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Many weeds, includingSenecio vulgaris, are virtually symptomless hosts ofVerticillium albo-atrum. Plants ofSenecio vulgaris were inoculated with spore suspensions ofV. albo-atrum by two different methods: root-dipping or injection. Infected plants rarely wilted but were stunted, their lower leaves died prematurely and numbers of lateral shoots were decreased.V. albo-atrum was isolated from all parts of the host including achenes. When placed on agar, infected achenes germinated more rapidly than healthy ones. Only small amounts of mycelium developed in the vessels. Severe wilting was possibly avoided because there is insufficient time for damaging amounts of mycelium to develop inSenecio which has a short period of vegetative growth. On the other hand its tolerance to infection may be attributed to the morphology of its vascular system with its narrow vessels and sparse parenchyma cells.In co-operation withH. van Geest, J. P. Overdulve andC. J. J. Richter.  相似文献   

A field study onKaltenbachiola strobi (Winnertz) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), was carried out between 1987 and 1993 in the highest mountain range in the Western Carpathians located within the Tatra National Park, in southern Poland. Rearing and analysis of 5 780 cones ofPicea abies (L.)Karst., collected from trees growing at different altitudes, yielded 30,478 individuals ofKaltenbachiola strobi, which infested 89.10% of the cones. In case of 29.81% of cones there were more than 20 larvae ofK. strobi per cone. It was shown thatK. strobi in the Tatra Mts. is more abundant in spruce stands of the upper mountain forest zone. Significant connections between the time of cone infestation byK. strobi and its parasitoids and characteristic phenophases in spruce foliage and cone development, and also the development of selected vegetation of the forest floor at different heights above sea level were determined. It was shown that the population dynamics ofK. strobi had tendency to alternate the increase and decrease in numbers every two years. It was also discovered that every two years spruce cones were inhabited by the population ofK. strobi with increased percentage of individuals having prolonged diapause. In total, the parasitoids reduced the population ofK. strobi by about 16–22.63%. Parasitism ofK. strobi in the lower mountain forest zone was higher than in the upper zone.Triplatygaster contorticornis Ratz. (Hymenoptera: Platygasteridae),Torymus azureus Boheman (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) andTetrastichus strobilanae Ratz. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) were most effiecient in reduction of the population ofK. strobi, and in the lower mountain forest zoneT. azureus was the dominant parasitoid species, while in the upper zoneT. contorticornis andT. strobilanae. It was shown that a considerable part of the populations ofT. azureus, T. contorticornis andT. strobilanae have their diapause prolonged and highly synchronized with the diapause of their host.  相似文献   

Summary Some observations have been made on lucerne wilt disease during the growing season in 1957, and in experimental inoculation tests in a glasshouse in 1958. In the province of Zeeland the disease does harm to the crop and prevents many farmers from keeping their crops longer than two years.In a survey data have been collected on soil type, preceding crops, green manuring and manuring with stable dung, pH, structure and weeds. No correlations between these factors and the degree of attack by the disease could be proved, except that on heavy soils the disease was less severe than on lighter soils (as a mean of all observations).Development of the disease is facilitated by damage caused by mechanical equipment to the crop. Damage to the crown of the plants should be avoided as much as possible. The disease is distributed extensively after frequent mowing. On attacked leaves left behind on the mowed stalks, and on decayed leaves dropped to the soil, masses of spores ofVerticillium albo-atrum are produced, which form a potential source of infection in a weakened crop.It seems that the disease is more air-borne than soil-borne, since one year old crops are seldom attacked.From attacked lucerne plants in the field the following fungi have been isolated:Verticillium albo-atrum Reinke & Berth.,Gliocladium roseum Bain andFusarium avenaceum (Fr.) Sacc. (table 1).Isolations have been made from 50 different species of weeds, out of which the following fungi were obtained:Verticillium albo-atrum Reinke & Berth. fromCapsella bursa-pastoris Med. andPlantago major L.,V. dahliae Kleb. fromPrunella vulgaris L.,Capsella bursa-pastoris Med. andThlaspi arvense L., andV. lecanii (Zimm.) Viegas fromPlantago major L.In inoculation experiments with all these isolates, in roots, stalks and on cut plants of lucerne, onlyV. albo-atrum, both from lucerne and weeds, andV. lecanii proved to be able to cause wilting of leaves and stalks. WithGliocladium, Fusarium andVerticillium dahliae no such symptoms could be obtained. The results were the same whatever method of inoculation was used.  相似文献   

A selective medium (potato dextrose agar with pentachloronitrobenzene and streptomycin) was used to assess dispersal of ascospores ofSclerotinia sclerotiorum in the field. This medium inhibited development ofMucor spp. andRhizopus spp. without affecting the germinability ofS. sclerotiorum ascospores or the production of sclerotia. The number of viable ascospores started increasing in December, was maximal from January to February, and decreased sharply in March. Deposition of ascospores on plates was maximal (57%) between 10:00 and 13:00 hours. Seventy-seven to 90% of the ascospores were deposited within the first 100 m from the source of inoculum and the rest were transported farther.  相似文献   

Summary Physiologic specialization inP. triticina, the organe leaf rust of wheat, was discovered byMains andJackson (8, 9, 10), who, in the United States, found 12 physiologic forms.Scheibe (11), in Germany, found form 11 and three new forms: 13, 14 and 15. The present author found forms 11, 14 and 15 to occur among five isolations ofP. triticina from different regions of the Netherlands (cp. table I on p. 7). The wheat-varieties, usually grown in Holland, were all found to be equally susceptible to all three forms of the rust. Foreign varieties, however, exist which are highly resistant to the three froms, so that improvement of the dutch wheat-varieties can be accomplished by crossing with such resistant varieties. (vroeger: Wageningen, Holland; thans: Buitenzorg, Java)  相似文献   

Summary Observations on the biology ofLimnaecia phragmitella Stt. (fam. Momphidae, Lepid.) — made in the Netherlands — are mentioned.The species was previously considered as being rare but now is known to be numerous in a few areas. The caterpillars live in the heads of Typha where they feed on the seeds and later on the core. They hibernate when halfgrown, develop further in the spring and early summer and pupate in June; the moths appear during July.The species has a worldwide distribution: England, Central and Southern Europe, Northern Africa, Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America. In the latter country it was studied byP. W. Claassen together with a number of other Typha-insects occurring in the U.S.A. (Cornell Un. Memoir 47, Oct. 1921).The present author has found an hemipteron,Chilacis typhae Perris (Lygaeidae), in Typha heads occurring together with the caterpillars ofLimnaecia. This insect has also been reported in the literature as being rare in the Netherlands. It is suspected of living on the caterpillars but this has not been shown.  相似文献   

Summary Helopeltis antonii was bred at different constant temperatures at the experimental station at Semarang in 1939 and 1940. Some of the results concerning the duration of development from hatching of the egg untill the imaginal stage are recorded in the table and the graph. By comparing these data with those published byLeefmans (1916) (Helopeltis bred on tea in West Java) andZehntner (1901) (Helopeltis bred on cocoa in Central Java) we find that the time of development mentioned by these authors is shorter. In accordance with the experiments ofBonnemaison (1946) this probably can be attributed to the breeding ofHelopeltis at alternating temperatures (day and night). The duration of development at 19°C, mentioned byLeefmans (19 days), however, differs so much from the duration found in this investigation (32–34 days) that this explanation seems improbable. Other experiments at constant temperature, that will be published elsewhere, show that the population used for breeding was well adapted to the average temperature at the estate, Djati Rungo, from where this population came. This extreme adaptation suggests that this may also occur at other localities. Therefore it is probable that the populations ofH. antonii from different localities do not have the same genetical composition. The differences mentioned above can probably be attributed therefore to this fact. Data are given to strengthen this supposition. The existence of genetically different populations has already been suggested by ProfessorRoepke in 1909. He called them biological races. The occurrence of the varietybradyi ofH. antonii is probably caused by such a difference too and thus could better be considered as a subspecies.Helopeltis theobromae Mill. is without doubt only a subspecies ofH. theivora.Thus we suggest:Helopeltis antonii subspec.bradyi Wat. new comb. Helopeltis theivora subspec.theobromae Mill. new comb.

Deventer  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Das halbsynthetische N?hrmedium vonSimsek undFührer (1993) sowieSimsek (1995) wurde in bezug auf Handhabung und Inhaltsstoffe weiterentwickelt. Es eignet sich sehr gut als Ern?hrungssubstrat für Larven, Puppen und adulte K?fer. Ganze Generationszyklen lassen sich jedoch noch nicht reproduzierbar darauf züchten.
Further development of a semiartificial diet forIps typographus L.
The semiartificial diet for the bark beetleIps typographus L. ofSimsek andFührer (1993) andSimsek (1995) was further developed in its handling and composition of the vitamin solution. The biological availability of the vitamins of the vitamin b-group was investigated. The diet is useful as rearing medium for larvae, pupae and adult beetles. But it is not possible by now to grow reproducibly a whole generation cycle on this diet.

One spray of 0.1 M aqueous solutions of NPK fertilizers on the upper sides of maize leaves 1, 2, and 3, 2–4 h prior to inoculation, induced systemic resistance (ISR) against northern leaf blight (NLB) caused byExserohilum turcicum andPuccinia sorghi which were developed on leaves 4, 5, 6, and 7. ISR was expressed as a reduction in the number and area of lesions ofE. turcicum and in the number of sporulating or non-sporulating pustules ofP. sorghi on leaves 4, 5, 6, and 7. The reduction in the number of NLB lesions ranged from 51% (KH2PO4) to 69% (K2HPO4) and their size reduction ranged from 73% (KNO3) to 91% (K2HPO4) as compared with water prayed plants. The reduction in the number of pustules ofP. sorghi ranged from 66 to 77%. Fertilizers consisting of various combinations of N, P and K in every case induce similar levels of protection in either host-pathogen system. The induced protection was evident regardless of the leaf position or the rate of NPK accumulation in the upper protected leaves. High fresh weight was detected in the induced plants which expressed the greatest induced protection against NLB and common rast. The possible dual use of NPK fertilizers — to supply nutrients to plants foliarly and at the same time to activate the mechanism(s) for induction of systemic protection toP. sorghi andE. turcicum in maize — is discussed.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel, No. 1315-E, 1995 series.  相似文献   

Samenvatting De gevoelige periode van de maisplant voor infectie doorSclerospora maydis (Rac.) Butler werd bepaald, alsmede de incubatietijd (grafieken 1 en 2). Behalve deze soort komt sinds 1947 op Noord CelebesSclerospora philippinensis Weston voor, die daar aanzienlijke schade aan mais toebrengt. De verschillen van deze schimmel metSclerospora sacchari zijn slechts gering en een nader onderzoek dienaangaande is dan ook zeer gewenst.De eerste oögoniën-vorm vanSclerospora in Indonesië werd gevonden en wel vanSclerospora northii Weston op eenErianthus spec. op het eiland Soemba.Summary The nomenclature ofSclerospora maydis (Rac.) Butler is discussed. The susceptible period of the host and the time of incubation of this fungus (graphs 1 and 2) were determined.Since 1947 a species ofSclerospora has caused considerable damage on maize in North Celebes. It is stated to beSclerospora philippinensis Weston. The differences between this fungus andSclerospora sacchari T. Miyake are very slight. AsSclerospora sacchari is still unknown in Indonesia, it is very important for the culture of sugarcane on Java to investigate by means of inoculation trials, ifSclerospora philippinensis can attack sugarcane. Sclerospora northii Weston has been found onErianthus spec. on the isle of Sumba; it is the only knownSclerospora species in Indonesia which forms oögonia.Vroeger verbonden aan het Instituut voor Plantenziekten te Bogor, Indonesia, thans aan het Inst. v. Plantenziektenkundig Onderzoek (I.P.O.) te Wageningen.  相似文献   

Samenvatting en bespreking Een vijftiental plantensoorten werd onderzocht op vatbaarheid voor het zoösporangium-stadium vanP. brassicae. Hiervan werdenTrifolium pratense, Reseda odorata enLolium perenne in zeer geringe mate, enPapaver rhoeas iets sterker aangetast. De mate van aantasting van deze laatste was echter nog aanzienlijk minder dan van als vergelijkingsobject gebruikte bloemkoolplantjes. Gezien deze resultaten is het niet waarschijnlijk, dat niet-cruciferen enigermate kunnen bijdragen tot de instandhouding of vermeerdering van de schimmel bij afwezigheid van kruisbloemigen. Evenmin is er reden te veronderstellen, dat niet-cruciferen als vangplanten voor het uitroeien van de rustsporen van groot practisch belang kunnen zijn.Summary Webb's (1949) discovery of zoosporangia ofP. brassicae in non-crucifers raises the question of further means of multiplication and survival in the soil (MacFarlane, 1952). Perhaps the fungus can maintain itself in successive generations of zoosporangia in root hairs of these plants. From there it might in turn infect crucifers and produce a fresh crop of resting spores. This must be kept in mind when considering the possibility of eradicating the fungus from the soil by growing non-crucifers which stimulate the resting spores to germinate. If survival in root hairs were important, plants for this purpose would need to resist the zoosporangial stage as well as stimulate spore germination.In the present study a number of non-crucifers was tested for susceptibility to the zoosporangial stage by a method already described (Kole, 1955). In addition, the rate of infection of susceptible non-crucifers was compared with that of cabbage grown under the same conditions. Of seven non-crucifers, not tested before, onlyTrifolium pratense became infected.MacFaralane's findings of non-cruciferous hosts were confirmed forPapaver rhoeas, Reseda odorata andLolium perenne (Table 1). In all the susceptible non-crucifers exceptPapaver rhoeas, infection was very sligth. There were more infections onPapaver rhoeas than on the other non-crucifers but fewer than on cabbage, which was heavily infected. On the basis of these results it is not thought that the occurrence of non-cruciferous hosts ofP. brassicae will generally be of great practical importance.  相似文献   

Summary In some gardens on light sandy soil in Ede a poor growth and yellowing of the leaves beginning with the lowermost ones was observed in peas together with root rot and reddish discoloration of the vascular bundles. The soil was heavily infected withHoplolaimus uniformis Thorne,Pratylenchus penetrans (Cobb)Sher andAllen,P. minyus Sher andAllen and aTylenchorhynchus species.The disease symptoms described above were reproduced experimentally by growing peas in soil inoculated withHoplolaimus uniformis.The other species mentioned above did not damage peas grown in soil inoculated with numbers five times as high as in the original soil.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of an output variable of a model to changes of an input parameter value can be analyzed in various ways. Some methods of sensitivity analysis are described, and applied to a simulation model which has daily minimum and maximum temperatures (T min andT max, respectively), and daily global radiation as input parameters, and standardized relative multiplication rate ofErwinia amylovora in shoots in fruit-trees, averaged over a 24 hours' period, as output variable. Values of the input parameters were obtained from a weather station near Wageningen, the Netherlands, and refer to the second half of June, 1974–1988.According to the model, the output variable was twice as sensitive toT max as toT min. Because of this difference in sensitivity, and because the standard deviation ofT max was larger than that ofT min, the variation of the output variable due toT max was three times larger than that due toT min. The sensitivity to daily global radiation was negligible when the soil was moist.  相似文献   

The morphology of the multilocular disc-pores of nine species of Coccidae (Anapulvinaria pistaciae, Coccus hesperidum, C. pseudomagnoliarum, Eulecanium ciliatum, E. tiliae, Filippia follicularis, Parthenolecanium corni, P. rufulum andRhodococcus perornatus) were examined using a scanning electron microscope. The spiracular disc-pores of seven of these species had five loculi in an outer ring around a central, closed loculus, but the central loculus ofE. tiliae andF. follicularis was open. The preanal disc-pores had 6–12 (usually 10) loculi in the outer ring but the structure of the central loculus varied among species, with that ofA. pistaciae andF. follicularis being mushroom-shaped; ofC. hesperidum, C. pseudomagnoliarum, P. corni andP. rufulum being peg- or tongue-shaped; and ofE. ciliatum, E. tiliae andR. perornatus having a vertical slit. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting July 15, 2003.  相似文献   

Summary The zoosporangial zoospores ofOlpidium brassicae are uniflagellate (fig. 1). Observations with a phase contrast microscope on living zoospores in watermounts showed that biflagellate zoospores resulted from zoospore fusion. Further, specimens were found with more than two flagella (fig. 2 and 3). As at zoospore discharge only uniflagellate zoospores occur, it may be, assumed that zoospores with more than two flagella are also the result of zoospore fusion. As there may be an analogy betweenO. brassicae andO. viciae,Kusano's explanation of the occurrence of compound zoospores with more than two flagella is discussed.  相似文献   

Conclusion There is a difference between the reactions ofApium graveolens to the typicaltomato aspermy virus on the one hand, and to the virus isolated by the writer from celery, and identified afterNoordam andRoland asCucumis virus 1st. Chr. Noordam, on the other hand.If it is assumed that the difference is not caused by the varieties of celery used, this suggests thattomato aspermy virus andCucumis virus 1st. Chr. are not quite identical.Samenvatting Op selderij werd een virus gevonden dat dezelfde symptomen op toetsplanten, en dezelfde serologische reactie geeft alsCucumis virus 1st. Chr. Noordam. Tot nu toe kon het tomato aspermy virus niet op selderij worden overgebracht. Als dit verschil niet veroorzaakt wordt door de gebruikte selderijvariëteiten, dan kan geconcludeerd worden, dat de twee virussen niet precies dezelfde zijn.Sustained by the Institute for Scientifical Research in Agriculture and Industry (IRSIA).  相似文献   

Summary For the successful cultivation ofHibiscus sabdariffa for fiberproduction in Java a preceding determination is necessary whether either soil or organic manure are contaminated byPhytophthora sabdariffa or not. To this end a method has been elaborated analogous to the method to determined soil contamination byPhytophthora nicotianae.According toGarrett's scheme ofWaksman's classification of soil fungi into soil inhabitants and soil invaders,Phytophthora sabdariffa has to be classified as soil invader.To test the presence of this fungus in soil or in organic manure leaves ofRicinus communis prove to be useful as a detector, since leaves ofHibiscus sabdariffa are too small and too quickly given tot decay. A method is to spread a paste of the soil or of the organic manure on the leaves and to keep these leaves contaminated during 24 hours (spreading method). Afterwards the paste is washed away and the leaves are kept in humid conditions during another 24 hours or 2×24 hours.The number of spots caused by Phytophthora is a measure of soil- or manureinfection (Table I). A more sensitive method is obtained by making a suspension of the soil or of the manure and by streaming this suspension (submersion method) during two hours over Ricinus leaves (Thung, 3). Afterwards the leaves are kept in humid air to give the fungus occasion to form spots (Table 2). Since Ricinus leaves are also susceptible to tobacco- and Ricinus-Phytophthora, these fungi will also be detected by these leaves. Owing to the fact that these fungi are also a parasite ofHibiscus sabdariffa, these method prove to be useful to detect suspected soil or manure regarding the cultivation of this fiberplant.  相似文献   

Summary Dijkstra (1933) demonstrated thatSolanum dulcamara (Bittersweet, Woody Nightshade) can be a host plant of potato leaf-roll virus. It was, however, not known whether this wild growing plant in nature contains the virus. AsS. dulcamara is the only common perennial Solanacea in the Netherlands its role as a virus reseroir was investigated.At 25 localities plants ofS. dulcamara were collected, and tested for the presence of leaf-roll virus by transferring virus-freeMyzus persicae (Sulz.) after 24 hrs feeding to groups ofPhysalis floridana, where they fed for 24 hrs before being killed. All plants ofS. dulcamara appeared to contain leafroll virus, though they did not show symptoms. Also seedlings ofS. dulcamara from seed of a leafroll infested plant showed no symptoms before or after infection with leafroll bij transmission withMyzus persicae (Sulz.).The virus could be transmitted fromS. dulcamara to potato (var. Bintje) byMyzus persicae (Sulz.) and by graftingS. dulcamara on potato.Seedlings, grown from seed obtained from a plant which was shown to have leaf-roll, all appeared to be infected with leaf-roll. As so far no plants were found or obtained which had no leaf-roll virus, it is possible that inS. dulcamara leaf-roll virus is invariably transmitted with seed. But as the virus does not appear to be pathogenic inS. dulcamara, one might assume that what in potatoes and other plants is called leaf-roll virus, inS. dulcamara is an integral, natural component of the organism.  相似文献   

Summary Two fungi were isolated from diseased leaves ofRhododendron ponticum: Botryosphaeria foliorum (Sacc.)v. Arx etMüll enChaetapiospora rhododendri (Tengw.) v. Arx. With the latter inoculation-experiments were performed. It became clear that this fungus can only invade the leaves ofRhododendron ponticum through wounds, causing dead areas. These spots enlarged quickly when the leaves were detached from the branches. Perithecia developed in the dead tissues.  相似文献   

Excised twig assay and excised stem inoculation were used to evaluate nine fungicides (metalaxyl, fosetyl-Al, copper hydroxide, copper sulfate, copper oxychloride, captan, quintozene, propamocarb and chlorothalonil) againstPhytophthora cactorum andP. citrophthora associated with crown rot in peach trees. Segments were soaked in fungicide solutions at different concentrations and then inserted vertically intoP. cactorum orP. citrophthora cultures growing on cornmeal agar plus antibiotics, or inoculated by inserting a mycelium-bearing agar plug directly into the cambium. Following incubation, the bark was scraped off and length of necrosis was measured. Metalaxyl was the only fungicide that inhibited canker development on segments at the manufacturer-recommended concentration. Fosetyl-Al, captan, copper hydroxide and copper sulfate inhibited canker development at 3, 4, 4 and 8 gl-1, respectively. The other fungicides did not affect canker length significantly compared with non-treated twigs, with the exception of propamocarb, which reduced the development ofP. cactorum on excised stems. The tested methods enabled rapid and effective evaluation of a large number of chemicals to prevent crown rot diseases caused byPhytophthora in the laboratory. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Dec. 5, 2001.  相似文献   

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