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An additive-dominance, additive × additive (ADAA) and genotype × environment interaction mix model was used to study the genetic control of β-carotene and l-ascorbic acid in six basic generations (P1, P2, F1, F2, BC1P1 and BC1P2) of tomato derived from the cross CDP8779 accession (Solanum lycopersicum L.) × CDP4777 accession (S. lycopersicum var. cerasiforme). The study was performed in two environments: (1) open field; (2) protected environment, consisting of hydroponic cultivation in a glasshouse. The results indicate that β-carotene accumulation was mainly additive (32.2% of the genetic component), with a small dominant component (4.2%) and an important additive × environment interaction contribution (63.6%). In target environments with moderate to high temperatures and no limiting radiation, this the expression additive × environment interaction could substantially enhance the β-carotene content. This trait showed also a high narrow-sense heritability (h 2 = 0.62). Ascorbic acid accumulation was also mainly additive (61.7% of the genetic component), with a minor additive epistatic component (21.5%). This epistatic effect caused a negative heterosis that reduced the positive main additive effect. Nevertheless, in the described target environments, the additive × environment interaction contribution (16.8%) may enhance the ascorbic acid content and compensate for the negative heterosis effect. The total narrow-sense heritability of this trait can be considered useful (h 2 = 0.52). In conclusion, the CDP4777 accession is a very interesting donor parent for the joint improvement of β-carotene (without diminishing lycopene content) and ascorbic acid content in commercial nutraceutical tomato breeding programmes; the F1 hybrids derived from this accession showed nearly 450% of the commonly reported average β-carotene content and close to 130% of the ascorbic acid content of the female parent.  相似文献   

Reciprocal differences, mostly caused by cytoplasmic effects, are frequently observed in interspecific hybrids. Previously, we found that crosses onto Solanum demissum were much successful with the pollen of interspecific hybrids between S. tuberosum as female and S. demissum as male (TD hybrids) than the reciprocal ones (DT hybrids). To elucidate this reciprocally different crossability, we analyzed the pollen DNA of TD and DT using methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP) analysis. Using 126 primer combinations, MSAP analysis revealed 57 different bands between bulked pollen DNA samples of TD and DT. Individual examination of 16 TD and 9 DT plants disclosed eight bands uniformly different between TD and DT. Their sequencing results revealed two pairs of bands to be identical to each other, resulting in six distinct sequences. As expected, one band shared high homology with chloroplast DNA, and another one with mitochondrial DNA. However, one band that was apparently different at DNA sequence level and maternally transmitted from S. demissum, showed no homology with any known sequence. The remaining three bands were of DNA methylation level differences with no or uncertain homology to known sequences. To our knowledge, this is the first report detecting reciprocal differences in DNA sequence or DNA methylation other than those in cytoplasmic DNA.  相似文献   

Sugarcane is one of the most important crops in the tropical and sub-tropical regions worldwide because it supplies over half of the world’s sugar. The main goal of sugarcane breeding programs is releasing new cultivars with improved sugar content, disease resistance and agronomic traits. Molecular markers linked to the sugar yield would greatly facilitate the development of sugarcane cultivars with higher sugar content. In this study, quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with sugar and yield related traits were identified using a segregating F1 population derived from two Saccharum spp. hybrids. Specifically, BRIX, POL, recoverable sugar content (SC), fiber content (FC), moisture content (MC), juice purity, stalk diameter (SD), and stalk weight (SW) data were collected from a replicated field trial of a bi-parental population. A total of 36 and nine QTL for sugar and yield related traits, respectively were identified using a high density genetic map with markers developed by genotyping-by-sequencing. Of the 45 detected QTL, seven QTL were associated with each of the three sugar related traits BRIX, POL, and SC; six QTL with FC and MC; three QTL with juice purity; four QTL with SD; and five QTL with SW. The QTL explained a total of phenotypic variations of 70.90, 61.80, 61.68, 68.67, 91.62, 33.00, 49.91, and 64.49% for BRIX, POL, SC, FC, MC, purity, SD, and SW, respectively. Upon validation, markers from the identified QTL would be useful in marker-assisted selection for selecting superior cultivars with these traits.  相似文献   

CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat Research Institute) Zimbabwe’s early maturing maize program, which aims to supply seed to approximately 4 million hectares of maize area in eastern and southern Africa, lacks adequate information on heterotic relationships among early maturing germplasm and has no early maturing testers for hybrid development. Open-pollinated varieties (OPVs) and hybrids are the products targeted for this region. Among the hybrids, three-way and double-cross hybrids are desired. Thus the use of single crosses as testers would be an appropriate choice for such a breeding program as one could potentially identify three-way combinations during the early generation test. A twelve-parent diallel was formed and crosses evaluated to identify heterotic groups and single-cross testers. Crosses were evaluated under four different environments in Zimbabwe, two optimal, one low nitrogen stress and one drought stress. P5 (an early maturing line from heterotic group A) and CML 395 (a late maturing inbred line from heterotic group B) were used as reference parents to establish heterotic groupings of germplasm used in the diallel. The single cross (P7/P8) was identified as a potential group A tester because of: (a) co-classification of inbred lines into heterotic group A, (b) good yields-9.8 t/ha (optimal), 3.4 t/ha (low nitrogen) and 2.1 t/ha (drought); and (c) good GCA effects for grain yield (0.49 t/ha) of line P7 while line P8 contributed to reduced height and anthesis-silking interval.  相似文献   

Coffee is one of the main products on the international markets, in association with oil, corn, sugar, and paper pulp. The history of coffee-tree cultivation is incompletely documented, both regarding its domestication in Africa, and its assisted dispersal throughout the world. This review focuses on the coffee mutant, Coffea arabica ‘Laurina’ (Chevalier A in Encyclopedie Biologique. Vol 28, 1947), also named ‘Bourbon pointu’. This plant is generally acknowledged to have been selected in the island of ‘Bourbon’ (La Réunion) from a field at the beginning of the 19th century. Compared with the common ‘Bourbon’ variety, ‘Bourbon pointu’ trees are dwarf, with a characteristic Christmas-tree shape and the beans have an excellent cup quality. Although cited many times in literature, the origin of this variety is ambiguous and is largely discussed even today with increasing confusion, particularly in books and local newsletters. This article provides a thorough historical and bibliographical review of coffee cultivation in La Réunion, which leads to an understanding of the bottleneck responsible for the low genetic diversity of the ‘Bourbon’-type modern varieties. Complemented by a review of the scientific studies conducted on this subject, confirmation of the veracity of the various historical accounts becomes possible, and appropriate conclusions on the origin of the ‘Bourbon pointu’ are derived. Although historical texts provide important information and represent priceless resources that give direction to scientific research, it is clear that this same research makes it possible, in turn, to clarify and to interpret historical texts.
Michel NoirotEmail:

Tetraploid plants were induced successfully from diploid bananas Musa acuminata (AA genome) ‘Kluai Leb Mu Nang’ and ‘Kluai Sa’ (2n = 2x = 22) with in vitro oryzalin treatment. Calluses from in vitro-grown shoot tips of both cultivars were treated with oryzalin at concentrations of 1.5 or 3 mg l−1 for 24, 48 and 72 h, respectively. The oryzalin treatments produced tetraploids at a frequency of 15.6% in ‘Kluai Leb Mu Nang’ and 16.7% in ‘Kluai Sa’ as detected by flow cytometry. Chromosome counting showed that the tetraploid plant chromosome number was (2n = 4x = 44). The selected tetraploid plants were transplanted in the field and variations in the morphological characteristic of leaf shape and fruit bunch compared to normal diploid plants were found under the same growing condition even after 3 years of cultivation.  相似文献   

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