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Malondialdehyde contents in infant milk formulas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in infant milk formulas have been monitored by using an aqueous acid extraction method combined with the thiobarbituric acid method (TBA-test). Vegetable oils, with a remarkable content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) are used to enrich the infant milk formulas. As PUFA are more susceptible to autoxidation, it becomes of great interest to have information about the safety and preservation of these products. We monitored MDA content in twenty of the most popular infant milk formulas and in some commercial cow milk samples and compared the obtained data. Levels of MDA ranged between 200 and 1200 ppb: all values but one were higher, up to five times, than those found in cow milk samples. To evaluate the accuracy of the data obtained from the TBA-test, some samples were also analyzed with an HPLC derivative method: preliminary results show a good agreement between the two analytical techniques.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present paper is to develop an easy and quick in vitro method to compare copper availability from breast milk and infant formulas. This study focuses on the differences caused by the use of pH 2.0 (adult gastric pH) or pH 5.0 (newborn gastric pH) in the first stage of the enzymolysis. pH affects Cu solubility, a possible estimator of the availability. Selection of a digestor, times of enzymolysis, centrifugation parameters, and Cu determination by ETAAS were discussed as well. Percentage of Cu solubility was larger from breast milk (gastric pH 2.0, 65.3 +/- 14.0 vs 40.0 +/- 13.9%; gastric pH 5.0, 61.2 +/- 16.5 vs 26.6 +/- 10.3%), but the soluble content was larger from infant formulas for both pHs (gastric pH 2.0, 245.3 +/- 82.1 vs 113.0 +/- 103.4 ng mL(-1); gastric pH 2.0, 169.3 +/- 76.9 vs 75.3 +/- 21.9 vs ng mL(-1)).  相似文献   

Lead, cadmium, and fluoride were determined in 68 samples of market milk and about 115 infant formulas. Mean and median levels (ranges) in ng/g found for cow milk were as follows: lead, 1.12, 1.19 (0.01-2.48); cadmium, 0.10, 0.039 (0.005-0.74); and fluoride, 41, 40 (7-86). In canned, ready-to-use formulas, lead, cadmium, and fluoride levels averaged 37.3, 1.50, and 840 ng/g, respectively. In concentrated liquid formulas, the respective levels were 21, 3.54, and 600 ng/g. In powder formula concentrates, respective levels were 73.7, 6.78, and 1130 ng/g. On the basis of this study and literature data, lead levels in market milk exceeding 5 ng/g appeared to signify contamination of the milk either directly or via the cow. For formulas considered on an as-consumed basis, lead levels exceeding about 10-15 ng/g were attributed to contamination from either the can used to store the formula or the formula ingredients. Infant formulas in lead-free cans contained about 1.7 ng/g of lead on a ready-to-use basis. Milk-based formulas contained about 0.26 ng/g of cadmium on a ready-to-use basis. Soy-based or milk-free formulas contained about 8-15 times more cadmium than did milk-based formulas. Canadian and U.S. ready-to-use formulas contained 900 and 230 ng/g fluoride, respectively, and this difference was attributed to the level of fluoride in the processing water used by the manufacturers.  相似文献   

The effects of simulated gastrointestinal digestion upon sialic acid and gangliosides in infant and follow-on formulas and human milk, as well as their bioaccessibility, have been evaluated. The gastric stage is the step that causes a greater decrease in sialic acid and ganglioside contents. The intestinal stage only decreases the total and individual contents of gangliosides. After gastrointestinal digestion, neither sialic acid nor gangliosides were found in the nonbioaccessible fraction. The highest bioaccessibility (100 × content in soluble fraction after gastrointestinal digestion/total content) of sialic acid is found in human milk (87%), followed by infant formula (77%) and follow-on formula (16%). In the case of gangliosides, the highest bioaccessibility is present in the follow-on formula (51%), followed by human milk (29%) and infant formula (5%).  相似文献   

The potential of hypoallergenic (HA) infant milk formulas containing hydrolyzed milk proteins as main constituents to inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) in vitro was investigated. Seven commercially available HA products designed for babies up to 4 months showed a potent inhibition of ACE in vitro, with IC 50 values ranging between 3.2 and 68.5 mg of nitrogen/L. For six samples of conventional milk-based infant formulas and three breast milk samples, no inhibition was observed. Inhibitory potential did not correlate with the degree of hydrolysis. Using reversed-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) coupled to electrospray ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry (ESI-TOF-MS), 15 peptides known to inhibit ACE were identified. Among them, the highly potent ACE inhibitor Ile-Trp (IC 50 = 0.7 microM) was detected and quantified for the first time in the HA samples, representing the most effective ACE-inhibiting peptide that has ever been detected in food items. The overall inhibitory potential of the HA infant milk formulas could partly be explained by Ile-Trp.  相似文献   

A liquid chromatographic (LC) method was developed for determining vitamins D2 and D3 in fortified milk and infant formulas. The lipid-soluble components were extracted from the aqueous phase by homogenizing in isopropanol-methylene chloride with magnesium sulfate added to remove water. The vitamins were fractionated from the lipid material by using gel permeation chromatography (GPC) followed by further cleanup of the combined GPC fractions on a muBondapak/NH2 column. Four muStyragel (100 A) columns connected in series were used for GPC fractionation of sample extracts in methylene chloride. Injection and collection were repeated 3 times to collect enough vitamin D for quantitation. The muBondapak/NH2 column, using a mobile phase of methylene chloride-isooctane-isopropanol (600 + 400 + 1), resolved vitamin D from other UV-absorbing compounds and soy sterols in infant formula and from cholesterol in milk. Vitamins D2 and D3 coeluted as one peak, with the resolution and vitamin level sufficient for visual monitoring (280 nm/0.02 absorbance unit full scale) in a collection time of 22-26 min. A Zorbax ODS (6 micron) column and a methylene chloride-acetonitrile-methanol (300 + 700 + 2) mobile phase were used for LC quantitation; vitamins D2 and D3 were baseline resolved in about 11 min. The infant formula samples included ready-to-use and concentrated liquids prepared in nonfat milk base or soy base fortified with vitamins D2 or D3 at 400 IU/qt or L (10 micrograms). The mean percent recovery of added vitamin D3 (400-500 IU/qt) from infant formula (n = 7) was 89.6 +/- 6.7 (coefficient of variation (CV) 7.5%).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Free and total fluorescent compounds, browning index, and color formation were measured in milk-based powdered infant formulas (IF) during 2 years of storage at 20 and 37 degrees C. The excitation spectra from 415 nm emission show three peaks (ex lambda1 = 270 nm, lambda2 = 325/315 nm, lambda3 = 350 nm) and from 347 nm excitation two emission peaks (415 and 520 nm), and no wavelength shifts were observed. Temperature and time of storage exert in general no significant effect on the development of fluorescence emission intensity and browning index. However, an important increase in pentodilysine was recorded-probably because of the iron and ascorbic acid contents of the samples-as well as in browning index in adapted IF. In both IF a color increase (deltaE) throughout storage was observed, this increase being greater in samples stored at 37 degrees C than in those stored at 20 degrees C. The increase in color with time fitted a linear regression model. Color appeared to be an indicator of sufficient sensitivity to measure the effect of temperature or storage time.  相似文献   

This paper reports a systematic approach to the development of a method that combines continuous solid-phase extraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the simultaneous determination of 20 pharmacologically active substances including antibacterials (chloramphenicol, florfenicol, pyrimethamine, thiamphenicol), nonsteroideal anti-inflammatories (diclofenac, flunixin, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, naproxen, mefenamic acid, niflumic acid, phenylbutazone), antiseptic (triclosan), antiepileptic (carbamazepine), lipid regulator (clofibric acid), β-blockers (metoprolol, propranolol), and hormones (17α-ethinylestradiol, estrone, 17β-estradiol) in milk samples. The sample preparation procedure involves deproteination of the milk, followed by sample enrichment and cleanup by continuous solid-phase extraction. The proposed method provides a linear response over the range of 0.6-5000 ng/kg and features limits of detection from 0.2 to 1.2 ng/kg depending on the particular analyte. The method was successfully applied to the determination of pharmacologically active substance residues in food samples including whole, raw, half-skim, skim, and powdered milk from different sources (cow, goat, and human breast).  相似文献   

Contamination of human milk with residues of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls was studied in a series of investigations concerned with the monitoring of these chemicals in Egyptian food. The DDT complex was the most frequently found pesticide, followed by total hexachlorocyclohexane isomers. Heptachlor and its epoxide, dieldrin, hexachlorobenzene, and oxychlordane were also found but less frequently. Estimated dietary intakes (EDIs) of these contaminants by the breast-fed infants were compared to acceptable daily intakes (ADIs). EDIs of DDT complex, lindane (gamma-HCH), heptachlor + heptachlor epoxide, and oxychlordane were below ADIs. Dieldrin EDI exceeded the acceptable daily intake.  相似文献   

Lactoferrin in infant formulas: effect on oxidation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Lactoferrin is an iron transport protein present in human milk at an average concentration of 1.4 mg/mL. Commercially modified infant formulas based on cow's milk contain much lower amounts of lactoferrin (0.1 mg/mL lactoferrin) and soy based formulas have none. In addition to its role in iron transport, lactoferrin has bacteriostatic and bactericidal activities. Infant formulas are supplemented with relatively large amounts of iron (up to 12 mg/L). The effect of various concentrations of added lactoferrin and supplemental iron on lipid oxidation was tested in two different infant formulas. The extent of oxidation in the formulas as a function of time was determined by formation of hydroperoxides, production of hexanal, and fluorescence. On the basis of all three of these determinations, lactoferrin acted as an antioxidant in the absence and presence of different concentrations of supplemented iron. Lactoferrin inhibited oxidation in a concentration-dependent manner even at concentrations beyond its capacity to bind iron at its two high affinity binding sites. Lactoferrin can be used, therefore, as a dual purpose additive in infant formulas and similar food products for its antioxidant and its antimicrobial properties.  相似文献   

The effect of casein content and Ca concentration on Fe, Zn, and Ca dialyzability was assessed using a response surface design. Tested casein levels were 5.31-13.75 g/L (34.8-90.2% of total protein). Whey protein was added to complete 15.25 g/L total protein. Calcium levels were adjusted with calcium citrate within a range between 417.4 and 804.9 mg/L. Through the experimental design utilized, we found that of both assessed factors, only the casein content significantly influenced Fe and Zn dialyzability. Protein composition did not influence calcium dialyzability, and calcium concentration did not affect either Fe or Zn dialyzability. No effect of casein-Ca on iron, zinc, and calcium dialyzability was found. According to these results, whey-dominant formulas are less prone to hamper mineral availability, and are therefore suitable in order to improve iron and zinc availability.  相似文献   

Commercial infant formulas were analyzed simultaneously for thiamine and riboflavin by an automated fluorometric method and by the AOAC manual fluorometric methods. For 10 products, the mean thiamine and riboflavin results determined using the automated method ranged from 104 to 113% and 90 to 112%, respectively, of those by the AOAC manual methods. The coefficients of variation for thiamine and riboflavin ranged from 1.05 to 3.90% and 0.60 to 2.48%, respectively, for the automated methods, and 1.48 to 3.86% and 0.69 to 10.9%, respectively, for the manual methods. Using the automated method, mean recoveries of thiamine and riboflavin added to samples were 103 and 104%, respectively. The automated method used a common sample preparation to determine both thiamine and riboflavin, and gave results equivalent to, or better than, those obtained by the manual methods.  相似文献   

A fast and simple method for determination of taurine in infant formulas has been developed. The sample preparation uses disposable ultrafiltration cartridges to remove protein and clarify the sample. Hydrolysis is avoided, simplifying the procedure and increasing efficiency. One mL sample is centrifuged in a cartridge for 45 min. The filtrate is diluted with pH 2.2 citrate buffer and injected into a high performance amino acid analyzer. A cation-exchange column (sodium phase) is used with a single buffer eluant and an isocratic chromatographic program. Colorimetric detection is performed following post-column ninhydrin reaction. Chromatographic resolution from other ninhydrin-positive compounds is excellent. Average recoveries for 3 levels of spike for various products were 100-102%. Precision is 1-3% RSD, depending on product. Linearity, specificity, and ruggedness are excellent. The method is applicable to quality control testing of milk-based, soy-based, and prehydrolyzed protein-based infant formulas in the ready-to-use, concentrate, and powder forms. A variety of commercially available infant formulas from different manufacturers were analyzed and all were found to contain taurine levels comparable to human milk. Some human milk and cow's milk samples were also analyzed and results compare well with literature values.  相似文献   

Rat bioassay was used to assess the protein quality of powdered infant formulas and to evaluate the feasibility of using modified casein diets (containing the same source and level of fat and carbohydrate contributed by the infant formulas) as reference standards. Modification of the casein diet to match the milk-based formulas caused a significant reduction in weekly protein efficiency ratios (PER) and net protein ratios (NPR) at the third and fourth weeks. Modification of the casein diet to stimulate the soy-based formulas had no significant effect on NPR values; PER values were more varied. When PER and NPR values of the powdered milk-based formulas were expressed relative to the unmodified reference standard, the relative values were lower than when each matched reference was used. With few exceptions, the relative weekly PER values of the soy-based formulas were similar regardless of the standard used. The relative NPR values of the formulas had a pattern similar to the relative PER values. The data indicate that protein quality evaluation of infant formulas using rat bioassay warrants the use of matched casein reference diets for each type of formula.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for the quantitative determination of linoleic acid in infant formulas by gas chromatography (GC). A known amount of triheptadecanoin was spiked into the sample. Total lipid was extracted from the product by an ethyl ether-petroleum ether-ethanol system in a Mojonnier flask. The sample was saponified by methanolic KOH after the solvents were evaporated. Methyl esters of the fatty acids were prepared by boron trifluoride (BF3) in methanol and analyzed by gas chromatography. A glass column packed with 10% SP-2340 (75% cyanopropyl silicone) was used to separate and identify the methyl linoleate and the methyl heptadecanoate. The quantity of methyl linoleate was calculated by comparing the integrated peak areas of these 2 fatty acid methyl esters. This method was satisfactory for both milk protein-based and soy protein-based matrixes. The results obtained by this method are comparable to those obtained by the AOAC spectrophotometric method 28.082-28.085.  相似文献   

Our aim was to estimate the bioavailability of calcium, iron, and zinc from infant formulas using a model that includes in vitro digestion and a Caco-2 cell culture to estimate the uptake. The cell culture conditions were selected, and uptake assays were carried out first with calcium, iron, and zinc standard solutions, and then with the soluble fraction of enzymatic digests of an adapted milk-based and a soy-based infant formula. It was not possible to measure the uptake of calcium, iron, and zinc from standard solutions added to the cell cultures in amounts similar to those present in infant formula digests with our method. The fact that it was, however, possible in the case of enzymatic digests suggests the presence of components in the digests that enhance mineral uptake. When mineral uptakes were expressed as percentages of the mineral present, statistically significant differences were found in the case of calcium between the uptake from the milk- and the soy-based formulas. For iron and zinc no such differences were observed.  相似文献   

The sphingolipid composition of food as well as of physiological samples has received considerable interest due to their positive biological activities. This study quantified the total amount of sphingomyelin (SM) in 20 human breast milk samples from healthy volunteers and determined the structures of SM by detailed mass spectrometric studies in combination with enzymatic cleavage. The quantification of SM was performed by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (HILIC-HPLC-ESI-MS/MS) measuring the characteristic fragment ion of the phosphorylcholine group at m/z 184.2 and by using hexanoylsphingomyelin (C6-SM) and heptadecanoylsphingomyelin (C17-SM) as internal standards. The structures of SM species were identified after enzymatic cleavage with alkaline sphingomyelinase (SMase) to the corresponding ceramides. Structure elucidation of the sphingoid base and fatty acid backbone was performed by reversed-phase HPLC-ESI-MS/MS. The method includes the sphingoid bases dihydrosphingosine (d18:0), sphingosine (d18:1(Δ4)), 4,8-sphingadienine (d18:2(Δ4,8)), 4-hydroxysphinganine (phytosphingosine (t18:0)), and 4-hydroxy-8-sphingenine (t18:1(Δ8)) and fatty acids with even-numbered carbon atoms (C12-C26) as well as their (poly)unsaturated and monohydroxylated analogues. The total amount of SM in human breast milk varied from 3.87 to 9.07 mg/100 g fresh weight. Sphingosine (d18:1) was the predominant sphingoid base, with 83.6 ± 3.5% in human breast milk, followed by 4,8-sphingadienine (d18:2) (7.2 ± 1.9%) and 4-hydroxysphinganine (t18:0) (5.7 ± 0.7%). The main SM species contained sphingosine and palmitic acid (14.9 ± 2.2%), stearic acid (12.7 ± 1.5%), docosanoic acid (16.2 ± 3.6%), and tetracosenoic acid (15.0 ± 3.1%). Interestingly, the fatty acid composition of SM species in this study differs from the total fatty acids in human breast milk, and the fatty acids are not consistently distributed among the different sphingoid bases.  相似文献   

Changes in the lipid composition of two standard infant formulas induced by 4 years of storage were determined. Lipids were thoroughly analyzed using different gas-liquid and liquid-liquid chromatographic techniques. Oleic acid and linoleic acid, which accounted for almost the total monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, respectively, showed slight but significant decreases (P < 0.05) during the 4 years of storage (from 41.52 to 39.83% for oleic acid and from 17.35 to 15.99% for linoleic acid). Total trans fatty acid isomers showed low initial level (0.22% of total fatty acids), and such level remained unchanged during the storage period. Nonvolatile oxidation compounds including oxidized, dimeric, and polymeric triglycerides did not significantly increase during the storage period, although a significant loss of tocopherols was found in the surface oil fraction (10-15%). In general, the results obtained indicate that, although small losses of oleic and linolenic acid as well as tocopherols were found, the 4 year storage period did not lead to relevant changes in the lipid fraction of infant formulas.  相似文献   

Vitamin A (vitamin A palmitate) and vitamin E (alpha-tocopheryl acetate) levels were determined in 77 samples of fortified infant formulas manufactured by 4 firms in the United States from 1981 to 1983 and were compared by formulation base (soy, milk) and manufacturing firm. For vitamin A and vitamin E, the mean values (IU/100 kcal) were 454 +/- 95 (range 248-614) and 2.0 +/- 0.7 (range 1.1-5.0), respectively. No significant differences (alpha = 0.05) were found in levels (IU/100 kcal) of vitamin A and vitamin E between milk- and soy-based formulas. When the mean vitamin A and vitamin E levels of formulas produced by the various firms were compared on an IU/100 kcal or percent of label declaration basis, significant differences (alpha = 0.05) were found among firms. Mean vitamin A levels for the various products compared to label declarations ranged from 126% of declared for the ready-to-use formulas to 139% of declared for the powders. Mean vitamin E levels ranged from 97% of declared for ready-to-use formulas to 118% of declared for concentrates. Except for one sample that contained 248 IU vitamin A/100 kcal, the formulas met the requirements of the 1980 Infant Formula Act.  相似文献   

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