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A one‐day‐old Thoroughbred colt foal was presented for assessment of abdominal pain and reduced urine output. Physical examination of the foal revealed marked abdominal distension, mild tachycardia, tachypnoea and congested mucous membranes. A marked anechoic peritoneal effusion, intestinal hypomotility and mural thickening of the large colon were detected sonographically. Serosanguinous fluid was obtained by abdominocentesis. After haemodynamic stabilisation, the foal underwent general anaesthesia and exploratory laparotomy and a 720° volvulus of the large colon at the sternal and diaphragmatic flexures was identified. After correction of the volvulus, the intraoperative findings were consistent with nonviability of the affected portion of the colon. The owner declined partial colon resection and elected for euthanasia of the foal. Although rare in neonatal foals, large colon volvulus should be considered in foals with signs of abdominal pain, abdominal distension and ultrasonographic findings of colonic mural thickening and luminal distension.  相似文献   

A 6-month-old male bilaterally cryptorchid Boxer was examined for acute abdominal pain. The results of physical examination, laboratory testing, and ultrasonographic examination are presented. Intra-abdominal testicular torsion was suspected and confirmed at surgery. No evidence of neoplasia was found at histopathologic examination of the twisted testicle. A discussion of testicular torsion is presented.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: The pattern of long‐term survival and specific factors associated with long‐term survival have not previously been evaluated in horses with a strangulating large colon volvulus (LCV). Objectives: To provide data on the long‐term survival of horses with LCV and to identify pre‐, intra‐ and post operative variables associated with survival. Methods: Clinical data and long‐term follow‐up information were obtained from 116 horses with a strangulating LCV (≥360°) undergoing general anaesthesia. Two multivariable Cox proportional hazards models for post operative survival time were developed: Model 1 included all horses and evaluated preoperative variables and Model 2 included horses that survived anaesthesia and evaluated pre‐, intra‐ and post operative variables. Results: The study population comprised 116 horses. Eighty‐nine (76.7%) survived general anaesthesia. Of these, the percentage that survived until discharge, to one year and to 2 years was 70.7%, 48.3% and 33.7%, respectively. Median survival time for horses that survived general anaesthesia was 365 days. In Model 1 increased preoperative packed cell volume (PCV) was significantly associated with reduced post operative survival (hazard ratio [HR] 1.08, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.05–1.11). However, this effect changed over time. In Model 2 abnormal serosal colour intraoperatively (HR 3.61, 95% CI 1.55–8.44), increased heart rate at 48 h post surgery (HR 1.04, 95% CI 1.02–1.06), and colic during post operative hospitalisation (HR 2.63, 95% CI 1.00–6.95), were all significantly associated with reduced post operative survival. Conclusions: Survival time in horses with a LCV was associated with preoperative PCV, serosal colour, heart rate at 48 h post operatively and colic during post operative hospitalisation. Potential relevance: This study provides evidence‐based information on the long‐term survival of horses with LCV and identifies parameters that may assist decision‐making by clinicians and owners.  相似文献   

A 12-year-old, neutered male, domestic long-hair cat was evaluated for a 6-month history of inspiratory stertor and epiphora. In computed tomography of the skull and pelvis, and radiographs of the thorax, right femur and stifle there was generalized osteosclerosis, with obliteration of the nasal turbinates and nasolacrimal duct obstruction. The cat also had a large fibrosarcoma involving the right pelvic limb. Osteosclerosis is a rare disorder that is poorly understood but has been described in several species. Various manifestations, potential causes, and radiologic findings of osteosclerosis are discussed.  相似文献   

A 2‐year‐old female spayed Great Dane presented for inappetence and lethargy. Abdominal radiographs revealed a severely gas‐distended segment of colon. Computed tomography was performed and characterized a 180° anticlockwise colonic torsion with entrapment in a mesenteric/omental rent without vascular compromise. Exploratory laparotomy confirmed entrapment, but not colonic torsion. Computed tomography provided important information to assist clinical management decisions for this dog with colonic entrapment.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to evaluate ischaemia/reperfusion injury in simulated abomasal volvulus in sheep. Sixteen ewes were randomly allocated to three groups. The control group (n = 4) served as sham-operated controls. The animals of the ischaemia group and reperfusion group (n = 6, each) underwent a simulated ‘abomasal volvulus’. The abomasum was exteriorized under general inhalation anasthesia and forced into a 180 anticlockwise rotation around its longitudinal axis, followed by another 270 anticlockwise rotation around its transectional axis. All ewes were monitored for 4 h. In the reperfusion group, volvulus was released after 3 h (i.e., 1 h of reperfusion). In the ischaemia group, the volvulus remained for 4 h (no reperfusion). Vital signs were monitored and some haematological and biochemical parameters were measured, without any significant differences. Full-section biopsy specimens were taken at the 3rd and 4th hours from the greater curvature of the abomasum. Histopathological lesions were scored according to the severity of mucosal oedema, submucosal oedema, haemorrhage submucosal and submuscularis layers, and polymorphonuclear infiltration on a scale of 0 to 4 (nil, mild, moderate, severe, and extreme). Another biopsy specimen was taken at the 4th hour for transmission electron microscopic examination. The scored lesions in light-microscopic examination were significantly different at the 3rd and 4th hours between the control and the experimental groups (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between the reperfusion and ischaemia groups (p>0.1). Within-group comparisons (3rd hour with 4th hour) revealed no significant differences. In transmission electron microscopic examination there were no remarkable changes in the control group, but in the ischaemia and reperfusion groups there were remarkable cellular (epithelial and goblet cells), mitochondrial and microvillous changes that strongly implied the occurrence of ischaemia (p<0.05). In transmission electron-microscopic examination of abomasal samples the lesions were more remarkable in reperfusion group than in the ischaemia group. It is concluded that ischaemia/reperfusion injury occurred in this model of simulated abomasal volvulus in sheep and that ischaemia/reperfusion injury should be considered as a potential determining factor in the outcome of cattle with abomasal volvulus.  相似文献   

Four dogs were examined because of vomiting of 7 to 48 hours' duration. Gas-distended segments of intestine were identified radiographically in all dogs, but the affected portion of the intestinal tract could not always be identified as the colon. Volvulus of the colon was diagnosed during surgery in all 4 dogs. Gastrocolopexy was performed following derotation of the colon in 3 of the dogs. In 1 dog, a colectomy and an ileorectal anastomosis were performed. All 4 dogs survived. Volvulus of the colon should be considered as a cause of vomiting of short duration in dogs for which there is radiographic evidence of intestinal dilatation.  相似文献   

This report describes an unusual case of colonic volvulus associated with multiple mesenteric abnormalities. A yearling Friesian colt presented with signs of colic that persisted despite analgesia. The colt showed signs of circulatory compromise and had abnormal findings on rectal palpation. An exploratory laparotomy was performed. A complete volvulus of the ascending colon was identified associated with multiple mesenteric anomalies of unknown aetiology. The colt was subjected to euthanasia due to the extent of the intestinal damage and the likelihood of recurrence. The authors speculate that the anomalies may have been of genetic aetiology associated with a restricted gene pool.  相似文献   

A 7-years-old Clydesdale mare was presented with severe abdominal distension and acute colic. Dilated large intestine was palpated per rectum and a ventral midline exploratory laparotomy was performed. A 180 degrees volvulus of the pelvic flexure was present, associated with an inelastic band of tissue connecting the mesocolon to the umbilicus. The band was ligated and transected, and the volvulus reduced. Postoperative complications included hyponatraemia, metabolic acidosis and laminitis. The possible aetiology of the mesocolic-umbilical band is discussed.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: The post operative response of the large colon wall after a surgically corrected large colon volvulus (LCV) has not been investigated. Objectives: To use transabdominal ultrasound to monitor the post operative change in large colon wall thickness following surgical correction of LCV. Hypothesis: A prolonged period to colon wall involution is correlated with an increased rate of post operative morbidity and mortality. Methods: A prospective clinical study including horses that presented to the North Carolina State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital for colic between September 2006 and March, 2008, had surgically diagnosed and corrected LCV (at least 360°) without resection and recovered from anaesthesia. Ultrasound of the ventral large colon was performed at the time of anaesthetic recovery and every 6–8 h until the colon wall returned to normal thickness (≤5 mm). Outcome was evaluated using a one‐way ANOVA to compare average time to colon wall involution between: 1) survivors and nonsurvivors; and 2) horses that developed multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) during the post operative period and those that recovered without evidence of MODS. Results: Sixteen horses that recovered without evidence of MODS had a significantly shorter period to colon wall involution (≤5 mm) compared to those diagnosed with MODS (mean ± s.e. 19.6 h ± 2.5 and 39.7 h ± 6.7 respectively, P = 0.006). There was no significant difference in mean period to colon wall involution between survivors and nonsurvivors (26.2 ± 4.9 and 33.2 ± 7.8 h, respectively). Conclusions: A shorter time to colon wall involution was associated with decreased post operative morbidity in horses presented for surgical correction of large colon volvulus without resection. Potential relevance: Ultrasonographic monitoring of colon wall involution after surgical correction of LCV may aid in identifying those cases at risk of MODS. Further investigation of colon wall involution time using a larger number of horses is warranted.  相似文献   

为了解成都市区猫泛白细胞减少症病毒(FPV)、猫星状病毒(FAstV)和猫肠道冠状病毒(FECoV)的分子流行情况,本试验采集了315份家养猫和34份社区流浪猫的肛门拭子,含228份临床发病猫样本和121份临床健康猫样本,采用PCR方法对所有样本进行病毒核酸检测。同时,根据动物年龄、生活状态和免疫情况等因素进行病原流行分析,并根据病毒基因片段序列构建遗传进化树。结果显示,FPV、FAstV和FECoV的检出率分别为38.4%(134/349)、23.2%(81/349)和19.5%(68/349)。在混合感染方面,以FPV/FAstV(9.5%,33/349)、FAstV/FECoV(4.6%,16/349)和FPV/FECoV(4.3%,15/349)双重感染为主。基于部分基因序列的分析结果显示,样本间FPV VP2基因序列的同源性为95.1%~100%,发病猫毒株分为两个分支,其中一支与葡萄牙毒株(GenBank登录号:KT240136)和加拿大毒株(GenBank登录号:MF069445)遗传关系较近;另一支与中国的CPV毒株(GenBank登录号:KY937664)关系较近。样本间FAstV ORF1b基因序列同源性为90.9%~99.7%,发病猫的毒株的两个分支中一支与葡萄牙毒株(GenBank登录号:KF374704)和美国毒株(GenBank登录号:KM017743)关系较近;另一分支与中国香港毒株(GenBank登录号:KF499111)关系紧密。样本间FECoV的N基因序列同源性范围为89.3%~100%,与美国毒株(GenBank登录号:FJ938059)、意大利毒株(GenBank登录号:GU017092/GU017107)和中国毒株(GenBank登录号:KT852997)关系密切。调查结果表明,成都市区猫携带病毒性腹泻病原的情况较为普遍,部分猫存在多病原混合感染,且病毒基因序列存在明显变异,增加了病原流行及带毒猫发病的风险,需积极地进行临床防控。  相似文献   

Background: The Leopard Cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) is the most frequently encountered wild cat in most of Southeast Asia. Limited hematologic investigation exists for this species. Objectives: The objectives of this study were to assess routine hematologic measurements and parameters and characterize the morphology, cytochemical staining, and ultrastructural features of blood cells in Leopard Cats. Methods: Blood samples were collected from 12 adult healthy captive Leopard Cats (7 males and 5 females). Complete blood counts were performed using an automated hematology analyzer and manual differential counts. Cytochemical staining (Sudan black B [SBB], peroxidase [PO], periodic acid‐Schiff [PAS], α‐naphthyl acetate esterase [ANAE], and β‐glucuronidase [BG]) and scanning and transmission electron microscopy were performed using standard methods. Results: Median (range) hematologic results were as follows: PCV 0.46 L/L (0.30–0.55 L/L), hemoglobin 136.5 g/L (100–183 g/L), WBC 9.0 × 109/L (6.9–15.2 × 109/L), band neutrophils 0.07 × 109/L (0–0.30 × 109/L), segmented neutrophils 2.9 × 109/L (1.2–6.34 × 109/L), lymphocytes 5.3 × 109/L (2.7–8.1 × 109/L), eosinophils 0.14 × 109/L (0–0.73 × 109/L), basophils 0/L (0–0.22 × 109/L), and monocytes 0.08 × 109/L (0–0.30 × 109/L). Neutrophils stained strongly positive for SBB, PO, and PAS; lymphocytes had fine granular positivity for ANAE and BG; monocytes were weakly positive for ANAE and BG; and basophils were strongly positive for BG. Ultrastructurally, eosinophils contained many large rod‐shaped granules with prominent crystalloid core structures, ribosomes, and mitochondria. Basophils contained many round to oval specific granules with homogeneous contents. Low number of basophils contained a few small vacuoles that usually were not detected by light microscopy. Conclusion: These findings will facilitate interpretation of hematologic results for future investigative and diagnostic studies of this species.  相似文献   

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