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Single-crystal films are essential for devices because the intrinsic properties of the material, rather than its grain boundaries, can be exploited. Cubic bismuth oxide has the highest known oxide ion mobility, which makes it useful for fuel cells and sensors, but it is normally only stable from 729 degrees to 825 degrees C. The material has not been previously observed at room temperature. Single-crystal films of the high-temperature cubic polymorph of bismuth oxide were epitaxially electrodeposited from an aqueous solution onto single-crystal gold substrates. The 35.4 percent lattice mismatch was accommodated by forming coincidence lattices in which the bismuth oxide film was rotated in relation to the gold substrate. These results provide a method for producing other nonequilibrium phases that cannot be accessed by traditional thermal processing.  相似文献   

Some Selected area electron diffraction patterns of isolated monocrystalline particles of both Wyoming and Camp Berteaux sodiumti-monfmorillonites fail to show the mirror platne symmetry required for the accepted structure. A triclinic model deserves consideraction.  相似文献   

Micropatterning of single crystals for technological applications is a complex, multistep process. Nature provides alternative fabrication strategies, when crystals with exquisite micro-ornamentation directly develop within preorganized frameworks. We report a bio-inspired approach to growing large micropatterned single crystals. Micropatterned templates organically modified to induce the formation of metastable amorphous calcium carbonate were imprinted with calcite nucleation sites. The template-directed deposition and crystallization of the amorphous phase resulted in the fabrication of millimeter-sized single calcite crystals with sub-10-micron patterns and controlled crystallographic orientation. We suggest that in addition to regulating the shape, micropatterned frameworks act as sites for stress and impurity release during the amorphous-to-crystalline transition. The proposed mechanisms may have direct biological relevance and broad implications in materials synthesis.  相似文献   

Synthetic strands of cardiac muscle: growth and physiological implication   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Cardiac muscle cells obtained fronm disaggregated embryonic chick hearts were cultured on difjerentially treated oriented substrata. Subsequent cell reaggregation, growth, and attachmwent produced linearly organized strands of cardiac muscle with dimensions suitable for electrophysiological analysis. Along the strand, areas that contained few muscle cells demonstrated reduced conduction velocity and were subject to propagation failure.  相似文献   

We report the growth of binary colloidal crystals with control over the crystal orientation through a simple layer-by-layer process. Well-ordered single binary colloidal crystals with a stoichiometry of large (L) and small (S) particles of LS2 and LS were generated. In addition, we observed the formation of an LS3 superstructure. The structures formed as a result of the templating effect of the first layer and the forces exerted by the surface tension of the drying liquid. By using spheres of different composition, one component can be selectively removed, as is demonstrated in the growth of a hexagonal non-close-packed colloidal crystal.  相似文献   

The preparation of suitably large protein single crystals is essentially the rate-determining step of protein x-ray structure determinations. Attempts to produce single crystals with two model compounds-beta-galactosidase and lysozyme-under conditions of microgravity were successful. Crystals formed by salting out from solutions kept free of convection were 27 and 1000 times larger in volume, respectively, than those produced in the same apparatus but exposed to terrestrial gravitation.  相似文献   

Materials performance in structural applications is often restricted by a transition from ductile response to brittle fracture with decreasing temperature. This transition is currently viewed as being controlled either by dislocation mobility or by the nucleation of dislocations. Fracture experiments on tungsten single crystals reported here provide evidence for the importance of dislocation nucleation for the fracture toughness in the semibrittle regime. However, it is shown that the transition itself, in general, is controlled by dislocation mobility rather than by nucleation.  相似文献   

A minimal growth medium supplemented with dialyzed serum, which sufficed for the propagation of a wide variety of human cell strains in heavily inoculated monolayer and suspension cultures, did not permit the regular or optimal growth of small numbers of HeLa, HeLa S3, conjunctiva, or KB cells deriving from suspension cultures. At threshold concentrations of serum, the plating efficiency of single cells was greatly reduced as compared with their plating efficiency in a medium containing dialyzed serum instead of whole serum, and the clones which did develop grew at a slower rate. The nutritional deficiency could be overcome by adding the seven amino acids which are ordinarily not nutritionally essential. In most of the experiments serine alone sufficed.  相似文献   

The dielectric constant in and conductivity sigma of undoped C(60) single crystals have been measured as a function of temperature, 10 K < T < 330 K, and frequency, 0.2 kilohertz < f < 100 kilohertz. On cooling below the first-order structural phase transition at 260 K, a Debye-like relaxational contribution to the dielectric response is observed, which requires the presence of permanent electric dipoles. The relaxation rate is thermally activated with a broad distribution of energies centered at 270 millielectron volts. The existence of a dipole moment in C(60) is unexpected, because it is precluded by symmetry for the pure ordered cubic phase. These data suggest that the high degree of frozen-in orientational disorder of the C(60) molecules is responsible for the existence of electric dipolar activity.  相似文献   

Recent numerical simulations have yielded the most efficient geodynamo, having the largest dipole intensity when reversal frequency is low. Reliable paleointensity data are limited but heretofore have suggested that reversal frequency and paleointensity are decoupled. We report data from 56 Thellier-Thellier experiments on plagioclase crystals separated from basalts of the Rajmahal Traps (113 to 116 million years old) of India that formed during the Cretaceous Normal Polarity Superchron. These data suggest a time-averaged paleomagnetic dipole moment of 12.5 +/- 1.4 x 10(22) amperes per square meter, three times greater than mean Cenozoic and Early Cretaceous-Late Jurassic dipole moments when geomagnetic reversals were frequent. This result supports a correlation between intervals of low reversal frequency and high geomagnetic field strength.  相似文献   

Solvent etching of single crystals of hexahelicene grown from a racemic solution reveals an unusual layer-like pattern in which pure (+)- and pure (-)-layers alternate through the crystal; this arrangement results in a nearly racemic composition although the crystal is ostensibly chiral, space group P2(1)2(1)2(1). Etched crystals of enantiomerically pure hexahelicene display no such pattern. The two kinds of crystal are indistinguishable by x-ray diffraction.  相似文献   

The self-diffusion coefficient D of water occluded in samples of near-faujasite has been determined by pulsed field-gradient spin-echo nuclear magnetic resonance. The value of D in square centimeters per second x 10(5) at 30 degrees C is 1.34, 1.65, and 1.88 in the following zeolites, respectively: Na X, Ca X, and Ca Y (X and Y being an indication of ratio of silicon to aluminum in the zeolites). By comparison, the value of D in pure water at 30 degrees C is 2.5 x 10(-5) cm(2)/sec. Arrhenius activation energies for D are 6.9, 6.8, and 5.6 kilocalories per mole, respectively, for the three faujasites and 5.0 kcal/mole for pure water. Thus, there appears to be little difference in diffusion behavior between free water and water occluded in faujasite.  相似文献   

In situ atomic force microscopy reveals the morphology, surface topography, and growth and dissolution characteristics of microscopic single crystals of the low-dimensional organic conductor (tetrathiafulvalene)Br(0.76)' which are grown by electrocrystallization on a highly oriented pyrolytic graphite electrode in an atomic force microscope liquid cell. The growth modes and the distribution and orientation of topographic features on specific crystal faces, whose identity was determined by "atomic force microscope goniometry," can be correlated with the strength and direction of anisotropic solid-state intermolecular bonding. Growth on the (011) face of (tetrathiafulvalene)Br(0.76) crystals involves the formation of oriented self-similar triangular islands ranging in size from 200 to 5000 angstroms along a side. These nuclei eventually transform into rectangular rafts at larger length scales, where bulk intermolecular bonding interactions and surface energies dominate over nuclei-substrate interactions.  相似文献   

The brain connection: the corpus callosum is larger in left-handers   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The size of the midsagittal area of the human corpus callosum obtained from postmortem measurement varied with tested hand preference. The corpus callosum, the main fiber tract connecting the two cerebral hemispheres, was larger by about 0.75 square centimeter, or 11 percent, in left-handed and ambidextrous people than in those with consistent right-hand preference. The difference was present in both the anterior and posterior halves, but not in the region of the splenium itself. This callosal morphology, which varied with hand preference, may also be related to individual differences in the pattern of hemispheric functional specialization. The greater bihemispheric representation of cognitive functions in left- and mixed-handers may be associated with greater anatomical connection between the hemispheres. The naturally occurring regressive events in neurogenesis, such as neuronal cell death and axonal elimination, may be factors in the individual differences in brain morphology and in functional lateralization. Specifically, right-handers may be those with more extensive early elimination of neural components.  相似文献   

Three- and four-dimensional heteronuclear nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy offers dramatic improvements in spectral resolution by spreading through-bond and through-space correlations in three and four orthogonal frequency axes. Simultaneously, large heteronuclear couplings are exploited to circumvent problems due to the larger linewidths that are associated with increasing molecular weight. These novel experiments have been designed to extend the application of NMR as a method for determining three-dimensional structures of proteins in solution beyond the limits of conventional two-dimensional NMR (approximately 100 residues) to molecules in the 150- to 300-residue range. This potential has recently been confirmed with the determination of the high-resolution NMR structure of a protein greater than 150 residues, namely, interleukin-1 beta.  相似文献   

The configurational-bias Monte Carlo technique is applied to simulate the adsorption of long chain alkanes in zeolites. This simulation technique is several orders of magnitude more efficient than conventional methods that can be used to simulate the adsorption of long chain alkanes. The calculated heats of adsorption are found to be in excellent agreement with experimental data. The results show a surprising chain length dependence of the heats of adsorption. This dependence has a simple molecular explanation in terms of preferential siting of the long chain alkanes.  相似文献   

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