caused by genetic drift or other causes in these strains.  相似文献   

Coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum), held at 15°C were tested for their susceptibility to toxins of proteolytic and nonproteolytic Clostridium botulinum types A, B, C1, C2, D, E, F, and G administered by the oral and intraperitoneal (i.p.) routes. By the oral route, the fish were most susceptibile to type E neurotoxin, which was lethal at a dose equivalent to 90 mouse intraperitoneal minimum lethal doses (MLDs). The oral lethal dose increased to 2000 MLD for nonproteolytic and proteolytic type F neurotoxins, but the toxin types A, B, and C1 were not lethal to fish at 2000 MLD and type D was not lethal at 20 000 MLD (highest titre tested). The fish were not susceptible to 200 MLD (the highest titres tested) of type G neurotoxin or C2 cytotoxin. By the i.p. route, all of the toxins except type G were lethal to coho salmon. Type E neurotoxin was the most toxic at a level of one‐half the mouse MLD. Coho salmon held at temperatures ranging from 1 to 20°C were sensitive to type E neurotoxin by both the oral and i.p. routes. As the temperature decreased the fish became more resistant to type E neurotoxin by the oral route, but the i.p. dose remained one‐half the mouse MLD at all temperatures.  相似文献   

Coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch are semelparous spawners with highly synchronized oocyte growth. Plasma was collected from maturing female fish and plasma lipids were quantified by lipoprotein class. Stable 13C isotopes were employed to investigate the origins of plasma lipids. Plasma lipoproteins were partitioned into the very low density (VLDL), low density (LDL), high density (HDL) and very high density (VHDL) lipoprotein classes. Lipids from all lipoprotein classes increased between the lipid droplet and early vitellogenesis stages of oocyte growth and VHDL lipids continued to increase through mid vitellogenesis (< 0.05). During vitellogenesis, total plasma lipid concentrations were similar to the sum of lipoprotein lipids (= 0.51). Plasma vitellogenin determined by an ELISA method was very well correlated with VHDL lipid during vitellogenesis (R2 = 0.91, n = 15). In general, the δ13C values of plasma lipids reflected that of feed (exogenous) and muscle (endogenous) lipids when feed and muscle δ13C values were similar, and were intermediate when differences existed between the two lipid sources. With one exception, the δ13C values of lipids from all lipoprotein classes within a plasma sample were similar. Results indicate that during sexual maturity, lipids from all plasma lipoprotein classes originate from a common pool of exogenous and endogenous lipids.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence suggests that olfactory imprinting by salmon occurs during a sensitive period associated with surges in plasma thyroxine (T4) levels during smolting. Life-history studies, however, suggest that imprinting may occur prior to smolting. A possible resolution of this paradox may lie in the finding that exposure of coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum) smolts to novel water sources induced transient increases in plasma T4 levels. If novel water-induced T4 surges occur prior to smolting and T4 surges are required for olfactory imprinting, juvenile salmon experiencing novel water sources as they move through their watershed may learn olfactory waypoints (e.g. stream confluences). To test this hypothesis, we exposed subyearling coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum), to novel odours or water sources at distinct developmental stages. Subyearlings did not demonstrate dramatic increases in plasma T4 levels during smolting and exposure to novel water sources also had no effect on basal T4 levels. Previous studies have indicated that such coho smolts successfully imprint to similar exposure paradigms and home accurately. These results suggest that surges in plasma T4 levels during smolting may not be necessary for olfactory imprinting and accurate homing.  相似文献   

In the last 9 years, epizootics of an icterus condition has affected coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum), reared in seawater cages in southern regions of Chile. At necropsy, fish from field cases exhibited signs of jaundice accompanied by pale light-brown livers and dark spleens. Histopathological and haematological results indicated that these fish presented haemolytic anaemia. After microbiological examination no bacterial or viral agents could be identified as aetiological agents of this disease. In an infectivity trial, coho salmon, Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., and rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), were inoculated intraperitoneally with a filtrate of an organ homogenate (0.45 microm) from a diseased coho salmon and held for 60 days in tanks supplied with fresh water. The disease was only reproduced in coho salmon in which mortalities, beginning at day 23 post-inoculation (p.i.), reached a cumulative value of 24% at day 27 p.i. This condition was transmitted to non-inoculated cohabiting coho salmon suggesting that it is a waterborne disease. Thus, this icteric condition is caused by an infectious form of haemolytic anaemia, probably of viral aetiology, and coho salmon are more susceptible than either Atlantic salmon or rainbow trout.  相似文献   

Two androgens, 17 α-methyltestosterone and testosterone, and an estrogen, estradiol, were individually incorporated in test diets at 2.5 mg/kg dry diet and fed to coho salmon for 14 weeks. The fish weight gain, feed conversion efficiency, fish body composition and fatty acid composition of fish body lipids were determined. The three steroid hormones all accelerate the growth rate of fish. The 17 α-methyltestosterone supplementation promotes significantly greater fish weight gain and feed efficiency. Results of histologic examination of fish liver, kidney, heart, and gonad are discussed.  相似文献   

Heritabilities and genetic and phenotypic correlations were estimated for length and weight of two brood years (BY 1977 and BY 1978) of coho salmon [Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum)] during the marine net-pen phase of rearing. The estimates were calculated from length and weight measurements on progeny resulting from a nested mating design and measurements at approximately 4 and 7 months after entering sea water. Point estimate for heritabilities based on the sire component for BY 1977 were low to moderate (0.02–0.19) and did not differ significantly from zero. On the other hand, BY 1978 estimates ranged from 0.31 to 0.62 and, with two exceptions, were significantly different from zero. The latter estimates may have been inflated by inclusion of variances from non-additive sources, but still indicated that differences in the genetic potential for increased growth between the two year classes may be substantial. Genetic correlations between length and weight within sampling periods were consistently high (0.95–1.00), indicating that pleiotropic gene action or close linkage among genes affects length and weight. Genetic correlations between body size traits (length and weight) between sampling periods varied considerably but suggested a potential for indirect selection gains. Genetic correlation approximations derived using family means or ranks appeared to provide reliable estimates and may be useful when environmental influences cause a significant deviation from normality.  相似文献   

Abstract. High levels of mortalities have been experienced in farmed coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisuteh (Walbaum), in the Gulf of Ancud, southern Chile. Most affected fish had similar skin lesions ranging from small areas of raised scales through white raised plaques to shallow ulcers. The fish were also generally dark, lethargic and anorexic. However, some affected fish appeared grossly normal with no skin lesions. Internal pathology consisted of varying degrees of ascites, peritonitis and general pallor. Spleens were generally enlarged. Kidneys and livers were swollen and grey in colour, often with pale focal lesions. Extensive histopathology was present in affected fish with tissue necrosis, intravascular necrotic thrombi, large basophilic cells and basophilic granules, some free in the tissues, some contained within cells. The basophilic granules, known locally as the 'UA', or unidentified agent, were thought to be the main aetiological agent, and are likely to be a rickettsia-like organism.  相似文献   

Abstract – Although homing behaviour has been observed in juvenile Atlantic salmon, brown trout and resident cutthroat trout, this behaviour has not been well studied in juvenile Pacific salmon. We examined the site fidelity and homing behaviour of juvenile coho salmon ( Oncorhynchus kisutch ) by marking and relocating them within an off-channel habitat. Over 80% of displaced fish returned to the area from which they were originally collected. The proportion of fish that returned to the original location did not vary significantly among three sampling dates. However, we found that this proportion decreased over time in a brackish lagoon when we statistically analysed the data reported by Day (1966) . Our results suggest that juvenile coho salmon exhibit strong site fidelity and are able to return to their home ranges after displacement. These behaviours are likely to be important for the winter survival of juvenile coho salmon.  相似文献   

Abstract The survival of small-sized (<50.8 cm) chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), and coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kitsutch (Walbaum), caught by sport fishing was determined to assess the potential for increasing the size limit for these fish. Fishermen were recently catching smaller salmon than in the 1970s, but salmon growth rates had not changed. To be an effective management option, the survival rate of hooked and returned fish must be high. The overall survival rates were high: 76% for chinook salmon and 70% for coho salmon. There was no significant difference in survival of the coho salmon with size of hook used ( P = 0.31). Any mortality among fish was generally acute; fish hooked deep in the mouth or gills generally bled and died shortly after capture. Fish hooked in the gills had a significantly greater mortality ( P = 0.0002). The overall high survival rate for these species was the result of a small proportion of fish being hooked in the gills or deep in the mouth. Since the survival rate of the salmon was high, the size limit could be increased to allow smaller fish to grow to sizes preferred by sport fishermen.  相似文献   

Abstract— The predator-prey behavioral interactions between two salmon species, coho salmon ( Oncorhynchus kisutch ) and chinook salmon ( Oncorhynchus tshawytscha ), and their prey species were examined under laboratory conditions. These behaviors were studied to determine the bases for prey selection by salmon in Lake Michigan and ultimately facilitate predictions on shifts or changes in salmon diets. Chinook and coho salmon captured all prey items in the open water portion of the aquarium, and they had similar attack behaviors. Average attack swimming speeds varied from 2.6 to 3.6 m/s, and average escape swimming speeds varied from 2.6 to 2.9 m/s. There were no significant differences in attack swimming speeds and escape swimming speeds. There was a significant difference in median reactive distances between the prey captured and those that escaped. There was no reactive distance (0.00 m) for 96% and 98% of the successfully captured prey by chinook and coho salmon, respectively. Only 4% and 10% of the unsuccessful attacks by chinook and coho salmon, respectively, had no reactive distance (0.00 m). Salmon would repeatedly attack a school and capture individuals separated from the school. Alewives, bloaters and fathead minnows were easy prey because they remained in the open water portion of the aquarium and stayed in schools until only a few individuals remained. The schooling behavior of spottail shiners and emerald shiners was an effective anti-predation tactic against salmon attacks. After some experience with yellow perch, salmon were reluctant to attack them and would often break off attacks on them. When coho salmon were presented with different proportions of bloaters and yellow perch, they significantly attacked and captured bloaters in preference to yellow perch.  相似文献   

Somatolactin (SL) is a novel pituitary hormone recently characterized in several fish species. Structural analyses have shown that SL belongs to the growth hormone/prolactin family, and that it is a highly conserved protein. SL is synthesized by the periodic acid/Schiff-positive cells in the pars intermedia, but has an as yet unidentified function(s). We have recently developed a homologous radioimmunoassay for coho salmon SL and measured plasma levels of SL during two stages of the coho salmon life cycle, smoltification and sexual maturation. During smoltification, plasma levels of SL changed almost in parallel with plasma levels of thyroxine; levels increased as morphological indices of smoltification appeared and decreased as smoltification was completed. Following this period, SL levels remained low until the spring prior to spawning. In a separate study, plasma levels of SL were measured in sexually maturing coho salmon that remained in fresh water throughout their life cycle. During the year of sexual maturation, plasma levels of SL gradually increased from the spring onward, reaching peak levels at the time of spawning in November and December. These data are similar to those previously reported for sexually maturing coho salmon that were maintained in seawater prior to spawning (Rand-Weaver et al. 1992). Therefore, increases in plasma SL levels occurred in sexually maturing fish irrespective of whether they were maintained in fresh water or seawater. Peak levels at spawning were higher than those observed during smoltification. Possible roles for SL in metabolism and reproduction are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. Studies were conducted to clarify the relationship between growth rate and disease progression of erythrocytic inclusion body syndrome (EIBS) in artificially infected coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum). In the diseased state, the haematocrit values decreased and the number of erythrocytes with inclusions was higher in faster growing fish. Rapid growth was accompanied by an abundance of immature erythrocytes, which had the greatest incidence of inclusion bodies.  相似文献   

Generalized additive models (GAMs) were used to investigate the relationships between annual recruitment of natural coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) from Oregon coastal rivers and indices of the physical ocean environment. Nine indices were examined, ranging from large‐scale ocean indicators, e.g., Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), to indicators of the local ecosystem (e.g., coastal water temperature near Charleston, OR). Generalized additive models with two and three predictor variables were evaluated using a set of performance metrics aimed at quantifying model skill in short‐term (approximately 1 yr) forecasting. High explanatory power and promising forecast skill resulted when the spring/summer PDO averaged over the 4 yr prior to the return year was used to explain a low‐frequency (multi‐year) pattern in recruitment and one or two additional variables accounted for year‐to‐year deviations from the low‐frequency pattern. More variance was explained when averaging the predictions from a set of models (i.e., taking the ensemble mean) than by any single model. Making multiple forecasts from a set of models also provided a range of possible outcomes that reflected, to some degree, the uncertainty in our understanding of how salmon productivity is driven by physical ocean conditions.  相似文献   

Flavobacterium psychrophilum is the aetiological agent of rainbow trout fry syndrome and bacterial cold water disease. This study examined the genetic diversity of F. psychrophilum isolates retrieved from multiple epizootics at rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, rearing facilities and from spawning coho salmon, O. kisutch. A total of 139 isolates were confirmed as F. psychrophilum by PCR assay and were further typed using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Multiple epizootics at three proximally located rainbow trout rearing facilities were numerically dominated by three PFGE profiles, which accounted for 76% of all trout isolates. In coho salmon, 19 PFGE profiles were differentiated by PFGE and four numerically dominant PFGE profiles represented 56% of all coho salmon isolates. PFGE analysis also indicated that the average similarity of macrorestriction patterns of F. psychrophilum isolates was greater in rainbow trout than in coho salmon (88% vs. 70%). Furthermore, it was not unusual to isolate multiple PFGE profiles from a single coho salmon sample whereas only two PFGE profiles were shared between two sample dates separated by 1 month. It is clear that the domestic rainbow trout aquaculture facilities studied here were primarily affected by a complex of genetically related strains whereas spawning coho salmon supported a much more genetically diverse collection of F. psychrophilum.  相似文献   

Time series of adult recruitment for natural runs of coho salmon from the Oregon coastal region (1970–94) and marine survival of hatchery-reared coho salmon from California to Washington (1960–94) are significantly correlated with a suite of meteorological and oceanographic variables related to the biological productivity of the local coastal region. These variables include strong upwelling, cool sea surface temperature (SST), strong wind mixing, a deep and weakly stratified mixed layer, and low coastal sea level, indicating strong transport of the California Current. Principal component analysis indicates that these variables work in concert to define the dominant modes of physical variability, which appear to regulate nutrient availability and biological productivity. Multiple regression analysis suggests that coho marine survival is significantly and independently related to the dominant modes acting over this region in the periods when the coho first enter the ocean and during the overwintering/spring period prior to their spawning migration. Linear relationships provided good fits to the data and were robust, capable of predicting randomly removed portions of the data set.  相似文献   

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