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Multiple congenital abnormalities of the external genitalia consistent with XX sex reversal were detected in a juvenile llama. The llama had a typical female karyotype (74, XX) and did not have a Y chromosome, but a minute chromosome was detected. To determine whether a piece of Y chromosome containing the Sry gene might be located in a small translocation, DNA analysis by polymerase chain reaction was performed; the Sry gene was not detected. Histologic examination revealed ovarian tissue, whereas testicular tissue was not found. External genitalia were partially masculinized, indicating that the urogenital sinus, genital tubercle, and genital swellings had been exposed to androgens during development, although the dam had not received exogenous androgens. Testicular tissue in the ovaries may have been undetected or had regressed prior to birth, as has been reported in sex reversal in mice.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the genital lesions observed in adult male and female goats from a commercial flock in the Extremadura region of southwestern Spain, following an outbreak of contagious agalactia syndrome caused by Mycoplasma agalactiae and M. putrefaciens. Although both species were isolated from several organs, M. putrefaciens was the only agent isolated from the genital lesions reported here, characterized by desquamative salpingitis and cystic catarrhal metritis in females and by testicular degeneration in males. Mycoplasma putrefaciens was isolated from the testes of only one of the males examined.  相似文献   

Rams inoculated intravenously with Trypanosoma brucei developed scrotal oedema and a nonsuppurative granulomatous periorchitis resulting in testicular degeneration, atrophy, calcification and sclerosis. The tunica vaginalis was the seat of an intense granulomatous inflammation and focal necrosis, which extended to the epididymis and spermatic cord. Lesions in the seminal vesicles were suggestive of diminished testosterone production even though Leydig cells were discernible in the sclerotic testicular intertubular tissue. In areas where there was inflammation or focal necrosis, there was also extravascular localisation of trypanosomes. It is suggested that genital lesions in human sleeping sickness may have a similar pathogenetic mechanism involving tissue localisation of the trypanosomes and associated inflammatory and degenerative changes.  相似文献   

Hermaphroditism is a rare and a not well‐understood disordered sexual development (DSD) in dogs. The objective of the study was to analyse the sex steroid hormone receptor (STHR) expression patterns in the internal genital structures, because the responsiveness of the different tissue types to the steroid hormones may have a key role in pathological alterations based on DSDs. Furthermore, the adhesion molecule β‐catenin was investigated by means of immunohistochemistry because of its important role in development, tissue integrity and disease. Molecular sexing was performed via PCR targeting DBX/DBY genes to identify the pug dog as a true XX hermaphrodite. The portions of uterine tissue revealed comparable expression patterns for STHRs as investigated in normal female reproductive tissue. In the male parts, β‐catenin showed strong expression in the Sertoli cells of the seminiferous tubules; this was in contrast to normal testicular tissue. Likewise, the layers of smooth muscle actin‐positive cells surrounding the seminiferous tubules were reduced in the hermaphrodite. The results of this study deepen the knowledge of tissue characteristics in a hermaphrodite dog and highlight the importance of early diagnosis because the STH responsiveness in maldeveloped reproductive tissue might lead to serious problems for the dog.  相似文献   

Testicular feminization, caused by an inherited defect of the androgen receptor, was diagnosed in a domestic cat. Individuals affected with this syndrome are genetic males that have testes but fail to undergo masculinization because the internal and external genitalia cannot respond to androgens. The affected cat had the external appearance of a sexually normal female, but during surgery for ovariohysterectomy, only 2 abdominal gonads were found. Müllerian (uterus) or wolffian (epididymides) derivatives were not present. Only testicular tissue was found in histologic sections of the gonad. A normal male chromosome constitution (38,XY) was found in karyotypes prepared from lymphocyte cultures. High affinity binding of dihydrotestosterone was undetectable in fibroblasts cultured from genital skin of the affected cat, indicating that the cytosolic androgen receptor was nonfunctional. Pedigree analysis indicates that this is an X-linked disorder in cats, as it is in other mammals. Accurate diagnosis and genetic counseling are advocated to reduce the prevalence of the disorder.  相似文献   

As a contribution to knowledge of anoestrus in heifers, a case of testicular feminisation in a Friesian heifer is reported. This is the first case of this unusual intersex form in German breeds of cattle. 2. The genital syndrome “testicular feminisation” originates in genotypically male animals with foetal testicular insufficiency resulting in diminished or absent androgen production. For this reason, despite the male karyotype, phenotypically female individuals develop with normal female external genitalia, but lacking a uterus and having a short vagina. The male internal organs are also absent, apart from the large intra-abdominal testes. 3. Testicular parenchyma and tubular epithelium are arrested in a state of embryonic development, with severe degeneration of the tubular epithelium which do not contain cells at more developed stages of spermiogenesis. 4. Testicular feminisation is genetically conditioned and is due to a recessive, sex-linked gene which is transmitted by female animals. The frequency of occurrence of this gene and the incidence of the defect in the population appear to be very low.  相似文献   

Radiolabeled testosterone (3H-T) was infused into the testes or left and right mesofuniculus (106 dpm) or injected into a testes (2 x 10(6) dpm). The 3H-T concentration was estimated 15 or 10 min after 3H-T infusion or injection, respectively, in the tissue samples collected from the prostate, seminal vesicles, caput and cauda epididymides, vasa deferentia and the mesofuniculi. The abdominal aorta and posterior vena cava were cannulated, and the posterior part of the body perfused with blood (at blood pressure 70-140 or 260-300 mm Hg in abdominal aorta) was used to study 3H-T transfer from the testes to venous blood and other male genital organs. The concentration of 3H-T found in the accessory genital glands, epididymes and vasa deferentia was affected by blood pressure in the abdominal aorta. The reduced blood pressure and partial blocking of blood supply to the genital organs (after ligation of both testicular arteries or the terminal part of the abdominal aorta) increased the concentration of 3H-T in accessory genital glands, vasa deferentia and epididymes. The removal of the mesofuniculi and vasa deferentia with their mesoducti reduced 3H-T concentration in the prostate, seminal vesicles and cauda epididymides. Both arterial trunks, testicular arteries and common iliac arteries, were shown to be connected by anastomoses in target organs so effectively, that supplying the male genital organs with blood by only one of them assures the transfer of testosterone from the testes to the epididymes, vasa deferentia, mesofuniculi as well as prostate and seminal vesicles. It was concluded that lymphatic vessels of the mesofunicules and of the spermatic cords as well as venous and arterial vasculature of the mesofunicules create a recently unknown pathway for the increase of testosterone supply from the testes to the epididymes, vasa deferentia and accessory genital glands of rats.  相似文献   

Testicular feminization syndrome was diagnosed in a mare with aggressive, stallion like behavior and a history of infertility. She was found to have a high baseline testosterone concentration suggesting that testicular tissue was present, and ovarian-like structures examined by use of transrectal ultrasonography had the appearance typical of testicular tissue. Although her external female genitalia appeared normal, her vagina ended in a blind sac, and no cervix or uterus were identified. Surgery was performed, and structures removed from the abdominal cavity were determined to be hypoplastic testicles. Removal of the testicular tissue resulted in complete resolution of her aggressive behavior. Chromosomal evaluation revealed that the mare had 64X,Y (normal male) karyotype. Testicular feminization syndrome is a condition characterized by insensitivity of reproductive tissues to androgens during development because of an abnormality in androgen receptors. This androgen insensitivity results in development of normal external female genitalia, with high testosterone concentrations being released from developing testicles. Testicular feminization syndrome has not been commonly diagnosed in horses, but should be considered as a differential diagnosis for overly aggressive mares with a history of infertility.  相似文献   

A case of unilateral (left) renal dysgenesis was discovered in a mongrel female dog. Retrograde pyelograms revealed both ureters to be normal in calibre and patent throughout their course. Microscopically, the kidney rudiment consisted of a cystic cavity lined by transitional epithelium and surrounded by fibrous tissue which contained both atrophic tubules and heterotopic bone. Gross inspection showed no obvious anomalies of the adrenals, urinary bladder, or genital organs.  相似文献   

A case of unilateral suppurative epididymo-orchitis associated with Salmonella enterica subsp. diarizonae serovar 61:k:1,5,(7) infection is described in a 2-year-old ram. Gross lesions were characterized by severe enlargement of the scrotal contents, fibrous adhesions between testicular layers, coexistence of epididymal abscesses and foci of fibrinous exudate, and testicular atrophy. Microscopically, testicular and epididymal microabscesses and diffuse inflammatory infiltrates with abundant macrophages containing short Gram-negative rods were observed. Superimposed on the chronic lesions were fibrin deposits with clusters of neutrophils, as well as walled-off granulation tissue. Bacterial colonies were also identified in thrombosed spermatic cord vessels, scrotal lymph nodes, lung, and liver. S. enterica subsp. diarizonae serovar 61:k:1,5,(7) was isolated from the affected testis. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of infection of the testis and epididymis by Salmonella in rams. This organism must be taken into account in the differential diagnosis of ovine genital infections.  相似文献   

Studies in laboratory rodents are shedding light on the pathophysiology of testicular ageing and now suggest a complicated basis for age-related declines in testicular function. A highly significant contributor to infertility may involve failure of specific and complex testicular microenvironments (niches) comprised of a variety of cellular and molecular components. Our laboratory has applied testis tissue xenografting to the study of testicular ageing in the stallion. Using this technique, we have confirmed that the disease is tissue autologous. As would be expected from a tissue autologous disease, hormonal and non-hormonal therapies designed to drive the function of the diseased testis are ineffective. However, we have some evidence that contact with young, normal testicular tissue may improve the condition of aged, degenerate testes. Perhaps, paracrine factors from young testicular cells may partially restore a young microenvironment and allow for the maintenance of testicular function. These findings form the basis for future studies designed to determine whether cells, genes or proteins from a normal testis can aid the function of a degenerate testis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In general, members of the Alphaherpesvirinae use the epithelium of the upper respiratory and/or genital tract as a preferential site for primary replication. Bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1) may replicate at both sites and cause two major clinical entities designated as infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) and infectious pustular vulvovaginitis/balanoposthitis (IPV/IPB) in cattle. It has been hypothesized that subtype 1.1 invades preferentially the upper respiratory mucosa whereas subtype 1.2 favors replication at the peripheral genital tract. However, some studies are in contrast with this hypothesis. A thorough study of primary replication at both mucosae could elucidate whether or not different BoHV-1 subtypes show differences in mucosa tropism. We established bovine respiratory and genital organ cultures with emphasis on maintenance of tissue morphology and viability during in vitro culture. In a next step, bovine respiratory and genital mucosa explants of the same animals were inoculated with several BoHV-1 subtypes. A quantitative analysis of viral invasion in the mucosa was performed at 0 h, 24 h, 48 h and 72 h post inoculation (pi) by measuring plaque latitude and penetration depth underneath the basement membrane. All BoHV-1 subtypes exhibited a more profound invasion capacity in respiratory tissue compared to that in genital tissue at 24 h pi. However, at 24 h pi plaque latitude was found to be larger in genital tissue compared to respiratory tissue and this for all subtypes. These similar findings among the different subtypes take the edge off the belief of the existence of specific mucosa tropisms of different BoHV-1 subtypes.  相似文献   

A recently observed developmental instability of the ano‐genital distance (AGD) in female mice indicates that natural prenatal androgens do not have such a robust effect on female genital morphology as has been generally assumed. Part of this instability might be caused by oestrous cyclicity. To check this assumption, we examined the effect of the stage of the oestrous cycle on the AGD in adult (61–75 days old) female mice. Consistent with our assumption, the female AGD (1) varied during the oestrous cycle (p < 0.05), indicating thus rapid changes in morphology of female external genitalia, and (2) showed good repeatability (>0.66) in each stage of the oestrous cycle, suggesting that female genital morphology systematically varied within the oestrous cycle. Therefore, the stage of the oestrous cycle should be considered when assessing prenatal masculinization in adult female mice.  相似文献   

Sperm transit in the female tract is a critical event for the success of fertilization. From their deposition in the vagina to final migration in the oviduct, sperm pass through the different compartments of the genital tract in which they encounter different environments. The cervix and the uterotubal junction (UTJ) are two barriers with different relative importance according to the species. The protein composition, the degree of glycosylation and the hydration of the cervical mucus change during the oestrous cycle. Several sperm surface proteins are associated with their migration through the cervical mucus and the UTJ. Data regarding the interaction of sperm with secretions of the epithelial tissue lining the different compartments of the female genital tract during the sperm transit are reviewed, with a particular emphasis on the migration of sperm through the cervix.  相似文献   

A study was conducted at Debre Zeit export abattoir on 404 bucks belonging to four breeds and 167 rams of two breeds. The animals were selected from the slaughter flock using stratified sampling based on breed. Ante-mortem and post-mortem examinations were carried out after each animal was carefully identified. Various genital abnormalities were observed, among which testicular atrophy and epididymitis were the predominant genital problems in both bucks and rams. The prevalence of cryptorchidism was higher (p<0.05) in bucks than in rams, while epididymitis (p<0.05), sperm granuloma (p<0.01) and epididymal cysts (p<0.05) were more frequent in rams. In bucks, none of these abnormalities was significantly associated with age (p>0.05). However, testicular atrophy (p<0.01), epididymitis (p<0.01) and haemorrhagic lesions (p<0.05) were associated with breed, the prevalence being higher in Woito-Guji and Boran bucks than in the Arsi-Bale and Afar breeds. In rams, age affected (p<0.05) the incidence of testicular atrophy, epididymitis and sperm granulomas. Epididymitis, sperm granuloma and epididymal cysts were more frequent (p<0.01) in Adal rams than in Black Head Somalis.  相似文献   

The urogenital system was involved in 92 (22.9 per cent) of 401 malformed lambs examined over a three year period; genital 69 (six males: one female) and urinary 23 (three males: one female). Ten lambs had both genital and urinary defects. Sixty-eight (73.0 per cent) of the 92 lambs had defects of other organs, the most common being atresia ani, various skeletal and central nervous system defects, and arthrogryposis. The most common external defect of the male genital system was partial to complete cleft of the scrotum and the most common internal defect was cryptorchidism (six unilateral and 12 bilateral). Both penile agenesis and diphallia were observed twice. Defects of the female genital system included two uterine agenesis, four atresia vaginam, and one freemartin. Male pseudohermaphroditism was found in three lambs. The most common external urinary defect was male hypospadias and the most common internal defect was renal agenesis (12 unilateral and one bilateral). Other urinary defects were hydronephrosis (two unilateral and two bilateral), cystic kidneys (four unilateral and two bilateral), one bilateral polycystic kidneys, one patent urachus and six dysgenic kidneys.  相似文献   

This paper reports the effects of prolonged stilbestrol administration in ovariectomized female dogs and some observations on the effects of this hormone on a group of male dogs. It was shown previously that ovarian tumors, which frequently metastasise to serous surfaces, can be produced in dogs by prolonged administration of stilbestrol. Total amounts of stilbestrol given to individual dogs in this study ranged from 180 to 570 mg, mainly over a period of 48 weeks. The ability of non-ovarian serous surfaces to proliferate in response to stilbestrol, independently of ovarian metastases, was studied in 5 females and 4 males. Papillary proliferations occurred on the uterine serosae in 3 females and on the testicular and epididymal serosae in 2 males. In no case was there papillary proliferation on serous membranes of non-genital organs. One of 2 entire females given stilbestrol had proliferations regarded as metastases of ovarian origin on non-genital serous membrane. In addition to ovarian changes, stilbestrol can cause primary proliferative lesions in the serous membranes of certain genital organs in both sexes. There is no evidence that serous membranes of non-genital organs be capable of a primary proliferative response to stilbestrol.  相似文献   

An 8‐month‐old female Staffordshire bull terrier was clinically examined because of external sexual organs abnormality—clitoral hypertrophy. As stated by the owner, the female dog had not been in heat yet. Serum profile of testosterone (3.39 ng/ml), as well as an anti‐M?llerian hormone (24.0 ng/ml), suggested the presence of testicular tissue. On the contrary, the estimated level of 17β‐oestradiol (24.6 pg/ml) was approximately two times higher when compared with the normal anoestrus values (5–10 pg/ml). A midline laparotomy was performed to detect the cranial parts of the genital system. Gonads resembling testicle or ovotestis (left) and hypoplastic testicle (right) was visible. Cranial portion of gonads was attached to structures indicative of bilateral epididymidis. The next tubular structures—oviducts were resected along with adherent parts of a hypoplastic uterus. Histological evaluation confirmed that the examined gonad samples were testicles with modified interstitial testicular tissue. Hypertrophy of interstitial space was predominantly formed by Leydig cells. Examination of a cross‐section through the head of suspected epididymidis confirmed their characteristic structures. In addition, the characteristic configuration of the oviducts was presented. The uterus consisted of three walls, in which the endometrium was hypoplastic with the presence of endometrial glands. No Y chromosome was detected by chromosomal analysis using CFA Y probe and the amplification of SRY‐gene coding region (813 bp) indicated genotype 78, XX; SRY‐negative. Sequencing of SOX9 gene exons 1–3 did not reveal any differences in exon 1 and 3. On the contrary, a few changes were determined in the SOX9 exon 2 sequences: G instead of A at position 103; C instead of reference T at position 115; GCG instead of reference CGC at position 138–140; T instead of reference C at positions 161, 164 and 167.  相似文献   

The effect of dimethoate at two dosage levels (6.25 and 12.50 mg/kg b. wt.) on male reproduction tissues and their tissue residues in rats were studied. The tested doses were given orally to male rats for 65 consecutive days. Sex organs weight analysis, semen picture, testosterone levels and histopathology of the male genital organs were the criteria used to evaluate the reproductive efficiency of the treated rats. There was a dose-related decrease in the weights of most genital organs and sperm motility associated with an increase in the percentages of dead and morphologically abnormal spermatozoa of treated rats. A decrease in plasma testosterone levels was observed in the treated groups. Histological examination revealed that dimethoate caused testicular lesions characterized by moderate to severe degenerative changes of spermatogonial cells and by partial arrest of spermatogenesis. Sections from liver revealed that the central veins and hepatic sinusoids appeared dilated, with some areas of haemorrhage. The highest concentrations from dimethoate were found in liver and tests and the lowest in skeletal muscle. Dimethoate and its metabolite analog were still present in a detectable concentration 21 days after stopping its oral administration.  相似文献   

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