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为建立快速检测牛分枝杆菌(M.bovis)的TaqMan荧光定量PCR方法,本研究以GenBank登录的M.bovis特有229 bp基因为研究对象,设计并合成引物及探针。该方法具有较好的特异性,与标准质控菌株呈阳性反应,与其他微生物样品呈阴性反应;灵敏性最低检测值可达1 pg/mL;对20阳性临床样品进行荧光定量PCR检测,均为阳性;而对培养为阴性的20份临床样品进行检测,6份为阳性。该研究结果表明,建立的方法特异性强,敏感性高,稳定性好,能够用于M.bovis的鉴别检测,对牛分枝杆菌病的快速检测和早期诊断具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为筛选及评价用于牛结核病诊断的抗原,本试验将CFP-10、ESAT-6、TB10.4、TB27.4、MPT51、MPT63、MPT64、MPB70、MPB83、Rv3872和Ag85B共11种牛分枝杆菌抗原分别作为包被抗原建立间接ELISA方法,比较其对牛结核病的检出率;同时利用豚鼠和牛的皮试试验评价重组蛋白作为皮试试验刺激原的潜力。此外,将重组蛋白分别刺激结核病阳性牛和阴性牛的抗凝血24 h,检测血浆中的IFN-γ水平,评价各重组蛋白作为IFN-γ释放试验刺激原的潜力。结果显示,不同重组蛋白对结核病阳性血清的反应活性不一,MPB70总检出率最高,为59.7%;其次是Ag85B、ESAT-6和MPB83,检出率均在45%以上;MPT51的检出率最低,仅为2.2%。豚鼠和牛皮试试验均显示,单个重组蛋白作为刺激原难以产生令人满意的迟发型过敏反应(delayed type hypersensitivity,DTH),而TB10.4、TB27.4、MPT64、MPT63或Rv3872作为补充抗原,分别与CFP-10或ESAT-6混合,均可特异性地刺激结核病阳性牛产生较强的DTH反应,且与PPD-B无显著差异(P>0.05)。重组蛋白CFP-10、ESAT-6、TB10.4和MPT51均能刺激结核病牛全血释放一定的IFN-γ,其中CFP-10、CFP-10-ESAT-6串联蛋白和MPT51刺激结核病阳性牛全血释放的IFN-γ显著高于阴性牛(P<0.05)。因此,这11种牛分枝杆菌抗原并不适合单独用于牛结核病的血清学诊断、皮试试验或IFN-γ释放试验,但以CFP-10和ESAT-6为核心,TB10.4、TB27.4、MPT64、MPT63、Rv3872或MPT51作为其补充抗原,均能提高检测敏感性,有作为皮试试验和IFN-γ释放试验特异性刺激原用于牛结核病诊断的潜力。  相似文献   

This study was aimed to establish a triple PCR method to rapidly identify Mycobacterium species, and evaluate its testing reliability.Three pairs of primer that were respectively specific to rv 3036c, rv 1970f and pncA genes of Mycobacterium were designed to establish a triple PCR for preliminary identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis(M.tuberculosis), Mycobacterium bovis(M.bovis) and other Mycobacterium spp.PCR products were the expected sizes of 500(rv3036c), 125(rv1970f) and 249 bp(pncA), and contained two DNA bands(500 and 125 bp) with M.tuberculosis DNA template, two DNA bands(500 and 249 bp) with M.bovis DNA template.No band or non-specific band appeared with Mycobacterium spp.except M.tuberculosis and M.bovis DNA templates.The sensitivity of the triple PCR was calculated to 50 pg/μL template of genomic DNA.86 acid-fast bacteria were detected by the triple PCR, 16S rDNA and ITS gene sequencing, growth test and biochemical test, and the results were consistent between triple PCR and 16S rDNA and ITS gene sequencing.The detecting accuracy of triple PCR was 100%, and higher than growth test and biochemical test.  相似文献   

本研究旨在建立一种快速鉴定分枝杆菌的三重PCR方法,并比较分析其在临床检测中的可靠性。根据已发表的结核分枝杆菌、牛分枝杆菌和非洲分枝杆菌rv 3036c基因,结核分枝杆菌rv 1970f基因(RD7)和牛分枝杆菌pncA基因的序列,改造并设计合成了3对特异性扩增引物,建立了一种能对分枝杆菌样品进行初步鉴定的三重PCR方法。结果显示该方法可针对rv 3036crv 1970fpncA基因分别扩增出大小为500、125和249 bp的目的片段,能特异性检测出结核分枝杆菌(500和125 bp两条带)和牛分枝杆菌(500和249 bp两条带),并可将结核分枝杆菌、牛分枝杆菌与其他分枝杆菌加以区分。本方法的检测灵敏度为50 pg/μL模板基因组DNA。对86株抗酸染色阳性菌进行三重PCR鉴定,鉴定结果与细菌16S rDNA和ITS序列测定结果一致,检测准确度为100%,优于生长特征和生化试验鉴定。  相似文献   

To explore the value of Mb1230 protein of Mycobacterium bovis in the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis,we obtained the Mb1230 gene by PCR and constructed recombinant plasmid pET-22b-Mb1230.Recombinant Mb1230 protein was obtained by IPTG induction and purified by affinity chromatography.The activity of the recombinant protein was evaluated by TST test,IGRA test and indirect ELISA.The size of the recombinant protein matched with the theoretical value proved by SDS-PAGE;Western blotting result showed that the recombinant protein could react with mouse anti-His antibody,and had specific band;The results of TST test,IGRA test and indirect ELISA test also showed the recombinant protein had antigenic activity.The results indicated the recombinant protein Mb1230 had good B cell and T cell activity,so,it had the potential application in the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis.  相似文献   

为了探究牛分枝杆菌Mb1230蛋白在牛结核病诊断中的应用价值,本试验利用PCR方法扩增出Mb1230基因,构建重组质粒pET-22b-Mb1230,经IPTG诱导表达后用亲和层析纯化重组蛋白,通过结核菌素皮内变态反应试验(TST试验)、IFN-γ释放试验(IGRA试验)和间接ELISA对重组蛋白的活性进行评价。SDS-PAGE和Western blotting结果显示,重组蛋白大小与理论值相符,且能与鼠抗His的抗体反应有特异性条带;在TST试验、IGRA试验和间接ELISA中也表现出抗原活性。结果表明,重组Mb1230蛋白具有良好的B细胞活性和T细胞活性,在牛结核病诊断中具有应用潜力。  相似文献   

目的探讨水貂源结核杆菌复合群的检测方法,并进行病原学调查。方法利用7H10培养基分离水貂结核病的病原,采用荧光探针PCR方法进行检测。结果经鉴定分离的病原菌为致病性牛分枝杆菌。结论通过荧光探针PCR能够直接对结核杆菌复合群进行亚种鉴定,该方法具有快速、敏感、特异性强的优点,能够减少动物检疫时间。  相似文献   

牛结核病病原体研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
牛结核病是一种人畜共患传染病,人畜结核病的交叉传播是造成结核病广泛流行的重要原因之一。本病的传播流行直接影响着畜收业的发展,而且还会通过各种途径传染给人,给人类的健康也带来很大威胁。作者对结核病病原体的特点及分类进行了概述,并主要对牛分枝杆菌和结核分枝杆菌进行了基因组比较以及它们之间的区分和鉴定进行了综述。  相似文献   

为了研究牛结核病的PCR诊断方法,本研究以牛分枝杆茵(M.bovis)Vallee111株染色体DNA为模板,以RecA和Ppsl基因特异性引物进行PCR扩增,获得约860 bp和430 bp的DNA片段.将PCR纯化产物进行测序,通过BLAST序列分析,与GenBank中登录的M.bovis AF2122/97 RecA基因和Ppsl基因的核苷酸序列同源性均达到99%.在同一PCR反应中同时加入RecA和Ppsl基因特异性引物建立RecA-Pps1二联PCR反应.同时,RecA和Ppsl PCR扩增的敏感性分别达到585 fg和195 fg,特异性均达到100%,为进一步研究RecA和Ppsl基因以及其在牛结核病诊断中的应用奠定了基础.  相似文献   

为建立一种牛支原体(Mycoplasma bovis,MB)和牛病毒性腹泻病毒(Bovine viral diarrhea virus,BVDV)的快速鉴别诊断方法,针对MB的uvr C基因和BVDV的5'端非编码区(5'-UTR)保守基因序列,分别设计两对特异引物,并将三温式PCR扩增程序简化为二个温度梯度,建立了鉴别MB和BVDV的二重二温式PCR方法。该方法能同时扩增MB和BVDV,扩增产物大小分别为412和170 bp。特异性试验结果显示,该方法对参试的所有毒株只扩增MB和BVDV基因组,对其它牛病原体无扩增;敏感性试验结果显示,该方法最低能同时检测到104拷贝的两种目的核酸;干扰性试验结果显示,该方法能同时检测两个模板不同浓度的组合,试验结果不受模板影响。综上,本研究所建立的二重二温式PCR方法特异、敏感、快速、简便,可应用于MB和BVDV临床鉴别诊断和流行病学调查。  相似文献   

We evaluated by nested PCR reaction, different cow secretions from a herd with 48% of prevalence of bovine tuberculosis (BTB), seeking to determine niches where Mycobacterium bovis could be found. Postmortem examination of 18 (75%) tuberculin reacting cows allowed demonstrates BTB-compatible lesions in six, all of them PCR positives in milk and four in colostra samples. Our results showed that up to 62% of the colostra analysed contained M. bovis DNA, whereas only 18% of milk gave a positive reaction. Moreover, in bronchoalveolar lavages from cattle with compatible lesions in lungs or lymph nodes, where macrophages account up to 90% of cells, we did not find evidences of M. bovis. Altogether, these results suggest that differences in the anti-bacterial capacity of bovine macrophages, dependent upon microenvironment and organ-specific factors, exist. Alternatively, we hypothesize that hypoxic conditions that are encountered in mammary glands macrophages could induce M. bovis entrance into a 'dormancy-like' state, and that the high number of colostra samples were M. bovis was detected, could be an indicator of reactivation during 'peripartum'.  相似文献   

为建立快速检测牛分枝杆菌(M.bovis)的三重PCR方法,本研究以M bovis ValleeⅢ株染色体DNA 为模板,分别以其recA、IS6110、IS1081基因特异性引物进行PCR扩增,建立检测M.bovis的recA-IS6110-IS1081三重PCR反应.通过PCR扩增获得大小约为860 bp、520bp和340 bp的DNA片段.BLAST序列分析表明,这3个基因片段与GenBank中登录的相关基因的核苷酸序列同源性均达到99%.同时,recA、IS6110和IS1081PCR扩增的敏感性分别达到585fg、19.5fg和19.5fg.特异性较强,只有M.bovis和人结核临床分离株扩增反应为阳性,为进一步研究recA、IS6110和IS1081基因以及其在牛结核病诊断中的应用奠定了基础.  相似文献   

牛结核病是一种人兽共患病,是世界动物卫生组织(OIE)列为必须上报的传染病,主要由牛分支杆菌引起,其蛋白可以诱导动物机体产生相应抗体.这些蛋白可以用来诊断结核病,对新型疫苗的研制也具有重要意义.因此,这些蛋白一直是分子生物学研究领域中的热点.论文就牛分支杆菌主要保护性抗原的特性及其在诊断中的应用进行了综述.  相似文献   

The commercial LCx amplification assay, usually employed to detect the Myocobacterium tuberculosis complex in respiratory specimens, was evaluated by comparing the results it gave with those obtained using Löwenstein-Jensen solid medium and pathological findings on 55 lymph nodes from cattle with positive and 10 lymph nodes from cattle with negative skin tests for tuberculosis. Fifty-three cultures (51 and 2, respectively) were positive for M. bovis, while the results for the LCx assay and the histological method were positive in 48 (45, 3) and 24 (20, 4) samples, respectively. None of the samples from cattle from certified tuberculosis-free herds were positive by any of the procedures. The results obtained with the LCx assay, compared with the culture procedure, regarded as the gold standard among the diagnostic techniques, gave a specificity of 91.6% and sensitivity of 90.5%. Although the sensitivity of LCx was suboptimal, DNA of M. bovis was detected in 81.8% of the skin test-positive animals. Amplification techniques could provide a rapid and reasonably reliable tool for detecting bovine tuberculosis.  相似文献   

CASE: A veterinarian developed tenosynovitis and secondary carpal tunnel syndrome following accidental inoculation of Mycobacterium bovis during the necropsy of a tuberculous possum from Westland, New Zealand.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: M. bovis infection is a zoonotic disease, and occupational exposure to tuberculous animals places people at risk of contracting the disease.

CONCLUSIONS: Adhering to safe work practices reviewed in this article is important to minimise the risk of infection to people handling tuberculous animals.  相似文献   

建立噬菌体生物扩增法(PhaB)检测牛分枝杆菌,将建立的方法用于22株牛分枝杆菌临床分离株及20种常见非结核分枝杆菌(NTM)及5种非分枝杆菌,同时对203头疑患牛结核病奶牛的奶样进行检测,其结果与皮内变态试验、涂片法、罗氏培养进行比较。结果表明,噬菌体工作浓度为1×109PFU/mL、37℃感染2 h为最佳检测条件;杀毒剂浓度为100 mmol/L,室温作用10 min即可完全杀灭受试噬菌体;加热灭活的细菌和指示细菌不被噬菌体感染;牛分枝杆菌、耻垢分枝杆菌和22株牛分枝杆菌临床分离株检测结果均为阳性,16种NTM和5种非分枝杆菌为阴性,4种NTM(偶然、胞内、金色、草分枝杆菌)在高浓度时(>105CFU/mL)检测结果为阳性;该法可检测出60~120 CFU/mL牛分枝杆菌;批内、批间变异系数均小于15%,重复性良好;203头检测奶牛中,PhaB法、涂片法、皮内变态试验和罗氏培养结果分别有14头(6.9%)、17头(8.4%)、21头(10.3%)和12头(6.0%)为阳性,PhaB法与其他3种方法比较,阳性准确性、特异性都在96%以上,敏感性在71%~100%。该法检测牛分枝杆菌具有快速、简便、灵敏、特异性高等特点。  相似文献   

Bovine tuberculosis is a contagious and zoonotic disease of animals and humans. In Europe, the number of reported cases of tuberculosis has decreased. Equidae are relatively rarely infected even in endemic areas. The presented report describes a case of chronic Mycobacterium bovis tuberculosis in a 30-year-old female donkey. The donkey initially presented with persistent lymphadenopathy; however, as the disease progressed, weight loss became apparent. To the authors' knowledge, this is the second confirmed case of tuberculosis in a donkey in Europe.  相似文献   

In South Africa, mycobacterial culture is regarded as the gold standard for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) infection in wildlife even though it is regarded as “imperfect.” We compared a novel decontamination and mycobacterial culture technique (TiKa) to the conventional mycobacterium growth indicator tube (MGIT) system using known amounts of bacilli and clinical samples from MTBC-infected African buffaloes (Syncerus caffer), white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum), and African elephants (Loxodonta africana). Use of the TiKa-KiC decontamination agent on samples spiked with 10,000 to 10 colony forming units (cfu) of M. bovis (SB0121) and M. tuberculosis (H37Rv) had no effect on isolate recovery in culture. In contrast, decontamination with MGIT MycoPrep resulted in no growth of M. bovis samples at concentrations < 1,000 cfu and M. tuberculosis samples < 100 cfu. Subsequently, we used the TiKa system with stored clinical samples (various lymphatic tissues) collected from wildlife and paucibacillary bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, trunk washes, and endotracheal tube washes from 3 species with known MTBC infections. Overall, MTBC recovery by culture was improved significantly (p < 0.01) by using TiKa compared to conventional MGIT, with 54 of 57 positive specimens versus 25 of 57 positive specimens, respectively. The TiKa mycobacterial growth system appears to significantly enhance the recovery of MTBC members from tissue and paucibacillary respiratory samples collected from African buffaloes, African elephants, and white rhinoceros. Moreover, the TiKa system may improve success of MTBC culture from various sample types previously deemed unculturable from other species.  相似文献   

In this study we have characterized M. bovis isolates from a herd of cattle in Uvalde, Texas in which 52 of the 193 animals selected at random in 1994 from a herd of 331 were caudal fold skin-test positive. Thirty-two of 52 skin-test positive cattle had gross lesions at slaughter, and isolations of M. bovis were made from 29 animals. The herd was comprised of Red Devon cattle purchased between 1978 and 1980 (n = 26) and breeding bulls (n = 3) introduced at later times, and all were tuberculosis test negative at the time of purchase. Other animals were natural additions (offspring) of these cattle. One additional animal, a Holstein present on the ranch at the time of purchase in 1976, was retained to nurse orphaned and weak calves. Using several molecular fingerprinting techniques we have verified a clonal relationship among the M. bovis isolates consistent with infection originating with a single strain. The molecular fingerprint patterns demonstrate the stability of the profiles despite persistence and spread of the organism within the herd for two decades and confirms their use in epidemiological tracing.  相似文献   

Cattle are the host and main reservoir of the etiologic agent of bovine tuberculosis, Mycobacterium bovis; although other mammalian species, including humans, are susceptible. The tuberculin test and/or slaughterhouse surveillance is the diagnostic method used by control programs all around the world to control and eradicate the disease. In order to compare different tuberculosis diagnostic tests and to reach disease confirmation, a study was performed in a group of 14 steers of Friesian breed, reacting positively to tuberculin test. Three ante-mortem assays were performed according to the type of sample: the gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) test (which quantifies the release of this cytokine by sensitized lymphocytes in whole blood in response to purified protein derivative (PPD) and recombinant ESAT-6 and CFP10 proteins); PCR and bacteriologic culture from nasal swab and intradermal tuberculin test. These assays were taken at different times to assess the evolution of clinical parameters. Post-mortem examination showed macroscopic and microscopic tuberculosis lesions with acid-fast bacillus and positive cultures. By spoligotyping, we observed that all the isolates showed the same pattern. The positive results based on comparison to lesions observed ranged from 58% to 75% for the IFN-gamma assays, to 72% for cultures, and ranged from 50% to 90% for PCR in nasal swabs. In conclusion, in a herd infected by the same strain, ante-mortem direct and immune-diagnostic parameters change, suggesting that several tests are needed for a faster control of infection at herd level.  相似文献   

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