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The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans was transformed with constructs containing upstream deletions of the gut-specific ges-1 carboxylesterase gene. With particular deletions, ges-1 was expressed, not as normally in the gut, but rather in muscle cells of the pharynx (which belong to a sister lineage of the gut) or in body wall muscle and hypodermal cells (which belong to a cousin lineage of the gut). These observations suggest that gut-specific gene expression in C. elegans involves not only gut-specific activators but also multiple repressors that are present in particular nongut lineages.  相似文献   

KNOTTEDI-like homeobox (KNOXI) genes regulate development of the leaf from the shoot apical meristem (SAM) and may regulate leaf form. We examined KNOXI expression in SAMs of various vascular plants and found that KNOXI expression correlated with complex leaf primordia. However, complex primordia may mature into simple leaves. Therefore, not all simple leaves develop similarly, and final leaf morphology may not be an adequate predictor of homology.  相似文献   

板栗短雄花序有利于减少树体营养消耗。雄花短化的机理研究对新种质的培育与利用有重要意义。试验从发育中的板栗芽变短雄花序cDNA中获得一个酰基转移酶cDNA全长。该结构基因包括一个1 335bp的开放阅读框,编码一个含445个氨基酸的完整阅读框架,预测蛋白的相对分子质量约为49kD,无跨膜结构。通过实时荧光定量PCR分析发现该酶在正常花序和芽变花序发育过程中表达量存在差异,短雄花序顶端死亡脱落时该基因表达量显著高于正常雄花序。初步推断在短雄花序生长发育过程中,该酶参与了花序顶端细胞的程序性死亡过程,其较高的表达是造成雄花序顶端死亡的原因之一。  相似文献   

In Drosophila, the Jun amino-terminal kinase (JNK) homolog Basket (Bsk) is required for epidermal closure. Mutants for Src42A, a Drosophila c-src protooncogene homolog, are described. Src42A functions in epidermal closure during both embryogenesis and metamorphosis. The severity of the epidermal closure defect in the Src42A mutant depended on the amount of Bsk activity, and the amount of Bsk activity depended on the amount of Src42A. Thus, activation of the Bsk pathway is required downstream of Src42A in epidermal closure. This work confirms mammalian studies that demonstrated a physiological link between Src and JNK.  相似文献   

Although functions for the steroid hormone ecdysone during Drosophila metamorphosis have been well established, roles for the embryonic ecdysone pulse remain poorly understood. We show that the EcR-USP ecdysone receptor is first activated in the extraembryonic amnioserosa, implicating this tissue as a source of active ecdysteroids in the early embryo. Ecdysone signaling is required for germ band retraction and head involution, morphogenetic movements that shape the first instar larva. This mechanism for coordinating morphogenesis during Drosophila embryonic development parallels the role of ecdysone during metamorphosis. It also provides an intriguing parallel with the role of mammalian extraembryonic tissues as a critical source of steroid hormones during embryonic development.  相似文献   

Sex determination in the Drosophila germ line is regulated by both the sex of the surrounding soma and cell-autonomous cues. How primordial germ cells (PGCs) initiate sexual development via cell-autonomous mechanisms is unclear. Here, we demonstrate that, in Drosophila, the Sex lethal (Sxl) gene acts autonomously in PGCs to induce female development. Sxl is transiently expressed in PGCs during their migration to the gonads; this expression, which was detected only in XX PGCs, is necessary for PGCs to assume a female fate. Ectopic expression of Sxl in XY PGCs was sufficient to induce them to enter oogenesis and produce functional eggs when transplanted into an XX host. Our data provide powerful evidence that Sxl initiates female germline fate during sexual development.  相似文献   

【目的】以石硖龙眼Dimocarpus longan cv.shixia为材料,研究了龙眼果实在发育过程中假种皮蔗糖、葡萄糖和果糖含量的变化规律,以及果糖激酶活性及其基因的表达变化情况.【方法】利用高效液相色谱测定果实糖含量变化;RT-q PCR测定基因表达变化量;构建原核表达载体,并在大肠埃希菌Escherichia coli Rosetta(DE3)中进行表达.【结果和结论】随着龙眼果实的发育,假种皮中蔗糖、葡萄糖和果糖的含量逐渐增加,但进入成熟期后,糖含量水平趋于稳定;在果实成熟前,果糖激酶活性随着果实发育逐渐降低,由发育最初的25.97μmol·g~(-1)·h~(-1)下降到13.18μmol·g~(-1)·h~(-1),而在成熟时增大到22.44μmol·g~(-1)·h~(-1);荧光定量分析显示,龙眼果糖激酶基因的表达量在果实发育前期变化不大,而在假种皮迅速膨大、含糖量迅速上升时期则呈下降趋势;SDS-PAGE结果表明,成功构建了pET-32a-DlFRK原核表达载体,经IPTG诱导能够在大肠埃希菌中得到高效表达.  相似文献   

为研究西瓜果实发育过程番茄红素含量变化与相关酶基因表达关系,以LSW-177(红瓤)和COS(浅黄瓤)为材料,通过高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定从坐果到过熟7个不同时间点果肉组织番茄红素变化,利用荧光定量PCR测定相应时期相关酶基因表达量变化。结果表明,LSW-177(红瓤)授粉后16 d,番茄红素开始逐渐积累,果实转色期(授粉后24 d)番茄红素迅速积累,成熟期(授粉后40 d)达到峰值,随后下降。而COS(浅黄瓤)整个发育过程均未检测到番茄红素积累。四种相关酶基因表达量两品种间存在差异。番茄红素积累与Psy1基因表达呈显著正相关,与Lcyb基因表达呈显著负相关。结合Psy1和Lcyb基因两品种间表达差异,特别是果肉转色期差异分析,推测Psy1和Lcyb基因是西瓜形成番茄红素关键基因。通过基因序列分析,浅黄瓤西瓜中Psy1基因内含子有缺失;两品种Lycb基因间有3个SNP位点,存在两个蛋白差异。  相似文献   

Electrophoretic study of alkaline phosphatase in developing Drosophila shows that different stages are characterized by the appearance and disappearance of organ-specific enzyme bands. A new electrophoretic variant, from adult hindgut, is controlled by the second chromosome locus Aph-2.  相似文献   

Foreign environments may induce adult stem cells to switch lineages and populate multiple tissue types, but whether this mechanism is used for tissue repair remains uncertain. Urodele amphibians can regenerate fully functional, multitissue structures including the limb and tail. To determine whether lineage switching is an integral feature of this regeneration, we followed individual spinal cord cells live during tail regeneration in the axolotl. Spinal cord cells frequently migrate into surrounding tissue to form regenerating muscle and cartilage. Thus, in axolotls, cells switch lineage during a real example of regeneration.  相似文献   

Segmentation genes control cell identities during early pattern formation in Drosophila. One of these genes, fushi tarazu (ftz), is now shown also to control cell fate during neurogenesis. Early in development, ftz is expressed in a striped pattern at the blastoderm stage. Later, it is transiently expressed in a specific subset of neuronal precursor cells, neurons (such as aCC, pCC, RP1, and RP2), and glia in the developing central nervous system (CNS). The function of ftz in the CNS was determined by creating ftz mutant embryos that express ftz in the blastoderm stripes but not in the CNS. In the absence of ftz CNS expression, some neurons appear normal (for example, the aCC, pCC, and RP1), whereas the RP2 neuron extends its growth cone along an abnormal pathway, mimicking its sibling (RP1), suggesting a transformation in neuronal identity.  相似文献   

以生长速度不同的花山麻鸡和清远麻鸡为试验素材,采用实时荧光定量PCR方法检测鸡9、12、16、21胚龄(E9 d、E12 d、E16 d、E21 d)和出雏后7日龄(7 d)时胸肌和腿肌中IGF1R mRNA表达变化情况,并与肌肉质量进行相关性研究。结果发现,21胚龄时,花山麻鸡和清远麻鸡胸肌质量都出现了显著降低,腿肌质量持续增长。花山麻鸡胸肌IGF1R mRNA表达呈前高后低趋势,9胚龄时表达量最高,之后显著降低并维持在较低的水平,出雏后7日龄时表达量再次下降;清远麻鸡在胸肌中的表达则呈“波浪形”,9胚龄和16胚龄表达量升高,其他日龄表达量显著降低。腿肌中,花山麻鸡IGF1R mRNA表达量在16胚龄之后显著降低;清远麻鸡腿肌IGF1R mRNA表达呈依次递减模式,各时间点之间差异显著(P<0.05)。品种间各个时间点胸肌和腿肌IGF1R mRNA表达量均呈显著差异(P<0.05)。两个品种骨骼肌IGF1R mRNA表达与胸肌、腿肌质量均呈极显著相关(P<0.01)。以上结果初步揭示了生长发育早期不同品种鸡胸肌和腿肌IGF1R基因表达发育变化趋势和品种差异,为深入研究IGF1R基因在鸡肌肉发育中的调控机理提供基础资料。  相似文献   

The white gene of Drosophila is expressed normally when introduced at many different sites in the genome by P-element-mediated DNA transformation, but is expressed abnormally when inserted at two particular genomic positions. It is now demonstrated that the mutant expression in these two cases is caused by the surrounding chromosomal region into which the white gene has been inserted. The white gene could be moved from these two positions, where it confers a mutant phenotype, to other positions in the genome where it confers a wild-type phenotype. However, flies in which white has been moved to one new location have an unusual mosaic phenotype.  相似文献   

为探究杉木涩籽形成过程中,花青素还原酶(ANR)基因在类黄酮生物合成途径中的分子调控机制,以种子为试验材料,通过RT-PCR结合RACE的方法对杉木ANR基因进行全长克隆,运用q PCR技术分析不同涩籽率的杉木家系中ANR基因在种子不同发育时期的表达模式。结果显示,克隆到的ANR基因全长c DNA序列为1 357 bp,具有一个1 056 bp的开放阅读框,编码351个氨基酸。保守域预测显示ANR蛋白属于SDR超家族,具有一个FR_SDR_e特异性结构域。q PCR结果发现,在高涩籽率杉木中,90、100 d的表达量一直显著高于中、低涩籽率杉木;而在中、低涩籽率杉木中,ANR基因的表达模式仅仅是种子发育80 d时较高,之后明显下调。表明杉木涩籽率可能与其ANR基因表达相关。  相似文献   

为了解析鸡胚发育过程中NANOG、POUV和TWIST2基因的调控作用,利用荧光定量RT-PCR方法,研究NANOG、POUV和TWIST2基因在孵化1~6d(E1~E6)的整体胚胎和孵化15和18d(E15、E18)鸡胚的大脑、心脏、肝脏和左侧大腿肌肉组织中的表达谱。结果表明,1)NANOG基因的表达水平在E2~E6整胚和E15、E18胚期的大脑、心脏、肝脏和腿肌中的表达水平均极显著低于E1时期(P0.01)。2)在鸡胚发育的整胚E1~E6和E15、E18时期的大脑、肝脏、心脏和腿肌中,POUV基因的表达水平基本呈现逐渐降低趋势,且从E3时期后均显著低于E1时期(P0.05或P0.01)。3)TWIST2基因在E1~E6整胚中的表达水平呈现逐渐增高趋势,到E6达到最高水平(P0.05或P0.01);在E15和E18时期的上述4种组织中又呈现降低趋势,但均高于E1时期。NANOG、POUV和TWIST2基因在鸡胚发育过程的调控水平存在差异,研究结果可望为鸡的育种和临床研究提供资料。  相似文献   

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