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A pulpar abscess of cheek tooth 307 (according to the Triadan numerical system) was diagnosed in a 7‐year‐old female Quarter Horse. History included a painful response to palpation in the mandibular region for approximately 4 weeks. Symptoms included swelling of the mandibular bone with subsequent fistulisation. A complete intraoral examination was performed and no lesions or abnormalities were found. Digital radiographs of the mandibular arcade demonstrated a periapical lesion of cheek tooth 307. Various therapeutic options were considered, including standing oral extraction, retrograde repulsion and endodontic therapy. Together with the client, a decision was made to perform endodontic therapy, with the double aim of preserving the tooth and maintaining normal molar occlusion. This was done under general anaesthesia without apicectomy, and using materials commonly used in the field of human endodontics. Following surgery, radiographs were taken and confirmed the complete sealing of the pulp canals. Recovery was uneventful and no post operative complications were observed. A complete intraoral follow‐up examination was performed one year after surgery, and revealed normal eruption and occlusion of the tooth involved. Radiographic examination confirmed the correct position and integrity of the sealant material, as well as normal perialveolar bone structure. This case report indicates that endodontic therapy, following the above protocol, involving pulpectomy and sealing of the pulp cavity, represents a valid alternative to the more commonly used technique of tooth extraction.  相似文献   

A 2 year-old, spayed female Shetland sheepdog presented with a fractured maxillary right fourth premolar tooth during oral examination for a dental prophylaxis. Seven months after conventional root canal therapy was performed, the tooth was prepared for non-precious metal, full crown restoration, which was cemented in place 1 month after crown margin preparation. During re-examination for an unrelated problem 6 months later, the metal crown was in place and there was no evidence of further fracture of the tooth.  相似文献   

A century ago, tigers (Panthera tigris Linnaeus, 1758) were so common in parts of Southeast Asia as to be considered pests, and governments sponsored their killing. Habitat loss and fragmentation, market-driven poaching and loss of prey have since led to the disappearance of Indochinese tigers from most their former range. Despite 15 years of dedicated tiger conservation funding, national estimates of Indochinese tiger subpopulations can at best only be roughly approximated. The future for the subspecies appears grim unless very focused efforts can be applied to stabilize and recover subpopulations. On a regional scale, the 2 proposed subspecies Panthera tigris corbetti and P. tigris jacksoni are effectively managed as separate conservation units. Evaluating where to place conservation efforts should consider the vulnerability (likelihood of extinction) and irreplaceability (likelihood that an area contributes uniquely to regional conservation) of tiger subpopulations. Only 1 site in Thailand supporting <200 individuals (Huai Kha Khaeng–Thung Yai) is considered low vulnerability, and is irreplaceable. Five sites in Lao, Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia are medium vulnerability and irreplaceable. Priorities at these 6 sites are to double tiger numbers within 10 years through protection and monitoring. Seven sites in Lao, Thailand and Myanmar are high vulnerability and irreplaceable, and might be recovered if government commitment to tigers, staff capacity and legal frameworks for tiger protection are established. Tigers are extremely vulnerable or even extinct in Cambodia's Eastern Plains and the site is irreplaceable for tigers because it represents the only large (>10 000 km2) block of dry forest habitat available in the region. A reintroduction program is the only option to recover tigers there.  相似文献   

A white Bengal tiger was noted to have a convergent strabismus with poor vision since a cub. The tiger and a littermate with normal colouring and apparently normal eyes were anaesthetised for comparative ocular examination. A fundus typical of colour-dilute cats and dogs was noted in the white tiger. Except for strabismus, no abnormalities were observed. Electroretinography showed similar retinal function in both tigers. Possible causes of strabismus considered were an adaptation to genetically determined abnormal visual pathways related to lack of pigment, abnormalities of the abducent nerves and mechanical restricting conditions of the medial rectus muscles.  相似文献   

A 12-year-old female Bengal tiger was presented with clinical signs of acute chlorinated hydrocarbon poisoning and a history of recent consumption of food contaminated with toxaphene. Hyperreflexia and periodic convulsions were controlled by initial intramuscular injections of 30 mg diazepam and 2 g methocarbamol, followed at 6-hour intervals with intramuscular injections of 30 mg diazepam each, for 2 additional treatments. Following the initial treatment, hyperreflexia and convulsions did not recur.  相似文献   

Endodontic instruments are used within the tooth pulp chamber and root canal systems. An understanding of the armamentarium of endodontic instrumentation is necessary in the selection of, and proper use of, these instruments. This proper selection and use of instruments along with the meticulous use of the endodontic triad, can greatly increase the probability of success of endodontic procedures. The endodontic triad is canal preparation, sterilization, and obturation. The object of preparation is to prepare the canal to accept obturation with a positive seal and appropriate sealer. This article describes in detail, the types of endodontic instrumentation available.  相似文献   

Detection of a baculovirus in the tiger prawn Penaeus monodon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In postlarval Penaeus monodon from a hatchery in Asia a baculovirus was detected in the epithelial cells of the hepatopancreas by electron microscopy. The baculovirus was identified as the Monodon baculovirus (MBV).  相似文献   

A 10-month-old, female/intact tiger (Panthra tigris) was presented for a fractured deciduous mandibular right canine tooth, mandibular swelling, and a cutaneous draining tract ventral to the apex of the fractured tooth. The tooth had chronic pulpal exposure and was considered non-vital with periapical osteomyelitis. This case report describes treatment to optimize normal development and eruption of the permanent mandibular right canine tooth.  相似文献   

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