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化学预处理提高酒糟生物质酶解糖化效果   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为促进酒糟生物质的酶解糖化,筛选适宜的预处理方法,以脱除木质素,提高综纤维素(纤维素和半纤维素之和)保留率为目标,研究比较了酸-超声波耦合(ultrasound-assisted acid pretreatment,UAAP)、液氨(pretreatment by soaking in aqueous ammonia,PSAA)、碱性双氧水(alkaline hydrogen peroxide pretreatment,AHPP)和酸性亚硫酸氢盐(bisulfite pretreatment,BP)4种预处理法对酒糟化学组分、结构特性和酶解得率的影响。结果表明,与其余3种方法相比,BP法处理后酒糟的纤维素和半纤维素保留率最高,分别为84.59%和84.87%,即综纤维素保留率为84.68%。与未处理酒糟(unpretreatment,UP)相比,4种方法预处理后酒糟的综纤维素酶解得率分别提高了49.12%(酸-超声波,UAAP)、55.48%(液氨,PASS)、92.79%(碱性双氧水,AHPP)和99.15%(酸性亚硫酸氢盐,BP),其中BP法对酒糟酶解糖化的促进作用最有效。扫描电镜(scanning electron microscope,SEM)和X-衍射(X-ray differaction,XRD)结果显示,酒糟经不同方法预处理后表观结构发生了明显变化,木质纤维网络结构遭到破坏,表面呈现无规则或形状各异的膨松状态,沟壑明显,孔隙率增加,比表面积增大,有利于提高水解酶的可及性。化学组分和结构特性的变化说明酒糟的酶解得率与综纤维素的保留、木质素的去除、表面微观形貌变化以及纤维素结晶度等因素直接相关。总之,酸性亚硫酸氢盐(BP)法是适用于酒糟生物质糖化预处理的一种有效可行方法。  相似文献   

Corn distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) can be made into highly flexible thermoplastic films without the need for plasticizers. DDGS is an abundantly available coproduct of ethanol production that is inexpensive ($80-130/ton) compared to most of the polymers used for thermoplastic applications. In this research, oil-and-zein-free DDGS was cyanoethylated using acrylonitrile, and cyanoethylation conditions were optimized to obtain high percent weight gain of up to 42%. Cyanoethylated DDGS was characterized using (1)H NMR, FTIR, DSC, and TGA. Cyanoethylated DDGS was compression molded into thermoplastic films, and the tensile properties of the films were studied. It was found that DDGS films with elongation as high as 38% and strength of 14 MPa could be obtained without the use of any plasticizers. Alternatively, films with strength as high as 651 MPa but with relatively low elongation (2.5%) were obtained by varying the extent of cyanoethylation. This research showed that cyanoethylation could be a viable approach to develop biothermoplastics from biopolymers for applications such as packing films, extrudates, and resins for composites.  相似文献   

Anthocyanin pigments from a wide variety of edible and ornamental black, blue, pink, purple, red, and white wheat, barley, corn, rice, and wild rice were identified and quantified to evaluate their potential as natural colorants or functional food ingredients. The total anthocyanin contents varied significantly and exhibited a range of 7-3276 microg/g. Some grains, such as red rice and black rice, contained a limited number of pigments, whereas others, such as blue, pink, purple, and red corns, had complex anthocyanin profiles. Of the 42 anthocyanin compounds observed, 9 were characterized by comparison of the spectroscopic and chromatographic properties with those of authentic standards. The remaining compounds were tentatively identified on the basis of spectroscopic properties and electrospray ionization mass spectra. The most abundant anthocyanins were cyanidin 3-glucoside in black and red rices and in blue, purple, and red corns, pelargonidin 3-glucoside in pink corn, and delphinidin 3-glucoside in blue wheat.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried.out in Chongging-a city seriously damaged by acid precipitation in southwest China — to explore chemical compositions of open bulk precipitation, throughfall and stemflow in a Masson pine (Pinus massoniana) forest. The results showed that annual mean pH values of and annual ion depositions in the three types of rain water were 4.47 and 50.6 g m?2, 3.82 and 69.7 g m?2, and 2.92 and 0.215 g m?2 respectively. pH values demonstrated an obvious seasonal variation; they were lower in winter than in the rest of the year. Ca2+ and NH inf4 sup+ together made up more than 80% of the total cation, while SO in4 sup2? alone contributed over 90% to the total anion. This high level of SO in4 sup2? in rain water in Chongqing, which outran those found in other cities in China, was closely related to the combustion of locally produced coal that contains 3 to 5% sulphur. Thus, acid precipitation in Chongqing is of a typical sulphuric-acid type.  相似文献   

Chemical analyses were performed on 387 sequential precipitation samples, both rain and snow, collected at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Long Island, New York, on 96 different days during the period from October 1983 to June 1985. The collection time for each individual sample was typically 30 min. The chemical species determined and the volume-weighted average and maximum concentrations (in parentheses) in units of μM were: H202:7(120), H2CO:6(60), H+:51(500), N03 ?:30(350), S04 2?:25(270), NH4 +:18(250), Ca2+:3(48), Na+:32(400), and Cl?:37(380). A strong seasonal dependence was observed for H202 concentration, the maximum concentration in summer (120 μM) being 6 times greater than in winter. In addition, H202 concentration also exhibited a strong diurnal variation, with a maximum peaking in the afternoon and a minimum after midnight. These observations suggest that the production of H202 may be governed by photochemical activity. Nitrate concentration also displayed a strong diurnal variation, having a maximum around noon, but did not show a seasonal dependence. Relationships between various species and their possible sources are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to measure the reactive Lys concentration in corn distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS). In expt 1, reactive Lys was measured in 33 sources of DDGS using two procedures: the homoarginine procedure and the furosine procedure. The concentration of reactive Lys in DDGS was then correlated with the concentration of standardized ileal digestible (SID) Lys in DDGS fed to growing pigs. In expt 2, a factorial experiment was conducted using four ratios of condensed distillers solubles (CDS) and wet distillers grain (WDG). The ratios (wt/wt) of CDS to WDG were 0:100, 20:80, 40:60, and 100:0, and four subsamples from each combination were freeze-dried or oven-dried at 50, 75, or 100 degrees C. The dried samples were designated DDG, DDGS 20, DDGS 40, and CDS, respectively. All subsamples were analyzed for total Lys and for reactive Lys using the homoarginine procedure. Results of expt 1 showed that only 74.1% of total Lys was reactive if measured by the homoarginine procedure and 83.5% was reactive if measured by the furosine procedure. The concentration of SID Lys in DDGS was correlated with the concentration of reactive Lys measured by the homoarginine procedure ( r (2) = 0.70, P < 0.05) and by the furosine procedure ( r (2) = 0.66, P < 0.05). In expt 2, the concentrations of total Lys and reactive Lys were reduced ( P < 0.05) when addition of CDS or drying temperature of the samples was increased, but the reduction was greater ( P < 0.05) when both CDS addition and drying temperature were increased at the same time. After oven-drying at 100 degrees C, 75.7% of total Lys was reactive in DDG, but only 27.6 and 10.2% were reactive in DDGS 20 and DDGS 40, respectively. In conclusion, reactive Lys is correlated with the concentration of SID Lys in DDGS, and addition of CDS exacerbates the negative effects of heating on the concentration of total Lys and reactive Lys in DDGS.  相似文献   

Togwa is a starch-saccharified nonalcoholic traditional beverage consumed in sub-Saharan Africa. In the southern part of Tanzania, togwa is usually made from maize flour and finger millet malt. In this region, togwa is consumed by working people and also used as a refreshment as well as a weaning food. Togwa was prepared in the laboratory using a specific reactor and analyzed for its general chemical composition in both laboratory and field forms. From the analysis of the trace elements and amino acid contents in togwa and its materials, it has been clarified that togwa contains many kinds and a high quantity of minerals derived from finger millet malt. It was concluded that togwa should be nourishment and a major source of minerals as nutrients for the inhabitants of this region.  相似文献   



Gasification process is regarded as a viable option for disposal of various types of organic waste. Its application to meat and bone meal (MBM) and dried distillers grains (DDG) is a new concept that is recently receiving more attention as possible strategy for safe recycling of these materials to benefit from their energy and nutrient value. Besides, this process produces ash that is rich in phosphorus (P) and may be suitable for utilization as a P fertilizer. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of these specific types of ashes as P fertilizer via evaluating their direct effect on canola growth, P uptake, apparent P recovery and changes in some selected soil chemical properties after their addition to a P-deficient soil.

Materials and methods

A growth chamber experiment was set up to meet the study objective. The experimental treatments included meat and bone meal ash (MBMA) and dried distillers grains ash (DDGA) applied at three rates (25, 50, or 100 kg P ha?1) in comparison to a mineral (mono-calcium phosphate) fertilizer (MP) applied at the same rates in addition to non-P-treated soil (control).

Results and discussion

After a growth period of 5 weeks, the DDGA was the most effective ash type and provided biomass yield, P uptake, and apparent P recovery better or similar to that of MP, indicating high availability of its P. The MBMA had a limited effect on measured crop variables, suggesting that a significant portion of this ash P is present in insoluble form and is not as readily available for plant uptake. This was also indicated by its lesser effect on enhancing extractable available P remaining in soil after harvest in comparison to MP or DDGA. Application of all ash material caused a slight but significant change in soil content of inorganic N as well as soil pH and EC; however, this change was more evident with DDGA treatments.


Ash derived from gasified DDG was the most effective P fertilizer and was comparable to mineral fertilizer. The results of this study demonstrated that the effectiveness of organic material ash as a P fertilizer is controlled by the type of gasified feedstock. The positive results obtained from this study should stimulate further research on utilization of these ashes as a source of P for different crops in different soil types, especially repeated application under field conditions.  相似文献   

Grape quality and its nutrient composition vary depending on agronomical management practices (fertilization, irrigation, weed, and pest control), and agrochemicals treatments (such as kaolin, hormones, and sucrose), viticultural (grape cultivars and varieties, training, pruning, cluster thinning, and trunk girdling), and biotechnological techniques, as well as growth stage and environmental changes (soil, climate, and season). Understanding the mentioned agro-biotechnological techniques assists grape growers and geneticists in breeding grapevines to improve yield, tolerance, quality, and nutraceutical values based on their usage purposes. Thus, this review article focuses on the up-to-date approaches and incentivizes further studies on the unknown mechanisms related to engineering grape flavonoid/phenylpropanoid biosynthetic pathways to improve its health-promoting effects in both grape and human. The engineering/breeding strategies and viticultural practices have been proposed based on the grape usage purposes and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The nutrient composition, toxic factors content, and nutritional and toxicological value of Lupinus splendens, L. rotundiflorus, L. elegans, L. simulans, L. exaltatus, L. reflexus, and L. madrensis species from Mexico were analyzed. The seeds of these species were a good source of protein. All the species showed a high lysine and tryptophan content, though sulfur amino acids were limiting. Cyanogenic glycosides were absent, and lectins, trypsin inhibitors, and tannins were present in low concentrations. Lupanine was the major alkaloid in almost all the samples, although sparteine was the major alkaloid in Lupinus reflexus (26.63 mg/g of sample). Cytisine was not found in any of the studied lupins. L. reflexus showed the highest acute toxicity, and L. elegans exhibited no toxicity as evaluated using a mice model. The alkaloid was reduced by hot-water extraction. The protein efficiency ratio in water-debittered seeds was relatively poor (1.1-1.5). These results suggest that the wild lupins studied represent a potential protein supply, and they could be domesticated and used for animal feed if the alkaloids were eliminated and the protein was supplemented with methionine, or if the lupins were used in mixture with cereals.  相似文献   

Commercially important edible nut seeds were analyzed for chemical composition and moisture sorption. Moisture (1.47-9.51%), protein (7.50-21.56%), lipid (42.88-66.71%), ash (1.16-3.28%), total soluble sugars (0.55-3.96%), tannins (0.01-0.88%), and phytate (0.15-0.35%) contents varied considerably. Regardless of the seed type, lipids were mainly composed of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (>75% of the total lipids). Fatty acid composition analysis indicated that oleic acid (C18:1) was the main constituent of monounsaturated lipids in all seed samples. With the exception of macadamia, linoleic acid (C18:2) was the major polyunsaturated fatty acid. In the case of walnuts, in addition to linoleic acid (59.79%) linolenic acid (C18:3) also significantly contributed toward the total polyunsaturated lipids. Amino acid composition analyses indicated lysine (Brazil nut, cashew nut, hazelnut, pine nut, and walnut), sulfur amino acids methionine and cysteine (almond), tryptophan (macadamia, pecan), and threonine (peanut) to be the first limiting amino acid as compared to human (2-5 year old) amino acid requirements. The amino acid composition of the seeds was characterized by the dominance of hydrophobic (range = 37.16-44.54%) and acidic (27.95-33.17%) amino acids followed by basic (16.16-21.17%) and hydrophilic (8.48-11.74%) amino acids. Trypsin inhibitory activity, hemagglutinating activity, and proteolytic activity were not detected in the nut seed samples analyzed. Sorption isotherms (Aw range = 0.08-0.97) indicated a narrow range for monolayer water content (11-29 mg/g of dry matter). No visible mold growth was evident on any of the samples stored at Aw < 0.53 and 25 degrees C for 6 months.  相似文献   

Kappaphycus alvarezzi, an edible seaweed from the west coast of India, was analyzed for its chemical composition. It was found that K. alvarezzi is rich in protein (16.24% w/w) and contains a high amount of fiber (29.40% w/w) and carbohydrates (27.4% w/w). K. alvarezzi showed vitamin A activity of 865 mug retinal equivalents/100 g of sample. It contained a higher quantity of unsaturated fatty acids (44.50% of the total), in which relative percentage of oleic acid was 11%, cis-heptadecanoic acid 13.50%, and linoleic acid 2.3% and 37.0% of saturated fatty acids (mainly heptadecanoic acid). K. alvarezziwas also found to be good source of minerals, viz 0.16% of calcium, 0.033% of iron, and 0.016% of zinc, which are essential for various vital biological activities. Bioavailability of iron by in vitro methods showed a higher efficiency in intestinal conditions than in stomach conditions. Ascorbic acid influenced higher bioavailability of iron. Successive extracts of n-hexane, acetone, ethyl acetate, ethanol, and direct extractables of chloroform/methanol (1:1 and 2:1) were screened for antioxidant activity using a beta-carotene linoleic acid model system (B-CLAMS), DPPH (alpha,alpha-diphenyl-beta-picrylhydrazyl) model system and hydroxyl radical scavenging activity. The chloroform/methanol (2:1) extract has shown 82.5% scavenging activity at 1000 ppm. Acetone fraction extracts at the 1000 ppm level showed 63.31% antioxidant activity in beta-carotene linoleic acid system. The acetone extract showed 46.04% scavenging activity at 1000 ppm concentration. In the case of hydroxyl radical scavenging activity, all the extracts showed better activity at the concentrations of 25 and 50 ppm, where at the 50 ppm level ethyl acetate extract showed 76.0%, acetone 75.12%, and hexane 71.15% activity, respectively. Results of this study suggest the utility of K. alvarezzi (Eucheuma) for various nutritional products, including antioxidant for use as health food or nutraceutical supplement.  相似文献   

Chemical composition of seeds of two okra cultivars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Studies were undertaken to determine factors affecting composition of acidic precipitation formation in the Austin area of Central Texas. The study was initiated to determine background levels of acid and alkalinity producing constitutents in an area with elevated natural dust levels from nearby limestone rock formations. Results showed normal rainfall pH values of 6.5 to 6.6 in the area, with extreme variations from 5.8 to 7.3. Significant Ca levels of 1 to 4 mg 1?1 were observed from probably natural origin which appeared to have a buffering effect on acidity. Significant sulfate and nitrate ion concentrations occurred during the early stages of rainfall where rainfall pH was dependent on calcium-sulfate ratio.  相似文献   

The contribution of the chemical composition to the flavor of cocoa liquor from an Ecuadorian selfed population of clone EET 95 was investigated. Polyphenols, purine alkaloids, organic acids, and sugars were quantified, and the key sensory characteristics of cocoa were scored by a trained panel. Despite the short bean fermentation (2 days) commonly used for Arriba cocoa, acetic acid content was closely correlated to liquor pH, demonstrating its essential role in cocoa liquor acidification. Polyphenols were positively correlated to astringency, bitterness, and the green note and negatively correlated to the fruity character. Alkaloid and polyphenol levels fluctuated significantly within the selfed progeny and tended to be lower than those of the heterozygous clone EET 95 (inbreeding effect). These results support the idea that polyphenols might be essential to the overall perception of cocoa liquor characteristics and indicate that the composition and the sensory quality of cocoa liquor are the result of both a genotypic contribution and the conditions of fermentation and roasting.  相似文献   

Arachis hypogaea , known as the peanut, is native to South America. Peanut contains several active components including flavonoids, phenolic acids, phytosterols, alkaloids, and stilbenes. Some therapeutic effects have been reported for peanut seed extracts, such as antioxidative, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory activities. This paper aims to give an overview of the chemical composition, focusing on secondary metabolites, and of the biological activity of A. hypogaea, to stimulate new studies about species of the Arachis genus.  相似文献   

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