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Epp T Waldner C 《The Canadian veterinary journal. La revue veterinaire canadienne》2012,53(2):151-157
This paper reports physical, psychological, and chemical hazards relevant to western Canadian veterinarians as obtained by a self-administered mailed questionnaire. Nine-three percent (750/806) of veterinarians reported some form of injury during the previous 5 years; 17% of respondents (131/791) indicated injuries that resulted in 1 or more days off work. Median stress levels were similar across work environments; overall, 7% (57/813) indicated either no stress or severe stress, while 53% (428/813) indicated moderate stress. Twenty percent (3/15) of food animal practitioners and 37% (114/308) of companion animal practitioners who took X-rays reported accidental exposure. Accidental exposure to gas anesthetic was reported by 69% (394/570) of those in private practice. Exposure to chemicals occurred in all work environments. Veterinarians in western Canada are at risk of minor to severe injury due to both animal and non-animal related causes. 相似文献
Physical, chemical and biological hazards in veterinary practice 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
OBJECTIVE: To identify major occupational hazards encountered by veterinarians and their staff in practice in Australia. PROCEDURE: A literature search of Medical (MEDLINE), Occupational Health and Safety (OSHRAM) and Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL) electronic data bases plus continual monitoring utilising the Uncover alerting system using the key words, 'occupational injury', 'occupational disease' and 'safety' linked with use of the word 'veterinarians' has found relevant articles. Personal communication with people who have undertaken studies on occupational safety in veterinarians elicited further information. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Veterinarians often sustain animal-related injuries, the most common of which are dog and cat bites, cat scratches and being hit or crushed by large animals. The most costly to treat include strains and back injuries. Most veterinarians treat themselves. There is no single reporting system for injuries or disease in veterinarians and reported cases may greatly underestimate the total. There is a need to assess accurately the occupational hazards in veterinary practice, to determine the actual occurrence of injuries and to develop strategies to prevent them. 相似文献
Six cases of ocular lymphocystis, a virus disease, are described. Lymphocystis is generally known as a benigh, unique, giant cell disease of fishes causing nodules on the skin and fins. It has been studied extensively because of the virus-host cell relationship that results in extreme size and lack of quick cellular destruction or stimulation to neoplasia. Lymphocystis cells were found behind or in one or both eyes and were also found on the cornea or adjacent skin surfaces. A retrobulbar mass produced extreme exophthalmos. Uveal (choroid and iris) masses were present in most cases. Optic nerve involvement was also seen. It is probable that the virus reached the eye by the blood with the resulting masses forming in situ rather than by direct extension from skin lesions. 相似文献
1市场和价格鱼类及鱼产品价格总体下行。由于需求减少.只有那些产量供应紧张的品种才幸免于这场价格下跌风暴.包括野生白鱼和黄鳍金枪鱼、养殖三文鱼和罗非鱼.价格仍趋稳定。其他养殖品种.如欧洲鲷和大菱鲆价格创历史新低,原因是产量大幅增长。另一方面.越南鲶鱼价格尽管在2008年初下跌.不过正在恢复中上涨。 相似文献
The recorded salinity ranges of 96 fish species occurring in southern African estuaries are documented. Factors influencing the tolerance of fishes to low and high salinity regimes are discussed, with most species tolerant of low rather than high salinity conditions. This is important since most systems are subject to periodic freshwater flooding, especially during summer. The penetration of freshwater teleosts and elasmobranchs into estuaries is examined and the occurrence of marine fishes in rivers documented. Mortalities arising from salinity extremes in southern African estuaries are discussed, with temperature a key factor initiating such fish kills. Only eight fish species have been recorded spawning in estuaries although the fry of many species are attracted to estuarine waters. It is concluded that a small percentage of southern African fishes have succeeded in utilizing estuaries and this may be attributed to the paucity of strong osmoregulators 相似文献
蜂胶(propolis)是具有"药食同源"特性的天然保健品,是蜂产品家族中的高端产品.然而,蜂胶在日化产品领域的应用不多或不够广泛和深入.实际上,蜂胶除自身可直接制成内服保健品外,也可作为功效原料(成分),用在口腔、皮肤、毛发、身体等外用洗护用品和化妆品中,并表现出极好的效果. 相似文献
1. Experiments were conducted to determine the effects of the condition of the fish and of processing procedures on the biological availability of selenium and phosphorus in fish meals.
2. In fresh fish processed to whole fish meal the biological availability of selenium was estimated as 77%, in fresh fish processed to pressed‐cake fish meal it was 59% and in partly‐decomposed fish processed to whole fish meal it was 51%.
3. When the phosphorus content of the test diet was 2–51 g/kg the biological availability was 88% and unaffected by the condition of the fish and the method of processing. 相似文献
The effect of dietary corn oil and fish oil supplementation in dogs with naturally occurring gingivitis 下载免费PDF全文
Ana L. Lourenço Henriette E. Booij‐Vrieling Carmen B. Vossebeld António Neves Carlos Viegas Ronald J. Corbee 《Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition》2018,102(5):1382-1389
The aim of this randomized, double‐blinded, placebo‐controlled study was to evaluate if downregulation of the inflammatory response due to ingestion of high levels of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) can slow down gingivitis development, and thus delay the progression of periodontal disease (PD) in dogs. To this aim, 44 client‐owned adult dogs (>1 and <8 years old) with naturally occurring PD (stages 1 and 2) were submitted to a plaque, gingivitis and calculus scoring followed by a dental cleaning procedure and collection of blood samples. The animals were then fed a canine adult maintenance diet, supplemented with either corn oil (0.00 g EPA and 0.00 g DHA) or fish oil (1.53 g EPA and 0.86 g DHA, both per 1,000 kcal ME) over the following 5 months. At the end of this period, the PD scoring and the blood sampling were repeated. The animals consuming fish oil had higher plasma levels of the longer chain (C ≥ 20) omega 3 fatty acids (p < 0.01) and similar plasma levels of alpha‐linolenic acid (p = 0.53), omega 6 fatty acids (p > 0.63) and C reactive protein (p = 0.28) then the ones consuming corn oil. There were no differences between fish oil and corn oil diet supplementation on plaque (18.2 vs. 17.8, p = 0.78), calculus (10.1 vs. 11.5, p = 0.18) or gingivitis (19.3 vs. 19.0, p = 0.77) indexes. The authors conclude that supplementation with EPA + DHA does not slow down progression of PD in dogs. 相似文献
超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法测定水产品中群勃龙残留方法研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
建立了牛奶中苯并咪唑类药物及代谢物残留的超高效液相色谱-串联质谱检测方法。水产样品经乙酸乙酯提取,C18固相萃取柱净化,采用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱多反应监测模式检测,外标法定量。不同基质中,群勃龙在2-100 ng/mL的浓度范围内呈现良好的线性相关,相关系数为0.994以上;本方法对群勃龙群勃龙在鱼、虾、鳖、蟹类产品中的检测限为0.5μg/kg,定量限为1μg/kg;在贝类产品中的检测限为1μg/kg,定量限2μg/kg;不同水产品的基质中添加1-10μg/kg浓度范围内,其回收率为74.2%-119%,批内变异系数在1.0%-9.0%之间,批间变异系数在0.3%-8.5%之间。本方法分析速度快,灵敏度高,重现性好,各项技术指标均满足国内外相关法规要求,可用于水产品中群勃龙的残留检测。 相似文献
较早时期,我在“我国淡水养殖鱼类的困惑与市场出路”一文中,讨论了草鱼、鲤鱼在市场中的位置。谈到淡水鱼,不能不谈到鲫鱼与鳜鱼。并不是说这两种鱼有多么重要,而是鲫鱼与鳜鱼在水产品市场中的位置特别奇怪、独特,那么平淡又那么与众不同。它们不愠不火,不掉身价。永远是不高不低,不上不下,不前不后,不左不右。任风云变换,始终岿然不动。那种宠辱不惊,闲庭信步的心态是所有同类没有的。譬如,越来越不得宠的白鲢、鲤鱼;价格一落千丈的养殖黄鱼、加洲鲈鱼;在市场露脸没几年就沦为饲料鱼的露斯塔野鲮。价格忽高忽低,行情忽好忽坏的鳗鲡。它们… 相似文献
水产饲料中大豆制品替代鱼粉的研究进展 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
随着鱼粉的供应日趋不足、价格上涨 ,养殖成本不断提高 ,用质优价廉的植物蛋白部分或全部替代鱼粉是养殖界研究的重点。本文就近年来水产饲料中大豆制品替代鱼粉的研究作一简述。1 大豆制品的类型及特点水产饲料中常用的大豆制品有全脂豆粉、豆饼、豆粕等 ,它们在加工工艺和营养组成上有所不同。全脂大豆粉是整粒大豆经摩擦或蒸汽挤压及膨化处理的产品 ,其成分与生大豆类似 ,但因经加热处理 ,水分含量较低 ,其他营养成分相对提高 ,粗蛋白质含量为 36 %~ 39% ,脂肪含量高达 1 8%且富含不饱和脂肪酸。大豆经机械压榨提油后的残渣为大豆饼。… 相似文献
自4月初,SARS开始肆虐于北京。突如其来的疫情给北京市民的身体健康、正常工作与生活带来灾难,也对经济发展造成重大影响。作为农产品副食品行业之一的水产品市场也不例外。今年一季度,北京集贸市场水产品销售量46,079t,同比增幅14.6%,这是继去年全年北京市场水产品销售量多年持续下跌后重新出现上升的趋势,保持了高幅增长。4月份,水产品销售量12, 相似文献
G Yoshizaki T Okutsu T Morita M Terasawa R Yazawa Y Takeuchi 《Reproduction in domestic animals = Zuchthygiene》2012,47(Z4):187-192
We have revealed several unique characteristics of germ cell development using rainbow trout, including the fact that spermatogonia transplanted into the peritoneal cavity of newly hatched embryos migrate toward recipient gonads, that spermatogonia transplanted into female recipients start oogenesis and produce functional eggs and that diploid germ cells transplanted into triploid trout can complete gametogenesis. By combining these unique features of fish germ cells, we established allogeneic and xenogeneic transplantation systems for spermatogonia in several fish species. Spermatogonia isolated from the mature testes of vasa-green fluorescent protein (Gfp) transgenic rainbow trout were transplanted into the peritoneal cavity of triploid masu salmon newly hatched embryos. These spermatogonia migrated toward recipient salmon genital ridges with extending pseudopodia and were subsequently incorporated into them. We further confirmed that the donor-derived spermatogonia resumed gametogenesis and produced sperm and eggs in male and female salmon recipients, respectively. By inseminating the resulting eggs and sperm, we obtained only rainbow trout offspring in the F1 generation, suggesting that the triploid salmon recipients produced functional gametes derived only from donor trout. We further confirmed that this intra-peritoneal transplantation of germ cells is applicable to several marine fishes, which could be of benefit in the production of bluefin tuna that has a large broodstock (>100 kg) and is difficult to maintain in captivity. Gamete production of bluefin tuna could be more easily achieved by generating a surrogate species, such as mackerel, that can produce tuna gametes. 相似文献