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This case study investigates the complex ways that recurrent ecological damage affected the course of socio‐economic development on Niue Island, a Pacific micro‐state. In tracing the historical record of droughts and hurricanes from 1900 to 1990, it is clear that severely inclement weather repeatedly destroyed agricultural development endeavours on the island leading to stagnation in this economic sector. In the aftermath of such disasters there were additional widespread social, political, and economic responses resulting in insidious but inexorable change. These responses – metaphoric ‘winds of change’– constituted, bolstered and sustained the transition to a MIRAB economy.  相似文献   

遥感技术是20世纪60年代兴起的一种对地观测技术,近20年随着计算机和半导体激光器的快速发展得到了突飞猛进的发展。遥感技术因其概括性、宏观性、直观性等特点在自然灾害研究中应用广泛。笔者以SCIE和SSCI论文数据库为数据源,采用专业数据分析工具TDA(Thomson Data Analyzer)对1900年至2013年国际遥感技术在自然灾害研究中的发展特点及其现状进行分析。结果显示:国际遥感技术在自然灾害领域中的论文始于1974年,并呈现稳定增长的趋势,1999年以来发表论文增速明显加快,在自然灾害领域广泛应用;遥感技术主要应用于滑坡、干旱、气候变化、地震等自然灾害领域,遥感技术中的数据处理方法是遥感技术在自然灾害领域应用的研究热点和难点;美国、法国、英国、德国、意大利、加拿大和日本在该领域具有较大优势,中国和印度在发文数量方面具有较大优势,但在研究质量和学术影响力方面仍需大幅度提高。  相似文献   

Abstract: Rarely does one come across critical analysis which looks at islands as the strategic and candid promoters of a role as political and economic usufructuaries over external resources. This paper is premised on the proposition that a small territory is especially obliged to use extra‐territorial resources as its hinterland for economic success. Such resources extend over a whole range of goods and services and include access to investment, welfare, security, stable currency, international relations, specialised labour power, transfers, markets and higher education. The MIRAB syndrome is one way of articulating this condition. This paper proposes a second cluster of features that are, or can be, deployed by small territories in a manner somewhat different from MIRAB; this second cluster has a more proactive policy orientation and a disposition towards carving out procedural and jurisdictional powers. It is thus proposed to consider a small territory's engagement with the external hinterland as a position on a sliding scale, a strategic mix of options located between two distinct development trajectories, of which MIRAB is one and the PROFIT model the other.  相似文献   

《Asia Pacific viewpoint》1999,40(3):295-307
Books reviewed: Joel S. Kahn (ed), Southeast Asian identities: culture and the politics of representation in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand Peter Dauvergne, Shadows in the forest: Japan and the politics of timber in Southeast Asia Geoffrey Murray, China: the next superpower: dilemmas in change and continuity Lynne T. White, Unstately Power, Volume I: Local causes of China's economic reforms; Volume II: Local causes of China's intellectual, legal and government reforms Amarjit Kaur, Economic change in East Malaysia: Sabah and Sarawak since 1850 Josieana Cauqueline, Paul Lim and Birgit Mayer-König, Asian values: encounter with diversity  相似文献   

基于惠东县1967-2017年逐日平均气温、降水量和日照时数等气象资料及2007-2016年惠东县冬种马铃薯产量数据,分析了惠东县气象条件对冬季马铃薯产量的影响。研究结果表明,惠东县冬季年平均气温和降水量距平有明显的年代际变化特征,目前都处于负距平增多的年代。不同生育期内气象要素对马铃薯的影响不同,全生育期马铃薯产量与降水量呈显著负相关,发芽期产量与日照时数呈显著正相关,幼苗期与降水量呈显著负相关,快速膨大期产量与平均气温呈显著负相关。影响惠东县冬种马铃薯生产的灾害性天气主要有持续性干旱和霜冻,其中以霜冻的影响最严重。因此要适当采取措施,减少灾害性天气对马铃薯生产的不良影响。  相似文献   

北京郊区自然资源与社会经济信息管理平台建设的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为提高北京农村和农业的决策分析能力,进一步整合与开发郊区信息资源,建设了北京郊区自然资源与社会经济信息管理平台。首先,从结构体系、数据组织、功能模块、监测范围和监测内容方面详细阐述了系统平台结构与内容;其次,开展了数据标准化处理、多源异构数据融合、空间一体化存储与管理、数据快速采集与更新等平台技术体系研究;最后,指出了平台运行与日常维护工作并讨论了平台建设存在的问题。结果表明:系统平台经过5年建设与运行实现了郊区信息资源的定性分析、定量计算和直观展示相结合的空间一体化管理模式,对北京社会主义新农村建设和基层三农发展具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Education is one of the key objectives of, and means for, development. Its value is widely accepted though we rarely investigate the way different theories of development inform widely differing justifications and strategies for education. This article explores some of these issues and proposes five main paradigms regarding the education‐development nexus. These we term neoliberalism, retroliberalism, neostructuralism, place‐based and radical. Each is linked to particular concepts of development, each involves certain forms of education, and each is linked to particular policy discourses. Although these are largely abstract paradigms and in practice we see more hybridised forms co‐existing, we consider implications of each paradigm for education with examples from Oceania.  相似文献   

Abstract: The papers in this special issue are the product of a comparative interdisciplinary workshop on ‘Natural Resources and Violent Ethnic Conflicts in the Asia Pacific Region’ held in Honolulu, Hawaii, 18–20 March 2005. The workshop brought together scholars who study conflicts between ethnic groups and those who study conflicts over natural resource claims in order to examine the interplay of resources and ethnicity and to seek answers to the question of why violence occurs in some cases and not in others. Both sets of scholars agreed on some points but disagreed on others. They agreed that ethnic and resource grievances occur not so much out of objective deprivation but out of ‘relative deprivation’ when groups compare their situation with others, to the past, or to future expectations. They both stressed the role of democratic processes in alleviating resource competition and ethnic conflicts – but they did this in different ways. The perspectives and solutions offered by these papers sum to a deeper and more contextualised understanding of the cause of conflict and to mutually reinforcing solutions for resolving them.  相似文献   

For many Polynesians migration is still framed within a particular spatial context, although on an enlarged scale – one that we have termed the New Polynesian Triangle. With its apexes in the North American continent to the east, Australia in the west and New Zealand in the south, this New Polynesian Triangle encompasses a particular field through which ongoing Polynesian migration and movement continues to occur. Movement within this New Polynesian Triangle is both multidimensional and multidirectional. While it is the movement of economic resources, particularly remittances, that has captured the interest of many agencies operating in the region, we argue that such economic flows are integrally linked with other flows – of goods, ideas, skills and culture – to form a single dynamic system of movement. Importantly, such flows are not uni‐directional (from ‘rich’ to ‘poor’ countries) as was assumed in times past. In developing ideas on the New Polynesian Triangle, we wish to move away from the dominant Western discourse of the Pacific Ocean as a barrier to development and movement and towards the reclamation of the ocean as a conduit and source of connection and movement for Pacific peoples.  相似文献   

Fairtrade market growth is characterised by expansion and exclusion in terms of producer opportunity. This paper draws producers in the Pacific region into the debate, analysing the development context among these small‐island developing states and, specifically, the practices and principles of four ‘ethical’ enterprises. The analysis reveals that the unique and complex context in which these organisations operate is at odds with Fairtrade's requirements, standards and assumptions. The paper highlights the need for contextually relevant requirements and principles, and the likelihood of alternative governance arrangements and actors, for an inclusive Fairtrade system and market in the region.  相似文献   

徐玉霞 《中国农学通报》2016,32(28):177-182
为了了解近期发生的洪涝灾害对宝鸡地区的社会经济发展造成的影响,笔者通过对宝鸡地区近61年洪涝灾害的地方史料的整理、统计,研究分析了该时期宝鸡地区洪涝灾害的等级序列,以及对人们生活和社会经济发展产生的一些影响。结果表明:1949—2009年间,宝鸡地区共发生洪涝灾害42次,平均每1.45年发生1次,该时期洪涝灾害以2级和3级洪涝灾害为主,共发生36次,占发生总次数的85.71%,4级洪涝灾害发生较少,1级洪涝灾害发生最少;1980年之前,洪涝灾害对人们生活和社会经济发展各方面的影响总体较小;1980年之后,洪涝灾害对农业生产、社会经济、交通及人们生活等方面的发展造成十分严重的影响。相关部门应该做好洪涝灾害的预警和防范工作,尽量将洪涝灾害对社会经济的影响降到最低。  相似文献   

While in recent years much has been written, and even more spoken, about the interrelationships between population and development, and particularly the importance of acknowledging population parameters in development planning and policy formulation, reality in most Pacific island countries and territories falls short of this rhetoric. Long-term development plans and strategic development frameworks are still compiled without due consideration of demographic circumstances, and economic and public sector reform proceeds in many countries seemingly oblivious of contemporary population dynamics. It is not always lack of basic and timely data that accounts for this malaise, as is evident from a myriad of demographic indicators reported by a variety of government agencies and regional and international organisations. However, these often manage to portray quite different demographic scenarios using identical data sources. This paper examines the institutional and methodological context within which Pacific island population data are collected and demographic information is produced. It concludes by discussing ways in which demography and demographers can contribute towards more realistic planning and policymaking in the Pacific.  相似文献   

Small island literature is vast in focus and aim, and is rooted in many different disciplines. The challenge is to find common grounds for researching small islands conceptually and theoretically. The aim of this article is to comment on how to research small islands, including a discussion on contemporary theories of nissology and conceptual analytical frameworks for island research. Through a review of selected case-study-based island literature on changing livelihoods coming out of the South Pacific, we wish to illustrate and discuss advantages of finding common grounds for small island studies. The focus is on two dimensions of island livelihood, migration and natural resource management, both of which are significant contributors in making island livelihoods and shaping Pacific seascapes. We argue that there is still a substantial lack of studies targeting small island dynamics that are empirical and interdisciplinary in focus and link socio-economic and ecological processes of small island societies at temporal and analytical scales.  相似文献   

天然植物香料提取加工工艺研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了制备天然香料的不同加工工艺技术及其优缺点,并重点介绍了相对较新的工艺技术——旋转锥体柱蒸馏方法的原理及应用。  相似文献   

Abstract: Greenhouse‐induced sea‐level rise (SLR) threatens coral atolls and particularly the few atoll states, such as Tuvalu. This central Pacific island microstate has minimal economic development options, and has increasingly perceived emigration and remittances as a development strategy, despite restricted opportunities. Internal migration, in search of wage employment, has brought almost half the national population to Funafuti atoll, with negative local environmental consequences. Short‐term scientific data show no evidence of SLR in Tuvalu, but the Government of Tuvalu has argued that there is visual evidence of SLR, through such consequences as increased erosion, flooding and salinity. Global media have increasingly emphasised a doomsday scenario, with Tuvalu as synecdoche and symbol of all threatened island environments. Environmental problems of diverse origin have been entirely attributed to distant processes causing SLR, in terms of ‘garbage can anarchy’ or a ‘conspiracy narrative’, and thus to distant causes. The Tuvalu Government has consequently sought compensation from, and migration opportunities in, distant states. The construction of apparently imminent hazard has potential domestic political and economic advantages, but environmental costs.  相似文献   

Addressing the multiple dimensions of gender inequality requires commitments by policy‐makers, practitioners and scholars to transformative practices. One challenge is to assemble a coherent conceptual framework from diverse knowledges and experiences. In this paper, we present a framework that emerged from our involvement in changing market culture in the Pacific, which we name a radical empowerment of women approach. We draw on detailed narratives from women market vendors and women‐led new initiatives in marketplaces to explain this approach. We argue that the primary focus of recently developed projects for marketplaces in the Pacific is technical and infrastructural, which is insufficient for addressing gendered political and economic causes of poor market management and oppressive conditions for women vendors. By exploring the complex array of motives and effects of the desire to transform or improve marketplaces in the Pacific, we caution against simplistic technical or infrastructural solutions. This paper also introduces the practice of working as a cooperative, hybrid research collaboration. The knowledges and analyses that we bring to this issue demonstrate that substantive analysis generated from diverse and shifting ‘locations’ and roles, but underpinned by a shared vision of, and commitment to, gender justice, can provide distinctive policy and research insights.  相似文献   

Climate change education (CCE) can be an important tool to increase local community resilience. In 2017, the Pacific Community ratified the Framework for Resilient Development in the Pacific (FRDP) aiming to equip local communities with skills needed to become more climate change resilient. In 2018, Fiji implemented the Climate Change Resilience Programme (CCRP) at the University of the South Pacific (USP), the first of its kind in the South Pacific. This paper evaluates (i) the orientation and aim of the programme and (ii) how different stakeholders influenced the curriculum development process. Tribe's concept of curriculum space is used to highlight the overall aim of the CCRP. Freeman's stakeholder theory allows to identify key stakeholders and their influence on the curriculum. Results indicate that the programme seems to foster climate resilience in the workplace rather than the local community. Unfortunately, current and future community leaders, the notional targets of this course, were almost completely unrepresented in the process to accredit the course, with the body responsible for accreditation being dominated by industry representatives. This study helps to inform the current review of the Regional Certificate Programme to realign it with its initially envisioned community focus.  相似文献   

This paper provides a broad survey of existing literature on contemporary solid waste management (SWM) in the Pacific region to underscore an urgent and compelling need for improved SWM. Despite advances in waste management systems and funding for technical support and capacity building from a range of sources, waste continues to threaten public and ecological health and the economy in Pacific Islands Countries and Territories (PICTs). SWM in the Pacific requires innovative thinking in a challenging environment of remoteness, limited available land, fragile ecosystems, vulnerability to natural hazards and subsequent climate sensitivity. Many PICTs are under considerable pressure to open their markets up to trade liberalisation. Increasing links to the global economy through trade liberalisation could either further exacerbate waste management challenges in the Pacific or contribute to environmental protection and sustainable development goals. The authors argue that if the PICTs' urgent waste management challenges are to be meaningfully addressed, the region's leaders must ensure trading partners conform to local environmental protection policies and that trade agreements align with sustainable development goals.  相似文献   

广东连平县生态农业发展规划研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了保护连平县的生态环境和东江水源,在发展农业经济时,必须进行生态的总体规划。本研究以连平县的农业资源和发展现状为基础,在研究了其发展的各种优劣势的基础上,参考国内外生态农业发展成功案例,提出了生态农业发展的总体规划,并以实践和应用作为价值考量,将全县划分为"一核、二廊、三区",即建立一个生态农业核心区、纵横二条生态农业经济带、三个生态农业功能区。并就产业结构调整、生态发展政策提出了相应的方案和建议。研究结果可以在一定程度上为该县发展生态农业提供决策咨询和战略性指导。  相似文献   

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