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The oak decline is known as one of the most destructive complex diseases causing high economic losses around the world, especially in Iran. The main objective of the present study was to investigate the possible role of bacteria as causative agents of oak decline in the Zagros forests of Iran. To do this, stem, root and leaf samples were taken from symptomatic Persian oak trees (Quercus brantii) in different zones of Zagros forests (Ilam Province, Iran). From 150 bacterial isolates, 20 showed pathogenicity against Geranium seedlings. Among 20 hypersensitivity test positive strains, four strains showed pathogenicity against oak saplings. Based on morphological and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, three strains were identified as Bacillus pumilus and one strain as non‐sporulating Gram‐negative Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Pathogenicity studies of different B. pumilus and S. maltophilia strains revealed that they have potential to cause the disease in oak saplings and symptoms of disorder in Persian oak trees. To our knowledge, there are no previous records of B. pumilus and S. maltophilia causing decline on Fagaceous trees like Q. brantii. More detailed field and molecular studies are required to confirm the absolute role of such bacteria in occurrence of oak decline in Zagros forests.  相似文献   

Fire affects the physical and chemical properties and soil biological activity of natural ecosystems. This study was conducted in the Miyan Tang region, Ilam Province in western Iran. The study site was 110 hectares,where we sampled soils in areas that were classified by fire severity: low(LS), high(HS) and medium severity(MS),and unburned(UB), which served as the control. In each severity class, 25 transect points were randomly selected for measurement. Around each transect plot center, 3 soil samples were selected randomly and soils collected from the 0 to 20 cm depth were combined into a composite sample that was used in laboratory analysis to represent conditions at that point. Plots in the UB and LS fire classes had similar soil conditions and had higher values of factors such as saturated moisture, organic carbon, carbon dioxide,and silt and clay content. In contrast, plots in the HS and MS fire severity classes were clustered in the positive direction along the first axis that represented gradients in soil acidity, electrical conductivity, cation exchangecapacity, accessible phosphorus, accessible potassium,bulk density, and sand. Soil attributes were similar in areas of HS and MS fire severity classes, whereas soil conditions in the LS class and UB controls were most similar. Fire in the LS areas either did not significantly alter the physical–chemical soil properties and microbial basal respiration, or soils were able to recover quickly after being burned.  相似文献   

We examined the local community incentive programs to improve traditional forest management in three forested villages in Baneh city, Kurdistan province in the northern Zagros forests of western Iran. Zagros forests cover 6.07 million ha and support rich plant and animal diversity. Changes in local community social and economic sys-tems and the inefficiency of traditional forest management led to a criti-cal situation in the stability of forest regeneration in recent decades. Due to a shortage of productive and arable lands and resulting unemployment and poverty, people overexploited the Zagros forests. Outside interven-tion in traditional forest management creates conflicts between local peoples and forest management organizations. To achieve sustainable forest management, including forest resources conservation and im-provement of natural resource based livelihoods of communities, it is desirable to implement Forestry Incentive Programs (FIP) based on the important functions of forests. Detailed information on the so-cio-economics of communities, the effect of forests on local livelihoods, and lists of products extracted from the forest were obtained from a sur-vey of local communities though questionnaire, interview and observa-tion. We studied 276 households in three villages and completed 76 ques-tionnaires by householders in the quantitative analysis. Sampling was performed by simple random sampling (SRS). The needs of rural com-munities, such as livestock husbandry, mainly arise from the characteris-tics and environmental features of villages. We identified the driving forces, pressures, status, impacts and responses (DPSIR) to design incen-tive programs, by DPSIR analysis and interaction analysis. Evaluation of local community benefits from forests showed that in order to improve forest management, 319 dollars per year would be needed by each family as an incentive in 2010 to prevent lopping and firewood collecting, the main causes of forest degradation.  相似文献   

We analyzed the structure of pollarded oak forest and biometric indices of pollarded oak species in relation to aspect in northern Zagros forests, western Iran. A number of 319 circular plots (0.1 ha) were established using a systematic random method over the study area. In each plot, for all trees (diameter at breast height ≥5 cm) diameter was measured and tree species was recorded. Total height, trunk height, and major and minor diameter axis of the crown of two trees in each plot (nearest tree to the center of the plot and the largest tree in term of diameter) were measured. As the dispersion of slope and altitude classes in the study area were identical, the effect of these factors was assumed to be constant. To evaluate the effect of aspect on biometric indices of oak trees a comparison was used for each oak species separately. The results indicated that the forest species composition differed statistically significant in main aspects except for easterly and westerly aspects (P < 0.01). The diameter of similar oak trees was significantly different except for Lebanon oak in northerly and southerly and Gall oak in easterly and westerly aspects (P < 0.01), but there was no significant difference between the total height and crown area of similar oak species in different aspects. Differences in diameter, height, and crown area distributions showed a significant difference in main aspects. The basal area and tree density in northerly and southerly aspects were significantly different (P < 0.05).  相似文献   

We studied the long-term impacts of natural burning on herbaceous species diversity 37 years after a fire occurred in the Roudbar forests of Guilan Province, northern Iran. Numerous studies have examined short-term changes in understory vegetation following wildfire; however, very few long-term studies are available or changes inferred from retrospective studies based on chronosequences. For this study, 170 ha of forest (85 ha, burned areas; 85 ha, unburned areas) were surveyed. Because the 1000 m 2 plots were too large for detailed measurements of herbaceous species, we determined a sub-sample size according to the Whittaker’s nested plot sampling protocol and minimal areas method. Hence, sub-plots of 32 m 2 were used for herbaceous species measurements, which consisted of percent cover of each species based on the Domin criterion. We measured plant diversity (Shannon-Wiener index), species richness (Margalef’s index), and evenness (Smith-Wilson index). Mean percent cover, together with diversity, richness and evenness, increased markedly in burned areas compared to unburned controls. This suggests that the biodiversity of these forests could be restored within 37 years after fire. However, the abundance of invasive species such as Rubus fruticosus and Bromus benekenii increased significantly in burned areas, but these could be controlled by relevant silvicultural operations.  相似文献   

Wild pistachio (Pistacia atlantica Desf.) is the most economically important tree species in many rural areas in the west of Iran. The species produces resin used for a wide variety of traditional uses. Because the resin can be harvested non-destructively, the trees are maintained until mortality occurs from natural causes. The result is that natural, managed stands include a variety of age classes. In recent years, a lack of smaller size classes has been observed in the Qalajeh forest, which is located in the Zagros Mountain region of western Iran. We established a series of plots in an area typical of Qalajeh forest to characterize the diameter distribution of the wild pistachio component. We confirmed a deficit of stems <30 cm dbh, based in the expectation that the landscape-level diameter distribution should be characterized by a negative exponential curve. For trees ≥30 cm dbh, de Liocourt's equation closely fit the diameter distribution (r2 = 0.93), translating to a q-factor of 1.34. We used this curve to estimate the deficit number of stems in diameter classes <30 cm. We estimate that this forest should have 19–24 wild pistachio trees/ha in the 5–25 cm classes, as compared to about 5 trees/ha found currently. Based on local conditions, we recommend that at least 30 seedlings/ha should be planted to allow 6–8 trees to reach to the 5 cm class.  相似文献   

The expansion of spruce-dominated forestry in Southern Sweden during the twentieth century has led to a considerable amount of oak (Quercus robur L.) woodlands being converted into stands dominated by planted spruce. The thinning of spruces around oak trees is currently done in Sweden to improve local diversity of insects, oak growing conditions and eventually decrease their mortality. To evaluate the effect of these treatments, we dendrochronologically studied growth of old (100–200 years old) oaks subjected to thinning of different intensity at nine locations in southern Sweden, and compared them to oaks located in nearby pastures. The overall pattern suggests that commonly adopted thinning intensities do not significantly affect oak growth. Oak growth was positively related to oak age and negatively to the amount of dead oak crown. Analyses of correlations between oak growth and summer drought conditions, as reflected by location-specific chronologies of the Monthly Drought Code (MDC), indicated that older trees exhibited generally negative correlations, whereas the correlation remained generally positive for the younger trees, both inside and outside forest stands. We propose that removal of spruces should be primarily done around older and healthier-looking trees.  相似文献   

Near-natural forest management is one of the major principles of modern forestry in central Europe. A measure commonly used for the assessment of logging is the occurrence and density of character species typical for the local biotope. Near-natural forest structures can be designed only when sufficient knowledge about the relationship between species and habitat factors is available. We suggest the use of simple cutpoint regression models for the derivation of statistically valid rules of thumb. The methodology is applied to bird and structure data of ancient and present oak coppices with standards to demonstrate its practical application. The cutpoints are derived from estimates of break points by means of maximally selected two-sample statistics, and their validity is judged by multiple test procedures. Detailed results are presented for character species and their relationships to the environment. We show that, for example, the tree pipit (Anthus trivialis) is missing in stands with more than 40% canopy overstorey, whereas this species can be regularly observed in more open stands. For the tree pipit, the analysis is illustrated by means of a free software package.  相似文献   

Recurrent problems with regeneration of oaks (Quercus spp.) have been documented across a wide range of ecosystems. In oak-dominated forests of the central and Appalachian hardwood regions of the United States, a lack of competitive oak regeneration has been tied, in part, to fire suppression in these landscapes, and managers throughout the region are using prescribed fire to address this concern. To examine fire effects on oak regeneration, researchers have generally relied on inventories or population studies of existing seedlings. These studies are valuable but do not permit examination of the role of fire in enhancing the establishment and growth of new oak seedlings stemming from oak mast events. In this study, white (Quercus alba) and chestnut oak (Quercus prinus) acorn mast crops serendipitously occurred in year three (fall 2005) of a landscape-scale prescribed fire experiment. We examined establishment, survival, height and diameter of new seedlings on sites on the Cumberland Plateau in eastern Kentucky. Treatments were fire exclusion, a single prescribed fire (1x-burn; 2003), and repeated prescribed fire (3x-burn; 2003, 2004, and after acorn drop in 2006), all conducted in late spring. Initial densities of newly established chestnut and white oak seedlings were statistically similar across treatments (P = 0.42), despite fires on the 3x-burn site having occurred after acorns were on the ground. Oak seedling density was significantly predicted by oak basal area on all sites (R2 = 0.12–0.46), except for chestnut oak on fire-excluded sites (R2 = 0.04). Litter depth was less on 3x-burn sites compared to 1x-burn and fire-excluded sites, whereas canopy openness was greater on both burn treatments compared to fire-excluded sites. Seedling mortality was generally higher on fire-excluded sites compared to burn sites, especially for white oak. Oak seedling mortality in the first two growing seasons was significantly predicted by initial litter depth and open sky, with greater litter depth and lower percent open sky leading to higher mortality. In the third growing season none of the measured variables predicted chestnut oak seedling survival; for white oak, percent open sky remained a significant predictor of mortality. Initially, seedlings on the fire-excluded sites had similar height but smaller diameter; after three growing seasons there were few differences in seedling height or diameter among treatments. Our findings suggest a potential role for prescribed fire in establishing forest floor and light conditions that may enhance the success of new oak germinants, although different responses among species may suggest the need to target management for individual oak species.  相似文献   

Fire affects the physical and chemical properties and soil biological activity of natural ecosystems. This study was conducted in the Miyan Tang region, Ilam Province in western Iran. The study site was 110 hectares, where we sampled soils in areas that were classified by fire severity: low (LS), high (HS) and medium severity (MS), and unburned (UB), which served as the control. In each severity class, 25 transect points were randomly selected for measurement. Around each transect plot center, 3 soil samples were selected randomly and soils collected from the 0 to 20 cm depth were combined into a composite sample that was used in laboratory analysis to represent conditions at that point. Plots in the UB and LS fire classes had similar soil conditions and had higher values of factors such as saturated moisture, organic carbon, carbon dioxide, and silt and clay content. In contrast, plots in the HS and MS fire severity classes were clustered in the positive direction along the first axis that represented gradients in soil acidity, electrical conductivity, cation exchange capacity, accessible phosphorus, accessible potassium, bulk density, and sand. Soil attributes were similar in areas of HS and MS fire severity classes, whereas soil conditions in the LS class and UB controls were most similar. Fire in the LS areas either did not significantly alter the physical–chemical soil properties and microbial basal respiration, or soils were able to recover quickly after being burned.  相似文献   

Plant diversity plays key ecological roles in forest ecosystems, including influencing succession, resilience and nutrient cycling. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of livestock grazing and human uses on herbaceous species diversity. We surveyed 50 ha of protected area and 50 ha of unprotected area to evaluate herbaceous species diversity in oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) forests in northern Iran. We calculated and compared three indices each of diversity and evenness, and species richness between the two areas. Herbaceous cover was higher in the unprotected area while leaf litter depth and tree canopy cover were higher in the protected area. The diversity indices, H (Shan- non-Wiener index ), N~ (McArthur index), N2 (Hill's index), EQ (Modified Nee index), E,ar (Smith-Wilson index), E5 (modified index of Hill) and R=S (species richness) and species richness R=S were greater in the protected area than in the unprotected area, suggesting that protection from grazing results in increased numbers of plants and species. The effect of land protection on plant diversity was more pronounced for evenness than for species richness and the positive correlation between diversity and evenness indices was higher than that between diversity and richness.  相似文献   

Forests characterized by mixed-severity fires occupy a broad moisture gradient between lower elevation forests typified by low-severity fires and higher elevation forests in which high-severity, stand replacing fires are the norm. Mixed-severity forest types are poorly documented and little understood but likely occupy significant areas in the western United States. By definition, mixed-severity types have high beta diversity at meso-scales, encompassing patches of both high and low severity and gradients in between. Studies of mixed-severity types reveal complex landscapes in which patch sizes follow a power law distribution with many small and few large patches. Forest types characterized by mixed severity can be classified according to the modal proportion of high to low severity patches, which increases from relatively dry to relatively mesic site conditions. Mixed-severity regimes are produced by interactions between top-down forcing by climate and bottom-up shaping by topography and the flammability of vegetation, although specific effects may vary widely across the region, especially the relation between aspect and fire severity. History is important in shaping fire behavior in mixed-severity landscapes, as patterns laid down by previous fires can play a significant role in shaping future fires. Like low-severity forests in the western United States, many dry mixed-severity types experienced significant increases in stand density during the 20th century, threatening forest health and biodiversity, however not all understory development in mixed-severity forests increases the threat of severe wild fires. In general, current landscapes have been homogenized, reducing beta diversity and increasing the probability of large fires and insect outbreaks. Further loss of old, fire tolerant trees is of particular concern, but understory diversity has been reduced as well. High stand densities on relatively dry sites increase water use and therefore susceptibility to drought and insect outbreaks, exacerbating a trend of increasing regional drying. The need to restore beta diversity while protecting habitat for closed-forest specialists such as the northern spotted owl call for landscape-level approaches to ecological restoration.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variability in morphological and ecophysiological leaf traits might be theorized to be present in declining populations,since they seem to be exposed to stress and plasticity could be advantageous.Here we focused on declining Persian oaks(Quercus brantii Lindl.var.persica(Jaub and Spach)Zohary)in the Zagros Mountains of western Iran,representing the most important tree species of this region.We selected trees with contrasting crown dieback,from healthy to severely defoliated,to investigate the relationships between canopy dieback and leaf morphology,water content and pigments.We also measured esterase and peroxidase,as enzymatic antioxidants and indicators of contrasting genotypes.Trees showing moderate to severe defoliation showed higher leaf mass area(LMA),reduced relative water content(RWC),and lower stomatal density(SD).Increasing LMA indicates a more sclerophyllic structure,according to drier conditions.We did not find significant differences in leaf pigments(chlorophyll a and b,and carotenoids)among crown dieback classes,suggesting that Persian oak trees are able to maintain accurate photochemical efficiency,while reduced RWC and SD suggest hydraulic limitations.Our results do not provide a consistent pattern as regards enzymatic antioxidant defense in Persian oak.Morphological leaf traits would be important drivers of future adaptive evolution in Persian oak,leading to smaller and thicker leaves,which have fitness benefits in dry environments.Nonetheless,drought responses may be critically affecting carbon uptake,as photosynthetic compounds are less effectively used in leaves with higher sclerophylly.  相似文献   

One of the prominent compositional features of thermophilous deciduous forests of southern Europe is their richness in secondary woody species (AWS). To date, no studies have focused on the diversity and contribution to the ecosystem functions and socio-economic benefits provided by these species. Here, we first characterized species richness and diversity for three main functional groups of AWS, sporadic trees, shrubs and vines, in 53 representative stands of central Italy. Secondly, we explored variations in AWS diversity and composition along a four-level gradient of species richness of dominant trees under comparable site conditions. The 40 AWS taxa recorded showed a remarkable taxonomic singularity at both the genus and the family rank. Dominant tree species richness had no significant effect on AWS species richness and composition, while Shannon diversity of AWS, especially shrubs, was associated with cover of the dominant trees. Each AWS possessed, on average, ca. five ability traits over a total of 13 considered that contributed to important ecosystem functions or expected socio-economic benefits such as wood and food production, conservation of genetic resources (wild crop relatives) and ornamentals. This highlights the key role of AWS, and in particular of sporadic trees, for enhancing multifunctionality of thermophilous deciduous forests.  相似文献   

Christ's thorn (Paliurus spina-christi Mill.) tree is an important and valuable forestry species and has significant potential in afforestation and reforestation systems. In recent years, dieback symptoms were observed on Paliurus spina-christi trees in Gilan-e Gharb region of Kermanshah province, west Iran. During 2020 to 2021, Christ's thorn trees that exhibit branch dieback symptoms were sampled for fungal isolations. The pathogenicity tests, biochemical assay of growth, acid production on creatine sucrose agar (CREA) medium and morphological and molecular investigations (ITS and β-tubulin regions) identified Paecilomyces formosus as a dieback causal agent. This is the first report of P. formosus pathogenicity on Paliurus spina-christi trees. Furthermore, disease severity was assayed on 11 tree species under three different temperatures 15, 25 and 35°C. Disease severity caused by all isolates on detached branches was greater at 35°C than at 15 and 25°C. This study presents the host range of this pathogen and showed that these potential hosts are prone to this pathogen under high temperatures, which forest trees experienced in recent decades.  相似文献   

对肯尼亚东南部泰塔(Taita)山区的3片破碎的森林进行了树种生物多样性评估,比较外来的松树、柏树、桉树人工林的物种多样性以及外来树种森林和本土森林物种多样性。研究地点为Ngangao(120 hm2)、Chawia(86 hm2)和Mbololo(185 hm2)。采用Y型设计设立32个样区,包含65个小样区。按树种记录每个小样区胸高直径5cm和5cm以上的幼树,同时也记录了各树木的更新情况(幼苗和树苗)。用 Shannon-weiner指数计算了物种的多样性和均匀度。导处的 Shannon指数被进一步转化成有效的数值,用于展示物种多样性的差别幅度。为了评估物种多样性的差别,进行单因素方差分析,为了分离均值,分别用Tukey HSD法和Duncan检测法验证偶数和奇数样品。采用Jaccard相似指数评估物种的类似性。共有58个树种的林木密度变化在每公顷10到2000棵树之间。森林类型和立地之间的物种多样性存在显著差异。本地森林的物种多样性比外来树种森林高;Chawia立地的物种多样性比Nganga和Mbololo立地高,且更新的树种数量也比其他2个立地多,包括野柠檬木(Xymalos monospora)、黑皮密花木(Rapanea melanophloeos)、和(几内亚蒲桃(Syzygium guineense),这些树种具有低干扰属性。这些发现说明,本地森林物种多样性比较高,正如热带地区所预期。Chawia立地的物种多样性高说明此地经历干扰比其他2个立地大。在Chawia地区发现有低干扰树种更新,说明有长期土壤种子库的存在。在Nganga和Mbololo地区发现的外来树种样地上的更新较差情况,可能是缺少种子库所致,因为很多人工林是造在裸地上(如Nganga地区),或者是因为某些树种固有的生理特性(相生相克)抑制了其他树种的更新。  相似文献   

Riparian forests are classified as endangered ecosystems in general,particularly in sahelian countries like Burkina Faso because of human-induced alterations and civil engineering works.The modification of this important habitat is continuing,with little attention being paid to the ecological or human consequences of these changes.The objective of this study is to describe the variation of woody species diversity and dynamic in riparian forests on different type of watercourse banks along phytogeographical gradient in Burkina Faso.All woody species were systematically measured in 90 sample plots with sides of 50 m × 20 m.Density,dominance,frequency and species and family importance values were computed to characterize the species composition.Different diver-sity indices were calculated to examine the heterogeneity of riparian forests.A total of 196 species representing 139 genera and 51 families were recorded in the overall riparian forests.The species richness of individuals with dbh ≥ 5cm increased significantly from the North to the South along the phytogeographical gradient and varied significantly between the different types of riparian forests.Similarity in tree species composition between riparian forests was low,which indicates high beta diversity and reflects differences in habitat conditions and topography.The structural characteristics varied significantly along the phyto-geographical gradient and between the different types of riparian forests.The diameter class distribution of trees in all riparian forests showed a reverse "J" shaped curve except riparian forest of stream indicating vegetation dominated by juvenile individuals.Considering the ecological importance of riparian forest,there is a need to delineate and classify them along watercourses throughout the country.  相似文献   

Topography is the most factor that has the greatest impact of all factor that affect the distribution.To study the diversity of trees and shrub species in the Perc forest situated in Khorramabad,Lorestan,140 circular plots of 1200 m~2 in a grid of 300 m 9 250 m were surveyed,using a systematic random sampling method.In each plot,the Margalef richness index,Shannon–Wiener diversity index,Hill's N_1 and Simpson indices and the evenness index of Simpson and Smith-Wilson were calculated and ordered on the basis of different classes of elevation,exposition and slope.The results indicated that slope did not have any significant effect on the indices.Exposition and elevation classes significant impacted the richness and diversity indices,but did not influence evenness.In general,the highest plant diversity was observed for slopes less than 15 %,northern aspects,without geographical direction,and elevations of 2100–2200 m.This information can be very useful in achieving the goals for sustainable management of forests.In addition to greater protection for regions with high diversity and reforestation(compatible species) in degraded area,we can help increase diversity in forests.  相似文献   

The growing public awareness of the increasing number of large wildfires across forested landscapes, coupled with needs of resource base management has accelerated research into forest reference conditions and the historical role of fire in coniferous ecosystems. This work investigates historical fire regimes of mixed-conifer forests in the San Jacinto Mountains of southern California using fire-scar dendrochronology. As such this is the first reconstruction of fire history in the mixed-conifer forests of southern California using landscape-scale systematic-based fire-scar dendrochronology. The pre-historical fire size, seasonality, and frequency within these forests are reconstructed and demonstrated graphically, employing systematic sampling and Geographical Information System (GIS) reconstruction. A 250 m grid system was overlaid upon a 270 ha sample location, and fire-scar samples were collected from each of the grid intersection points. Fire-scar dendrochronology resulted in a 653 years long chronology, indicating a point mean fire return interval of 5.2 years, and an area wide grand mean fire interval of 32.2 years. The majority of fires occurred within latewood or at the ring boundary. Graphic modelling of fire events indicate three-quarters of all fires sampled were less than 6.25 ha in size, but burned over 50% of the area sampled during the period; only a small portion of fires were larger than 18 ha within the sample area. Use of systematic sampling is an important step in modeling long-term frequency and effects of fire on a landscape level, and is invaluable to the long-term management planning.  相似文献   

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