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为探索福建山区稻田生态种养技术,发展山区生态渔业,2013年将南平的邵武市、武夷山市、松溪县、光泽县及浦城县等五地分别作为稻鱼共作、稻鳖共作、稻鳅共作以及稻虾轮作等4种模式的稻田生态种养技术的示范,示范面积共73.33 hm2.结果表明,各示范点由于充分利用了稻田的生态效应,在不施用农药和渔药、减轻农业面源污染和稻谷产量不减的基础上,均产出了生态、健康的稻米与水产品.水稻单作模式的稻谷产量为495.7 kg/667m2,利润为439元/667 m2;稻田生态种养模式的稻谷平均产量为517.2kg/667 m2,水产品平均产量为60.6 kg/667m2,平均利润2 183元/667 m2,增加了利润1744元/667 m2,是水稻单作模式的5.0倍.稻鳖共作、稻鱼共作、稻虾轮作以及稻鳅共作四种稻田生态种养模式分别是水稻单作模式单位利润的34.7倍、5.0倍、3.4倍和1.7倍.稻鱼共作模式中武夷山示范点稻谷产量比水稻单种模式增加18.7%,平均利润是水稻单种模式的10.2倍.实践证明,新形势下的稻田生态种养模式对于确保粮食安全、发展生态高效的水产养殖业和种植业,有较好的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

通过多年探索总结出适宜淮北地域不同养殖条件的稻田稻蟹共作综合种养模式.该模式利用水养动物和水体中微生物进行有机结合形成多物种共存循环转化种养模式来实现经济效益、生态效益、社会效益的统一,并确定适宜稻田种养的主要水产养殖经济种类的养殖模式和技术要点.推广应用综合种养模式,可以增加养殖户经济效益,提高单位面积土地的产出,推进水产养殖业向节约、生态、高效、健康、安全的方向发展,全面地提升水产养殖业的水平.  相似文献   

稻田综合种养技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稻田综合种养技术扬州市1995年稻田养殖面积达10.05万亩.亩均效益1200元.取得了较好的经济效益和社会效益。现将这项技术的要点介绍如下:1.选好田块。用于养殖的稻田应具备以下条件:(1)水源丰富.水质良好无污染源,排灌方便;(2)地势低洼.保水...  相似文献   

系统介绍了“稻田+塑膜池”稻鳅综合种养试验的稻田工程、水稻种植、泥鳅放养和田间管理等技术措施,并探讨了该模式的优点、不足和发展前景。试验结束,收获水稻600 kg、泥鳅125 kg,折合667 m2产稻谷461.5 kg、泥鳅96.15 kg,两项收益合计为5080元/667 m2,投入产出比为1∶3.55,种养效益显著。  相似文献   

九江市发展稻虾综合种养的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了江西省九江市稻虾综合种养产业的发展背景及现状,总结分析了九江市稻虾综合种养产业发展存在的问题,并提出了解决对策及相关工作启示,以期为九江市稻虾综合种养产业健康发展提供参考。  相似文献   

浙江省是稻田养鱼传统产区,具有悠久的历史。浙江省青田县有1000多年历史的稻鱼共生系统是联合国粮农组织首批全球四个农业文化遗产项目之一。全省各种类型稻田养鱼面积约127万亩。近年来,浙江省以"养鱼、稳粮、增收"为  相似文献   

2019年在鹰潭市一龙生态农业科技有限公司养殖基地进行优质水稻+澳洲淡水龙虾综合种养试验,试验稻虾田18亩。本试验种植1季中稻,6月初投放规格为5~8 cm/尾的澳洲淡水龙虾,平均每亩投苗1000尾,经过5个月的养殖(11月底收获),共收获成虾1258.2 kg,平均规格75 g/尾,成活率93.2%,平均亩产69.9 kg;共收获稻谷10467 kg,稻谷平均亩产581.5 kg;平均亩利润达1.19万元。  相似文献   

调查了水稻单作和稻鳖及稻鳖鸭共作田间杂草种类、数量及盖度变化。结果显示,稻鳖鸭及稻鳖共作的杂草种类、数量与盖度均显著低于水稻单作,稻鳖鸭及稻鳖共作杂草种类相同,但稻鳖鸭共作其杂草数量与盖度均显著低于稻鳖共作,说明稻鳖共作对田间杂草有抑制作用,田间增加养鸭控制杂草效果更显著。  相似文献   

2020年5月初~2020年10月底在江西进贤进行"稻田-攀鲈"生态养殖试验,4亩试验田共计产出攀鲈280公斤,合70公斤/亩;水稻1880公斤,合470公斤/亩;总净收益2360元,合590元/亩.经济生态综合评价表明"稻田-攀鲈"综合生态种养模式具有良好发展前景并值得推广.  相似文献   

不同水稻栽培密度下青田稻—鱼共生系统的土壤肥力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为联合国粮农组织的首个全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)试点保护项目,青田稻—鱼共生系统以其独特的优势受到越来越多的关注。为了更好地保护这一亚洲首个GIAHS项目,实验观察了青田稻—鱼共生系统在不同水稻栽培密度下的土壤肥力情况。结果显示,调查区域稻田土壤的pH值为5.50~6.13,呈弱酸性;土壤养分(全氮、有机质、有效磷和速效钾)含量随水稻生长均呈先减少后增加趋势,且在拔节期—抽穗期达到最低值,但在水稻收割前的成熟期均能恢复至不低于初始的较高水平,表明青田田鱼的活动有助于维持土壤肥力。根据水稻产量与土壤养分的关联度分析结果,发现与水稻产量关系最密切的因子是土壤pH和速效钾;相比于含量丰富的全氮、有效磷和有机质,轻度缺乏的速效钾和较低的pH值限制了水稻的生长和最终产量。研究表明,在本季种养过程中,水稻栽插密度对稻田土壤肥力的影响不显著。  相似文献   

This paper aims to examine the levels and determinants of technical efficiency in carp pond culture in India. The stochastic production frontier technique involving the model for technical inefficiency effects is applied separately to samples of semi‐intensive/intensive and extensive carp producers interviewed during 1994–95. The results showed significant technical inefficiencies in carp production in India, especially among extensive farms. The mean technical efficiencies for semi‐intensive/intensive and extensive sample farms were estimated to be 0.805 and 0.658 respectively. By operating at full technical efficiency levels, the semi‐intensive/intensive farms could, on average, increase their production from about 3.4 Mt ha?1 to 4.1 Mt ha?1. Likewise, the extensive farms could increase their production from 1.3 Mt ha?1 to 1.9 Mt ha?1. Much of these efficiency gains would come from improvement in the adoption of recommended fish, water and feed management and monitoring practices. Besides expanding production area, the results indicated several other possibilities for increasing carp production in India by increasing yields per hectare, such as: (1) increased intensification of carp culture (i.e. moving from extensive to semi‐intensive or intensive systems); (2) improvement in technical efficiency at the farm level; and (3) technological progress. However, the realization of these potentials will depend on continuous efforts by the government in ensuring an adequate supply of inputs, technology transfer and development and adequate provision of research, extension and credit services in aquaculture.  相似文献   

The Bohai Sea is a typical shallow sea in which the average depth of water is about 18 m, and which has a rich biodiversity and abundance of marine life. The values of primary production differ among the four different regions of the Bohai Sea. A biological model consisting of nutrients, phytoplankton, zooplankton and detritus is used to simulate the annual cycles of plankton and primary production in these four regions. The simulation is forced by monthly observational data. Water transparency, nutrient concentrations, temperature and incident irradiance influence the amount and variation of plankton and primary production. The model simulations indicate that transparency and nutrient concentration are the principal causes of the differences in primary production among the four regions of the Bohai Sea.  相似文献   

顾钱洪  曾倩倩  李占鑫  王欣  彭渤  饶科  沈中源  吴昌  覃钦博  罗凯坤  刘少军 《水产学报》2023,17(5):059612-1-059612-11
如何在重金属镉 (Cd)超标的土壤中生产出质量达标米已成为亟需解决的问题。为探讨稻-鱼种养对大米Cd积累的减控效果,本研究建立了稻 (喜两优超占) -鱼 (合方鲫2号)种养系统,比较了稻-鱼共作系统和水稻单作系统中环境介质、米、鱼等Cd含量,以及米、鱼的生物学性状。结果显示,稻-鱼共作合方鲫2号平均体重为331.7 g,相比鱼种增重1.7倍。不同种养系统大米的营养品质无显著差异。稻田土壤总Cd平均含量为0.472 mg/kg (pH=5.5),略高于污染临界值0.40 mg/kg (5.5≤pH≤6.5),不同种养系统土壤总Cd含量与土壤pH无显著差异。合方鲫2号内脏虽有少量Cd积累[ (0.060±0.032)mg/kg],但肌肉Cd含量很低 (<0.003 mg/kg)。水稻单作大米Cd平均含量为0.311 mg/kg,达到国家粮食安全标准限定值的1.6倍。稻-鱼共作大米Cd平均含量仅0.034 mg/kg,较水稻单作大米Cd含量下降89.1%,水稻单作大米Cd含量与土壤总Cd含量呈极显著正相关 (r=0.802),而稻-鱼共作系统则无该显著相关性。研究表明,合方鲫2号是适合稻-鱼种养的好品种,以此为养殖品种可以建立完善的稻-鱼综合种养模式,该种模式能有效抑制土壤Cd的生物活性,对大米Cd积累有显著的减控效能,且经济效益显著。本研究为稻-鱼等生态种养综合生产模式的推广应用提供了重要数据支撑和参考。  相似文献   

The broodstock of spotted Babylon snail, Babylonia areolata, were conditioned in indoor tanks under two seawater systems (static system and flow‐through system) and five types of foods (fish, shrimp, squid, green mussel and formulated diet). High survival and good feeding was found from broodstock conditioned in all treatments of seawater systems and diets. All broodstock showed active behaviour with no signs of stress as exhibited by active movement and feeding, protrusion of siphonal tube and constant egg laying throughout the experiment. Two‐way analysis of variance showed that there were no significant differences (P>0.05) in the total yield of egg capsules, size of egg capsules, size of newly hatched larvae and growth of larvae among broodstock B. areolata conditioned in the seawater system and diet treatments, but there were significant differences (P>0.05) in the frequency of egg capsule laying, number of fertilized eggs/embryos per capsule, total yield of fertilized eggs/embryos and final survival of larvae among broodstock B. areolata conditioned in the diet treatments. We present initial evidence that the seawater system had a stronger influence on the egg production and quality of broodstock B. areolata than conditioning diets.  相似文献   

Despite the growing popularity of culture-based fisheries (CBFs) associated with village irrigation systems (VISs) in Sri Lanka, there is less knowledge about factors that influence productivity levels. CBFs compete with rice for access to water in the VIS, so maximizing the efficiency of CBFs is essential to ensure that the limited water resources are used most effectively. To address this, primary data from 325 fish farming groups were used to estimate a stochastic translog production frontier. Technical efficiency in these irrigation systems was found to be generally low, and substantially lower than that of other aquaculture production systems in other Asian countries. This suggests that production can be increased substantially with better management using existing technology and resources. Removing subsidies, improving consultation with extension officials and improving water user rights – in particular, the introduction of a transferable community quota system – were found to be key means for improving efficiency.  相似文献   


Apart from penaeid shrimp culture, crab farming and fattening and other several diversified aquaculture practices are now emerging as viable ventures in India. About 11 types of crab products are being exported from India with an average unit value realization of US$ 3.73 kg?1, pinpointing its importance in the foreign exchange earnings. An economic evaluation of mud crab culture, fattening and fattening with composite culture of shrimp/finfish has been attempted in this paper. The major operating cost was that of seed and it was higher for crab fattening (87% of the total operating cost). Feed costs were very low compared to that of shrimp farming. Annual profit obtained was US$ 22812.5 ha?1 year?1 for culture and US$ 30820.8 ha?1 year?1 for fattening. Economic indicators such as net profit, rate of return, pay back period and breakeven price indicate that crab fattening/culture is much more profitable than any other coastal aquaculture operations currently in practice, provided hatchery production is established in the country to ensure adequate supply of mud crab seeds.  相似文献   


This paper examines recent advances in production economics with special reference to efficiency measurement using production frontiers and its implications for aquaculture management. Compared with agriculture and other industries, the use of production frontiers in aquaculture is still very limited. However, in recent years several frontier applications in aquaculture have appeared in the literature, suggesting potential applications of these techniques in aquaculture. A synopsis of stochastic frontier production function model and data envelopment analysis (DEA), the two most popular approaches to efficiency measurement, is presented, followed by a review of recent frontier studies in shrimp, carp and tilapia production. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of future development and prospects of frontier applications for aquaculture management.  相似文献   

选用三叶草为试验材料,通过单因素试验设计,探讨料液比、加盐量、不同pH值和絮凝温度4个因素对三叶草叶蛋白提取率及蛋白质质量分数的影响。以叶蛋白提取率、蛋白质量分数为指标,以期获得三叶草叶蛋白提取基础参数。试验表明,料水比1:3、加盐量4%、pH值4.0、絮凝温度80℃时三叶草的叶蛋白提取率最高。  相似文献   

Milkfish has been farmed in Taiwan for over 300 years. Faced with limited land resources, a labor shortage, decreasing demand, and growth of imported fisheries products, the industry is looking at the problem of how to maintain a sustainable and efficient production. This study specifies a stochastic production frontier function to estimate potential milkfish farm output and efficiency by using 1997–1999 data from a survey of 433 aquaculture milkfish farms. Both Translog and Cobb–Douglas frontier production models are estimated using the maximum likelihood estimation method. Empirical results show that the Translog stochastic production function model fits the data better and that milkfish farming in Taiwan exhibits diminishing returns to scale. We also compare estimated maximum potential milkfish production per hectare under various pond conditions to provide managers with information about how to boost efficiency. In addition, this study estimates substitution elasticities and complementarity of input factors for milkfish farms to provide helpful information for milkfish farmers on how to reallocate input resources and help raise milkfish productivity through improvements in technical efficiency.  相似文献   

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