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盗伐滥伐林木犯罪的成因及对策  杨耀仁在新的形势下,深入探讨盗伐、滥伐林木犯罪的成因及对策,依法惩罚盗伐、滥伐林木违法犯罪分子,预防、遏制盗伐、滥伐林木犯罪的发生与发展,拯救人类赖以生存的森林资源,是所有林业工作者的责任。一、盗伐、滥伐林木犯罪的成因...  相似文献   

盗伐、滥伐林木材积测定(之一)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盗伐、滥伐林木材积涉及案件的性质和处罚。用1株伐倒木资料,分别立木状态、伐倒木状态计算其材积。为保证材积测定准确,当盗伐、滥伐林木呈伐倒木状态,且数量少时,宜采用中央断面区分求积式、牛顿区分求积式或二元材积表测定材积。  相似文献   

为了对盗伐滥伐林木对社会造成的危害进行综合评价,运用特尔菲法建立盗伐滥伐林木后果评价的指标体系,并采用层次分析法确定评价指标的权重;制定各个指标的等级评价标准;提出盗伐滥伐林木后果评价的平均值加权求和法。并对具体评价对象进行应用。  相似文献   

今年上半年,光山县在全县范围内,开展了一场声势浩大的严厉打击盗伐、滥伐林木者的专项斗争,依法查处盗伐、滥伐林木者257人,其中16名主犯被逮捕、判刑,破获盗伐、滥伐林木案件125起,取缔林木黑市场15个。光山县地处大别山腹地,是我省林业先进县之一,境内杉木、松木郁郁葱葱,近几年,由于对盗伐、滥伐林木者打击不力,一  相似文献   

三、非法收购、运输盗伐滥伐林木罪 (一)概念 非法收购、运输盗伐滥伐林木罪,是指非法收购、运输明知是盗伐、滥伐的林木,情节严重的行为。  相似文献   

为了对盗伐滥伐林木对社会造成的危害进行综合评价,运用特尔菲法建立盗伐滥伐林木后果评价的指标体系,并采用层次分析法确定评价指标的权重;制定各个指标的等级评价标准;提出盗伐滥伐林木后果评价的平均值加权求和法.并对具体评价对象进行应用.  相似文献   

牟督 《森林公安》2004,(3):15-16
鉴定结论是涉林案件中证据资料的重要组成部分,对案件的最终判决起着关键作用。涉林鉴定主要包括:对珍贵树种的鉴定;树木年龄的鉴定;国家和省重点保护野生动物的鉴定;森林火灾、盗伐、滥伐林木、故意损(毁)坏树木直接经济损失的鉴定;盗伐、滥伐林木在原物灭失后立木蓄积的鉴定;对假、冒、伪、劣林木种子鉴定等。只有准确作出涉林鉴定,  相似文献   

非法收购、运输盗伐、滥伐林木犯罪与盗伐、滥伐林木犯罪经常交织在一起,为了准确认定非法收购、运输盗伐、滥伐的林木罪,有必要对非法收购、运输盗伐、滥伐的林木罪罪名作细化分解,把握各分解罪名中"明知"含义的特殊性,正确处理"一罪"与"数罪"的关系.  相似文献   

在森林刑事案件中,盗伐、滥伐林木案是常见的两类案件,被称为森林“三害”之一(森林火灾、病虫害和乱砍滥伐),历来为我国刑法打击的重点。根据“两高”的司法解释,构成盗伐、滥伐林木罪的必要条件是情节严重,数量较大是情节严重的重要内容,而数量的大小是以立木材积作为计量尺度的(砍伐对象为幼树的除外)。因此,盗伐、滥伐的立木材积多少,不仅是罪与非罪的主要界限,  相似文献   

一、江西省大茅山集团有限公司龙头山实业公司山坑林场滥伐天然林案。经森林公安机关侦查,共滥伐林木858立方米。目前,犯罪嫌疑人叶方良(原龙头山实业公司经理、党委书记)、王培京(原龙头山实业公司山坑林场场长)、程志富(原德兴市环保部门职工)已经检察院批准逮捕,并依法起诉。二、云南新概念保税科技股份有限公司非法收购盗伐滥伐林木案。1999年4月以来,云南新概念保税科技股份有限公司(原大理造纸厂)共非法收购盗伐滥伐林木1174立方米,犯罪嫌疑人李畅根(原大理造纸分公司董事长,大理市第五届人大代表,大理市…  相似文献   

为了查清盗伐、滥伐林木案件的性质和法律责任,根据涉林案件的不同情况,提出用重量、单价的换算法测算涉林案件的木材材积。  相似文献   

A study has been undertaken to investigate the extent to which poverty is a determinant (final cause) of illegal logging, and to identify valid short-term policy variables for the control of illegal logging in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. The study identifies the main features of illegal logging and forest-related and rural-related conditions in the CEE region, and uses principal components analysis and cluster analysis to obtain a typology of the CEE region according to the above conditions. Regional differences within Lithuania and Romania are specifically examined. The analysis reveals that the occurrence of illegal logging is explained by poverty, but also by the reform on land ownership and by weak law enforcement. Implications of these results for policies to cope with the illegal logging phenomenon are discussed.  相似文献   

Illegal logging is a significant problem in Indonesia, which is one of the few countries with a large forest area. In this study, we investigate the factors that affect harvesting and supply of illegal timber from Indonesia to China and Japan. Moreover, we investigate the factors that lead to the demand of Indonesian illegal timber from China and Japan. A simultaneous-equation econometric model of illegally logged timber demand and supply is developed and tested using the annual data over the period 1996–2010. We find that corruption and decentralization in Indonesia have significant and positive impacts on the illegally logged timber supply while excess demand in Japanese construction and furniture industries as well as Japan’s housing starts are the significant factors that affect the illegal logging in Indonesia. The law enforcement or policies aimed at reducing illegal harvesting in Indonesia are found to be more effective than the policies targeting the import of illegally logged timber into Japan and China.  相似文献   

在非法采伐及相关贸易成为国际社会热点问题的背景下,越来越多的国家通过立法限制非法采伐木材进入本国市场。文中对当前国际上主要木材合法性贸易法规进行梳理,针对合法性定义、强制性、适用对象、保障机制、执行与管理、监督机制以及处罚措施7个立法要素进行比较分析,总结国际打击非法采伐及相关贸易的立法经验对我国木材合法来源管理的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

介绍了当盗伐、滥伐林木已被造林的立木材积测算方法。首选要测算包括原条材积、原木材积、锯材材积等已被造材的材积,再根据该材种的出材率换算成立木材积。  相似文献   

The characteristics of timber production in the public forest of a specific region in the Philippines are examined and the patterns on the linkages between logging, deforestation, and socio-economic development are established and illustrated. The logging industry is fully manned and financially capable and is a major contributor to the economy. However, the industry is now shrinking due to the declining forest resource of the region. The end results eventually lead to reduced productivity and contribution. The reduction of forest resources was traced to the excessive commercial logging and agricultural conversion of forest lands. Alternatives are suggested. The assistance provided by Mr. Jose D. Malvas, Jr., Director of the Forest Management Bureau, in the gathering of the data used in the study is deeply appreciated.  相似文献   

We assessed the impact on the world forest sector of a progressive elimination of illegal logging. The analysis compared predictions from 2007 to 2020, with and without a gradual reduction of illegally logged industrial roundwood from 2007 to 2011. A large part of the curtailment of timber supply due to the stoppage of illegal logging would be compensated by increased legal production incited by higher prices. As a result, without illegal logging the world annual production of industrial roundwood would decrease by no more than 1%, even though it would decrease by up to 8% in developing countries. World prices would rise by 1.5 to 3.5% for industrial roundwood and by 0.5 to 2% for processed products, depending on the assumption on illegal logging rates. World consumer expenditures for wood products and producer revenues would rise by 1 to 2% without illegal logging. World value added in forest industries would remain the same. However, the changes in consumer expenditures would be more than double the changes in producer revenues in countries dependent on illegally logged timber of domestic or foreign origin such as Indonesia and China. Symmetrically, changes in producer revenues would be almost twice the changes in consumer expenditures in countries with little illegal logging and efficient industries, such as Canada, Germany and the United States. Value added in forest industries would decrease most in countries with heavy illegal logging (12% in Indonesia and up to 9% in Brazil), and it would increase most in Germany, Canada (4%), and the United States (2%). Without illegal logging, the world forest inventory would increase slightly, as the increase in developing countries would more than compensate the decrease in developed countries.  相似文献   

分析“十二五”森林采伐限额的政策特点,指出森林采伐限额执行中县级采伐管理制度不健全、采伐管理人员素质低,森林采伐限额及木材生产计划分配不合理,作业设计不规范、质量不高,林木采伐(移植)许可证办理不规范等问题,并对存在问题进行了原因分析。提出加强政策学习,完善规章制度,科学分配指标,严格公示制度,加强人员培训,提高设计质量,加强伐区监管等对策与建议。  相似文献   

木材生产国的森林警察在打击非法采伐方面起到了十分重要的作用。文中首先简要介绍印度尼西亚的森林警察制度,以Gunung Palung国家公园和吉打邦为例总结森林警察面对非法采伐的执法对策,对其抑制非法采伐的效果进行分析,指出印度尼西亚现行森林警察制度在打击非法采伐方面存在的问题主要包括执法权限受限、地方分权造成地方政府对于林地管理部门的忽视以及经济奖励制度存在缺陷。  相似文献   

在介绍了木材产品国际贸易现状、贸易与环境问题背景的前提下,评述了国际上针对非法采伐问题的主要观点,并分析了国际上打击非法采伐的实质。我国在非法采伐问题上需要认清非法采伐问题的性质、摆正利益、阐明观点和立场,并在此前提下积极参与,争取主导权。  相似文献   

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