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Three cats were diagnosed as having food hypersensitivity by food elimination and oral food provocation tests. Twelve allergenic food ingredients were identified by oral food provocation test in the 3 cats. Of the 12 food ingredients, 9 offending food antigens were shown to be positive in a lymphocyte stimulation test; however, none of them were positive in antigen-specific IgE testing, and only four food antigens were positive in intradermal testing. The stimulation indices in the lymphocyte stimulation tests for the 9 food ingredients were found to be decreased after the cats were fed elimination diets. The present study demonstrates that the lymphocyte stimulation test reflects an immunologic reaction involved in food hypersensitivity and can help identify allergenic food ingredients in feline food hypersensitivity.  相似文献   

Two different allergy tests, antigen-specific immunoglobulin E quantification (IgE test) and flow cytometric analysis of antigen-specific proliferation of peripheral lymphocytes (lymphocyte proliferation test), were performed to examine differences in allergic reactions to food allergens in dogs with food allergy (FA). Thirteen dogs were diagnosed as FA based on clinical findings and elimination diet trials. Seven dogs clinically diagnosed with canine atopic dermatitis (CAD) were used as a disease control group, and 5 healthy dogs were used as a negative control group. In the FA group, 19 and 33 allergen reactions were identified using the serum IgE test and the lymphocyte proliferation test, respectively. Likewise, in the CAD group, 12 and 6 allergen reactions and in the healthy dogs 3 and 0 allergen reactions were identified by each test, respectively. A significant difference was found between FA and healthy dogs in terms of positive allergen detection by the lymphocyte proliferation test, suggesting that the test can be useful to differentiate FA from healthy dogs but not from CAD. Both tests were repeated in 6 of the dogs with FA after a 1.5- to 5-month elimination diet trial. The IgE concentrations in 9 of 11 of the positive reactions decreased by 20-80%, whereas all the positive reactions in the lymphocyte proliferation test decreased to nearly zero (P<0.05), suggesting that lymphocytes against food allergens may be involved in the pathogenesis of canine FA.  相似文献   

Skin hypersensitivities (allergies) in horses are often diagnosed using clinical signs only. Intradermal testing or serological assays are diagnostic options to confirm the allergic nature of the disease and to identify the allergen(s). Our objective was to develop an allergen-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using a monoclonal antibody specific for horse IgE and to examine its potential for allergen detection in serum in comparison to intradermal testing. Intradermal testing with 61 allergen extracts was performed on 10 horses affected with skin hypersensitivity. Their sera were analyzed by ELISA for IgE antibodies to the same allergens. The kappa test of concordance was used for comparison of the results of both tests. Out of 61 allergen extracts, only two (Timothy and Quack) had kappa values greater than 0.60, suggesting a substantial agreement between skin testing and IgE ELISA. The statistical comparison of the remaining 59 allergens showed little or no concordance between the tests beyond chance. To identify parameters that may influence the sensitivity of the ELISA, the assay was modified to detect allergen-specific IgGb and IgG(T) in serum, and the protein content in all allergen extracts was determined by SDS-PAGE. The commercial allergen extracts revealed a high variation in detectable protein. High concentrations of allergen-specific IgG in horse serum were found to compete with IgE for binding to the plates. In conclusion, an ELISA using whole serum and crude allergen preparations provides limited diagnostic information in horses. The reliable diagnosis of allergens in equine skin hypersensitivity is essential to improve allergen-specific treatments, such as hyposensitization, or the development of allergy vaccines.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight atopic dogs, 22 pruritic, non-atopic dogs and 10 healthy dogs were ELISA tested. For calculations of diagnostic specificity and sensitivity, positive ELISA test results in non-atopic dogs were considered false positive results. The absence of any positive results in the atopic dogs was considered false negative results. The atopic dogs were tested both with ELISA and an intradermal test, utilising allergen extracts from the same manufacturer, to determine the frequency of positive allergen reactions in the ELISA test compared with the intradermal test. The Prausnitz-Küstner test was performed to evaluate the significance of a positive ELISA test result. Based on cross-tabulations with clinically defined atopic dermatitis, the ELISA test showed a sensitivity of 53.6% and a specificity of 84.4%. The correlation between the ELISA and the intradermal test was poor. Positive Prausnitz-Küstner tests were not obtained using sera from dogs that were intradermal test negative for the tested allergens, even though sera had high levels of IgE as measured by the ELISA. These findings question the significance of a positive ELISA test result and indicate that the test is not measuring functional allergen-specific IgE.  相似文献   

A randomised, placebo-controlled, double blind study was conducted on 25 dogs that had atopic dermatitis, together with skin test reactivity and elevated serum IgE to Dermatophagoides farinae (Df) and at least one additional allergen. Dogs were treated with either a Df-restricted immunotherapy solution (n = 14) or a placebo (n = 11) and evaluated 6 weeks and 3, 5, 7 and 9 months after the initiation of treatment using a clinical scoring system (SASSAD) and pruritus analogue scale scores. The Df-restricted solution and the placebo had an equal effect on both pruritus and the skin manifestations (P > 0.05). The results of this study indicate that in dogs with atopic dermatitis based on hypersensitivity to environmental allergens in addition to D. farinae, Df-restricted immunotherapy is insufficient to control the disease. Consequently, a solution for allergen-specific immunotherapy should remain customised.  相似文献   

The present study sought to quantitatively examine mucosal inflammatory and immune responses in dogs with gastritis and the relationship of these responses to infection with Helicobacter. Gastric biopsies from 30 dogs were evaluated for B- and T-lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, macrophages, and mast cells. Mucosal atrophy, fibrosis, cellularity, and severity of gastritis were graded qualitatively. Messenger-RNA (mRNA) for actin, interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta), IL-4, IL-8, and IL-10, transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta), and interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) was quantified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The presence of Helicobacter spp. was determined by urease activity, histology, PCR, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. mRNA for IL-1beta, IL-8, IL-10, TGF-beta, and IFN-gamma was detected in most dogs. IL-4 mRNA was detected in only 1 dog. Correlations were observed for IL-1beta versus IL-8 and IL-10; IL-8 versus IL-10, IFN-gamma, and TGF-beta; and IL-10 versus IFN-y. Mucosal pathology was related to cytokine mRNA expression (neutrophils to IL-8 and IFN-gamma, macrophages and lymphocytes to IFN-gamma, and fibrosis to IL-1beta). Gastritis was categorized as lymphoplasmacytic in all dogs, and its histologic severity correlated with atrophy, infiltration with lymphocytes and macrophages, and expression of IL-10 and IFN-gamma. Of the dogs examined, 76.7% were infected with Helicobacter spp. Infection was associated with increased expression of TGF-beta and fibrosis. Circulating anti-Helicobacter immunoglobulin G titers were higher in uninfected than infected dogs. We conclude that lymphoplasmacytic gastritis in dogs is characterized by concurrent activation of proinflammatory and immunomodulatory cytokines, with increased mRNA expression related to mucosal pathology. No significant associations between Helicobacter infection and proinflammatory cytokine expression, severity of gastritis, or differences in the pathogenicity of different Helicobacter spp. were found.  相似文献   

In human food allergy, with or without concurrent atopy, there may be significant increases in serum allergen-specific IgE. Serological methods have been tried but are not currently recommended for diagnosis of suspected food allergy in dogs. The aim of this study was to investigate humoral immune responses to food antigens in dogs. Serum IgG and IgE antibodies specific for food antigens were measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using polyclonal anti-dog IgG and IgE reagents. Antigens tested were beef, chicken, pork, lamb, chicken, turkey, white fish, whole egg, wheat, soybean, barley, rice, maize corn, potato, yeast and cow's milk. Three groups were examined: normal dogs, dogs with atopic dermatitis (AD); and dogs with one of four types of gastrointestinal (GI) disease: small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), food-responsive disease, and infectious diarrhoea. Statistically significant differences in food-specific antibodies were not detected between the GI subgroups. There were statistically significant differences in the IgE concentration between the normal dogs, and dogs with atopic or GI disease, for all of the antigens tested. There were statistically significant differences in the average IgG concentrations between the normal dogs, and dogs with atopic or GI disease, for all of the antigens tested, except egg and yeast. The relationship of antigen responses for pooled data was analysed using principle component analysis and cluster plots. Some clustering of variables was apparent for both IgE and IgG. For example, all dogs (normal and diseased) made a similar IgG antibody response to chicken and turkey. Compared with other groups, atopic dogs had more food allergen-specific IgE and this would be consistent with a Th(2) humoral response to food antigens. Dogs with GI disease had more food allergen-specific IgG compared with the other groups. This may reflect increased antigen exposure due to increased mucosal permeability which is a recognised feature of canine intestinal disease.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers (SCWTs) affected with protein-losing enteropathy (PLE) or protein-losing nephropathy (PLN) or both for allergy to food. We performed gastroscopic food-sensitivity testing, a provocative dietary trial, and measurement of fecal immunoglobulin E (IgE) in 6 SCWTs affected with PLE or PLN or both. Positive gastroscopic food-sensitivity test reactions were noted in 5 of 6 dogs. Positive reactions were found to milk in 4 dogs, to lamb in 2 dogs, and to wheat and chicken each in 1 dog. Adverse reactions to food (diarrhea, vomiting, or pruritus) were detected in all 6 dogs during the provocative dietary trial. Adverse reactions were found to corn in 5 dogs, to tofu in 3 dogs, to cottage cheese in 2 dogs, to milk in 2 dogs, to farina cream of wheat in 2 dogs, and to lamb in 2 dogs. Serum albumin concentrations significantly decreased and fecal alpha1-protease inhibitor concentration significantly increased 4 days after the provocative trial when compared with baseline values. Antigen-specific fecal IgE varied throughout the provocative trial, with peak levels following ingestion of test meals. We conclude that food hypersensitivities are present in SCWTs affected with the syndrome of PLE/PLN. Mild inflammatory bowel disease was already established in the 6 SCWTs of this report at the time of study, making it impossible to determine if food allergies were the cause or result of the enteric disease.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial resistance (AR) is an increasing phenomenon but its quantitative estimation remains controversial. The classical resistance percentage approach is not well suited to detect either emergence or low levels resistance. One option is to shift the focus from strains to hosts. This approach is applied to test for phenotypic diversity associated with diminished susceptibility to expanded-spectrum cephalosporins (DSESC) in faecal Escherichia coli from healthy food animals in Spain.

We performed E. coli enumeration in faecal samples of broilers (82 pooled samples) and pigs (80 pooled samples) at the slaughterhouse level, using Coli-ID plates alone and supplemented with cefotaxime at two levels (1 and 8 μg/ml). Antimicrobial susceptibility of isolates was tested by the agar diffusion method. Clustering was carried out using these numerical values and Ward and UPGMA methods.

When using plates supplemented with 1 μg/ml of cefotaxime for DSESC E. coli detection, 93% (76/82) of broiler pooled samples and 36% (29/80) pig pooled samples tested positive. When using 8 μg/ml of cefotaxime, 67% (55/82) of broilers and 13% (10/80) of pigs were positive. Nevertheless, the relative abundance of this phenotype was low in both animal species (range 0–4.3%). Irrespective of the clustering method (Ward or UPGMA), a noticeable phenotypic diversity was detected, especially from the plates containing 1 μg/ml of cefotaxime.

We concluded that: (a) E. coli with phenotype DSESC are common in broilers and pigs but are less frequent in pigs, and (b) the host approach is the most appropriate method for antimicrobial resistance assessment when null or very low levels of antimicrobial resistant bacteria are expected.  相似文献   

Fourteen dogs with known clinical hypersensitivity to soy and corn were maintained on a limited antigen duck and rice diet until cutaneous manifestations of pruritus were minimal (78 days). Sequential oral challenges with cornstarch, corn and soy were then performed. Subsequently, the dogs were fed a diet containing hydrolysed soy protein and cornstarch. Throughout the study period the dogs were examined for cutaneous manifestations of pruritus and, additionally, serum was collected for measurement of allergen-specific and total immunoglobulin (Ig)E concentrations. Intradermal testing with food antigens was performed prior to entry into the study and after 83 days. A statistically significant clinical improvement was measured between days 0 and 83. Significant pruritus was induced after oral challenge with cornstarch, corn and soy (P = 0.04, 0.002, 0.01, respectively) but not with the hydrolysed diet (P = 0.5). The positive predictive value of the skin test for soy and corn allergy was reduced after feeding a soy and corn free diet. Although increases in soy and corn-specific serum IgE concentrations were measured in individual dogs post challenge they were not statistically significant and could not be used to predict clinical hypersensitivity.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to investigate the correlation between perinuclear antineutrophilic cytoplasmic antibody (pANCA) and clinical scores before and after treatment in diarrheic dogs with food-responsive disease (FRD) or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). pANCA serology was evaluated prospectively by indirect immunofluorescence in 65 dogs with signs of gastrointestinal disease, and if positive, pANCA antibody titers were determined. Thirty-nine dogs with FRD responded to a novel diet, and 26 dogs with IBD were treated with corticosteroids. The severity of clinical signs was scored by means of a canine IBD activity index (CIBDAI). At initial examination, a significantly (P = .002) higher percentage of dogs were pANCA-positive in the FRD group (62%) compared with the IBD group (23%). pANCA titers were significantly higher (P = .003) before treatment in the FRD group (median titer 100) compared with the IBD group (median titer 1). However, there was no difference in pANCA titers between the groups after respective treatments because dogs in the IBD group had a significant increase in pANCA titer after treatment. The CIBDAI score decreased significantly (P < .001) after treatment in both groups (74% moderate to severe in FRD dogs before versus 8% after treatment; 85% moderate to severe in IBD dogs before versus 32% after treatment). There was no correlation between pANCA status in FRD or IBD dogs before treatment and scores for CIBDAI, endoscopy, or histopathology before or after treatment, except for the endoscopic duodenal score in dogs with FRD after treatment (P = .03). A positive pANCA test before therapy may aid in the diagnosis of FRD.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to investigate the replacement effect of vitamin E with grape polyphenols (GPP) on antioxidant status, immune response, and organs histopathology in broilers from 1- to 35-d age. One-day-old Hubbard broiler chicks (n = 280) were randomly divided into 28 study units of 10 chicks each. A starter control diet was formulated having 22.5% CP, 3,200 kcal/kg ME, and 100 ppm vitamin E50 [50 IU DL-α-tocopheryl acetate (CON)]. Other dietary treatments were obtained by replacing vitamin E on wt:wt ratio, with 25 [low GPP (LGPP)], 50 [medium GPP (MGPP)], and 75 ppm [high GPP (HGPP)] GPP. Likewise, a control finisher diet (20% CP and 3,200 kcal/kg ME) and LGPP, MGPP, and HGPP diets were formulated having the same proportions of GPP and vitamin E as in the respective starter diets. Each dietary treatment was randomly assigned to 7 replicate pens. As a result of this study, by increasing GPP level in place of vitamin E, total phenolic contents in breast and leg muscles increased linearly (P< 0.05) whereas thiobarbituric acid reactive substances decreased quadratically with MGPP showing the lowest value (P< 0.05). Antibody titers against Newcastle disease virus were higher (P< 0.05) in broilers fed the LGPP and HGPP diets than in those fed the control diet. Antibody titers against infectious bursal disease virus were higher (P< 0.05) in broilers fed the HGPP diet than in all of the remaining dietary treatment groups. Histopathological examination of kidney and liver tissues showed no changes in birds fed LGPP and MGPP diets; however, mild effects were observed in some birds fed HGPP diet. Replacement of vitamin E with GPP resulted in lower cost per kg broiler feed. In conclusion, replacement of 75 ppm vitamin E with GPP improved antioxidant status and immune response of broilers at lower feed cost without any significant effect on histopathology of organs.  相似文献   

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