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目前,各国以及CIE的隧道照明设计规范和标准在隧道照明研究中都只考虑隧道路面的亮度或者照度水平,对于色温、显色性和光谱分布等因素对视觉效果的影响考虑不足,导致对隧道照明质量的评价不够科学。笔者从隧道照明光源光色对于驾驶员视觉功效的影响出发,选择两个隧道进行了小目标识别现场实验和不同色温反应时间测试实验,分析了驾驶员视觉功效受隧道照明光源的显色性和色温的影响情况。结果表明:隧道照明光源显色指数越高,驾驶员的视觉功效越好;对于光谱能量分布相似的光源,背景亮度相同时,含有短波成分多的光源照明效果更好,驾驶员的视觉功效也更好。  相似文献   

以羊奶为原料,研究水苏糖、低聚木糖、低聚果糖、低聚乳果糖、低聚半乳糖、低聚异麦芽糖6种益生元对酸羊奶中乳酸菌活菌数的影响。结果表明,水苏糖对乳酸菌有增殖作用,其最佳用量为1 g/100 g羊奶;低聚果糖、低聚半乳糖和低聚异麦芽糖对乳酸菌也有增殖作用,低聚果糖最佳用量为1.6 g/100 g羊奶、低聚异麦芽糖最佳用量为2 g/100 g羊奶,其中低聚半乳糖的增菌效果最明显,最佳用量为1.2 g/100 g羊奶。在复合益生元研究中,发现低聚半乳糖和低聚异麦芽糖的比例为2∶1,添加量为3 g/100 g羊奶时,增菌效果较好;当低聚半乳糖和低聚异麦芽糖的比例为3∶1,添加量为2 g/100 g羊奶时,增菌效果较好。综合比较,确定益生元的最佳添加量为低聚半乳糖和低聚异麦芽糖比例为3∶1,其添加量为2 g/100 g羊奶时,酸羊奶中乳酸菌活菌数最高。  相似文献   

采用隧道式微波干燥技术对党参进行灭菌处理,筛选适宜的灭菌工艺,并研究其对党参炔苷含量的影响。结果表明,微波干燥党参最优工艺为:料水质量比100∶15,传送带速度2.0 m/min,微波功率12 k W,载样量12.5 kg/m~2,党参灭菌工艺后菌落总数为3.1×10~3 CFU/g;高效液相色谱分析表明,隧道式微波灭菌技术对党参中有效成分党参炔苷无显著性影响。  相似文献   

通过冶炼厂周边田间试验,探讨了钝化剂2,4,6-三巯基均三嗪三钠(TMT)对冶炼厂周边中碱性农田中小麦生长末期重金属累积的影响。结果显示:在污染土壤中,添加w=0.10%(质量分数)TMT55材料,60~240 d后土壤DTPA有效态镉含量较对照降低效率为18.50%~41.53%;DTPA有效态铅含量较对照降低效率为21.06%~28.43%。在有效态镉含量为0.97 mg/kg的污染土壤中添加w=0.10%(质量分数)TMT55材料,200 d后小麦根、茎、叶镉含量较对照分别降低32.04%、27.38%、35.39%,240 d后小麦根、茎、叶、籽粒镉含量较对照分别降低18.12%、34.86%、12.39%、20.81%。在有效态铅含量为56.72 mg/kg的污染土壤中添加w=0.10%(质量分数)TMT55材料,200 d后小麦根、茎、叶铅含量较对照分别降低26.84%、23.84%、29.32%,240 d后小麦根、茎、叶、籽粒铅含量较对照分别降低14.34%、46.36%、19.29%、42.40%。TMT55材料能抑制小麦在生长末期对重金属镉和铅的累积,是潜在重金属污...  相似文献   

研究旨在探讨中南地区冶炼厂周边土壤镉铅复合污染问题,降低冶炼厂周边土壤污染风险。通过筛选3种复配钝化材料,进行土培试验模拟,探讨复配材料对株洲冶炼厂周边重金属污染土壤的钝化效果。结果显示:相同试验条件下,通过3种(C1、C2、C3)钝化材料处理后的土壤浸出溶液中镉、铅浓度均未超过《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002)Ⅳ类标准,可溶性土壤重金属含量符合环境质量标准。从3种材料对湖南株洲冶炼厂周边土壤镉和铅第7、15、30天的钝化效果看,添加1.0%的C1(黏土矿物+TMT)材料钝化镉铅效果最好,酸浸态镉含量降低率最高达到了97.02%,酸浸态铅含量降低率最高达到99.37%。C1钝化材料对土壤中镉铅影响随着时间的推移从可交换态、铁锰氧化物结合态慢慢向残渣态转移,大大降低了镉铅向周边环境迁移转化的能力,减少了中南地区冶炼厂周边镉铅环境污染的风险。该试验筛选出了镉铅复合污染土壤钝化材料,为解决中南地区冶炼厂周边污染治理的提供了参考。  相似文献   

针对岗南水库水体中度富营养化的现状,在保证作物稳产的同时,最大限度减少农田养分流失是降低农田面源污染、缓解水体富营养化的必由之路。以氮平衡原理研究氮素的盈余或亏缺,开展了不同水肥组合对岗南水库周边冬小麦-夏玉米种植体系中氮素淋失的影响研究。结果表明:在岗南水库周边旱地小麦-玉米轮作体系下,施氮量、施肥类型和灌水共同影响了硝态氮向深层的淋失,且施氮效应大于灌水效应。除不施氮的对照处理以外,其他水肥组合的土壤氮素均有盈余,淋失到140 cm以下的硝态氮量在35.23~212.53 kg/(hm2· a)。推荐环境友好水肥组合为缓控释肥的精确施用处理N控W2,比农民习惯施肥量的处理N2W2氮素淋失量减少141.19 kg/(hm2· a),减少了80%。通过合理施肥与灌溉能有效降低岗南水库周边旱地小麦-玉米农区氮素淋失,提高肥料利用率,减少硝酸盐对地下水的威胁,对于保护石家庄珍贵的水资源具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

In order to research the tunnel rock pressure and its distribution, the mechanical model of tunnel rock pressure of shallow-buried bilateral bias neighborhood tunnel is set up based on series assumptions. The calculation theory of tunnel rock pressure is deduced, in which the construction processes of twin tunnels can be considered. Furthermore, the contact pressure between tunnel lining and surrounding rock is monitored on site at Zuan Qianmen Tunnel of Xinbao expressway, and the change law of contact pressure corresponding with time and construction processes is obtained. Meanwhile, the comparison analysis has been made between field monitoring value and theoretical value, and the result shows that the tunnel rock pressure’s mechanical model and calculation theory of shallow-buried bilateral bias neighborhood tunnel is rational, which will provides the theory foundation to tunnel design and tunnel rock pressure calculation of shallow-buried bilateral bias neighborhood tunnel.  相似文献   

为研究隧道锚的受力变形和锚碇承载特性等问题,在重庆几江长江大桥工程北岸现场开展1∶30缩尺模型试验。试验结果表明:从相似设计荷载240 kN到1 680 kN,双锚碇前锚面沿拉拔方向的最大位移平均值为0.020~0.808 mm,双锚碇前端上部地表岩体铅直方向的最大位移值为0.028~0.749 mm,双锚碇后端上部地表岩体铅直方向的最大位移值为0.014~0.645 mm;锚碇围岩破裂类型是拉剪复合型破坏;锚碇上方地表横桥方向参与抗拔作用的岩体范围约2~3 m,而沿锚碇轴向参与拉拔作用的岩体破坏区类似一个倒塞体形状;通过试验得到模型锚的可靠抗拉拔承载能力为1 344 kN;模型锚在840 kN下的流变趋于稳定,其长期安全系数为3.5。模型试验结果表明软岩地质条件下浅埋隧道锚具有较高的抗拉拔承载能力,证明此设计方案是可行的。  相似文献   

This paper takes Chongqing Two-River Tunnel as the research background, based on the system for structure and surrounding rockmass of the highway tunnel, conducts a three-dimension model test about forked tunnel with different altitude to study new tunnel’s mechanics behavior induced by construction, and uses numerical simulation to analyze model domain. The results show that the displacement on new tunnel’s left hance is larger than the displacement on its right hance. Left hance displacement is larger than hance displacement of the single tunnel, and the right hance displacement is less than hance displacement of the single tunnel. The trend of hance displacement and crown settlement with different adjacent spacing is got. Normalizing hance displacement and crown settlement of model test, the relation between displacement and adjacent spacing is disclosed. The hance displacement and crown settlement gained by numerical simulation is close to the converted result of model test, which indicates that the model test data is consistent with the result of numerical simulation.  相似文献   

The thermal radiation is the main factor affecting internal thermal flow field in a tunnel. This paper studies on two open ends of a channel inclined with angles of 10°, 20° and 30° by experiments and numerical simulations. The experimental data agree well with the predicted results by using Large Eddy Simulation (LES) to solve N-S equations driven by the buoyancy flow. And the influence of thermal radiation on thermal flow field of tunnel with inclination angles from 10° to 30° at same heat source is obtained by comparing the experiment results and numerical resolutions of coupled with radiation model and without radiation model. Thermal radiation makes temperature near the upper wall of tunnel drop, and the influence of thermal radiation on bottom end of tunnel declines with the inclination angle increasing. However, the inclination angle has a little effect on temperature near the ceiling of the top end of tunnel. Simultaneously, the higher temperature zone leaning to the top end due to the thermal radiation is obtained, and the temperature at the bottom of the upper part of the tunnel increases. The findings of the study are important references for theory research of thermal flow field in inclined tunnels.  相似文献   

Now in the highway construction of the mountain area, fractured rock mass slope always strengthened by the anchor rope. In order to investigate the strengthen effect of the slope fractured rock mass strengthened by the prestressed anchor rope, laboratory similar model test was designed and preceded. By the self-made facilities, a new method of modeling prestressed anchor rope was used in the test. Nylon ropes and the aluminum flakes were used to model the anchor rope and discrete rock mass joints. Gypsum based mix material was used to model rock. According to the real slope engineering site circumstances, six sorts of different disposed prestressed nylon rope strengthened model specimens and the specimens without prestressed nylon rope were made by the similar theory. With the test results, the strength and deformation properties of different model specimens were investigated. Comparison to different anchor effects of the different model specimens was made. The final analysis shows that in order to make full use of the anchor rope's strengthen ability, anchor rope should be disposed perpendicularly to the fracture structure rock mass's main joint direction and should be placed in the upper or top area of the fractured rock mass slope.  相似文献   

In order to analyze the influence of construction of new interchange tunnel on existing tunnel, a three-dimension model test of interchange tunnel is carried out with the system of structure and surrounding rockmass of highway tunnel. Existing tunnel’s surrounding rock pressure, internal displacement and supporting internal force are measured. The results show that, firstly, excavating new tunnel has obvious influence on section Ⅰ of existing tunnel, and has little influence on section Ⅱ.All surrounding rock pressure keeps decreasing and arch bottom surrounding rock’s stability reduces. Secondly, crown and hance internal displacement manifest tensile deformation, and the deformation at crown is bigger than that at hance. Thirdly, exiting tunnel’s supporting axial force keeps increasing and supporting moment keeps decreasing. Finally, excavating new interchange tunnel has obvious influence on exiting tunnel’s surrounding rock pressure, internal displacement and supporting internal force when adjacent space is 0.25D, and it indicates that interchange tunnel’s adjacent space should be no less than 0.5D.  相似文献   

Violent-slide rock avalanche and excitation effect of perilous rock   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The physical model of perilous rock avalanche excitation effect is deudofed based on the effect of the main factors, such as weight and fissure water pressure. It quantizes the interaction of perilous rock masses through the energy point of fracture mechanics and wave theory, and gains the departure rate formula of landslide body at momentary avalanche. The particle displacement rate calculation method of perilous rock medium under the action of excitation waves is developed based on the formation of perilous rock avalanche excitation waves and the spread mechanism in slope rock formation. The example shows that the analysis results established are coincident with actual situation. Some scientific basis is provided for the further research of perilous rock damage and evolutionary mechanisms.  相似文献   

Mass selection with controlled pollination for heading, resistance to early bolting, fewer frame leaves relative to head size and few cover leaves, was applied for three cycles in four Greek open‐pollinating populations (OPPs) of cabbage in nil‐competition conditions (honeycomb method). The cycle 0 OPPs with their respective cycle 3 OPPs were tested under competition conditions (growers density), in two successive years, to assess the selection response for heading, resistance to early bolting, number of cover leaves and yield. In most cases, the selection response was significant at P = 0.01 or even at P = 0.001. For example, the mean increase of yield estimated over all OPPs across 2 years was 36%, without any undesirable changes in dry matter and soluble solids contents.  相似文献   

A heavily chromium-contaminated soil with total chromium (TCr) concentration of 2 312 mg/kg is dipped in distilled water seven times before electrokinetic remediation without water electrolysis (EKRWWE). The TCr removal rates of 45%, 67% and 84% are respectively achieved after water-dipping, 85.4 h EKRWWE and 203 h EKRWWE in order, demonstrating that pre-dipping treatment is able to significantly reduce the load of EKRWWE. In order to prevent electrolysis of water, iron is used as anode and CuSO4 solution is used as cathode electrolyte. Consequently, Fe 2+ ion instead of H + ion and SO 2-4 ion instead of OH - ion migrate into soil and a higher transference number of CrO 2-4 ion is achieved which means a higher efficiency of electrokinetic remediation of chromium-contaminated soil.  相似文献   

广东地区新建农宅有向多层发展和天井消失的趋势,室内热环境因此而变化。为了解广东地区新建农宅室内热环境现状,选取有天井现代农宅、无天井现代农宅和传统农宅各一栋进行现场实测,在对比分析的基础上发现现代农宅室内热环境存在优化的空间。针对广东地区现代农宅存在的问题,借助计算机辅助分析的手法提出适宜的优化措施,屋面遮阳、增大天窗高度及天窗开口置于下风向是改善有天井多层农宅夏季室内热环境的有效措施,无天井现代农宅通过局部架空和窗口遮阳改善室内热环境效果显著。  相似文献   

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