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Serum concentrations of glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, and serum alkaline phosphatase activity were measured over different periods of time of food deprivation in male rats. Thirty percent of non-fasted rat's sera was found to be lipemic. At 16 hours of fasting, glucose levels dropped by 30% compared to the level of the non-fasting control group, and remained at a relatively constant level for up to 48 hours of fasting. Triglyceride concentrations decreased at 16 hours after fasting. Serum cholesterol levels were not changed at any of the fasting periods compared to the non-fasted control group. Alkaline phosphatase activity was decreased at 8 hours of fasting, with further declines in activity of the serum enzyme seen at 16, 24, and 48 hours of fasting. It was concluded that at 16 to 18 hours fasting, a non-absorptive state had been reached in male rats.  相似文献   

Amphibian declines and extinctions have worsened in the last 2 decades. Partly because one of the main causes of the declines is infectious disease, veterinary professionals have increasingly become involved in amphibian research, captive husbandry, and management. Health evaluation of amphibians, free‐living or captive, can benefit from employing the tools of clinical pathology, something that is commonly used in veterinary medicine of other vertebrates. The present review compiles what is known of amphibian clinical pathology emphasizing knowledge that may assist with the interpretation of laboratory results, provides diagnostic recommendations for common amphibian diseases, and includes RIs for a few amphibian species estimated based on peer‐reviewed studies. We hope to encourage the incorporation of clinical pathology in amphibian practice and research, and to highlight the importance of applying veterinary medicine principles in furthering our knowledge of amphibian pathophysiology.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Wistar Hannover rat has been considered as an alternative animal model to the Sprague-Dawley rat in the safety evaluation of candidate pharmaceuticals for potential reproductive and developmental toxicity. Hematology and clinical chemistry results may provide useful evidence of maternal toxicity in the absence of fetal effects. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate differences in routine laboratory values between nonmated and pregnant (near-term)Wistar Hannover rats during a control developmental study. METHODS: One hundred fifty pregnant female Wistar Hannover rats (Tac:Glx:WlfBR) were dosed orally once per day with distilled water from gestation days (GDs) 6 through 17. An additional 150 nonmated (nonpregnant) females used as age-matched controls were dosed from study days (SDs) 7 through 18. Blood samples were collected on GD 18 or 19 (SD 19 or 20) for routine hematology and plasma clinical chemistry tests. Reference intervals were established for pregnant and nonmated animals. RESULTS: On GD 18/19, pregnant rats had a lower RBC count, hemoglobin concentration, and HCT, and higher MCH, MCHC, reticulocyte percentage, and platelet, WBC, absolute reticulocyte, segmented neutrophil, lymphocyte, and monocyte counts compared with nonmated rats. Pregnant rats had lower albumin, glucose, urea, and chloride concentrations, lower creatine kinase and alkaline phosphatase activities, higher total bilirubin, cholesterol, triglyceride, calcium, phosphorus, and globulin concentrations, and higher ALT activity than nonmated rats. Serum triglyceride concentration was approximately fourfold higher in pregnant rats compared with nonmated controls. CONCLUSION: Differences in hematology and chemistry values in pregnant Wistar Hannover rats are similar to those in Sprague-Dawley rats and support use of the Wistar Hannover rat as an animal model in the assessment of maternal toxicity. Differences in laboratory values of pregnant rats should be considered when interpreting data following exposure to candidate pharmaceuticals.  相似文献   

Background: The Education Committee of the American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology identified a need for improved structure and guidance of clinical pathology resident training in clinical chemistry.
Objectives: The committee's goal was to develop learning objectives and competencies in knowledge, abilities, and skills in clinical chemistry; provide options and ideas for training activities; and identify clinical chemistry resources useful for clinical pathology faculty, training program coordinators, and residents.
Methods: Guidelines were developed and written with the input of Education Committee members and peer experts.
Results: The primary objectives of clinical chemistry training are: 1) to accrue a thorough, extensive, and relevant knowledge base of the types, principles, and properties of clinical chemistry tests and concepts of pathophysiology in animals; 2) to develop abilities to reason, think critically, and exercise judgment in clinical chemistry data interpretation, investigative problem-solving, and hypothesis-driven research; and 3) to acquire technical and statistical skills important in clinical chemistry and laboratory operations.
Conclusions: These guidelines define expected competencies that will help ensure proficiency, leadership, and the advancement of knowledge in veterinary clinical chemistry and provide a useful framework for didactic and clinical activities in resident training programs. The learning objectives can readily be adapted to institutional and individual needs, interests, goals, and resources.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Education Committee of the American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ASVCP) identified a need for improved structure and guidance in training residents in clinical pathology. To begin to meet this need, guidelines for training in clinical chemistry were published in 2003. OBJECTIVE: The goal of this report is to define learning objectives and competencies in hematology, including coagulation and immunohematology. METHODS: These guidelines were developed and written with the input of ASVCP Education Committee members and peer experts. RESULTS: The primary objectives of training in hematology are: 1) to accrue a thorough, extensive, and relevant knowledge base of the types, principles, and properties of hematology tests and concepts of pathophysiology in animals; 2) to develop abilities to reason, think critically, communicate effectively, and exercise judgment in hematologic data interpretation and investigative problem-solving; and 3) to acquire technical and statistical skills important in hematology and laboratory operations. We also provide options and ideas for training activities and identify hematology resources useful for clinical pathology faculty and staff, training program coordinators, and residents. CONCLUSIONS: The guidelines define expected competencies that will help ensure proficiency, leadership, and the advancement of knowledge in veterinary hematology and provide a useful framework for didactic and clinical activities in resident-training programs. The learning objectives can readily be adapted to institutional and individual needs, interests, goals, and resources.  相似文献   

Owing to the development of Greyhounds as racing sighthounds, these dogs have acquired unique physiologic adaptations that distinguish them from other breeds. Reference intervals for many analytes in retired racing Greyhounds (RRGs) differ from those of other breeds; most of the hematologic differences have also been described in other sighthounds. In this review, we provide a survey of the literature on clinical pathology of Greyhounds and other sighthounds and results of laboratory testing, including analysis of CBCs, biochemical profiles, coagulation tests, and blood gases, in RRGs at The Ohio State University. Major clinicopathologic differences in this breed include higher RBC mass, creatinine concentration, glomerular filtration rate, activities of hepatic enzymes, and concentration of cardiac troponin, as well as lower WBC, neutrophil, and platelet counts, thromboelastographic values, and concentrations of serum haptoglobin, total globulins, and T4.  相似文献   

The Education Committee of the American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology has identified a need for improved structure and guidance of training residents in clinical pathology. This article is the third in a series of articles that address this need. The goals of this article are to describe learning objectives and competencies in knowledge, abilities, and skills in cytopathology and surgical pathology (CSP); provide options and ideas for training activities; and identify resources in veterinary CSP for faculty, training program coordinators, and residents. Guidelines were developed in consultation with Education Committee members and peer experts and with evaluation of the literature. The primary objectives of training in CSP are: (1) to develop a thorough, extensive, and relevant knowledge base of biomedical and clinical sciences applicable to the practice of CSP in domestic animals, laboratory animals, and other nondomestic animal species; (2) to be able to reason, think critically, investigate, use scientific evidence, and communicate effectively when making diagnoses and consulting and to improve and advance the practice of pathology; and (3) to acquire selected technical skills used in CSP and pathology laboratory management. These guidelines define expected competencies that will help ensure proficiency, leadership, and the advancement of knowledge in veterinary CSP and will provide a useful framework for didactic and clinical activities in resident‐training programs.  相似文献   

Hematology and serum chemistry measurements were performed on blood specimens from 12 male Dunkin-Hartley hairless guinea pigs Crl:IAF(HA)BR and 10 haired Dunkin-Hartley male guinea pigs Crl:(HA)BR. Significantly higher activities of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, amylase, and creatine kinase were observed in the hairless guinea pigs as compared to the haired strain. Alkaline phosphatase activity was found to be lower in the hairless guinea pig. The hairless guinea pigs were found to have serum urea concentrations approximately 46% higher than the normal guinea pig strain. The erythrocytic mean cell volume of the hairless strain was found to be smaller, with a greater hemoglobin content. Hairless guinea pigs were found to have approximately 40% fewer leukocytes with a reversed lymphocyte:neutrophil ratio compared to the haired guinea pigs which had much higher lymphocyte counts.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine (SNOMED) is an established standard nomenclature for the expression of human and veterinary medical concepts. Nomenclature standards ease sharing of medical information, create common points of understanding, and improve data aggregation and analysis. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to determine whether SNOMED adequately represented concepts relevant to veterinary clinical pathology. METHODS: Concepts were isolated from 3 different types of clinical pathology documents: 1) a textbook (Textbook), 2) the Results sections of industry pathology reports (Findings), and Discussion sections from industry pathology reports (Discussion). Concepts were matched (mapped) by 2 reviewers to semantically-equivalent SNOMED concepts. A quality score of 3 (good match), 2 (problem match), or 1 (no match) was recorded along with the SNOMED hierarchical location of each mapped concept. Results were analyzed using Cohen's Kappa statistic to assess reviewer agreement and chi-square tests to evaluate association between document type and quality score. RESULTS: The percentage of good matches was 48.3% for the Textbook, 45.4% for Findings, and 47.5% for Discussion documents, with no significant difference among documents. Of remaining concepts, 40% were partially expressed by SNOMED and 14% did not match. Mean reviewer agreement on quality score assignments was 76.8%. CONCLUSIONS: Although SNOMED representation of veterinary clinical pathology content was limited, missing and problem concepts were confined to a relatively small area of terminology. This limitation should be addressed in revisions of SNOMED to optimize SNOMED for veterinary clinical pathology applications.  相似文献   

The effects of three phlebotomy techniques - periorbital sinus puncture, tail vein incision and cardiac puncture - were determined on seven hematological parameters and seven clinical chemical parameters in female Sprague-Dawley rats. The mean erythrocyte count, leukocyte count, hemoglobin and hematocrit were reduced with cardiac puncture as compared to the other two techniques. There was a statistically significant increase in the variance of each of these parameters except the leukocyte count. The mean serum lactate dehydrogenase, aspartate animotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyl transferase and creatinine were greater in samples collected by cardiac puncture than with the periorbital sinus and tail vein techniques. A statistically significant difference in variance was observed between the orbital sinus puncture and the cardiac puncture for each of these parameters. In all cases except lactate dehydrogenase, the values from the orbital sinus and tail vein techniques were comparable for both hematology and clinical chemistry. A large variance was found by all three techniques for both alkaline phosphatase and lactate dehydrogenase in the rat. Over 60% of the serum samples were hemolyzed from the cardiac puncture technique while approximately 25% of the serum samples from tail vein incision were hemolyzed. In this laboratory the lack of hemolysis and the lower variance make the periorbital sinus venipuncture technique the method of choice for collection of blood samples from rats.  相似文献   

本研究旨在评估氟苯尼考预混剂对Wistar大鼠的口服急性毒性,使用OECD修订的改良上下法(UDP)测定半数致死量(LD50),通过体重、脏器系数、血液学、临床化学检查及组织病理学检查确定在急性暴露下氟苯尼考预混剂对Wistar大鼠的生物系统和主要器官的不良影响。根据氟苯尼考的LD50>5 000 mg/kg,选择上下法的限度试验,使用固定数量(5只)的动物,给药剂量为2 000 mg/kg,连续观察14 d,记录毒性反应及死亡情况,并由AOT425StatPgm程序计算得到LD50,另外用3只大鼠给予相同剂量的生理盐水作为对照。试验结果显示,5只大鼠均未死亡,LD50>2 000 mg/kg;试验期间,给药组未表现出可见的毒性反应迹象;与对照组相比,给药组的血液学参数无显著性变化;在临床化学检查中,给药组的谷丙转氨酶(ALT)水平变化显著高于对照组(P<0.05),提示药物制剂对肝脏存在毒性损伤;剖检观察中无明显的眼观变化,组织病理学检查结果显示,给药组对主要器官心脏、肝脏、脾脏、肺脏、肾脏及十二指肠均无毒性损伤作用,暂无法确定其毒性靶器官。结果表明,氟苯尼考预混剂在安全剂量范围内使用是安全可靠的,更多的毒性信息仍需进行长期毒性试验来确定。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Veterinary clinical and anatomic pathologists play a critical role in assessing the safety of new molecules. The process for evaluation of candidate molecules in drug discovery may vary markedly, depending on the unique characteristics of the compound class. OBJECTIVES: The goal of this report is to describe the evaluation process for assessing the potential toxicity of 2 anticoagulant compounds that were representative of molecules tested in early screening studies in Fisher rats, and to use these studies as an example of the strategic approach used by veterinary pathologists in pharmaceutical safety assessment. METHODS: Groups of 3 rats were given vehicle alone or one of several doses of compound A or B by oral gavage daily for 4 consecutive days. Survival; clinical signs; body and organ weight measurements; hematologic, coagulation, and clinical biochemical testing; and gross and histologic findings at necropsy were assessed. Transmission electron microscopy was used to characterize unique findings in the liver of rats treated with compound B. RESULTS: Both compounds caused dose-dependent prolongation of the prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), and thrombin clotting time (TCT). Hepatobiliary and intestinal toxicity were identified by alterations in serum chemistry data, and by histopathologic findings. Electron microscopy and tissue inorganic phosphorus analysis revealed phospholipidosis in rats treated with compound B. CONCLUSIONS: Pharmacologically mediated or "on target" effects for these molecules were characterized by dose-progressive prolongation of the PT, APTT, and TCT. Nonpharmacologically mediated or "off-target" toxicity consisted of hepatoxicity and enterotoxicity. These liabilities required that scientists alter the original molecular scaffold to reach the desired therapeutic target and minimize toxicity.  相似文献   

Owing to lack of governmental regulation of veterinary laboratory performance, veterinarians ideally should demonstrate a commitment to self-monitoring and regulation of laboratory performance from within the profession. In response to member concerns about quality management in veterinary laboratories, the American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ASVCP) formed a Quality Assurance and Laboratory Standards (QAS) committee in 1996. This committee recently published updated and peer-reviewed Quality Assurance Guidelines on the ASVCP website. The Quality Assurance Guidelines are intended for use by veterinary diagnostic laboratories and veterinary research laboratories that are not covered by the US Food and Drug Administration Good Laboratory Practice standards (Code of Federal Regulations Title 21, Chapter 58). The guidelines have been divided into 3 reports on 1) general analytic factors for veterinary laboratory performance and comparisons, 2) hematology and hemostasis, and 3) clinical chemistry, endocrine assessment, and urinalysis. This report documents recommendations for control of general analytical factors within veterinary clinical laboratories and is based on section 2.1 (Analytical Factors Important In Veterinary Clinical Pathology, General) of the newly revised ASVCP QAS Guidelines. These guidelines are not intended to be all-inclusive; rather, they provide minimum guidelines for quality assurance and quality control for veterinary laboratory testing. It is hoped that these guidelines will provide a basis for laboratories to assess their current practices, determine areas for improvement, and guide continuing professional development and education efforts.  相似文献   

After 5 years of development, the European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ECVCP) was formally recognized and approved on July 4, 2007 by the European Board of Veterinary Specialisation (EBVS), the European regulatory body that oversees specialization in veterinary medicine and which has approved 23 colleges. The objectives, committees, basis for membership, constitution, bylaws, information brochure and certifying examination of the ECVCP have remained unchanged during this time except as directed by EBVS. The ECVCP declared full functionality based on the following criteria: 1) a critical mass of 65 members: 15 original diplomates approved by the EBVS to establish the ECVCP, 37 de facto diplomates, 7 diplomates certified by examination, and 5 elected honorary members; 2) the development and certification of training programs, laboratories, and qualified supervisors for residents; currently there are 18 resident training programs in Europe; 3) administration of 3 annual board-certifying examinations thus far, with an overall pass rate of 70%; 4) European consensus criteria for assessing the continuing education of specialists every 5 years; 5) organization of 8 annual scientific congresses and a joint journal (with the American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology) for communication of scientific research and information; the College also maintains a website, a joint listserv, and a newsletter; 6) collaboration in training and continuing education with relevant colleges in medicine and pathology; 7) development and strict adherence to a constitution and bylaws compliant with the EBVS; and 8) demonstration of compelling rationale, supporting data, and the support of members and other colleges for independence as a specialty college. Formal EBVS recognition of ECVCP as the regulatory body for the science and practice of veterinary clinical pathology in Europe will facilitate growth and development of the discipline and compliance of academic, commercial diagnostic, and industry laboratories in veterinary clinical pathology. Future needs are in developing sponsorship for resident positions, increasing employment opportunities, increasing compliance with laboratory, training, and continuing education standards, and advancing relevant science and technology.  相似文献   

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