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Our aim was to study whether the in situ natural abundance 15N (δ15N)-values and N concentration of understory plants were correlated with the form and amount of mineral N available in the soil. Also to determine whether such differences were related to earlier demonstrations of differences in biomass increase in the same species exposed to nutrient solutions with both and or to alone. Several studies show that the δ15N of in soil solution generally is isotopically lighter than the δ15N of due to fractionation during nitrification. Hence, it is reasonable to assume that plant species benefiting from in ecosystems without significant leaching or denitrification have lower δ15N-values in their tissues than species growing equally well, or better, on We studied the δ15N of six understory species in oak woodlands in southern Sweden at 12 sites which varied fivefold in potential net N mineralisation rate The species decreased in benefit from in the following order: Geum urbanum, Aegopodium podagraria, Milium effusum, Convallaria majalis, Deschampsia flexuosa and Poa nemoralis. Four or five species demonstrated a negative correlation between and leaf δ15N and a positive correlation between and leaf N concentration. In wide contrast, only D. flexuosa, which grows on soils with little nitrification, showed a positive correlation between and the leaf N concentration and δ15N-value. Furthermore, δ15N of plants from the field and previously obtained indices of hydroponic growth on relative to were closely correlated at the species level. We conclude that δ15N may serve as a comparative index of uptake of among understory species, preferably in combination with other indices of N availability. The use of δ15N needs careful consideration of known restrictions of method, soils and plants.  相似文献   

Temperature dependant mineralization dynamics during fire of litter species characteristic of the New Jersey pine barrens was determined. Senescent leaf material of pitch pine (Pinus rigida), white oak (Quercus alba) and black huckleberry (Gaylusssacia baccata) were collected at the time of abscission; sorted, ground and oven-dried at 70 °C. Replicate samples were then heated for 2 h at: 70, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 550 °C. Mass loss and total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentration of the heated material were determined. Additional samples of the residual material were extracted with deionized water, and the filtrate was assayed for the anions: , , ; and cations: , K+, Mg++, and Ca++.By heating leaf litter over a range of temperatures, to simulate the heterogeneous nature of forest litter burning, we identified patterns of nutrient mineralization characteristic of specific temperatures, some of which were common to all three litter species and others unique to individual species. In general, it appears that black huckleberry leaf litter was the most nutrient rich and the most labile. In huckleberry litter, there was a large reserve of soluble nitrogen, sulfur, phosphate, calcium and magnesium that became available upon heating to 200 °C. Pitch pine litter was the most nutrient poor, and the rates of nutrient mineralization were also generally the lowest of the three species studied. White oak litter nutrient concentration and rates of mineralization along the temperature gradient were intermediate. For all three litter species examined organic and inorganic nitrogen losses due to volatilization were >99% upon heating to 550 °C, and soluble magnesium concentrations declined significantly at temperatures of 300 °C, despite having a volatilization temperature greater than 1100 °C. Under the temperature range employed, heating of leaf litter resulted in little volatilization loss of phosphorus; however, the amount of soluble phosphate phosphorus was much lower in all three litter types at temperatures of 300 °C and above. With increasing temperatures, inorganic phosphate ions presumably became bound to cations in the ash, forming insoluble metal phosphates. The dramatic increase of the ratio of total phosphorus to soluble inorganic phosphate at higher temperatures, the loss of soluble magnesium above 300 °C, and the near complete loss of nitrogen at 550 °C suggests that after intense fires availability of these minerals may be dramatically reduced.  相似文献   

The clear dependence of N2O production through denitrification on available nitrate in soil has been shown in many studies. Since N availability similarly limits the growth of plants, the resource competition with vegetation limits the activity of denitrifying microbes and may consequently moderate the N2O emissions from peatlands. We used uptake by Eriophorum vaginatum L. as a vegetation competition factor for microbes. The species was selected for the experiment because it has high nutrient use efficiency in low-nutrient conditions and high nutrient uptake efficiency in luxuriant nutrient conditions. We measured gaseous N flux as N2O (end product of denitrifier activity) in a restored peatland in central Finland with acetylene inhibition technique over a growing season from sample plots with varying addition levels and E. vaginatum cover. The resource competition effects were analysed with a model that used exponential decay dependence of N2O flux on the leaf area of E. vaginatum, and saturating response of N2O flux to addition level. The model explained the variation in N2O fluxes well (R2=0.86). The model simulation showed that the increasing nutrient uptake of E. vaginatum decreased the N2O fluxes exponentially. Simultaneously, denitrification appeared to saturate even in conditions with high availability of and low level of competition by vegetation. Thus, E. vaginatum is an effective competitor for in sedge-dominated peatlands that controls the availability of for denitrification, and consequently moderates the N2O emissions from peatlands.  相似文献   

Organic matter dynamics and nutrient availability in saline alkaline soil of the former lake Texcoco will determine the success of a planned reforestation program. Uniformly labelled 14C-maize (MAI-treatment) and glucose (GLU-treatment) with or without 200 mg  kg−1 soil (MAI-N treatment and GLU-N treatment, respectively) were added to soils with electrolytic conductivity (EC) 56 dS m−1 (soil A) and 12 dS m−1 (soil B) to investigate the importance of N availability on decomposition of organic material. Production of CO2 and and inorganic N dynamics were monitored. The amount of 14C-glucose mineralized increased 1.8-times in the soil A, but had no effect in the soil B when 200 mg  kg−1 soil was added, while the amount of 14C-maize mineralized increased 1.7 and 1.3-times when 200  kg−1 soil was added in the soils A and B, respectively. Application of increased priming effect 3.7-times in the MAI-treatment of the soil A and 3.4-times in the GLU-treatment, while in the soil B the increase of priming effect was 4.1-times in the MAI-treatment and 3.7-times in the GLU-treatment. Of the 200 mg  kg−1 added to both soils less than 10 mg NH3-N kg−1 was volatilized within one day, while 22 and 44 mg  kg−1 soil was fixed on the soil matrix in the soil A and the soil B, respectively. Therefore more than 100 mg −N kg−1 was immobilized into the microbial biomass within the first day. Concentration of nitrite increased sharply in all the treatments of soil A at the onset of the incubation followed by a decrease. A similar pattern was observed in the GLU-N and MAI-N treatments of the soil B, but not in the other treatments. A decrease in concentration of was observed in both soils followed by an increase in the MAI-N and GLU-N treatments of the soil B. It was found that application of had a stimulating effect on the decomposition of maize and glucose, and on the priming effect, while assimilatory reduction of resulted in an increase of in the soil A, and nitrification in the soil B.  相似文献   

Combined oxygen (O) and nitrogen (N) stable isotope analyses are commonly used in the source determination of nitrate . The source and fate of are studied based on distinct O and N isotopic signatures (δ18O and δ15N) of various sources and isotopic effects during transformation processes, which differ between sources like fertilizer, atmospheric deposition, and microbial production (nitrification). Isotopic fractionation during production and consumption of further affects the δ18O and δ15N signal. Regarding the δ18O in particular, biochemical O exchange between O from and H2O is implicitly assumed not to affect the δ18O signature of . This study aimed to test this assumption in soil-based systems. In a short (24 h) incubation experiment, soils were treated with artificially 18O and 15N enriched . Production of from nitrification during the incubation would affect both the 18O and the 15N enrichment. Oxygen exchange could therefore be studied by examining the change in 18O relative to the 15N. In two out of the three soils, we found that the imposed 18O enrichment of the declined relatively more than the imposed enrichment. This implies that O exchange indeed affected the O isotopic signature of , which has important implications for source determination studies. We suggest that O exchange between and H2O should be taken into consideration when interpreting the O isotopic signature to study the origin and fate of in ecosystems.  相似文献   

We examined whether grass species and soil nitrogen (N) availability could enhance Carbon (C) and N turnover during root litter decay in grassland. Three species with increasing competitiveness (Festuca ovina, Dactylis glomerata and Lolium perenne) were grown at two N fertiliser levels in an undisturbed grassland soil, in which soil organic fractions derived for the last 9 years from Lolium root litter which was 13C-depleted. During the subsequent experimental year, the C turnover was calculated using the respective δ13C values of the old and new C in the root phytomass, in two Particulate Organic Matter (POM) fractions above 200 μm and in the lightest part of the aggregated soil fraction between 50 and 200 μm. Soil N availability was monitored during the regrowth periods with ion exchange resins (IER). The C decay rates of each particle size fraction were calculated with a simple mechanistic model of C dynamics. The N mineralisation immobilisation turnover (MIT) was characterised by dilution of 15N-labelled fertiliser in the N harvestThe C:N ratio and the residence time of C in the fractions decreased with particle size. The presence of a grass rhizosphere increased the decay rate of old C. Accumulation of new C in particle size fractions increased with species competitiveness and with N supply. Species competitiveness increased C turnover in the aggregated fraction, as a result of greater accumulation of new C and faster decay of old C. Fertiliser N increased N turnover and C mineralisation in the SOM. Species competitiveness decreased soil -N exchanged with the IER and increased dissolved organic C (DOC) content. The nature of the current rhizosphere is thus an important factor driving C and N transformations of the old root litter, in relation with grass species strategy. Plant competitiveness may stimulate the C and N turnover in the more evolved SOM fractions in a similar way to the mineral N supply.  相似文献   

Rapid development and urbanization in the South Carolina (SC) coastal plain may introduce significant nutrients to adjacent tidal creeks and salt marsh estuaries, and threaten estuarine water quality. Microbial denitrification in estuarine soils plays an important role in removing excessive nitrate in coastal waters. Relative contributions of denitrification and ammonium production during nitrate reduction via dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) and soil mineralization determine whether N is lost from the system or retained as ammonium . The objectives of this study were to compare background, short-term and long-term potential denitrification ( and glucose added) rates, and production during microbial conversion in a developing marsh estuary, SC (USA). Denitrification rates were measured using the acetylene block technique in an undeveloped fresh water site (T1W), an undeveloped Spartina marsh (Grave's Dock, GD), and a Spartina marsh at a golf course resort (Chechessee marsh, C3M). Background denitrification with no added was primarily controlled by concentration in soils and surface water. Adding glucose did not enhance either short-term or long-term potential denitrification rates in GD marsh soils. production during microbial removal was significant at both marsh sites, and N-mass balance based on N2O and production suggested a significant contribution of from sources other than DNRA. DNRA was estimated to account for approximately 16.3% and 0% of total added removal in GD surface (0-10 cm) and subsurface (30-40 cm) soils, and 1.9 and 23.2% in C3M surface and subsurface soils. Excessive generation from processes other than DNRA may be attributed to stimulated mineralization, and this stimulation was estimated to enhance soil ammonification by 0.5∼4 times compared to background generation with no added. Our results suggest that although the marsh soils displayed high potential of removal via denitrification, the produced via a combination of DNRA and enhanced mineralization may allow to accumulate and be transported to coastal waters.  相似文献   

Prolonged elevated atmospheric CO2 might alter decomposition. In a 90-day incubation study, we determined the long-term (9 years) impact of elevated CO2 on N mineralization of Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens plant material grown at ambient and elevated CO2 and low- and high-15N fertilizer additions. No significant differences were observed in recovery rates between any of the treatments, except an N addition effect was observed for L. perenne (0.4 versus 0.5% day−1 in high versus low N). The results suggest that elevated CO2 did not change plant N mineralization in any of the soils, because of a surplus of available N in the fertilized and leguminous systems, and because of insignificant plant responses to elevated CO2 in the low soil N availability systems.  相似文献   

Field data have suggested that under P-deficient conditions, legumes supplied with phosphate rock (PR) increase P acquisition by a subsequent maize crop compared to direct application of PR to maize. This study assessed the mechanism of this positive rotational effect in terms of soil P availability using a greenhouse trial with large volume (74 l) containers. The rotation effect was analysed in relation to PR application, previous legume growth and incorporation of the legume residues. Velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens) and maize were grown in a representative Acrisol from the Nigerian Northern Guinea savannah (NGS). All soils were applied with sufficient urea to exclude N-effects in the rotations. In a first season, velvet bean and maize responded similarly to PR application, and P uptake by both crops increased by 45%. The soil total labile P quantity (E-value) and P concentration in soil solution after plant growth were increased by PR-application only in soils previously grown by velvet bean, suggesting enhanced PR solubilisation in the legume-grown soils. In the subsequent season, grain yields and P uptake of a maize crop following velvet bean were twice as large compared to maize following a first maize crop. This residual effect of velvet bean was even significant in treatments without PR-application, although both maize and velvet bean withdrew similar amounts of P during the first season and no differences in soil P availability were observed. Furthermore, legume residue incorporation in soils previously grown by maize did not affect yields or P uptake of the subsequent maize crop, while it significantly increased the E-value and during the first 7 weeks in the second season. As such, the positive rotational effects of velvet bean were larger than predicted by soil P availability measures. Maize yield significantly increased with increasing plant P concentration among all treatments. However, the rotational effect was unrelated to internal P concentration: significantly larger yields were obtained for maize following velvet bean than for maize following maize at identical internal P. This suggested the presence of another growth-limiting which is counteracted by the previous velvet bean growth. In conclusion, our results confirmed that the introduction of a legume supplied with PR into a maize-based cropping system increases yield and P-uptake by a subsequent maize crop, compared to maize following a first maize crop supplied with PR. These stimulations, however, went beyond improved P nutrition. Results strongly suggested that the legume in the rotation system has other positive, possibly soil-microbiological effects which enhance maize growth and production.  相似文献   

In exploring the dynamics of iron and nitrogen cycling in sediments from riparian forests we have observed a redox reaction that has not been previously described. During incubations of soil slurries under strictly anaerobic conditions, we repeatedly measured an unexpected production of both nitrite () and ferrous iron [Fe(II)]. Using this indirect evidence we hypothesize that, under anaerobic conditions, there is a biological process that uses ferric iron [Fe(III)] as an electron acceptor while oxidizing ammonium () to for energy production. This oxidation under iron reducing anaerobic conditions is thermodynamically feasible and is potentially a critical component of the N cycle in saturated sediments.  相似文献   

Here we offer the first assessment of conditions conducive to dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) in temperate arable soils, through an examination of the potential for this process to occur in a range of soils of contrasting characteristics. NH415NO3 (6.2 g N m−2, 25 atom % excess 15N) was applied, and recovery of 15N in the pool taken as indicative of occurrence of DNRA. Up to 5% of applied 15N was recovered in the pool 2 d after addition of N, glucose (44.6 g C m−2) and l-cysteine (7.7 g m−2, 0.9 g N m−2, 2.3 g C m−2). concentrations were positively correlated with soil pH, ratio, bulk density, sand content and concentration, but negatively correlated with soil C and organic N content. Our results demonstrate the potential for DNRA to contribute to N cycling in temperate arable soils, but its detection and significance is likely to depend on the provision of a low molecular weight C source.  相似文献   

Direct plant uptake of organic nitrogen (N) is often studied using the dual-labeling approach (15N + 13C or 15N + 14C). However, the method might be hampered by uptake of labeled inorganic carbon (C) produced by mineralization of labeled organic compounds. Here we report the results from a triple labeling experiment (15N + 13C + 14C) investigating whether root uptake of labeled inorganic C can bias the results obtained in studies of organic N uptake using dual-labeled amino acids (15N, 13C). In a rhizosphere tube experiment we investigated 13C and 14C uptake by maize either supplied with labeled glycine or , but found no differences in uptake rates between these C-sources. The uptake of inorganic C to the shoot tissue was higher for maize grown in full light compared to shading, which indicates a passive uptake of inorganic C with water. We conclude that uptake of inorganic C produced by mineralization of amino acids can significantly bias the interpretations of organic N uptake studies using dual-labeling.  相似文献   

To study the effects of short-term fluctuation of nitrate concentrations on the nitrate-reducing community, repacked soil cores were amended with 0, 100 and soil and incubated for 3, 7 and 14 days, respectively. The nitrate reductase activity was determined in a laboratory-based enzyme assay. In parallel, the community structure of nitrate-reducing microorganisms was characterised by RFLP-PCR using the functional gene narG, which encodes the catalytic site of the membrane-bound nitrate reductase. The community structure remained constant over the experimental period indicating that this functional community is characterised by a high resistance towards fluctuating nitrate concentrations. Decreases in nitrate concentration as well as increase in pH values indicated a very active nitrate-reducing community under nitrate addition. Surprisingly, inhibition of nitrite reductase by 2,4-dinitrophenol, which is a precondition for the measurement of nitrate reductase activity, could not be achieved in the treatment despite increased concentrations of the inhibitor. However, comparison of the nitrate reductase in the control and the treatment showed a significant increase in the latter at day 3. No further differences were observed at days 7 and 14, which suggests a high resilience of the nitrate reductase activity.  相似文献   

The potential impact of timber harvesting in the boreal forest on aquatic ecosystem water quality and productivity depends in part on the production of nutrients within the soil of the harvested catchment. Nitrogen supplied by organic matter decomposition is of particular interest because of the important role that N plays in biotic processes in surface waters, and in forest nutrition in general. Logging slash quality and input to the forest floor has the potential to influence N availability after harvest on clearcut sites. Net production of organic and inorganic-N and microbial biomass C and N concentrations were determined during a 90-day laboratory incubation at constant temperature and moisture. Incubated soils included F horizon and shallow mineral soil horizons (0-5 cm) from unharvested and full-tree harvested (2 and 12 growing seasons since harvest) boreal forest sites at the Esker Lakes Research Area (ELRA), in northeastern Ontario, Canada. In an ancillary experiment, black spruce foliage was added to unharvested forest floor material after 30 days during a 90-day laboratory incubation to simulate the influence of logging slash from full-tree harvesting on C and N dynamics. Twelve-year old clearcut F horizon material released on average 75 and 5 times more -N and 3 and 2 times as much inorganic-N than soil collected from unharvested and 2-year-old clearcuts, respectively. This increase in -N accumulation during the incubation was accompanied by decreases in both exchangeable -N and microbial biomass C and N levels. Net daily changes in microbial biomass N were significantly related to organic and inorganic-N accumulation or loss within the F horizon. Mineral soil release of inorganic-N was lower than release from the forest floor. Nitrate-nitrogen accumulation was lower, and -N accumulation was higher in mineral soil from unharvested sites when compared to 12-year-old clearcuts. Calculated harvest response ratios indicated that incubated mineral soil from the 12-year-old clearcut sites released significantly greater amounts of -N than 2-year-old clearcuts. Incorporation of black spruce needles into F horizon material reduced the production of organic and inorganic-N and increased microbial biomass N. Laboratory incubations of F horizon and shallow mineral soil from 12-year-old clearcuts suggested that these boreal soils have the capacity for increased inorganic-N production compared to uncut stands several years after harvesting. This has the potential to increase N availability to growing boreal forest plantations and increase N leaching due to greater -N levels in the forest soil.  相似文献   

Several authors have reported that nitrification in acid soils may be restricted to microsites having a more favorable pH. The aim of this study was to propose a conceptual model of the functioning of nitrification in hot-spots, and to test it with the experimental data obtained in laboratory conditions using twelve tropical unamended and -amended soils with a wide range of pH (from 4.2 to 6.9). Nitrification was also measured in two selected soils where the pH was adjusted from 3.5 to 6.2. The model characterizes the relationship between the nitrification rates in unamended and -amended soils as a function of pH. It is based upon the assumption that nitrification of the coming from N mineralization occurs in the hot-spot (RNh), and the nitrification of the added occurs in the hot-spot and also in its adjacent surrounding region (RNs). The experimental design was chosen to be able to estimate both nitrification rates. Soil acidity limited nitrification more in -amended soils than in unamended ones. From our approach, this is due to less favorable conditions for nitrification in the region surrounding the hot-spot. The effect of self-induced acidity on nitrification was not noticeable neither in unamended nor in -amended treatments. The model described well three observations made in the experiments: (i) the minimum pH for nitrification to occur was lower for RNh (pH<4.2) than for RNs (pH<4.7), (ii) the RNh/RNs ratio increased with the decrease of pH (from 1.5 at pH 6 to 8.5 at pH 4), and (iii) for a given pH, the RNh/RNs ratio increased with the decrease of the initial pH of the soil. Among the soil parameters determined in this study (i.e. exchangeable Al, EDTA-extractable Cu and Zn, total C and N), only pH was related to nitrification. However, for a given pH, nitrification varied 3-fold among soils, depending upon their initial pH. This suggests that soil pH as determined on bulk soil is not suitable to predict nitrification in each individual soil, because it is not representative of the acidity level within the hot-spot.  相似文献   

A better understanding of N availability in co-composted drilling wastes is required to evaluate the potential use of the composts as growth media. We investigated N dynamics in co-composted drilling wastes by examining the changes in the concentrations and partition of applied 15N in various soil N pools (, , dissolved organic N, microbial biomass N, and non-extractable N) in a 4-month greenhouse incubation experiment using 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-year-old (referred to below as 1Y, 2Y, 3Y, and 4Y, respectively) composts, representing substrates with different quality. Regardless of compost age, after 4 months of incubation extractable N concentrations decreased (P<0.05), in contrast with the increasing pattern of the non-extractable N, indicating stabilization of the extractable N into the recalcitrant soil organic fraction. Fertilizer N application increased (P<0.05) extractable N concentrations. In the younger composts, a major part of the applied 15N was recovered in the non-extractable N fraction (44.0% for 1Y and 38.5% for 2Y) with little recovered as mineral N. On the other hand, a considerable percentage of the applied 15N (21.8% for 3Y and 18.8% for 4Y) was found in the pool in the older composts with relatively high mineral N but low organic C contents. This study shows that the dynamics of biologically available N and fate of applied N in the composts depend on compost quality such as mineral N and organic C contents, and compost C:N ratio. To use the co-composted drilling waste as growth media, different N management strategies need to be established for those composts with differed substrate quality.  相似文献   

Populations with small effective sizes are at risk for inbreeding depression and loss of adaptive potential. Variance in reproductive success is one of several factors reducing effective population size (Ne) below the actual population size (N). Here, we investigate the effects of polygynous (skewed) mating and variation in female breeding success on the effective size of a small population of the Gunnison sage-grouse (Centrocercus minimus), a ground nesting bird with a lek mating system. During a two-year field study, we recorded attendance of marked birds at leks, male mating success, the reproductive success of radio-tagged females, and annual survival. We developed simulations to estimate the distribution of male reproductive success. Using these data, we estimated population size () and effective population size Ne for the study population. We also simulated the effects of population size, skewed vs. random mating, and female breeding failure on Ne. In our study population, the standardized variance in seasonal reproductive success was almost as high in females as in males, primarily due to a high rate of nest failure (73%). Estimated Ne (42) was 19% of in our population, below the level at which inbreeding depression is observed in captive breeding studies. A high hatching failure rate (28%) was also consistent with ongoing inbreeding depression. In the simulations, Ne was reduced by skewed male mating success, especially at larger population sizes, and by female breeding failure. Extrapolation of our results suggests that six of the seven extant populations of this species may have effective sizes low enough to induce inbreeding depression and hence that translocations may be needed to supplement genetic diversity.  相似文献   

We used camera traps in combination with capture-recapture data analysis to provide the first reliable density estimates for tigers and leopards from the high altitude and rugged terrain in Bhutan’s Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park. Fifty days of camera trapping in each of five study zones collapsed into two trapping blocks, resulted in a sampling effort of 4050 trap days. Camera trapping yielded 17 tiger photos (14 left flanked and 3 right flanked) and 48 leopard photos (25 left flanked and 23 right flanked). Using photos of these left flank, the closed heterogeneous Jackknife Model Mh was the best fit for the capture history data. A capture probability () of 0.04 was obtained for both tigers and leopards, thus generating population size (N) of 8 tigers (SE = 2.12) and 16 leopards (SE = 2.91) with densities of 0.52 tiger 100 km−2 and 1.04 leopard 100 km−2. Photographic evidence indicated that tigers and leopards did not overlap in their spatial use of space. Tigers preferred less disturbed areas located further away from settlements, while leopards appeared to be more resilient to disturbances in so far as they were found nearer to human settlements. Camera trapping using a capture-recapture framework was an effective tool for assessing population sizes for tiger and leopard in low density areas such as Bhutan.  相似文献   

Mine tailings are difficult to revegetate due to the lack of organic matter, severe nutrient limitations, and potential metal toxicity. Biosolids has been shown to be favorable for improving properties of mine tailings. The rates of biosolids required to reclaim mine tailings (up to ) may produce conditions where significant amounts of nitrates can leach into groundwater. Leaching column experiments were conducted to determine the influences of biosolids placement and plant cover on nitrate leaching from biosolids-amended mine tailings. PVC columns packed with 7.7 kg of tailings were treated with 168 g of biosolids (approximately 270 kg mineral ). Biosolids were either placed on the surface or mixed with the tailings and half of the columns were seeded with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne, L.). Columns were drip irrigated at a rate of 758 mm of water y-1. This rate was twice the average precipitation for Central Chile. All leachates were collected weekly for up to 21 weeks and analyzed for nitrate, pH, electrical conductivity, and chemical oxygen demand. The electrical conductivity and nitrate concentration of percolates decreased with time, while the pH remained constant. In some cases the percolate had nitrate concentrations greater than the maximum amount allowed for human consumption (10 mg ). Vegetation cover and mixing the biosolids with tailings reduced NO3-N concentrations in the percolate.  相似文献   

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