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H5N1高致病性禽流感病毒肆虐全球十多年来,发生禽流感的国家越来越多,并陆续入侵无高致病性禽流感的国家.许多国家,大多数疫情发生在由庭院散养和小规模商业生产组成的小规模家禽养殖业.尽管如此,与大型集约化养禽相比,小规模养禽模式更多样且受疫病侵扰的实际几率更低,至少某些国家是这样.  相似文献   

家禽业在整个畜牧业中是发展最快、波动最大的一个产业.在过去的几十年,由于消费需求的强力驱动,家禽业不断发展壮大,已成为全球化的综合产业.尽管如此,家禽业仍面临严峻挑战,原材料的稀缺或价格上涨、公共卫生等一系列问题要求仍想立足此行业的生产者必须具备一定的企业家精神和灵活性.联合国粮农组织(FAO)在2007年底曼谷召开的会议上指出,作为替代性消费和地区销售的家庭极小规模散养家禽不太可能完全脱离生产链;而对于那些供城市人口消费的小规模商业养殖受到的竞争压力会越来越大.  相似文献   

家禽养殖已处于微利时期,因此养殖者在养殖过程中,对某一环节稍一疏忽,就会影响效益。本文从饲料饲喂、环境管理、疫病防治、适时上市四个方面浅述,能对家禽养殖者提高效益有所帮助。  相似文献   

家禽在屠宰前必须停止饲喂 ,以便减少对家禽产品的潜在污染。理想的停止饲喂的过程应该是既减少了那些可视污染物及微生物的污染 ,而又不影响其家禽产品的质量和产量。在捕捉和屠宰家禽之前 ,撤走饲料和饮用水 ,已是家禽饲养业沿用40多年的作法。这样做的目的是使家禽的消化道排空 ,以防止家禽在屠宰过程中 ,滞留在胃中的食物和肠内的粪便等污物流出而污染家禽产品。家禽在屠宰之前停止喂食的大概时间 ,一般来说 ,就是该家禽在饲养棚中被盯住、抓住、运送活禽和被捆绑所需要的全部时间。最理想的作法应该是把清空消化道的时间降到最低限度。但事实上 ,由于各个饲养场之间的差异 ,停止喂食的时间是有着很大差别的。停止喂食的时间虽然制定家禽停止喂食的总时间表 ,现在还没有通用的规则可依 ,但目前一些研究成果已表明 ,有两个“时间窗口”为最佳的家禽屠宰加工期。在这两个“时间窗口”之间有一堵“时间墙”。在“时间墙”期间 ,禽肉被污染的潜在可能性极大 ,这时应降低屠宰生产线的速度 ,以使禽胴体得到再加工。当家禽被停止喂食大约8~12个小时的时候 ,第一个“时间窗口”开启了。在这个时候 ,消化道差不多彻底清空了 ,但家禽肠胃及内脏组织的强度还足以经...  相似文献   

近几年,随着我国奶牛养殖陷入低谷,不少中小规模养殖场不得不转型或者关闭;与此同时,羊奶产业迅速发展促进了奶山羊养殖的兴起。本文分析了奶牛养殖和奶山羊养殖的产业现状,利用统计数据和调研数据比较了两者的投入产出和效益情况,并对奶牛场转型奶山羊养殖场提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

正1 发展规模番鸭养殖合作社按乡镇组建成立,根据地域面积和山地、库湾等资源确定一个合作社成员在10~30户,一个贫困村选择5~8户进行番鸭养殖扶贫,根据劳动力及条件允许投资情况,每户饲养300~500羽番鸭。2 饲养周期  相似文献   

本文通过不同的角度,从影响养猪成效的多个方面,就目前中小规模养猪场在养殖中效益低下的原因进行分析。  相似文献   

正一、平衡养殖理论养殖产业实际上是一项复杂的系统工程。中国未来规模养殖业必须面临的转变,包括密集而高效的工厂化饲养、品种和行为的改变、饲料营养、饲料加工工艺和方式的改变、生产设备和环境的转变、生产系统的改变,以及管理经营心态的改变等。养殖五要素:品种、环境、营养、饲养管理、疾病防控。  相似文献   

正目前,影响牛养殖的因素较多,但总结起来主要包括技术因素、环境因素、人为因素和其他因素,其中前三项影响因素的作用最为明显,本文将重点进行研究,同时,结合笔者的一些养殖经验,阐述如何避免这些问题,从而促进牛养殖行业的发展。1技术因素1.1品种相对较少,牛生长效率低目前,我国的主要肉牛品种是黄牛,这种品种的牛具有便于养殖、利于农耕的优势,  相似文献   

肉羊养殖是养羊户的主要创收方式。对养羊户而言,采取措施提高肉羊养殖的效益具有重要意义。该文从肉羊的生产性能、成本以及销售价格3个方面分析肉羊养殖效益的影响因素,为分析肉羊养殖效益瓶颈环节,最终实现肉羊养殖效益的提升奠定基础。  相似文献   

Cattle rearing is the single most important activity in the agricultural sector of Botswana, and cattle enjoy a high status among both rural and urban dwellers. In recent years, farmers have begun to intensify the production of small ruminants owing to an increasing recognition by policy makers that they are a potential alternative source of farm income. However, as yet, small ruminants have not approached the social importance of cattle. This may be attributable to several factors, including economic considerations. The present study focused on the economic factor. It comprised a comparative economic assessment of cattle- and goat-rearing enterprises for an average smallholder farm-household to throw light on their relative economic efficiency. It was concluded that rearing either cattle or small ruminants is economically viable in the study area. The net profit measured as the net margin either per enterprise or per animal was far higher for a cattle-rearing enterprise. Nevertheless, when expressed in terms of the return on the capital invested in each enterprise, cattle rearing had only a slight edge (1.93%) over rearing of small ruminants  相似文献   

维生素是不同于脂肪、碳水化合物和蛋白质的有机化合物,以极微的含量自然存在于大多数食物中,以满足正常的生理功能.它们在家禽营养上的重要性被其缺乏时所出现的各种缺乏症所证实.它们扮演了有机体内的一系列角色,如抗氧化分子、基因转录调节器、神经递质和核酸的生物合成、细胞分裂驱动器、器官发育和胚胎形成,所有这些都可促进正常的神经功能.在家禽营养中,一种或多种维生素的缺乏会导致神经系统疾病,如周围神经病变、瘫痪、共济失调、反射消失、脑病、角弓反张、运动失调和抽搐.  相似文献   

影响肉牛经济效益因素的分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在当前牛肉市场贸易条件下影响肉牛经济效益的因素较多 ,诸如肉牛的品种、年龄、性别、架子牛体重、育肥期内饲养水平、牛肉大理石花纹丰富程度、育肥期长短、屠宰加工分割技术、销售策略和技巧、无谓损失等等。本文依据实际称量测定的山东省东营市广饶县凯银清真肉业公司屠宰肉牛 1 65 0头 (北方大地育肥公司饲养并委托屠宰 )的牛肉产量资料和牛肉销售价格进行分析而得。分析结果 :在诸多影响肉牛经济效益因素中排在第一位的是牛肉大理石花纹丰富程度 ( 1级牛高于 6级牛 5 5 5元 /头 ) ;第二位是育肥牛的年龄 ( 2对牙牛高于未换牙牛 2 79元 /头 ) ;第三位是架子牛开始育肥体重 (≤ 30 0 kg牛好于≥ 5 0 0 .1 kg牛 2 2 2元 /头 ) ;第四位是背部脂肪厚度(≤ 5 mm牛低于≥ 1 5 mm牛 2 0 1元 /头 ) ;第五位是架子牛育肥时间 (育肥时间≤ 1 80 d比≥ 2 4 1≤ 30 0 d多 1 35元 /头 ) ;第六位是脂肪颜色 (白色、微黄色脂肪牛较黄色脂肪牛多卖 1 2 4元 /头 ) ;第七位是牛品种 (每头鲁西牛比夏洛来杂交牛、利木赞杂交牛、西门塔尔杂交牛分别多卖 1 0 0元、73元、73元 ) ;第八位是性别 (阉公牛较公牛多卖 5 0元 /头 )。  相似文献   

Bovine mastitis and mastitis control were investigated on smallholder farms in central Kenya. After an initial observational study, a clinical trial to assess the impact of three different mastitis control strategies – (1) improved udder hygiene, (2) treatment of subclinical cases, and (3) a combination of these – was conducted on 100 randomly selected farms with 332 lactating cows. Before the implementation of control measures, the milk yield was low (mean 6.5 kg/day; median 6 kg/day) and somatic cell counts (SCC) were high, with 80% and 43% of cows having milk with SCC greater than 250×103 cells/ml and 600×103 cells/ml, respectively. Infectious pathogens were also commonly isolated, with 63% of cows being positive for pathogenic bacteria. Neither intervention strategy alone had any effect on mastitis indicators or milk yield. In combination, the measures had some impact, lowering the prevalence of contagious pathogens by 18%, but this was not reflected in a significantly increased milk yield, lowered SCC or reduced incidence of clinical mastitis.  相似文献   

为了研究季节对杜泊羊体内胚胎生产效率及胚胎移植妊娠率的影响,于2016年选取内蒙古赛诺草原羊业有限公司种羊场经产纯种杜泊母羊作为供体,采用同期发情、超数排卵及腹腔镜人工输精等方法对供体羊进行处理后,利用手术冲胚的方法获得纯种杜泊羊胚胎,同时对受体羊进行同期发情处理和胚胎移植。经统计分析,2016年全年该公司共有放栓供体4 241只,超排处理4 180只,配种供体4 131只,冲胚供体3 987只,供体可用率为94.01%;冲出胚胎总数为23 516枚,可用胚胎18 002枚,胚胎可利用率为76.55%,平均每只供体能获得可用胚胎4.52枚。供体在10月、11月、12月冲胚所获得的平均冲胚数和平均可用胚数明显高于4月、5月、6月(P<0.05),其中10月的平均冲胚数和平均可用胚数最高(P<0.01),分别为7.04枚和5.62枚。将获得的部分胚胎用于胚胎移植,移植单胚怀孕受体数为4 446只,妊娠率为53.67%;移植双胚怀孕受体数805只,妊娠率65.02%。此外,受体在1月、3月、6月、12月受胎率较其他月份高(P<0.05)。该研究可为杜泊种羊超数排卵、胚胎移植和肉羊的产业化生产提供一定的数据参考。  相似文献   

A study was carried out on 92 smallholder farms in Kwale district in Coast Province of Kenya to estimate the milk yield. The effect of concentrate feed supplementation on milk yield was also evaluated. Data were collected during a one-year observational longitudinal study. Analysis was done for 371 observations following 63 calving events. The mean annual milk offtake was estimated at 2021 kg/cow. Forty-nine (77.8%) of the lactating cows were supplemented with concentrate feeds at varying rates of 0.5-3.0 kg/cow per day. Supplementary feeding of lactating cows led to a significantly higher mean daily milk yield compared to non-supplemented cows throughout the year (p < 0.05). The mean annual milk offtake from supplemented cows (2195 kg/cow) was 18.6% more than offtake from non-supplemented cows, a difference that was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Therefore, supplementary feeding of commercial feed concentrates was a rational management practice. It was also concluded that milk production from smallholder dairy cows in the coastal lowlands of Kenya was comparable to that from similar production systems but lower than national targets.  相似文献   

The successful outcome of an insemination is a combination of both male and female fertility‐linked factors. We investigated the first service conception rate of cows at artificial insemination (AI) in the smallholder dairy farms in Bangladesh. Frozen straws were prepared from ejaculates of Bos indicus (n = 7) and Bos indicus × Bos taurus (n = 7) AI bulls. Fertility was determined from 6101 first services in cows that were performed by 18 technicians in four regions between April 2004 and March 2005. Pregnancy was diagnosed by rectal palpation between 60 and 90 days post‐insemination. The Asian version of Artificial Insemination Database Application (AIDA ASIA) was used for bulls‐, cows‐ and AI‐related data recording, and later retrieved for analysis. The mean ± SD number of inseminations performed from individual bulls and their conception rates were 436.0 ± 21.6 and 50.7 ± 1.9%, respectively. Logistic regression demonstrated body condition scores (BCS), heat detection signs, months of AI and their interactions had greatest effects (odds ratios: 1.24–16.65, p < 0.04–0.001) on first service conception rate in cows. Fertility differed (p < 0.02–0.001) between the regions, previous calving months, months of AI, BCS, parity and heat detection signs of cows. Inseminations based on mounting activity (n = 2352), genital discharge (n = 3263) and restlessness and/or other signs (n = 486) yielded a conception rate of 53.6%, 48.8% and 50.1%, respectively (p < 0.05). Conception rate between technicians ranged between 43.4% and 58.6% (p < 0.05). The days interval from calving to first service (overall mean ± SD = 153.4 ± 80.6) had relationship (p < 0.001) with BCS, months of previous calving and parity of the cows. Fertility at AI in smallholder farms can be improved by training farmers on nutrition and reproductive management of the cows.  相似文献   

A 2-year longitudinal survey was carried out to investigate factors affecting reproduction in crossbred cows on smallholder farms in and around an urban centre. Sixty farms were visited at approximately 2-week intervals and details of reproductive traits and body condition score (BCS) were collected. Fifteen farms were within the town (U), 23 farms were approximately 5 km from town (SU), and 22 farms approximately 10 km from town (PU). Sources of variation in reproductive traits were investigated using a general linear model (GLM) by a stepwise forward selection and backward elimination approach to judge important independent variables. Factors considered for the first step of formulation of the model included location (PU, SU and U), type of insemination, calving season, BCS at calving, at 3 months postpartum and at 6 months postpartum, calving year, herd size category, source of labour (hired and family labour), calf rearing method (bucket and partial suckling) and parity number of the cow. The effects of the independent variables identified were then investigated using a non-parametric survival technique. The number of days to first oestrus was increased on the U site (p = 0.045) and when family labour was used (p = 0.02). The non-parametric test confirmed the effect of site (p = 0.059), but effect of labour was not significant. The number of days from calving to conception was reduced by hiring labour (p = 0.003) and using natural service (p = 0.028). The non-parametric test confirmed the effects of type of insemination (p = 0.0001) while also identifying extended calving intervals on U and SU sites (p = 0.014). Labour source was again non-significant. Calving interval was prolonged on U and SU sites (p = 0.021), by the use of AI (p = 0.031) and by the use of family labour (p = 0.001). The non-parametric test confirmed the effect of site (p = 0.008) and insemination type (p > 0.0001) but not of labour source. It was concluded that under favourable conditions (PU site, hired labour and natural service) calving intervals of around 440 days could be achieved.  相似文献   

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