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Background: The Siberian moth (Dendrolimus sibiricus) (SM) defoliates several tree species from the genera Larix, Piceo and Abies in northern Asia, east of the Urals. The SM is a potential invasive forest pest in Europe because Europe has several suitable host species and climatic conditions of central and northern Europe are favourable for the SM.
Methods: This study developed a grid-based spatio-temporal model for simulating the spread of the SM in case it enters Europe from Russia via border stations. The spread rate was modeled as a function of the spatial distribution of host species, climatic suitability of different locations for the SM, human population density, transportation of moth-carrying material, and flying of moths from tree to tree.
Results and conclusions: The simulations showed that the SM is most likely to spread in the forests of northeast Belarus, the Baltic countries, and southern and central Finland. Climatic conditions affected the occurrence of the SM more than human population density and the coverage of suitable host species.  相似文献   

Plant diversity plays key ecological roles in forest ecosystems, including influencing succession, resilience and nutrient cycling. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of livestock grazing and human uses on herbaceous species diversity. We surveyed 50 ha of protected area and 50 ha of unprotected area to evaluate herbaceous species diversity in oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) forests in northern Iran. We calculated and compared three indices each of diversity and evenness, and species richness between the two areas. Herbaceous cover was higher in the unprotected area while leaf litter depth and tree canopy cover were higher in the protected area. The diversity indices, H (Shan- non-Wiener index ), N~ (McArthur index), N2 (Hill's index), EQ (Modified Nee index), E,ar (Smith-Wilson index), E5 (modified index of Hill) and R=S (species richness) and species richness R=S were greater in the protected area than in the unprotected area, suggesting that protection from grazing results in increased numbers of plants and species. The effect of land protection on plant diversity was more pronounced for evenness than for species richness and the positive correlation between diversity and evenness indices was higher than that between diversity and richness.  相似文献   

The organic carbon storage in trees and organic carbon flow with geoposition of trees was estimated in the forest area of Chittagong (South) Forest Division within geo-position 91°47′ and 92°15′ East longitude and 21°45′ and 22°30′ North latitude. The study was conducted through stratified random sampling by identifying each sampling point through Global Positioning System (GPS). It was found that above ground organic carbon storage (t/hm^2), below ground organic carbon (t/hm^2) and total biomass organic carbon (t/hm^2) was respectively the highest in Dipterocarpus turbinatus (Garjan) (7.9, 1.18 and 9.08 t/hm^2) followed by Tectona grandis (Teak) (5.66, 0.85 and 6.51 t/hm^2), Artocarpus chaplasha (Chapalish) (2.32, 0.34 and 2.66 t/hm^2), Artocarpus lacucha (Batta) (1.97, 0.29 and 2.26 t/hm^2) and Artocarpus heterophyllus (Jackfruit) (1.7,0.25 and 2.26 t/hm^2). From the study it was revealed that organic carbon stock was the highest (142.7 t/hm^2) in the geo-position 22° Latitude and 92° Longitude and was the lowest (4.42 t/hm^2) in the geo-position 21° 50′ Latitude and 92° 2.5′ Longitude. The forest of the study area is a good reservoir of organic carbon so has a good capacity to sequester organic carbon from the atmosphere. Sustainable forest management may help to sequester more organic carbon so that economic benefit for the country and environmental benefit in the international arena are possible from the study area.  相似文献   

In Central Europe,a large portion of post-mining sites were afforested with Scots pine,which is characterized by good adaptability and a tolerance for poor habitat at the beginning of forest ecosystem development.Conversion of monoculture on mine sites into more biodiverse mixed hardwood forests,especially on more fertile deposits,can be an emerging need in this part of Europe in next decades.The ability to classify the forests at these post-mining sites will facilitate proper species selection as well as the management and formation of the developed ecosystem’s stability.This work describes the guidelines that can be followed to assess reclaimed mine soil(RMS)quality,using the mine soil quality index(MSQI)and a classification of developed forest sites as a basis of tree-stand species selection and conversion of pine monocultures.The research was conducted on four post-mining facilities(lignite,hard coal,sulphur,and sand pit mining areas)on different RMS substrates dominant in Central Europe.Soil quality assessment takes into account the following features of the soil:texture soil nutrients(Ca,Mg,K,Na,P);acidity(pH KCl);and Corg-to-Nt ratio in the initial organic horizon.An analysis was conducted of classification systems using the MSQI validation correlation(at p=0.05)with vegetation features affected by succession:aboveground biomass of forest floor and ecological indicators of vascular plants(calculated on the basis of Ellenberg’s(2009)system).Eventually,in the analysed data set,the MSQI ranged from0.270 for soils on quaternary sands to 0.720 for a mix of quaternary loamy sands with neogene clays.Potential forest habitat types and the role of the pine in the next generation of tree stands on different RMS parent rock substrate were proposed.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of different culture media on the growth of India sandalwood(Santalum album L.) seedlings in Zhanjiang,Guangdong Province in southern China. Five different growth substrates,lateritic subsoil,burnt soil,agricultural soil,peaty soil and coconut dust,were used as the basic culture materials and seven different treatments of composition were used as potting media. Kuhnia rosmarinifolia Vent. was used as a primary host plant for all treatments. Statistically significant differences were f...  相似文献   

We studied the impact of forest vegetation on soil erosion,surface runoff, and sediment generation by using field simulated rainfall apparatus. We measured runoff and sediment generation of five 4.5 × 2.1m runoff plots (a bare soil as a control; two Pinus tabulaeformis forestplots and two Platycladus orientalis forest with row spacing of 1 m × 1m and 1.5 m × 1.5 m, respectively) in Beijing Jiu Feng National ForestPark under three rainfall intensities (0.42, 0.83, 1.26 mm per minute).Forest vegetation significantly reduced soil erosion and sediment yield.Mean total runoff volume in the four tree stand plots was 93% of that inthe control plot, demonstrating the limited effectiveness of forest vegetation in runoff control. With increasing rainfall intensity, runoff reductionin forest plots declined from 28.32% to 2.1%. Similar trends in runoff coefficient and the relationship between runoff volume and rainfall duration was observed. Mean total sediment yield and mean sediment yield reduction rate under different treatments was 55.05% and 43.17% of those in the bare soil control plot, respectively. Rainfall intensity playedan important role in runoff and sediment generation processes, and had agreater impact on runoff than on soil erosion and sediment generation.When considering several factors in runoff and sediment transport processes, the P. tabulae form plot with row spacing at 1 × 1 m had a greater effect on soil and water conservation than did other forested plots.  相似文献   

Currently, the aim of modern forest management is not only timber production but also the protection of biodiversity. The initial effects of clear-cut logging on forest understory vegetation, soil and the diversity of litter beetles have been studied. We examined unstudied effects of clear-cutting disturbance on understory vascular plant species abundance, forest soils, and understory vegetation nutrients as well as beetle diversity one year after clear-cutting. Substantial changes in the prominence values and above-ground mass of forest-related vascular plant and moss species were detected. Clear-cuttings resulted in fast appearance of new light-loving plant species. The significant decrease in understory plant biomass influenced the reduction of nutrient pools in clear-cut areas after one year. The clear-cut logging negatively influenced the richness of species and the number of individuals of stenobiontic forest-related beetles in the forest litter. However, forest clear-cuttings were beneficial for eurytopic and open land species.  相似文献   

介绍了南方航空护林的发展历程及现状,分析了南方航空护林发展中存在的困难和问题以及面临的形势、机遇,并结合南方航空护林工作实际,提出了发展南方航空护林的对策和建议。  相似文献   

探讨湘西北石漠化区阔叶林、针阔混交林、针叶林和灌木丛4种典型植被类型各土层土壤有机C、全N和全P及其土壤化学计量特征的变化规律。结果表明:1)4种植被类型土壤有机C、全N和全P的含量均随土层深度的加深而下降,不同植被类型土壤有机C和全P均表现为:阔叶林>针阔混交林>针叶林>灌木丛。2)阔叶林和针阔混交林0~20 cm土壤有机C比灌木丛分别高出了158.98%和64.87%;土壤全N和全P含量的变异系数较小,仅为0.26和0.21,属弱变异,在4中植被类型和不同土层间,其值比较稳定。3)不同植被类型土壤C/N和C/P均表现为:阔叶林>针阔混交林>灌木丛>针叶林,其中阔叶林和针阔混交林0~20cm土壤C/N显著高于针叶林和灌木丛,分别高出了132.98%和92.72%;土壤C/P和N/P的值较稳定,变异幅度较小,变异系数仅为0.23和0.25,属弱变异。4)相关性分析表明,土壤有机C和全P与土壤化学计量比具有较强的正相关性,土壤C/N与有机C和全P具有显著正相关关系,土壤C/P与土壤有机C具有极显著正相关关系,土壤N/P与土壤有机C和全P具有显著负相关关系。5)主成分分析表明,阔叶林对土壤有机C、全N和全P及其化学计量比的影响最为显著。  相似文献   

Norberg  G.  Dolling  A.  Jäderlund  A.  Nilsson  M.-C.  Zackrisson  O. 《New Forests》2001,21(2):187-198
Following boreal forest ecosystem disturbance,such as fire and clear-cutting, the ericaceousspecies Calluna vulgaris often becomescompletely dominant and may convert forestlandinto heathland. Calluna is known toeffectively exclude other vegetation and causes``growth check' or stagnation of coniferseedlings to result in poor tree regeneration.In this study we investigated the use of steamtreatment as an alternative method forvegetation control of Calluna vulgaris.Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)establishment and growth were recorded in botha planting and a seeding experiment. Steamtreatment was compared with mechanical soilscarification and intact vegetation in theplanting experiment and with intact vegetationin the seeding experiment. The results showthat the vegetation is still strongly reducedfive years after the treatment. The steamtreatment strongly favoured the establishmentand growth of both seeded and planted Scotspine. The planted seedlings grown in the steamtreated plots had a dry weight more than twiceas high when compared to scarified plots.Seedling height and basal diameter were alsohighest for seedlings grown in steamed plots.Seedlings planted in scarified plots did notgrow as well during the first years possiblydue to injuries caused by frost heaving. Theseeding experiment showed an increasedestablishment and growth of Scots pineseedlings in steam treated plots compared to inintact vegetation.  相似文献   

不同密度杉木人工林林下植被发育与演替的定位研究   总被引:27,自引:7,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
从 198 6年起,在江西分宜县中国林科院亚热带林业实验中心上村林场,用间伐方式对 8~9年生的杉木人工林进行林分密度的调整,每公顷分别为 30 0 0、2 5 0 0、2 0 0 0及 15 0 0株;郁闭度分别为 0.9、0.7及 0.6。设置固定样地 6个,每年以固定样方调查植物,观测林下植被发育情况,共进行 13a。结果表明,凡经间伐并郁闭度在 0.7以下的林分林下植被均迅速发育且良好,间伐 8~10 a后林下植被覆盖度可达 80 %~90 %,形成三层垂直结构,干生物量可达 4~5 t·hm-2;未经间伐或郁闭度恢复较快的样地,林下植被的良好发育推迟到 2 0年生以后。通过间伐适当调整密度是促进林下植被发育的有效方法,造林密度为 2 5 0 0~30 0 0株·hm-2的一般林分,10年生以后林分密度应保持为 15 0 0~2 0 0 0株·hm-2,郁闭度保持为 0.6、0.7即可取得较好的效果。杉木人工林林下植被以蕨类植物为主。  相似文献   

A group of scientists conducted a comprehensive investigation on ecological safety and water and soil erosion in the Northwest Loess Plateau, Northwest China. The data gathered was analyzed in terms of achievement, existing problems, and strategy and measures on vegetation restoration in the area. Since the policies of conversion from cropland to forest (CCF) and forbid grazing and cutting (FGC) were carried out, vegetation quality and coverage rate increased quickly in the Loess Plateau area, strengthening the concept of eco-environment protection. Environment harness measurements were optimized. The multiform investments on eco-environment and urbanization development in China will benefit vegetation restoration. However, there have been some persisting problems, such as the shortage of investment, instability of government policy, expectation of extravagant economic benefit, larger rate of plantation, and scarce technologies supporting vegetation restoration. Many key theories and practice problems require an urgent resolution. In the future, short-, mid-, and long-term goals for vegetation restoration should be clear, achievement should be expanded, and the natural restoration area should be increased. The benefit for the contractor on vegetation restoration should be ensured. Investment on vegetation building research work should be increased. __________ Translated from Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2007, 43(1): 102–106 [译自: 林业科学]  相似文献   

Vegetation restoration is a key measure to improve the eco-environment in Loess Plateau, China. In order to find the effect of soil microbial biomass under different vegetation restoration models in this region, six trial sites located in Zhifanggou watershed were selected in this study. Results showed that soil microbial biomass, microbial respiration and physical and chemical properties increased apparently. After 30 years of vegetation restoration, soil microbial biomass C, N, P (SMBC, SMBN, SMBP) and microbial respiration, increased by 109.01%–144.22%, 34.17%–117.09%, 31.79%–79.94% and 26.78%–87.59% respectively, as compared with the farmland. However, metabolic quotient declined dramatically by 57.45%–77.49%. Effects of different models of vegetation restoration are different on improving the properties of soil. In general, mixed stands of Pinus tabulaeformis-Amorpha fruticosa and Robinia pseudoacacia-A. fruticosa had the most remarkable effect, followed by R. pseudoacacia and Caragana korshinkii, fallow land and P. tabulaeformis was the lowest. Restoration of mixed forest had greater effective than pure forest in eroded Hilly Loess Plateau. The significant relationships were observed among SMBC, SMBP, microbial respiration, and physical and chemical properties of soil. It was concluded that microbial biomass can be used as indicators of soil quality. __________ Translated from Journal of Natural Resources, 2007, 22(1): 20–27 [译自: 自然资源学报]  相似文献   

This paper aims to study the effects of vegetation on runoff and sediment transport at the watershed scale, and to provide a theoretical basis for afforestation in the Loess area, in the nested Caijiachuan watershed, Jixian County, Shanxi Province of west China. Forest watersheds and farmland watersheds with similar terrain features were selected through cluster analysis to study their runoff and sediment transport characteristics. Results showed that compared with farmland watersheds, runoff generation time in forest watersheds was delayed remarkably, and peak flow was reduced greatly, which indicates that vegetation played an important role in holding and absorbing rainfall. Besides, with the increase of forest coverage, the runoff amount, runoff depth and runoff coefficient decreased during the rainy seasons. The runoff depth and runoff coefficient of farmland watersheds in the rainy season were 5–20-fold as much as that of forest watersheds, and runoff and sediment yield of watersheds with low forest coverage were 2.7–2.9-fold and 3–6-fold as great as those with high coverage during rainstorms, and low forest coverage had larger variation in sediment hydrograph. For the complexity and scale dependence of the influence of forest vegetation on runoff, forest hydrological functions based on regional scale or watershed scale were worthy of further studies. __________ Translated from Science of Soil and Water Conservation, 2006, 4(3): 48–53 [译自: 中国水土保持科学]  相似文献   

Natural disturbance emulation has emerged as a key management approach to maintaining biodiversity in logged boreal forests. Forest managers’ success in emulating understory forest ecosystem functions, e.g., for the provision of habitat even for large mammals, has not been tested due, in many cases, to incomplete records of silviculture. We examined regenerating areas of previously conifer-dominated forests in northwestern Ontario, Canada, 10 and 30 years after logging and 10 and 30 years after fire to test if understory development and moose (Alces alces) forage abundance differed between the two disturbance types and artificial or natural regeneration approaches. In addition, we counted moose pellet groups as a measure of moose use of the region. Specific treatments included: (1) naturally regenerating, fire-origin forests, (2) post-harvest, regenerating forests with natural establishment of trees, and (3) post-harvest, regenerating forests with mechanical or chemical site preparation and planting and/or herbicide spraying. We hypothesized that the understory in post-harvest stands would support higher forage availability for moose compared to similarly-aged, fire-origin stands. Abundance of hardwoods, shrubs, and herbaceous plants was greater in naturally-regenerated post-harvest stands than in fire-origin and artificially regenerated post-harvest stands at both 10 and 30 years post-disturbance. However, post-harvest, naturally regenerating stands were not significantly associated with higher moose use, rather evidence of moose use increased as a function of the amount of naturally regenerating logged forest in the surrounding landscape. This study suggests that, relative to fire, the intensity of post-harvest silviculture influences habitat suitability for moose. The effect likely cascades to other ungulates, such as woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou), and vegetation management needs to be considered at scales greater than the stand level in order to achieve habitat management for large mammals.  相似文献   

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