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Summary. The absorption of urea and a number of its derivatives by different soils was investigated using a slurry-type procedure. The materials could be listed in the following order of increasing tendancy to be adsorbed: urea, fenuron, methylurea, phenylurea, monuron, monolinuron, diuron. linuron, neburon and chloroxuron. Both N -aryl and N -alkyl substituents appeared to play a part in adsorption. Increasing chain length in the alkyl substituents and chloro- and chlorophenoxy substitution in the aryl substituent increased adsorption. There was no relationship between adsorption and water solubility.
Organic matter content was the only soil property that could be related to adsorptive capacity. The evidence of Langmuir isothermal equilibrium plots suggests that only a fraction of the total soil surface is available for the adsorption of substituted ureas.
L'adsorption Je l'uré de ses dérivés sur dfférents sols  相似文献   

Glasshouse studies showed that low doses of paraquat inhibited the germination of Lolium perenne L. broadcast directly onto the paraquat-sprayed surfaces of a sphagnum and a peat soil, but that higher doses were necessary to produce phytotoxic symptoms on mineral soils, a compost and a loam. On all soils residual activity increased rapidly with increasing dose once the minimum phytotoxic dose was reached. On a sandy soil, residual activity increased almost linearly from the lowest to the highest dose applied. At 9·0, 4·5 and 2·24 kg/ha phytotoxicity on a compost was not affected by changes in the volume of application, but at 1·68 kg/ha and lower, reducing the volume from 562 1/ha to 281 and 112 1/ha resulted in increased phytotoxicity. Phytotoxic residues were eluted from paraquat-treated compost surfaces by percolating de-ionized water up soil columns but residual activity was not removed from the eluted surfaces. Surface irrigation of paraquat-treated surfaces with water previously percolated through columns of untreated soil reduced residual activity by 45%.  相似文献   

Summary. Electron-capture gas chromatography was used to detect di-allate and tri-allate in two soils at different moisture levels. At rates equivalent to 2 25-2 - 50 lb/ac, 50% of the di-allate applied was degraded in Weyburn loam in 4 weeks at moisture levels in excess of the wilting point. Losses in Regina heavy clay were slightly lower. In both soils little degradation was observed at moisture levels below the wilting points and negligible losses occurred in sterile soils, indicating that microbial degradation can be an important factor contributing to di-allate breakdown. Breakdown of tri-allate in both soils was slower than for di-allate. At 2·0 lb/ac di-allate was leached more from Weyburn loam than from Regina heavy clay. Tri-allate underwent almost complete adsorption by four soils from aqueous solution, whereas di-allate was adsorbed to a lesser extent. Soil volatility of tri-allate appears to be negligible even on heating to 50°C for 28 days. Vapour losses of di-allate from treated soils are dependent on soil type and temperature. In field plots 15–20% of the applied tri-allate was found in the top 5 cm soil after one growing season. Less than 5% of the initial di-allate remained. Negligible residues of either chemical were found at the 5–10 cm level. Dégradation, adsorption et volatilité du di-allate et du tri-allate dans des sols de prairies Résumé. La capture d'électrons dans la chionnatographie en phase gazeuse a été utilisée pour déceler le di-allate et le tri-allate dans deux sols, à deux taux différents d'humidité. A des doses d'environ 2,52 à 2,80 kg/ha, 50% du di-allate appliqueé dans un limon de Weyburn fut dégradé en 4 semaines, à des taux d'humidité supérieurs au point de fiétris-sement. Les pertes furent légèrement inférieures dans un sol argileux lourd de Regina. Dans les deux sols, une faible dégradation fut observése à des taux d'humiditi inférieurs au point de flétrissement et les pertes furent négligeables dans les sols stéiles; ceci montre que l'activité microhienne peut etre un facteur important dans la degradation du di-allate. La degradation du tri-allate dans les deux sols fut moins rapide que celle du di-allate. A la dose de 2,2 kg/ha, le lessivage du diallate fut plus important dans le limon de Weyburn que dans le sol argileux lourd de Regina. Le tri-allate fut presque compléte-ment adsorbé par quatre sols, à partir d'une solution aqueuse, alors que le di-allate ne fut adsorbé que dans une proportion moindre. La volatilityé du tri-allate dans le sol apparut négligeable, meme en chauffant à50°C pendant 28 jours. Les pertes du diallate par évaporation à partir de sols traités sont sous la dependance du type de sol et de la température. Dans les parcelles au champ 15 à 20% du tri-allate appliqué fut rctrouvé dans les 5 premiers centimétres du sol aprés une saison de culture, alors qu'il ne subsista que moins de 5% de la quantité initiale de di-allate. Des résidus négligeables de I'un ou l'autre des deux produits furent retrouves au niveau 5 à 10 cm. Abbau, Adsorption undFluchtigkeit von Diallat und Triallat in Prairieböden Zusammenfassung. Elektroneneinfatig-Gaschromatographie wurde zur Bestimmung von Diallat und Triallat in zwei Böden bei verschiedenen Feuchtigkeitsstufen verwendet. Bei Atifwandmengen von 2,52-2,80 kg/ha, wurden 50% des ausgebrachten Diallats bei einem Feuehtigkeitsgehalt, der über dem Welkepunkt lag, innerhalb von vier Wochen abgebaut. In schwerem Regina-Ton waren die Verluste etwas geringer. In beiden Boden vnirde bei Feuchtigkeitsstufen unterhalb des Wclkepunktes wenig Abbau beobachtet. Vernachlässigbarc Verluste traten in sterilen Böden auf, was darauf hinweist, dass Mikro-organismen eine wichtigc Roile beim Abbau von Diallat spielen. Der Abbau von Triallat verlief in heiden Boden langsatner als der von Diallat. Bei 2,24 kg/ha wurde Diallat aus Weyburn Lehmboden stärker ausgewaschen als aus schwerem Regina-Tonboden. Triallat wurde aus einer wässrigen Lösung in vier Böden nahczu vollständig adsorbiert, wäirend Diallat in einem geringeren Ausmass adsorbiert wurde. Verdampfung von Triallat aus dem Boden scheint selbst bei 28-tägiger Erhitzung des Bodens auf 50°C gering zu sein. Verdampfungsverluste von Diallat aus behandelten Boden hängen vom Bodentyp und der Temperatur ab. In Feldversuchen wurden nach einer Vegetationsperiode 15–20% des ausgebrachten Triallats wiedergefunden. Weniger als 5% der ursprunglichen Diallatmcnge war dort verblieben. Nur vernachlassigbare Rückstandsmengen wurden bei beiden Herbiziden in Bodentiefen von 5–10 cm gefunden.  相似文献   

Summary. In loamy soil with a low humus content (0·8% organic carbon) simazine at a concentration of 2'5 ppm reduced growth of shoots, roots and trunk diameter in 1-year-old scions of five apple varieties on M IX rootstock. The most susceptible was Cox's Orange Pippin; 5 ppm was lethal for this variety only. In experiments with vertically divided pots, where one part of the root system developed in soil with simazine (2–5 ppm and 5–0 ppm for apple and 5·0 ppm for plum) and the other part in simazine-free soil, there was less effect on shoot growth and less leaf damage than where all the soil contained simazine. Growth of that part of the root system in soil containing simazine was stimulated.  相似文献   

Summary. A series of field trials was conducted to determine if the tolerance of newly planted strawberry runners to simazine could be increased by placing adsorbents in the vicinily of the root zone at planting time. Powdered steam-activated charcoal was found to be the most suitable of seven adsorbents tested. Dipping the roots of runners in charcoal before planting was more effective and practicable than placing a similar quantity of charcoal around each runner at planting time. No significant damage was recorded in several trials in which dipped runners were sprayed with simazine at 1 lb/ac within a few days of planting.
Although new roots are likely to take up the herbicide as they grow away from the charcoal-protected area around the plant, the protection provided by the adsorbent appears to be sufficient to enable the young plants to develop satisfactorily.
Utilisation d'adsorbants et de simazine sur des fraisiers récemment plantés  相似文献   

Summary. The residues remaining in the soil from repeated annual application of simazine at 2–8, 5–6, and 22–4 kg/ha to uncropped plots on a loam soil were measured by chemical or bioassay methods at various intervals after treatment.
The total simazine residue present 12 months after the last of three treatments with 2–8 kg/ha and 8 months after the last of five treatments with 5–6 kg/ha was less than 10% of the annual dose. This rapid decomposition is considered consistent with the soil and climatic conditions. In contrast a much larger residue (a mean value of 1·7 kg/ha) was found on plots sampled 21/2 years after the last of two annual applications of simazine at 22·4 kg/ha and the reduction in the amount of residue during the next 12 months was only of the order of 25%.
In all treatments the highest concentration of simazine was found in the surface layers of the soil but measurable residues were detected to 60 cm depth, 31/2 years after the last 22·4 kg/ha application.
There was considerable variation in the total residues recovered between replicate plots and between different positions on the same plots in all treatments regardless of the depth of the sample. The possible causes of this variation are discussed.
Persistance et pénétration de fortes doses de simazine dans un sol non cultivé  相似文献   

Summary. The solubilities of three isopropylamino, ethylamino-triazines (chloro-, methoxy- and methylthio-) and three, N′-phenyl-. NN-dimethylureas (0, 1 and 2 chlorine substitutions on the phenyl group) were determined in water and in solutions of chloride salts of NH+4, K+ and Ca++ at ionic strengths of 0·3 and 0·6. Adsorption of these compounds by soil from the same chloride solutions at ionic strengths of 0·3 was measured. As expected, the solubilities were depressed by increasing ionic strength but the type of cation exerted a small, though significant, effect. Adsorption of the test compounds increased in the presence of the various salts. The possible import of these findings in relation to joint fertilizer and herbicide use and soil drying following herbicide application is commented on. Effets des électrolytes sur la solubilité et l'adsorption par le sol de quelques 1,3,5-triazines et urées substituées Résumé. Les solubilités de trois isopropylamino, éthylamino-triazines (Chloro-, méthoxy-et méthylthio-), et de trois N′-phényl-NN-diméthylurées (0, 1 et 2 chlores substitutés sur le groupe phényle) ont été déterminées dans l'eau et dans des solutions de sels de chlorure de NH4+, K+ et Ca++à des forces ioniques de 0,3 et 0,6. L'adsorption de ces composés par le sol à partir de ces mêmes solutions à la force ionique de 0,3 a été mesurée. Comme il était attendu, les solubilités furent diniinuées par l'accroissement de la force ionique mais la nature du cation exerça une influence faible mais néanmoins significative. L'adsorption des composés essayé fut accrue en présence des différents sels. La signification possible de ces réultats, en relation avec l'utilisation simultanée des engrais et des herbicides ainsi qu'avec le déssèchement du sol aprés um traitement herbicide fait l'objet de commentaires. Einfluss von Elektrolyten auf die Löslichkeit einiger 1,3,5-Triazine und Harnstoffderivate und auf ihre Adsorption an Boden Zusammenfassung. Die Löslichkeit von drei Isopropylamino-äthylamino-triazinen (Chlor-, Methoxy- und Methylthio-) sowie drei N′-Phenyl-NN-diniethyl-harnstoffen (0, 1 und 2 Chlorsubstitutionen an der Phenylgruppe) wurden in Wasser und in Lösungen von NH4Cl, KCl und CaCl2 bei Ionenstärken von 0,3 und 0,6 bestimmt. Die Adsorption dieser Verbindungen an Boden aus Lösungen derselben Saize wurde bei der Ionenstarke von 0,3 gemessen. Wie erwartet wurde die Löslichkeit mit zunehmender Ionenstärke erniedrigt, wobei die Art des Rations einen kleinen, jedoch signifikanten Effekt zeigte. Die Adsorption der untersuchten Verbindungen nahm in Gegenwart der verschiedenen Salze zu. Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass diese Befunde für die kombinierte Anwendung von Düngesalzen und Herbiziden wichtig sein können. Ebenso können sie wichtig sein für eine mögliche Austrocknung des Bodens nach Herbizideinsatz.  相似文献   

R. J. HANCE 《Weed Research》1969,9(2):108-113
Summary. Model adsorbents were prepared by treating cellulose phosphate powder with a series of alkyltrimethylammonium compounds in which the size of the alkyl group was varied from C8to C18. The adsorption of linuron, atrazine and EPTC by these materials was found to increase logarithmically with increasing chain length. The extent of the adsorption was large compared with the adsorption of these herbicides by a humic acid and by a preparation made by removing the bulk of the inorganic constituents of a peat soil with a mixture of HCl and HF. Since soil organic matter is thought to contain alkyl groups, it is concluded that the possible influence of such groups should be considered in any discussion of the mechanisms involved in the adsorption of organic molecules by soils.
Adsorption du linuron, de I'atrazine de l'EPTC par des adsorbants de la série aliphatique et des préparations organiques de sol  相似文献   

Summary. Two experiments on chemical weed control in marrowstem kale are reported. In the first of these three herbicides applied before sowing were compared; in the second experiment four herbicides were studied, one applied before sowing and the others applied after emergence. Of all the herbicides examined, EPTC, applied before sowing and incorporated into the seedbed, was the most satisfactory in terms of both weed control and yield of kale. Neither endothal + propham nor dinoseb + TCA proved satisfactory as pre-sowing treatments. The three herbicides applied post-emergence (all methylmercapto triazines) were ineffective for the control of Polygonum spp. and Poa annua , although fairly effective against Stellaria media and Chenopodium album . They caused considerable damage to the crop and reduced yields by at least 25%.
Le désherbage du chou moellier par l'EPTC et quelques autres herbicides  相似文献   

Summary. A bioassay was used to study, adsorption of prometryne, simazine, linuron and pyrazon by fibrous peat, sphagnum moss, muck soil and bentonite as 1 % mixtures with quartz sand. Of these bentonite caused least reduction in bioactivity, and sphagnum moss reduced it only slightly more. Fibrous peat and muck soil were the most adsorptive. Prometryne, simazine and pyrazon were more highly adsorbed by fibrous peat than by muck soil, while for linuron the opposite occurred. Fibrous peat was approximately three, seven, thirteen and three times more adsorptive than bentonite for pyrazon, linuron, prometryne and simazine, respectively, while for muck soil the corresponding values were two, fourteen, seven and two. Studies with prometryne and five different soils indicated that percentage organic matter, cation-exchange capacity and specific surface area were all highly correlated with adsorption.  相似文献   

Summary. Similar chlorthal (dimethyl 2,3,.5,6-tetrachloroterephthalate) degradation patterns were found in pot cultures of white pine and Monterey pine grown in a sandy soil and in fallow cultures of the same soil. After 120 days, the content of chlorthal plus its degradation products (as measured by 14C-activity) had decreased to 37% in the fallow and white pine cultures. A somewhat slower rate of degradation in soil (average 45%*C-activity remaining) was observed for the Monterey pine cultures. Thus in 120 days, 55–63% of the added chlorthal had been lost from the soil system. A negligible amount of this could be accounted for by plant uptake. After 60 days of growth the rate of degradation in soil was greatly curtailed suggesting that the accumulated degradation produces were able to inhibit the further degradation of the herbicide.
Analysis of *C-labelled extracts from the pine tissue showed that uptake of chlorthal varied from 0–25 to 1–2% of the total amount of the chemical added to the soil. Degraded, as well as intact chlorthal, were found in both Monterey and white pine tissue. Very limited mobility of chlorthal in the plant was observed and the concentration in the shoots was less than 10 pm. About 80% of the absorbed chlorthal remained in the root systems. Plant growth led to a rapid dilution of absorbed chlorthal. The growth of both species of pine was rapid and apparently healthy in chlorthal-treated soil and comparable to that of the control plants.  相似文献   

Summary. The effects of pre-sowing treatments with terbutryne (4-ethylamino-2- niethylthio-6-t-butylamino-1,3,5-triazine) and with simazine (2-chloro-4,6-bisethyl-amino-1,3,5-triazine) on seedling mortality of wheat grown from regular seed and from seed containing about 40 ppm chlormequat (2-chloroethyl trimethylammonium chloride), due to a late chlormequat treatment of the seed-parent, were tested in two pot experiments. In another pot experiment the effects of pre-sowing and post-emergence treatments of terbutryne on dry matter accumulation and moisture content in SPT (= Seed-Parent Treated) and regular wheat seedlings were examined.
No significant differences in simazine resistance between regular and SPT seed were found. However, there was a marked and significant increase in terbutryne resistance of SPT over regular seeds, which was expressed by a longer period to 50% seedling mortality as well as by a lower daily increase in mortality. Growth retardation, caused by pre- sowing as well as by post-emergence terbutryne treatments, was appreciably less in the SPT seedlings than in the regular ones. The higher terbutryne resistance of the SPT seedlings may be attributable to their higher moisture content induced by the chlormequat.
Effet du traitement des pieds meres avec le chlorméquat sur la résistance des plantules de blé a la terbutryne et à la simazine  相似文献   

Summary. Uptake, distribution and fate simazine (2-chioro-4,6-biserthylamino- s -triazine) in 4-year-old seedlings of Norway spruce ( Picea abies ) are discussed. Simazine was found to be readily absorbed and distributed in the spruce seedlings. A positive relationship between the amount of simazine absorbed and the growth intensities of the plants indicates an active mechanism of uptake. A fixation of simazine in roots and sterm was observed.
Simazine was degraded by roots and stem to hydroxysimazine and two other unknown metabolites. No simazine and only metabolites could be traced in the needles, indicating a very rapid rate of metabolism in the root system. The glucose derivative of benzoxazinone was extracted from all parts of the spruce seedlings and is probably responsible for the hydrolysis of simazine.
The results indicate a very slow degradation of the metabolites to CO2 as one of the final products.  相似文献   

盐酸四环素等药物对柑桔黄龙病治疗效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验用六种抗菌素及二种化学药物加压灌注黄龙病树,结果表明:四环素、土霉素效果较好,金霉素、青霉素及磺胺嘧啶亦有一定抑制病情的作用,链霉素、氯霉素、对氨基苯甲酸效果不明显。对柑桔黄龙病病株灌注盐酸四环素八天后,斑驳病叶中的淀粉积累现象逐步消失。新梢生长、花芽发育均正常,落果现象明显减少。果实大小、品质均与健树无明显差异。对主干中段的直径为11.5~15厘米的刚发病11龄甜橙树,注入每毫升合1000单位的盐酸四环素溶液5000~8500毫升。注药后彻底剪除病枝。杩势恢复后三年不出现症状。使用量偏低的病株、症状短期内受到抑制,但以后会再度出现。  相似文献   

Summary. Some investigations were carried out on the adsorption of paraquat by a range of organic materials which included an organic soil, various humic fractions from that soil, model polymers prepared by the oxidative coupling of benzoquinone, the ion exchange resins Zeo-Karb 216 and 226, and Amberlite XAD-2. The time required for the adsorption process to reach equilibrium ranged from about 3 h (for the soil and humic preparations) to about 48 h (for the more highly cross-linked materials). Adsorption by Amberlite XAD-2, a cross-linked polystyrene resin, was very small, presumably because it lacked ion-exchange sites.
The results suggested that particle diffusion control was operating and the different equilibrium times reflected different degrees of molecular complexity within the adsorbents.
Temperature, within the 20°–70°C range, did not affect the adsorption equilibrium, and this is indirect evidence for ion exchange as the primary adsorption mechanism. No evidence was found for decomposition of paraquat in the adsorption systems studied.
Quelques interactions physico-chimiques du paraquat avec des inatéaux de sol organique et des composes modéles I. Effets de la température, du temps et de la dégradation sur I'adsorption du paraquat  相似文献   

Summary. Evidence is presented that blackcurrants show a considerable tolerance to simazine when the entire root system is exposed to a uniform concentration of the herbicide in sand and water culture. The tolerance of this species under field conditions does not therefore seem to be primarily due to root development being limited in the surface soil to which simazine is applied. Accordingly, experiments were carried out using simazine, labelled in the ring with 14C, to determine whether there were restrictions to the uptake of the herbicide by the roots and its translocation to the xylem sap and leaves, and whether there was extensive breakdown of simazine in the plant. The results of these experiments are compared with those on two susceptible species, barley and marrow.
Although simazine appeared to be metabolized to a greater extent in blackcurrants, and was less readily translocated from the roots, than in the susceptible species, a substantial proportion of the labelled material in the leaves was present as unchanged simazine. Studies on the effects of simazine on the rate of transpiration of detached leaves of the three species suggested that in blackcurrants there was a restriction to movement of the herbicide from the conducting tissue in the leaves to the mesophyll; this was confirmed by autoradiographs. It is suggested that this restriction, combined with partial breakdown of the herbicide in the leaves, may be responsible for the tolerance of blackcurrants to simazine.
Résistance du cassissier à la simazine  相似文献   

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