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苹果渣作为饲料资源的开发与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要介绍了苹果渣的营养价值,不同方法调制苹果渣饲料的特点和饲用方法以及苹果渣在畜禽生产上的应用效果。  相似文献   

果渣作为饲料资源的开发与利用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国是水果生产及消费大国,每年可生产大量的水果,每加工1000kg水果.大约可产出400—500kg鲜果清,烘干后可得干果渣120~165h。果涟是水果经过榨汁,生产罐头等过程得到的副产物,种类尤为丰富。但是.由于果渣中很大部分并未进行深入处理而直接饲喂动物或作为肥料施入土壤.这样不但经济效益差,而且还造成环境的污染。因此.如何更好地开发和利用各种果渣.已经成为专家们共同关注及研究的课题。  相似文献   

果渣饲料资源的开发与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张登辉 《饲料研究》1991,(12):13-15
果品经罐头厂、饮料厂、酒厂加工后,其下脚料—果渣(果核、果皮、果浆等)经适当的加工即可用以饲喂畜禽。一些发达国家已将苹果渣、葡萄渣和柑桔渣作为猪、鸡、牛的标准饲料成分列入国家颁布的饲料成分表中。苏联利用苹果、柑桔及蔬菜的加工下脚料每年生产约40—50万吨烘干渣粉饲料。在我国,大量的果品加工下脚料尚未得到合理的利用,有的甚至排放江河或弃作垃圾,既浪费  相似文献   

本文综述了木薯渣的营养特点、加工处理方法及在肉牛饲养中的应用,以期更好地促进其开发利用。  相似文献   

开发利用木薯资源缓解能量饲料不足   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

木薯渣饲料资源化开发研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近两年来我们一直对木薯渣纤维素的降解途径进行不懈的研究,通过不断的筛选和培育,现已基本确定高产纤维素酶和菌体蛋白的菌株,并对发酵条件进行了深入的探讨.2008年3月份完成了中试实验和可行性研究报告,消化代谢试验和饲养实验以及扩大生产的工艺设计也已经完成;2008年7月通过了该项目的专家论证会,2008年8月通过了项目工艺的论证.现进行工业化生产的条件已基本成熟.  相似文献   

绿色、安全、广泛和充足的饲料资源是促进青海省奶牛业健康发展的基础保障。青海有独特的胡萝卜优势资源,加工生产胡萝卜浓缩汁和胡萝卜果汁饮料,胡萝卜渣是上述产品的副产品,营养物质含量丰富,是饲喂家畜的良好饲料,但由于其适口性差,家畜尤其是奶牛不愿采食。为此,为解决青海省饲料资源匮乏的局面,减少资源浪费,提高适口性和满足青海省畜牧业经济稳步发展需求,探索开发胡萝卜渣饲料资源,扩大奶牛业饲料资源,促进青海省奶牛业健康发展具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

<正> 颗粒饲料的形状、坚实度、颜色等都会影响着产品的信誉。本试验分别利用不同量的木薯粉、木薯叶粉、木薯渣粉生产畜禽颗粒配合饲料,观察产品的成形率、坚实度和颗粒颜色,旨在为畜禽日粮中使用这些原料提供一些参考。一、材料与方法 1.试验设计分三个试验,即添加木薯粉试验、添加木薯叶粉试验和添加木薯渣试验。各试验分4个组,其中第1组均为空白对照组。各试验各组的木薯类原料的添加量见表1。表1 三个试验分别添加木薯粉、木薯叶粉、木薯渣的量 (%)  相似文献   

发酵木薯渣粉在肉用仔鸡日粮中的利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广西地处亚热带,是我国木薯的主要产区之一。木薯种植面积240多万亩,年产木薯50多万吨。木薯渣是淀粉和葡萄糖生产过程中的下脚料。广西有70多个淀粉和葡萄糖厂家,每年有木薯渣约7万吨,资源量较大。木薯渣因其湿度大(含水分60%左右)无法直接用于饲料生产,而且营养价值较低。堆集起来又会发热腐败,严重污染环境。如能通过微生物途径,将木薯渣发酵制成含有单细胞蛋白等多种营养成分的饲料原料,用于配合饲料的工厂化生产,不仅消除了环境污染,变废为宝,提高企业的经济效  相似文献   

文章旨在研究木薯渣发酵饲料及其发酵工艺与应用.将木薯渣、玉米面、豆粕、玉米皮、麸皮按照质量比50:5:10:10:25的比例混合,然后将乳酸菌和酵母菌按比例与一定量的水混合,再与木薯渣饲料混匀,装入带有呼吸阀的发酵袋中,密封,室温条件下发酵4 d即生产得到木薯渣发酵饲料.结果表明:乳酸菌和酵母菌混合比例为1:2,接种量...  相似文献   

复合菌发酵乳酸废渣生产蛋白质饲料的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蔡俊 《中国饲料》2006,(3):12-14
乳酸废渣是乳酸生产中的副产物,其干基含蛋白质30%~32%,是较好的蛋白质饲料资源。笔者研究了以乳酸废渣为原料,通过混合菌种发酵,以改善乳酸废渣的营养成分,提高其蛋白质含量的工艺。  相似文献   

Gut environment and microflora, digestibility, and performance were studied in weaned piglets in Central Vietnam fed a dry control diet (CO), a naturally fermented liquid diet (FE), and a liquid diet with inclusion of rice distiller's residue (RDR). Digesta samples were collected at the start (day 0) and at the end of experiment (day 42). Diet FE had a lower pH than diet RDR, contained more organic acids, had the lowest counts of E. coli and total coliforms (P < 0.05), and the highest counts of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) (P < 0.05). Piglets fed diets FE and RDR had lower pH (P < 0.05), and higher concentrations of organic acids in the stomach, ileum and mid-colon (P < 0.05) than piglets fed diet CO. Counts of LAB in stomach and ileum were higher in animals fed diets FE and RDR than CO (P < 0.05), while the number of E. coli and total coliforms along the gastrointestinal tract was reduced. The ileal digestibility of crude protein and organic matter was improved in piglets fed diet RDR (P < 0.05) compared with piglets fed diet CO. Piglets fed diet RDR had a higher weight gain (P < 0.05) and a better feed utilization (P < 0.05) than piglets fed the other diets. The present findings support the contention that fermented diets and/or fermented feedstuffs can be used for dietary manipulation to improve gut health and animal performance.  相似文献   

Year by year, huge quantities of by-products are generated during the manufacturing process of soybean-based products. Okara is one of the by-products, and it is an insoluble portion of the soybean. It consists of high moisture (8.4–22.9%); on dry matter basis, it contains high metabolizable energy (9.0–14.2 MJ/kg) and other components that include crude protein (20.9–39.1%), crude fiber (12.2–61.3%), crude fat (4.9–21.5%), and ash (3.4–5.3%). Fermentation of okara improves its nutritional quality and reduces its anti-nutrient contents. Due to animals' palatability, okara can be used to replace the soybean meal/concentrate feed partially or completely in ruminant's diet and partially in nonruminant's diet. Okara feeding does not depress the intake, digestibility, growth, milk production, blood metabolic profiles, and meat quality of animals. However, this by-product decays quickly due to its high moisture content, and its heavy weight and sticky nature make it difficult to process and expensive to dry using conventional methods. This paper thoroughly summarizes the utilization of okara as animal feed in the cause of developing a general guideline with favorable levels of inclusion in the diets of animals for its exploitation and valorization. This review will encourage further research to develop eco-friendly and value added feed for animals.  相似文献   

以木薯生产中产生的废渣为主要原料,以黑曲霉、绿色木霉和根霉R2为发酵菌种,优化木薯渣发酵生产菌体蛋白饲料的工艺。初步确定了木薯渣发酵的适宜条件,即液体菌种添加量为3%,氮源添加量为20%,发酵温度37℃,发酵时间为4 d,经试验验证,此发酵条件下发酵饲料中粗蛋白含量较高,可达到蛋白饲料对蛋白质含量的要求。通过处理木薯渣变为动物的饲料原料,不仅可充分利用淀粉工业的废弃物,有利于环境保护,而且可显著降低饲养成本,从而提高了木薯渣的利用价值和经济效益。  相似文献   

The intake, digestion, and ruminal fermentation properties; the antioxidative activity; and the physical effectiveness of pineapple residue (PR) from the cut-fruit industry as a feed for cattle were investigated. Four nonlactating Holstein cows were fed a basal diet and diets with 1.4- and 3.6-kg dry matter (DM)/day of PR (low-PR and high-PR diets, respectively). The DM digestibility and total digestible nutrients were 71% and 70%, respectively. Ruminal pH, volatile fatty acids, and ammonia-N did not differ among the diets. The numbers of total viable, amylolytic, cellulolytic, and methanogenic bacteria and protozoa, and microbial protein synthesis in the rumen also did not differ significantly. Blood triglyceride, nonesterified fatty acids, urea nitrogen, and aspartate transaminase were lower in the high-PR diet. Feeding PR did not affect blood malondialdehyde, although PR has a higher antioxidative value than other commonly used feeds. The particle distribution of PR satisfied the recommended range for haylage. The chewing time for ingestion and rumination did not change with PR content, and the roughage value index of PR was 57-min/kg DM. These results suggest that PR has good intake and digestion properties and satisfactory physical effectiveness. Even a high-PR-content feed unlikely induces the risk of ruminal acidosis.  相似文献   

中草药饲料添加剂的开发应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴石金 《饲料研究》2003,(10):18-21
现代养殖业中 ,饲料添加剂是配合饲料不可缺少的组成部分 ,应用极为广泛。本世纪初以化学合成类添加剂的应用以来 ,添加剂工业得到迅猛的发展 ,带动了畜牧业乃至整个农业生产产量和质量的大幅度提高。人们在大力发展添加剂工业的同时 ,也逐渐认识到化学合成类添加剂所带来的负面影响 ,人们食用了由这类添加剂饲喂的畜产品时 ,某些化学药物和激素等会在人体内蓄积 ,危害身体健康 ,而且还有“三致”(致癌、致畸、致突变 )现象发生 ,现代饲料工业必须走低毒、低残留和可持续发展的道路。目前 ,全世界都在兴起一场生态农业革命 ,于是 ,人们已经…  相似文献   

石燕捷 《中国饲料》2019,(16):114-118
本文以政策工具理论为研究框架,通过分析秸秆饲料化利用的政策工具运用经验,提出秸秆处理政策工具应从强制型政策工具为主导转变多种政策工具并用。由于政策工具与政策主体之间存在动态关系,因此,应注重各政策工具之间的相互支持和相互影响,以及政策工具对市场主体和社会主体进行培育和能力建设的功能。政府主体要主动进行制度创新,使政策工具相互支持、相互成就,最终提升秸秆饲料化处理政策的整体效能。  相似文献   

This study examined the collection, storage, and utilization of ear corn residue as a bulking agent for composting. Ear corn residue left in fields was collected by a sequence of windrowing and round baling operations, which showed a collection efficiency of 53%?56%. More than 70% of the corn stalks had lengths shorter than 15 cm. The moisture content of corn residue collected in late October was approximately 58%; it decreased to 23% during storage. Dried corn residue was mixed with raw manure in two different ways, namely using complete mixing (CM) treatment or creating a bottom layer of residue, and a total of 3.4 t of the manure and ear corn residue mixture were composted using a pilot‐scale composting apparatus. The results showed that the CM treatment resulted in higher temperature generation and produced less odorous and well‐degraded compost after 2 months of composting, while the odorous compounds in the compost with corn residue as the bottom layer remained similar to those of the initial compost. To sufficiently utilize the advantages of the ear corn residue, thorough mixing of the corn residue with raw manure is preferable; this procedure produced well‐degraded and safety compost in a shorter time period.  相似文献   

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