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Anaesthetics are important in fish culture to reduce handling stress and mortality. Eugenol is a promising anaesthetic because of its low cost, efficacy, safety margin for fish and lack of toxicity to humans. The goal of this study was to establish a protocol using eugenol as a fish anaesthetic for tambaqui Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier), and provide information for regulating authorities on establishing safety dosage protocols for its use. Juvenile and sub‐adult tambaqui were first individually exposed to doses of 35, 50, 65, 85, 100 or 135 mg L?1 eugenol for 10 min. A second experiment examined the effect of the duration of exposure to eugenol on the time required for recovery and survival of tambaqui. A eugenol dose of 65 mg L?1 was adequate to induce fish of both sizes into a surgical anaesthetic state, and recovery time was similar for dosages up to 100 mg L?1. Exposure to the ideal dose (65 mg L?1) for up to 30 min did not cause fish mortality. Fish blood glucose values were similar for all the tested eugenol doses as well as with the benzocaine control. The results show that eugenol is an efficient and safe anaesthetic for tambaqui.  相似文献   

Tambaqui Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier) is a fish of primary importance in Amazon aquaculture. It has been described as an acid‐resistant species that moves seasonally between white (muddy) water and black water rivers and enters the extremely dilute acidic areas of flooded jungle to feed during the rainy season. To analyse the pH tolerance of this species, tambaqui were exposed to three water pH levels for 40 days (pH 4.0, 6.0 and 8.0). The water was acidified slowly over 3 h, allowing the fish to acclimate. A similar protocol was used to adjust water pH to 8.0. No mortality was observed during the exposure period. Several haematological parameters were significantly changed in alkaline‐exposed animals, with significant decreases in haematocrit (20%), haemoglobin concentration (8%) and red blood cells (12%). Tambaqui showed severe blood variations when exposed to alkaline pH. Fish final weight, condition factor and specific growth rate (SGR) was inversely proportional to a pH increase, and SGR were higher for fish reared in acidic water. The relative insensitivity of tambaqui to low pH confirms its acid tolerance and is in accordance with its natural occurrence in black water habitats.  相似文献   

Growth and metabolism were investigated in juvenile tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) fed with isoenergetic diets in four treatments with protein (P) lipid (L) in g kg?1: P350L49; P301L81; P253L113 and P205L145, respectively. The experiments were carried out in the laboratory facilities. Fish growth, the intermediary metabolites (total sugar, lactate, pyruvate, ammonia, protein, fatty acids, triacylglycerols, amino acids and glycogen), and the enzyme activities of lactate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase, glutamate dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase were assayed. Fish from treatments P350L49 and P301L81 depicted the best growth. Increase in glycolytic, glycogenolytic and lipolytic activities in liver was observed following dietary lipid increase. In fish fed with high lipid levels, the energetic demand was supplied by enhancement of muscular glycogenesis and lipolysis. The plasma metabolic profile reflected the blood function on metabolites delivery to tissues underlining biochemical adaptations because of changes in the feeding. In conclusion, the increase in dietary lipid plus protein decrease resulted in (i) reduction in fish growth, (ii) augment of liver glycolysis and glycogenolysis (iii) increase in muscular glycogenesis and (iv) predominance of lipolytic metabolism.  相似文献   

The adaptation of digestive proteases, amylase and lipase was studied in tambaqui fed with 350, 253, 301 and 205 g kg?1 of crude protein, and 49, 81, 113 and 145 g kg?1 of lipid, in isocaloric diets. Digestive protease increased when dietary protein increased in stomach, where the highest specific activity was observed. Unspecific protease activity in intestine was very low. Lipase was observed throughout the gastrointestinal tract, and higher activities were observed in the stomach. However, pyloric caecum and the anterior and posterior intestines were the responsive sections to the dietary lipid. Amylase was detected throughout the gastrointestinal tract, but pyloric caecum was the most relevant amylase producer. Positive correlations were observed between anterior intestine lipase versus dietary lipid and pyloric caecum amylase versus dietary protein. Tambaqui is responsive to the food composition adapting the main digestive enzymes to the best profile.  相似文献   

Fishery statistics and length data series for Colossoma macropomum Cuvier obtained during 1992 and 1993 in the Lower Amazon, Brazil were used to describe the fishery and to estimate growth and mortality rates. Mean population parameters were L = 119.85 cm (total length), W = 33.4 kg, K = 0.228 year–1, C = 0.505, Winter Point = July, M = 0.445 year–1, F = 0.94 year–1 and Lc = 28.29 cm. Yield-per-recruit analysis showed that an excessive fishing effort and principally a very low length at first capture lead to an increase in overfishing in the region. Corrective measures are recommended.  相似文献   

The loss of variability in farmed populations and the risks of interactions with wild populations support the need for the genetic monitoring of species farmed throughout the world. In Brazil, the tambaqui is the most widely farmed native fish species. Despite this, there are no data on the pedigree of the farmed stocks, and the potential for interactions with wild populations in the Amazon basin has raised concerns with regard to the genetic variability of these stocks. The present study analysed sequences of the mitochondrial Control Region and 12 microsatellites to characterize the genetic variability of seven historically important commercial tambaqui breeding centres located in four different regions of Brazil, and compared these sequences with those obtained from individuals collected from a wild population. High levels of genetic diversity were found in the wild population, whereas genetic diversity was reduced in both markers in most captive populations, except for the broodstock located near the Amazon River. High FST and DEST indices were recorded between the wild population and most of the captive stocks analysed. The drastic reduction in genetic diversity found in most captive stocks and the difference between these stocks and the wild population may have been the result of the small size of the founding populations and the absence of breeding management. The renewal of the broodstocks and the application of breeding management techniques are recommended. In the Amazon region, in addition, the use of broodstocks that are genetically very different from local wild populations should be avoided.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the impact of pond management on tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier), rearing during the growout phase. Juvenile tambaqui were stocked in ponds with three different management regimes: (1) natural ponds (Nat); (2) limed ponds (Lim); and (3) limed and bimonthly fertilized ponds (LimFer). The experiment lasted 210 days and the growth parameters were evaluated monthly. Water quality and effluent measurements were performed every 15 days and at the end of the experiment yield parameters were obtained. There was no difference in weight and length among treatments. Stomach contents and zooplankton availability were not influenced by pond management, but the rearing period had an influence on them. Food conversion rate (FCR) was better in fish from the Lim treatment than in fish from the Nat treatment. The pH, hardness and alkalinity values were significantly higher in the Lim and LimFer ponds, where the liming procedure was performed. The effluent analysis showed a more potentially impacting effluent in the LimFer treatment, where phosphorus and orthophosphate concentrations showed values significantly higher than those in Lim and Nat ponds. The results show that the Lim treatment is the best approach, as in this treatment fish achieve market size, better FCR, yield and have a reduced environmental impact.  相似文献   

Trials on induced breeding of the native Amazonian fish tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier), using CPE and HCG treatments, were carried out during 1992-93 at the Fish Culture Station in Natal, Brazil. Final maturation, ovulation and spermiation of tambaqui broodstock, reared in earthen ponds, were induced by injecting heteroplastic carp pituitary gland extracts (CPE) and human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) separately. The female spawners received double injections and the males received a single dose. Females were tranquillized using quinaldine and their genital openings were sutured before the resolving injection was administered. Latent period between the resolving injection and ovulation varied from 6 to 11 h according to the prevailing water temperature. Milt was obtained by extrusion. Stripping and dry fertilization of the eggs produced viable larvae. Relative fecundity was estimated at 140 000 eggs kg-1. Mean fertilization and hatching rates varied from 50% to 70% and from 60% to 80%, respectively.  相似文献   

Several investigations have been carried out to improve the productivity of tambaqui, an economically important fish species in Brazil and other Latin American countries. This study determined the digestible protein (DP) requirements in juvenile tambaqui by assessing their productive performance and nutritional efficiency. It also evaluated the effects of different dietary DP levels on the morphology and cellularity of skeletal fast muscle fibres. The 1750 tambaqui tested (6.53 ± 0.43 g body weight, 7.58 ± 0.18 cm length) were randomly distributed into 35 tanks. Fish were fed one of the seven isocaloric diets, which contained 140, 170, 200, 230, 260, 290 or 320 g/kg DP. The DP requirement, calculated by segmented (broken line) regression of weight gain data, was 290 g/kg. An increase in diet DP to 290 g/kg significantly improved final weight, weight gain, feed intake, specific growth rate and crude protein gain, and changed fibre diameter in deep muscle. Muscle fibres were randomly distributed into a mosaic pattern, characterized by fibres with different diameters. Treatments with 290 and 320 g/kg DP increased the frequency of large‐diameter fibres (>50 µm), indicating hypertrophic growth of skeletal muscle during the juvenile phase, which occurred in conjunction with hyperplasia.  相似文献   

Fish farming has grown rapidly in Brazil over the last two decades, due in part to the availability of water and species with potential for cultivation, such as Colossoma macropomum. This farmed fish, however, can be affected by parasitic infections with high mortality rates (>35%). The main objective of the present study was to describe the first occurrence of the Trypanosoma species in Colossoma macropomum, which occurred in fish cultured in the Brazilian Amazon region, as well as to morphologically characterize the trypomastigotes and the impact of these hemoparasites on the body condition of the hosts. The trypanosomes found in the blood of Colossoma macropomum were morphologically characterized by the size of the trypomastigote form, indicating the presence of only one morphotype. Of the 39 hosts examined from one fish farming, 41.0% were infected by Trypanosoma sp., with low levels of infection (mean blood density of 3.7/μL). The condition factor of the asymptomatic hosts was not affected by hemoparasitism. There was no correlation between the abundance of Trypanosoma sp. and the condition factor and size of the hosts. Finally, our understanding of host-parasite interactions and the detection of emerging diseases are fundamental for aquaculture.  相似文献   

Abstract  Stomach content and stable isotopes of tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier), were use to determine seasonality of energy sources in a floodplain lake in the central Amazon. The turnover time of carbon in young tambaqui was fast enough to detect a broad seasonal variation both in stomach content and tissue isotopic signal of carbon and nitrogen. The relative importance of food items varied with water level. C3 plants (seeds and fruits) contributed between 55% and 95% of the biomass fraction of tambaqui. Zooplankton contributed a minimum of 26% of the nitrogen fraction during periods of flooding, and a maximum of 67% in the dry season. C4 plants (macrophyte leaves and roots) contributed a maximum of 26% of the biomass fraction and 13% of the N fraction mainly during the flooding period. The feeding habits and behaviour of tambaqui are complex and linked to the flood pulse.  相似文献   

Some teleost fishes exhibit a non-linear release of H+ with haemoglobin oxygen saturation (SO2) in whole blood that may be related to the Root effect and a low apparent cooperativity in oxygen binding. To further investigate this correlation, the relationship between red cell pH (pHi) and SO2 was evaluated in two teleost fishes, the carp (Cyprinus carpio) and tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum). Carp possess a relatively small Root effect within the physiological pH range, while that in tambaqui is relatively large. It was therefore hypothesized that both species would possess a non-linear release of H+ with SO2 under in vivo conditions, but that the degree of non-linearity would be less pronounced in carp than in tambaqui. Red cell suspensions of tambaqui showed a marked non-linear relationship between pHi and SO2 at in vivo pH values (pHe=7.66), where the majority of Bohr protons were released between 50 and 100% SO2. In whole blood of carp, the relationship between pHi and SO2 was almost linear at normal resting extracellular pH values (pHe=8.10) where Hills n 50 (cooperativity) was 1.3. Under acidic conditions (pHe=7.11), n 50 decreased to 0.9 and the release of H+ with SO2 became slightly non-linear. The reduction in pH in carp blood was associated with the onset of the Root effect, and the oxygen tension at half saturation (P50) increased from 3.8 to 38.2 mmHg. The relationship between total CO2 and SO2 in carp whole blood changed from being almost linear at pHe 8.1 to being non-linear at pHe 7.1, consistent with the relationship between pHi and SO2. Thus, possession of a Root effect could be a prerequisite for a non-linear release of Bohr protons with oxygenation, but the expression in whole blood may depend upon a species-specific cooperativity threshold. The non-linear release of Bohr protons with oxygenation may be a general phenomenon in teleosts with important implications for gas transport and acid-base homeostasis.  相似文献   

Fisheries zoning and the influence of biotic and abiotic factors in the spatial distribution of Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier) in the Piagaçu‐Purus Sustainable Development Reserve, Central Amazon, during 2012–2013 were evaluated. The relative abundance and population parameters of the C. macropomum were compared between conservation (no‐take zone) and fishing (open to fishing zone) lakes. The fish were collected by experimental fishing in 2012 and 2013. A total of 296 individuals were captured, most of which were from the conservation lakes (62.8%). Higher proportions of larger adults and individuals were found in the conservation lakes, although no significant difference in the average C. macropomum catch‐per‐unit‐effort was found between the lake categories. Abundance was positively influenced by zooplankton density (r2 = 0.53, < 0.03). Therefore, it is hypothesised that conservation lakes may serve as refugia for juveniles due to the high availability of planktonic food available during the dry season. Although there were environmental differences between the two lake types, the relative success of management models that use no‐take zones in freshwater habitats was highlighted. Finally, the importance of zooplankton as a factor in the distribution of C. macropomum among floodplain lakes was emphasised.  相似文献   

This work determined the nitrogen inputs, outputs and accumulation in compartments of stagnant earthen ponds for the monoculture and integrated multi‐trophic aquaculture (IMTA) of the Amazon river prawn (Macrobrachium amazonicum) and tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), using recycled hypereutrophic water. A completely randomized experiment was designed with four treatments and three replications: PM–monoculture with 30 prawns/m2, FM ‐ monoculture with 3 fish/m2, IMTA ‐ polyculture with 30 prawns/m2 and 30 fish/m2 free, POLY‐CAGE ‐ polyculture with 30 prawns/m2 free and 40 fish/m3 in net‐cages. Animals, rain, water, feed, soil, gas, accumulated sludge, and suspended sediments were collected throughout the experiment to determine their nitrogen contents and to calculate the nitrogen budget. Results showed that much of the nitrogen available escapes to atmosphere as N2 (~40%–56%) after denitrification or accumulated within bottom sludge (~14%–42%). The remaining nitrogen was converted in animal biomass (~5%–21%) or was discharged to receiving waterbodies in the outlet water (~11%–13%). Feed management appeared to influence the major biological processes in the aquatic nitrogen cycle, such as photosynthesis and denitrification. The fish‐prawn IMTA systems converted approximately 53%–75% of feed nitrogen into harvestable products, which is more efficient than the 19%–46% of feed nitrogen converted in the monocultures. However, a large amount of nitrogen is accumulated in the pond bottom in all systems. An increased prawn density or the addition of a mud‐feeder species to the culture may enhance the incorporation of this material in harvested biomass, improving the efficiency of the systems.  相似文献   

We evaluated citric acid supplementation (0, 10, 20, and 30 g/kg) in plant protein‐based diets for juvenile tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum. In Experiment 1, fish (n = 160; 27.56 ± 2.73 g) were distributed in 310 L tanks (n = 16) for 80 days. Zootechnical performance, hematological parameters, and mineral composition (muscle and bones) did not differ significantly (p > .05). The inclusion of citric acid‐reduced pH of diets (p = .001) and stomach (p = .035). In Experiment 2, fish (n = 60; 48.00 ± 1.98 g) were distributed in fecal collection aquaria (200 L) for 21 days. The following were observed: a linear effect for the crude protein (p = .0004) and crude fat (p = .0037) digestibility coefficients; a quadratic effect for crude energy (p = .0037) and dry matter (p = .0004); an optimal supplementation level of 18.5 g/kg. Calcium (p = .0060) and magnesium (p = .0222) showed a linear effect, while phosphorus (p = .0001) had a quadratic effect with the 20 g/kg optimum supplementation level. To conclude, the supplementation of this organic acid in diets does not negatively affect fish nutritional status, health or welfare, and increases nutrient and mineral availability.  相似文献   

Lippia alba hydrolate (LAH) is produced as a secondary product in essential oil extraction. The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of LAH in a simulation of the transport of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) juveniles. A series of 17 hr simulations were performed using load densities of 30, 60 and 90 juveniles per L and four LAH concentrations of 0.4%, 1%, 2% and 5%, with a control of just water. Fish survival, temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, pH, ammonia excretion, alkalinity water hardness and net Na+, K+, Cl fluxes, were all evaluated before and after the transport simulations. Mucous cell densities in the gills were also determined microscopically, post simulation. The results showed that addition of 5% LAH achieved better survival during the simulation than the water control. Dissolved oxygen was significantly lower with an increased load density. Also, conductivity, NH4 excretion and net ionic fluxes (K+ and Cl?) were lower with 5% LAH, although mainly where higher load densities were tested. Mucous cell density was lower in LAH concentrations of 2% and 5%, again with higher load densities. In view of these findings, it is suggested that 5% LAH is an effective sedative for use in the transport of tambaqui, mainly with high load densities. This work is the first study of LAH and highlights its potential applications in aquaculture management.  相似文献   


This work evaluated the effects of food frequencies and self-feeding on the behavior, performance, and blood biochemistry of Colossoma macropomum. Juveniles weighing 3.63?±?0.05 g were distributed in 27 aquariums (40 L), with six fish per aquarium, to evaluate nine treatments in three replications in a 12L:12D photoperiod. The treatments were 24-h self-feeding (SF); daytime self-feeding at will (SFD); nighttime self-feeding at will (SFN); and feeding at fixed frequencies of two (2D), four (4D), and six times (6D) daytime and twice (2 N), four (4 N), and six times (6 N) nightly. The treatments were offered in automatic feeders, with fixed frequencies programmed. Extruded commercial feed, with 46% protein, was used. The experimental period was 40 days. In the SF treatment, the animals exhibited 95.7% nocturnal and 4.3% diurnal feeding activity (p?<?0.05). In the treatment SFD and SFN, the animals showed feeding activity throughout the day and night. Final weight, weight gain, and total feed intake were higher for animals at fixed daytime and nighttime frequencies (p?<?0.05). Feed conversion was better for animals in SF, SFD, 4D, SFN, and 4 N (0.89, 0.76, 0.91, 0.85, and 0.88, respectively) (p?<?0.05). Cholesterol and high-density lipoproteins were lower for fish in SF, SFN, 2 N, 4 N, and 6 N (p?<?0.05). SF treatment animals had lower triglyceride content, 154.20 mg dL?1 (p?<?0.05). Colossoma macropomum has nocturnal food preferences, however, with remarkable plasticity. Juveniles of this species fed four times during the day or night show good performance. Dietary patterns influenced the blood metabolic indicators of this species and the periods studied.


Colossoma macropomum is the second largest scaled fish in the Amazon basin. Reduced harvests in recent decades suggest that populations of this species are already overexploited in some areas. In this study, the population dynamics of C. macropomum was investigated using length and weight data for fish caught in the Manacapuru Lake system, a large ria lake located along the lower reach of the Solimões River. A total of 1270 individuals of C. macropomum with standard lengths varying from 17 to 62 cm and mean length of 31.0 ± 6.7 cm were sampled. Weights varied from 165 to 8195 g, and mean weight was 1148.3 ± 883.8 g. Maximum sustainable yield was estimated at 285.8 g recruit−1, corresponding to a fishing mortality of 0.51 year−1. A scenario analysis based on changes in fishing mortality and age at first capture, two parameters potentially addressed by fishing management strategies, suggested that any improvement in fishing yield depends on increases in age at first capture.  相似文献   

The tambaqui Colossoma macropomum is the most important native fish in Brazilian aquaculture. Females are almost 20% heavier than males and therefore are more profitable. Based on this information, we tested four different concentrations (20, 40, 80, and 120 mg/kg diet) of oestradiol (E2) offered during 6 weeks to tambaqui larvae and analysed their efficiency in producing female monosex batches of the species. The study was performed in two independent tests, using different genetic backgrounds (broodstocks). All treatments increased the percentage of females in the population, but only the highest E2 dose was “free” of males in both tests. All treated groups contained intersex individuals (when sex inversion is not complete). Plasmatic E2 concentration was similar between treated and non‐treated fish 60 days after the treatment in fish treated with 20, 40, and 80 mg E2/kg diet. However, tambaqui treated with a 120 mg E2/kg diet showed lower E2 plasma concentration in comparison with the control group. Last, we chlorinated the water to ensure the environmental integrity of the study. Three days after chlorination, the water was completely free of any oestradiol residue (analysed by high‐performance liquid chromatography).  相似文献   

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