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The seasonal incidence of nematode infestations in pigs raised under semi-intensive conditions was determined by the monthly slaughter of 2--4 tracer pigs exposed to infestation in an earthernfloored pen for periods of 1 or 2 months. Although worm burdens were generally small, Ascarops strongylina appeared to be more prevalent from November to March than during the other months of the year. Once Ascaris suum became established in the pen nearly all the pigs became infested. The number of worms never exceeded 88, however, and no seasonal incidence pattern could be determined. Trichuris suis favoured the warmer months from November to March, the smallest numbers being recovered during September and October. One pig only harboured Trichostrongylus colubriformis and 3 had Oesophagostomum dentatum.  相似文献   

A total of 52 pigs slaughtered at the Pretoria Municipal Abattoir over a period of 1 year was examined for parastitic helminths. Twenty-six of these pigs were marketed by farmers and 26 by speculators. Of the pigs marketed by farmers 73,1% were found to be infested:--30,8% with Ascaris suum, 65,4% with Ascarops strongylina, 3,8% with Metastrongylus apri, 26,9% with Oesophagostomum spp., 15,4% with Trichostrongylus colubriformis and 15,4% with Trichuris suis. All the pigs marketed by speculators were infested:--7,7% with A. suum, 92,3% with A. strongylina, 11,5% with Oesophagostomum spp., 65,4% with Physocephalus sexalatus, 7,7% with T. colubriformis and 11,5% with T. suis. The findings obtained in surveys conducted in Canada, Greece, India, the Philippines, the United Kingdom and the United States of America are quoted for comparison. Trichostrongylus colubriformis and Oesophagostomum quadrispinulatum are recorded for the first time in pigs in the Republic of South Africa.  相似文献   

Sets of tracer calves, which were exposed for 2 months on irrigated pasture and then slaughtered, provided evidence of the extent of seasonal helminth infestation. Haemonchus spp. were the most abundant nematodes, the largest numbers of which were generally recovered from May--August. Marked inhibition of development in the 4th larval stage was noted from May--November. Trichostrongylus spp. were recovered in modest numbers with the highest burdens generally present in May, June and October. In the first year of the survey Cooperia spp. were recovered in small numbers, but in the second year burdens increased from February--June.  相似文献   

The seasonal incidence of helminth infestation in sheep on newly established irrigated pastures was determined by the slaughter of pairs of tracer lambs exposed for periods of approximately 33 days from October 1968--July 1970 and of sets of 3 lambs from March 1971--May 1973. It took several months for the infestation to become established on the pasture, but thereafter, of the various species present; Haemonchus contortus was most prevalent. In general, peak burdens of this species were recovered from January--May or June, while marked inhibition of larval development was evident from April--August. Ostertagia circumcinta usually occurred in increased numbers from April--October, and larval development was inhibited during July and August. Although the sizes of the burdens varied considerably from year to year, Trichostrongylus spp. were present mainly from April--August. Oesophagostomum columbianum, although present in the lambs slaughtered during the first 5 months of the survey, virtually disappeared until May 1971. After this it reappeared in small numbers in nearly all the sheep, reaching peak burdens during April and May 1972, and May 1973. Moniezia expansa were generally recovered from the lambs slaughtered from November--May.  相似文献   

At monthly intervals for periods ranging from 9 to 25 consecutive months between three and four Merino yearling-sheep and two Merino lambs on three farms in Eastern Cape Thornveld, and two Dorper yearling-sheep on a farm in Valley Bushveld were slaughtered and examined for helminths. The Merino sheep were infected with 15 nematode species, of which Haemonchus contortus, Nematodirus spathiger and Trichostrongylus spp. were the most numerous, and with four cestode species. The Dorper sheep were infected with 17 nematode species, of which Trichostrongylus rugafus and N. spathiger were the most numerous, and with two cestode species. Haemonchus contortus was most numerous in older sheep during the summer months and exhibited no tendency to over-winter as arrested fourth stage larvae. The largest numbers of N. spathiger were present in sheep on the most coastally located of the farms during autumn and winter; on a farm further inland during spring; and on an inland farm in Valley Bushveld during spring and summer. As Merino lambs progressed from birth to 9 months of age a larger proportion of their dwindling burdens of N. spathiger was present as fourth stage larvae. Dorper sheep in Valley Bushveld harboured most Teladorsagia circumcincta in May and from October to January. Trichostrongylus rugatus was most numerous in Merino sheep on one of the Thornveld farms during September, whereas all Trichostrongylus spp., including T. rugatus, were most numerous in Dorper sheep on the Valley Bushveld farm during January.  相似文献   

Separate groups of 3 oestrid-free lambs were exposed to infestation on irrigated pasture for periods of approximalely 33 days each over30 months, and on dry-land pasture for approxomately 42 days over a period of 18 months. With some exceptions, the lambs slaughtered from October-June were found to be infested with Oestrus ovis while, with one exception, those slaughtered from July-September were free. A minimum of 4 sheeps' heads, obtained weekly over 24 months from the Pretoria Municipal Abattoir, was examined for infestation. Of a total of 542 heads examined, 73,4% were infested, having a mean burden of 15,2 larvae. Mean larval burdens were slightly greater in hornless than in horned sheep in Dorper-type than in Merino-type sheep, and in lambs than in sheep with 2 or more permanent incisors. The largest larval burdens were recovered from sheep slaughtered during May and June and the smallest during September and October. The greatest number of 1st instar larvae were recovered during May and June and the smallest during September, but those recovered during the latter month were the largest. With one exception, mature larvae which pupated after 21 March or before 16 August failed to hatch as viable flies. Those which pupated after 16 August hatched as flies after a pupal stage of approximately 50 days and the first flies to hatch were invariably recovered during the first 2 weeks of October. The pupal stage decreased to approximately 25 days during December and January and increased again to approximately 50 days for flies hatching during May. No flies hatched between 18 May and 1 Cctober. The following life cycle ofr Oestrus ovis is suggested: sheep are repeatedly infested from October-June; thereafter infestation survives in the sheeps' heads until August, mainly as 1st instar larvae, then as pupae and larvae until fresh infestation takes place during October.  相似文献   

Ixodid ticks were collected from 4 dogs on smallholdings near Grahamstown, eastern Cape Province, on 1 or more occasions each week for periods ranging from 9-36 months. Fourteen tick species were recovered and the seasonal abundance of adult Haemaphysalis leachi and adult Rhipicephalus simus was determined. Complete collections of ticks were made from 50 caracals (Felis caracal) in the Cradock, Graaff-Reinet and Southwell regions in the eastern Cape Province. The animals from Cradock and Graaff-Reinet harboured 13 ixodid tick species. The caracals from Southwell were infested with 11 tick species and the seasonal abundance of Ixodes pilosus on these animals was determined. A small-spotted genet (Genetta genetta), 1 bat-eared fox (Otocyon megalotis), 1 aardwolf (Proteles cristatus) and 6 black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas) from various localities in the eastern Cape Province were examined for ticks and 9 species were collected. Complete tick collections were made from a side-striped jackal (Canis adustus), 2 wild dogs (Lycaon pictus), a spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta), a several (Felis serval), 2 African civets (Civettictis civetta), 2 leopards (Panthera pardus) and a lion (Panthera leo) in the Kruger National Park in the north-eastern Transvaal. Twelve ixodid tick specis were recovered from these animals.  相似文献   

Sheep were successfully infested artificially with the larvae of Haemonchus contortus, Trichostrongylus axei, Trichostrongylus falculatus and Impalaja nudicollis, cultured from the faeces of blesbok naturally infested with these nematodes. Haemonchus placei, Longistrongylus sabie, Trichostrongylus colubrifomis, T. falculatus, Impalaia tuberculata and Cooperia hungi likewise became established in sheep, goats and calves dosed with larvae cultured from the faeces of infested impala. Sheep and goats could also be infested with Cooperioides hamiltoni and Oesophagostomum columbianum of impala origin, but Cooperioides hepaticae could not be transmitted either to these hosts or to calves.  相似文献   

Successive pairs of approximately 4-month-old Friesland bull calves, raised under worm-free conditions, were exposed to helminth infection for 14 days on dry-land Kikuyu grass pastures at 28-day to monthly intervals, on a coastal farm in a non-seasonal rainfall region of the Eastern Cape Province. With the exception of one pair of calves exposed for 28 days, this procedure was repeated for 28 consecutive months from December 1982 to March 1985. The day after removal from the pastures one calf of each pair was slaughtered and processed for helminth recovery and the other 21 days later. Both members of the last four pairs of calves were killed 21 days after removal from the pastures. Sixteen nematode species were recovered from the calves, and infection with Ostertagia ostertagi was the most intense and prevalent, followed by Cooperia oncophora. The calves acquired the greatest number of nematodes from the pastures from June to October of the first year and from June to August of the second year of the survey. Few worms were recovered from the tracer calves examined from November or December to March or April in each year of the survey. The seasonal patterns of infection with Cooperia spp., Haemonchus placei, Nematodirus helvetianus, Oesophagostomum spp., O. ostertagi and Trichostrongylus axei were all similar and were negatively correlated to atmospheric temperature and evaporation. Slight to moderate arrest in the development of fourth stage larvae occurred from July to September in Cooperia spp., April to July in H. placei, and August to October in O. ostertagi and Trichostrongylus spp. during the first year of the survey. Too few worms were present in the second year to determine a seasonal pattern of arrest. Species survival during the hot and windy summer months appeared to be achieved via a combination of arrested larval development and an ageing residual population of adult worms in the host, and a small extant population of infective larvae on the pastures.  相似文献   

Ixodid ticks were collected from 104 wild carnivores belonging to 23 species in various nature reserves and on several farms in all nine provinces of South Africa. Seven feral cats in a nature reserve were also examined. Twenty-four tick species belonging to seven genera were recovered and identified. Amongst these ticks we consider the adults of Haemaphysalis leachi, Haemaphysalis spinulosa, Haemaphysalis zumpti, Ixodes rubicundus, Rhipicentor nuttalli, Rhipicephalus simus and Rhipicephalus turanicus to be true parasites of wild carnivores. Although numerous adult Rhipicephalus appendiculatus and Rhipicephalus zambeziensis were collected from some lions these were either sick or old animals. The immature stages of seven species regularly utilized wild carnivores as hosts on an opportunistic basis.  相似文献   

A total of 586 reptiles, belonging to 35 species and five subspecies, were examined in surveys aimed at determining the species spectrum and geographic distribution of ticks that infest them. Of these reptiles 509 were tortoises, 28 monitor or other lizards, and 49 snakes. Nine ixodid tick species, of which seven belonged to the genus Amblyomma, and one argasid tick, Ornithodoros compactus were recovered. Seven of the ten tick species are parasites of reptiles. Amongst these seven species Amblyomma marmoreum was most prevalent and numerous on leopard tortoises, Geochelone pardalis; Amblyomma nuttalliwas present only on Bell's hinged tortoises, Kinixys belliana; and most Amblyomma sylvaticum were collected from angulate tortoises, Chersina angulata. Amblyomma exornatum (formerly Aponomma exornatum) was only recovered from monitor lizards, Varanus spp.; most Amblyomma latum (formerly Aponomma latum) were from snakes; and a single nymph of Amblyomma transversale (formerly Aponomma transversale) was collected from a southern African python, Python natalensis. All 30 Namaqualand speckled padloper tortoises, Homopus signatus signatus, examined were infested with O. compactus. The seasonal occurrence of A. sylvaticum and the geographic distribution of this tick and of A. marmoreum, A. nuttalli, A. exornatum, A. latum and O. compactus are illustrated.  相似文献   

Ticks were collected at monthly intervals for 16 consecutive months from individual dogs by their owners in or close to the town of Stellenbosch, Western Cape Province. They were also collected for 27 consecutive months from dogs presented for a variety of reasons at three veterinary clinics in Stellenbosch, and from dogs upon admission to an animal welfare shelter. At one of the veterinary clinics ticks were also collected from cats. Dog owners collected six ixodid species from their pets and the most numerous of these were Haemaphysalis leachi and Rhipicephalus gertrudae. Twelve ixodid tick species and the argasid tick, Otobius megnini were collected from dogs at veterinary clinics and the animal shelter, and H. leachi, R. gertrudae and Rhipicephalus sanguineus were the most numerous. A total of nine dogs were infested with the Karoo paralysis tick, Ixodes rubicundus. No clear pattern of seasonality was evident for H. leachi, which was present throughout the year. The largest numbers of adult R. gertrudae were generally present from August to October, while adult R. sanguineus were collected during October 2000, February and March 2001, from January to April 2002 and during October 2002. Five ixodid tick species, of which H. leachi was the most numerous and prevalent, were collected from cats.  相似文献   

Four blesbok culled in the Rietvlei Nature Reserve, Pretoria, District during May 1972 were found to harbour large burdens of 1st instar Oestrus spp. larvae and from 16-37 3rd instar larvae of Oestrus macdonaldi. They were also infested with large numbers of 1st instar Gedoelstia h?ssleri larvae but only 2 harboured 3rd stage larvae of this species. During an 18-month period 34 blesbok were culled in pairs in the Percy Fyfe Nature Reserve, Potgietersrus District. These antelope harboured peak numbers of 1st instar Oestrus spp. larvae during February, July and December but few if any during early October. Third instar Oestrus variolosus larvae were generally recovered from July-February and those of O. macdonaldi during July 1972 and from May-September 1973. Some 1st instar larvae of these flies appeared to undergo a pulmonary migration before returning to the naso-pharyngeal area to mature. The pupal period of O. variolosus varied from 67 days during the spring to 35 days during the summer. G. h?ssleri larvae reached peak numbers from October 1972-January 1973 and during May and June 1973. The lowest numbers were recovered from August-October 1973. Recovery and measurement of 1st instar larvae indicated that they either undergo an ocular-cranial or ocular-vascular-pulmonary migration before reaching the naso-pharyngeal area. Pupal periods varied from 46 days for flies hatching during October to 22 days for those hatching during December.  相似文献   

During a period of 13 months, 130 goats' heads, obtained form the Johannesburg Municipal Abattoir, were examined for infestation with Oestrus ovis. Investation was present in 73,8% of the heads and the mean burden comprised 4,4 larvae. Such a small nuber of larvae were present that no clear seasonal incidence pattern could be determined. Pupal periods could be as long as approximately 60 days for flies hatching during October and May and as short as approximately 24 days for those hatching from December-February. The findings are compared with those obtained from surveys in sheep in south africa.  相似文献   

Parasites were collected from 160 Angora goats and kids on the Jansenville Experimental Farm, Eastern Cape Province. Six nematodes were identified to species level and three to generic level. Nematodirus spathiger was the most numerous of the economically important nematodes recovered. It was always present, and fourth stage larvae were collected from untreated goats from August to March, while animals used as tracers also picked up most infection from August to March. Kids born on the farm during October acquired their first nematode infections between 2 and 3 months of age and the intensity of infection increased erratically thereafter to reach a plateau once the kids were 14 months of age. Eight of the nine kids between 3 and 5 months of age and examined between January and March were infected with Moniezia expansa. Five ixodid tick species were collected from the goats of which Rhipicephalus glabroscutatum was the most numerous and prevalent. Its immature stages were present mainly from March to September and adults from July to January. The goats also harboured the biting louse Damalinia limbata and the sucking louse Linognathus africanus. The greatest intensity of infestation with L. africanus occurred on the kids during the first few months of their lives. The larvae of the nasal bot fly, Oestrus ovis were present in kids at 1 month of age, and infestation took place mainly from spring to late summer.  相似文献   

Two adult Angora goats were slaughtered each month for 24 consecutive months on a farm in Valley Bushveld in the eastern Cape Province. On the same farm 2 Angora goat kids were slaughtered each month for 2 consecutive years from the time they were 1 week old until they reached 12 months of age. All these goats were processed for the recovery of helminth and arthropod parasites. Fourteen nematode species, 2 nematode genera and 1 cestode species were recovered. Worm burdens were generally low in the adult goats. Nematode burdens increased erratically in the kids reaching the greatest numbers when they were 1 year old. The tapeworm, Moniezia expansa, was present in kids at 3 or 4 months of age and had usually disappeared by the time they reached 7 months of age.  相似文献   

The arthropod parasite burdens of 14 Cape mountain zebra (Equus zebra zebra), shot for survey purposes in the Mountain Zebra National Park in the eastern Cape Province, were determined. Three species of Gasterophilus larvae and 9 ixodid tick species were recovered. Larvae of Gasterophilus pecorum were the most numerous of the fly larvae recovered and Margaropus winthemi was the most abundant tick. Two horses examined in the park were infested with 3 species of Gasterophilus larvae and 7 species of ixodid ticks.  相似文献   

Seventy-six helmeted guineafowls (Numida meleagris) were shot in the Andries Vosloo Kudu Reserve and on an adjacent farm in the eastern Cape Province during the period May 1985 to January 1987 and their tick burdens determined. A total of 10 ixodid tick species were recovered, of which Amblyomma hebraeum, Amblyomma marmoreum and Haemaphysalis silacea were the most abundant. The seasonal abundances of these 3 species and of Hyalomma marginatum rufipes were ascertained. A marked difference between the total number of A. hebraeum recovered from the birds in the reserve and those on the farm is ascribed to the treatment of domestic stock on the farm with an acaricide. The tick burdens of 118 helmeted guineafowls, shot in the southern part of the Kruger National Park, eastern Transvaal Lowveld, from August 1988 to August 1990, were also determined. Ten ixodid tick species and the larvae of an argasid species were recovered. A. hebraeum, A. marmoreum and the Argas sp. were the most abundant and their seasonal abundances and that of Rhipicephalus zambeziensis were determined. Only 2 of the 54,659 ixodid ticks recovered from the birds at the 3 localities were adults and the presence of these is ascribed to accidental infestations.  相似文献   

Ectoparasites were collected from impalas, Aepyceros melampus, at four localities within the Kruger National Park, namely Skukuza, in the Biyamiti region, Crocodile Bridge and Pafuri. Animals were also examined at Skukuza during a severe drought and at Skukuza and Pafuri towards the end of a second drought. Parasite burdens were analysed in relation to locality, sex, age class, month and drought. The impalas were infested with 13 ixodid ticks species, including two that were identified only to genus level. Except for four animals at Pafuri, all were infested with Amblyomma hebraeum. The highest intensity of infestation with larvae of this tick occurred from April to June and during November and December at Skukuza and in the Biyamiti region. Infestation with nymphs was highest during late winter. All animals were infested with Boophilus decoloratus, and the intensity of infestation was highest during spring. The intensity of infestation with Rhipicephalus appendiculatus was highest at Crocodile Bridge and at Pafuri, and that of Rhipicephalus zambeziensis at Skukuza. With both the latter species the intensity of infestation of larvae was highest from April to August, of nymphs from July to September or October and of adults during February and March. Rhipicephalus kochi was present only at Pafuri. The impalas also harboured five louse species and two species of hippoboscid flies. The intensity of infestation with lice tended to be greater during late winter and spring than during other seasons and greater on lambs than on yearlings on which it was greater than on adult animals.  相似文献   

Sets of four kudus were shot and examined for arthropod parasites at approximately monthly intervals from April 1981 to March 1983 in the southern part of the Kruger National Park, eastern Transvaal Lowveld. These animals harboured 10 ixodid tick species of which Boophilus decoloratus followed by Amblyomma hebraeum were the most abundant. The seasonal abundances of these ticks and of Amblyomma marmoreum, Rhipicephalus appendiculatus, Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi and Rhipicephalus zambeziensis were determined. The kudus were also infested with 3 lice and 1 louse fly species, as well as the nymphs of a pentastomid. Sixteen kudus were shot in the Andries Vosloo Kudu Reserve, eastern Cape Province and 9 on an adjacent farm. These animals were infested with 12 tick species. A. hebraeum followed by Rhipicephalus glabroscutatum were the most abundant on kudus in the reserve and R. glabroscutatum followed by Haemaphysalis silacea on the animals on the farm. The seasonal abundances of A. hebraeum, A. marmoreum, H. silacea, R. appendiculatus, R. glabroscutatum and a Rhipicephalus sp. (near R. oculatus) were determined on the kudus in the reserve. The kudus were also infested with 3 lice and 1 louse fly species. Two kudus examined in the Addo Elephant National Park were infested with 6 tick, 1 louse and 1 louse fly species.  相似文献   

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