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高温胁迫下水稻氨基酸态氮与铵态氮营养效应研究 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
在高温胁迫无菌砂培条件下对无机氮 (硫酸铵 )、有机氮 (甘氨酸 ,谷氨酸和赖氨酸 )和缺氮 (对照 )培养的水稻植株干物重、总氮量及其根、叶谷草转氨酶 (GOT)和谷丙转氨酶 (GPT)活性作了研究。结果表明 ,有机、无机氮均被水稻吸收 ,且吸收量相当。低浓度无机氮 (N 10mg/L)或有机氮培养 2 0d后的水稻植株总氮量比对照的高 50%以上 ;无机氮培养的植株干物重显著低于有机氮培养和对照 ,表明植株受NH4+毒害。培养 15d后 ,多数有机氮培养的植株根或叶GOT或GPT活性显著高于对照 ,但根、叶间有较大差别 ;而无机氮培养的植株根GOT及根、叶GPT活性是对照的 2倍或以上。高浓度无机氮 (N 500mg/L)处理 6h后稻株根、叶GPT活性分别是对照的2.5和4倍 ,而高浓度甘氨酸 ,谷氨酸和赖氨酸态氮 (N 500mg /L)处理 6h后 ,根、叶GPT活性分别是对照的 5.7、9.4、1.9倍及1.8、2.3、1.4倍。 相似文献
在常温常压下分别燃烧生物柴油和0#柴油获得生物柴油碳烟微粒(biodiesel soot,BDS)和0#柴油碳烟微粒(diesel soot,DS)。采用旋转黏度计考察了BDS和DS在液体石蜡(liquid paraffin,LP)中的团聚特性,借助场发射透射电子显微镜、X射线衍射仪、拉曼光谱、傅立叶红外光谱仪、X-射线光电子能谱、元素分析仪、Zeta电位仪和光学法接触角/界面张力仪等分析了BDS和DS的形貌、成分、结构及团聚机理。结果表明,BDS和DS均是由大量的近球形一次颗粒组成的链状团聚体,BDS一次颗粒的直径小于DS,BDS的石墨化程度高于DS;和DS相比,BDS的C元素含量高,O、H、N、S元素含量低,2种碳烟均含C-C、C-O-C和C-OH等官能团。此外,DS还含有C=O官能团。BDS和DS在LP中均会发生团聚,但BDS对LP黏度的影响大于DS。其团聚机理为,与DS相比,BDS表面能高、亲油性弱,致使BDS在LP中容易团聚。研究结果为生物柴油在内燃机中广泛使用提供试验依据,为解决BDS在润滑油中的分散问题打下基础。 相似文献
Karin Kauer Henn Raave Tiina Köster Rein Viiralt Merrit Noormets Indrek Keres 《Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Plant Soil Science》2013,63(3):224-234
Abstract In grassland areas where herbage production has no economic value, the cut grass is often left on the sward surface where its decomposition is influenced by weather conditions. Although the influence of temperature and humidity on decomposition has been investigated under controlled lab conditions, experimentation has generally been under ideal moisture conditions that have not tested the combinations of climatic limitations that might occur in the field. The decomposition of mown turfgrass clippings deposited at different times of vegetation period was studied in situ using nylon bags during the first 8 weeks after deposition to investigate the effect of weather conditions (the air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation) on decomposition. Decomposition is the highest in the case of high air humidity and temperature of 10°C. Limiting factors for decomposition at temperatures above 10°C is the air humidity and below 10°C the air temperature. The general tendency was that the rate of decomposition increased with increasing air temperature up to 10°C, but with further increases of air temperature the decomposition rate slowed down. Relative air humidity had a variable impact (at the beginning of the decomposition process (weeks 1–2) the influence was negative, during weeks 3–8 of the decomposition process the effect was positive), and hence had no generalized relationship with decomposition over the studied decomposition period (weeks 1–8). The most significant influence of weather conditions on the decomposition rate was recorded directly after cutting. If the cutting was done during hot weather conditions, the material was drying fast and therefore decomposed slowly. Our results indicate that for fast decomposition of clippings it is important to maintain the freshness of material. Lower decomposition rates occurred during conditions of hot and dry weather, and also cooler (temperature near to 0°C) weather, and can be compensated as soon as favourable weather arrives. 相似文献
【目的】探究不同施氮量对玉米穗期高温胁迫下光合生理及产量的影响,为合理施氮实现玉米抗逆稳产提供理论依据。【方法】2020—2021年开展人工模拟高温田间试验。以耐热型品种郑单958 (Zhengdan 958)和热敏感型品种先玉335 (Xianyu 335)为材料;设置3个施氮量,分别为低氮(N 90 kg/hm2,N90)、中氮(N180 kg/hm2,N180)和高氮(N 270 kg/hm2,N270)。在玉米第11片叶展开期至抽雄期进行高温处理(HT),分别持续12天(2020年)和9天(2021年),以田间自然生长的植株为对照(CK),处理期间高温和对照的日最高温度均值分别为41.9℃、35.9℃(2020年)和40.8℃、37.7℃(2021年),昼夜温差均值分别为19.3℃、13.0℃(2020年)和18.1℃、14.8℃(2021年),调查两个品种穗位叶的光合色素含量、光合参数、叶绿素荧光参数、光合酶活性、籽粒产量及产量构成因素,分析温度、品种和施氮量三者之间的互作效应。【结果】1)高温胁迫提高了两个玉米品种穗位叶的磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(PEPCase)和核酮糖-1... 相似文献
研究氮钾营养对盐胁迫下面包果光合作用、叶绿素荧光和抗氧化系统的影响,为滨海盐碱地的面包果耐盐栽培提供参考。以面包果[Artocarpus altilis(Parkinson)Fosberg]为试验材料,采用土培法,浇灌盐分浓度为10.2 g/kg的海水,处理设置为低氮低钾(N1K1+S)、低氮中钾(N1K2+S)、中氮低钾(N2K1+S)、中氮中钾(N2K2+S)、无氮无钾浇海水阳性对照(N0K0+S)以及无氮无钾浇灌溉水阴性对照(N0K0+W)。结果表明:低氮低钾处理较单盐胁迫增加了面包果叶片净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)、蒸腾速率(Tr)以及潜在最大光能转换效率(Fv/Fm)、电子传递效率(ETR)和光系统II活性(Fv/Fo),而高浓度养分添加降低了胁迫下面包果的光合能力。与阴性对照相比,单盐胁迫处理和低氮低钾处理的叶片过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性呈增加趋势。施肥还降低了叶片中的丙二醛(MDA)含量。施肥及其与MDA含量之间的交互作用对面包果叶片光合作用的影响较大。低浓度的氮钾养分添加可以通过增强叶片光合作用和抗氧化酶系统来减轻盐胁迫对植物生长的有害作用。 相似文献
负压灌溉是一种新型地下渗灌技术,能有效提高作物产量、水分和氮肥利用效率。然而,负压灌溉高效增产的机制尚不明确。因此,试验采用基于“作物主动汲水(Crop initiate drawing water)”原理的负压灌溉系统,探讨了不同供水处理对土壤水氮时空分布特征及其对黄瓜氮素吸收和干物质量的影响。采用盆栽试验,以常规浇灌处理为对照(CK),观测4个供水负压(W1,0 kPa;W2,-5 kPa;W3,-10 kPa;W4,-15 kPa)下黄瓜生育期内土壤水分和氮素的分布特征、黄瓜氮素养分吸收利用、干物质量分布、黄瓜产量和氮素利用效率。结果表明,负压灌溉下黄瓜生育期内土壤水分分布较稳定,盆内土壤水分分布均匀系数比常规浇灌提高了28.00%~59.68%。各供水处理土壤硝态氮收获期比初果期增加40.60%~161.15%。土壤硝态氮在CK 处理下随着土层深度的增加而增加,但在负压灌溉处理下0~7和14~21 cm土层的土壤硝态氮含量显著高于7~14 cm土层(P<0.05)。与CK处理相比,负压灌溉能显著降低14~21 cm土层土壤硝态氮含量,表明负压灌溉有助于降低土壤硝态氮的淋溶风险。负压灌溉能显著提高土壤垂直剖面硝态氮分布均匀性,且该分布均匀性在负压灌溉系统不同供水处理间差异不显著。土壤水氮分布均匀系数与黄瓜累积氮吸收量、产量和氮肥利用效率呈正相关关系,相比CK处理,W2和W3处理显著增加了黄瓜氮吸收量、干物质量和产量,提高了氮肥利用效率。综上所述,与传统灌溉相比,尽管负压灌溉各处理均能显著提高土壤水氮分布均匀性,但是过高或过低的供水负压均可能产生水分胁迫,不利于作物生长发育和产量的形成。 相似文献
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(9):877-891
Abstract Ammonium sulfate and urea were added to three soils of widely different composition. After incubation for 28 days at 20°C, from 13 to 89% of the N from ammonium sulfate, and 8 to 71% of the N as urea were not recovered, and at 40°C, 44 to 95% of the N as ammonium sulfate, and 33 to 81% of the N as urea was not recovered as either ammonium‐N or nitrate‐N. Significantly more N was lost from a soil containing 3% calcium carbonate at pH 8.4 as compared to the two other soils containing 25 and 35% calcium carbonate, which have pH's of 7.7 and 7.5, respectively. An incubation temperature of 40°C appeared quite unfavourable for nitrification. 相似文献
超级杂交早稻氮肥群体最高生产力及其增长特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在大田条件下,以普通杂交早稻(荣优9号和五丰优623)为对照,设置5个氮肥水平(分别施N 0、135、165、195和225 kg/hm2),比较研究了超级杂交早稻(金优458、春光1号、03优66、淦鑫203)氮肥群体最高生产力及其群体特征。结果表明,1)除普通杂交早稻品种和个别超级稻品种(03优66)在165 kg/hm2水平外,其他超级早稻品种均在195 kg/hm2水平下产量达到最高(即表现氮肥群体最高生产力)。超级杂交早稻较普通杂交早稻产量平均增加8.42%,穗数增加10.67%,穗粒数增加13.96%,群体颖花量大是超级杂交早稻生产力提高的主要原因。2)在各品种的最高生产力条件下,与普通杂交早稻相比,超级杂交早稻各生育时期(有效分蘖临界叶龄期除外)的群体叶面积指数均显著提高,且抽穗后群体叶面积指数下降缓慢,群体光合势提高9.00%,从而显著增加了生育中后期的干物质积累量。3)超级杂交早稻氮素吸收总量达182.62(167.53~191.72)kg/hm2,较普通杂交早稻增加20.02%,其中拔节至抽穗期增加30.09%,抽穗至成熟期增加28.92%。与普通杂交早稻相比,超级杂交早稻的氮素农学利用率和生理利用率均明显提高,而氮素吸收利用率和氮素偏生产力却有所降低。 相似文献
B. Sun D. M. Roberts P. G. Dennis S. Caul T. J. Daniell P. D. Hallett D. W. Hopkins 《Soil Use and Management》2014,30(1):152-159
Attention is being paid to the use of different tillage regimes as a means of retaining soil organic carbon (SOC) and sequestering more SOC. Alongside earlier measurements of total SOC stocks under different tillage regimes, we have examined the distribution of nitrogen (N), microbial activity and the structure of the soil bacterial community from differently tilled plots under continuous barley. The plots were established 5 yr before sampling and have been maintained annually under conventional tillage (CT; moldboard ploughing to 20 cm and disking), deep ploughing (DP; ploughing to 40 cm and disking), minimum tillage (MT; disking to 7 cm) or zero tillage (ZT). Our earlier work showed there was no difference in SOC contents down to 60‐cm depth between the treatments, but now we report that there were significant differences in the total N and active microbial biomass (substrate‐induced respiration) contents of the same soils. The N contents of the CT, DP and MT treatments were not significantly different, but the ZT contained significantly more N, indicating either greater N retention under the ZT treatment or preferential loss from the more intensively tilled treatments, or a combination of both. The microbial biomass content was greater for the CT and DP treatments than for the MT and ZT treatments, indicating greater sensitivity to treatment effects of the microbial biomass pool than the total C pool, consistent with its more dynamic nature. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T‐RFLP) analyses of the soil bacteria DNA (a method of assessing the bacterial community structure) enabled the samples to be distinguished both according to SOC content, which is to be expected, and to tillage regime with the greatest differences in community structure occurring in the ZT treatment and the least in DP and CT treatments, reflecting the degree of homogenization or disturbance resulting from tillage. 相似文献
Susana Silva Conceição Cândido Ferreira de Oliveira Neto Elton Camelo Marques Antonio Vinícius Correa Barbosa Jessivaldo Rodrigues Galvão Tamires Borges de Oliveira 《Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science》2019,65(9):1237-1247
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is an important oilseed crop with clear sensibility to salt stress. In this study, we evaluated silicon (Si) effect on the nitrogen metabolism and antioxidant enzyme activity in sunflower plants subjected to salinity. A 4 × 4 factorial arrangement of treatments in a completely randomized design with four replicates was used, consisting of four concentrations of Si (0.0; 1.0; 1.5; and 2.0 mM) and four concentrations of NaCl (0; 50; 100; and 150 mM) in the nutrient solution. The salinity reduced the nitrate content, but the increasing Si concentration in the medium improved the nitrate uptake, leading this ion to accumulate in salt-stressed plants, particularly in the roots. The nitrate reductase activity and the proline and soluble N-amino contents were also significantly increased by Si in salt conditions. The salinity increased electrolyte leakage and reduced the activity of enzymes superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase and catalase in sunflower plants, but these decreases were reversed by Si at 2 mM, thus alleviating the effects of salinity on these variables. We conclude that Si is able to positively modulate nitrogen metabolism and antioxidant enzyme activities in sunflower plants in order to alleviate the harmful effects of salinity. 相似文献
Field experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of irrigation regimes and N levels on assimilate remobilization of two barley cultivars (Yousefsix-rowed and Nimrouztwo-rowed) in 2011 and 2012. There were three levels of water regimes (full irrigation (I100), 75% and 50% of I100: I75 and I50, respectively) in 2011. Rain-fed treatment (I0) was included in 2012. Three N levels (0, 60, and 120 kg ha?1) were used. Grain yield and assimilate remobilization decreased by severe water stress (I0), however, the reduction of them were intensified by N fertilizer application. The N remobilization was negatively affected by N fertilization and water stress. The two-rowed showed higher N remobilization (10.7%) and contribution of N remobilized to N content of grain (5.8%) than the six-rowed. The two-rowed cultivar showed significantly higher assimilate remobilization and grain yield than the six-rowed under I50 (26.3% and 6.5%, respectively) and I0 (48.7% and 17.1%, respectively), while the six-rowed had similar or higher performances in terms of these traits under I100 and I75. This study showed that optimizing irrigation and N rates (decrease N level with increasing water stress) and selection of the suitable cultivars (Nimrouztwo-rowed) might increase assimilate remobilization and consequently grain yield under drought stress conditions. 相似文献
生物柴油的低温流动特性及其改善 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
使用气-质联用仪和低温性能测试仪,运用溶液结晶原理和电子效应理论研究生物柴油的低温流动性。依据生物柴油的结晶机理,提出并验证了与石油柴油调合、添加低温流动性改进剂和结晶分馏3种措施改善生物柴油的低温流动性。研究表明:棕榈油生物柴油和-10号柴油的冷滤点分别为8和-7℃。与-10号柴油调合,调合油的冷滤点最低降到-12℃;棕榈油生物柴油调合体积分数为5%~20%时能形成最低共熔物,冷滤点为-12℃。添加低温流动性改进剂,棕榈油生物柴油的冷滤点最低降到2℃。结晶分馏,棕榈油生物柴油的冷滤点降到0℃,得率为68.2%。该研究为寒冷地区使用生物柴油提供技术支持。 相似文献
秸秆还田下氮肥管理对低中产田水稻产量和氮素吸收利用影响的研究 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3
探究氮肥运筹管理对湖北中低产田水稻产量及氮素利用率的影响,为中低产田水稻生产提供合理的施肥技术措施。本研究在秸秆还田和总氮(180 kg/hm2)控制的条件下,以水稻两优培九为材料,研究不同基、 蘖、 穗氮肥配比对中低产田水稻产量及其构成因子、不同时期叶片SPAD值、 氮含量、 地上部氮素累积量及其氮利用效率的影响。结果表明, 在2011年和2012年两年大田试验的4个基、 蘖、 穗氮肥配比处理中,各试验点水稻产量均以40-30-30的处理最高, 其中在田块A与田块C中比80-0-20处理增产15.9%和8.6%,在田块B与田块D中比60-20-20处理增产6.7%和5.5%。同时40-30-30处理的氮素收获指数(NHI)和氮肥偏生产力(PFPN)也最高,优化基、 蘖、 穗肥比可以提高氮素收获指数(NHI)和氮肥偏生产力(PFPN)。综上研究结果,各中低产田中不同基、 蘖、 穗氮肥配比处理的水稻产量依次为40-30-3050-20-3060-20-2080-0-20,结合产量构成因子、SPAD值、氮肥利用率等因素综合考虑,40-30-30是湖北中低产水稻田氮肥配比的合理运筹模式。 相似文献
Maria Victoria Martinez-Toledo Belen Rodelas Victoriano Salmeron Clementina Pozo Jesus Gonzalez-Lopez 《Biology and Fertility of Soils》1996,22(1-2):131-135
The production of pantothenic acid and thiamine by Azotobacter vinelandii was studied in a chemically defined medium and a dialysed soil medium amended with different amounts of carbohydrate and NH
. Pantothenic acid and thiamine were produced in large amounts in the culture medium containing 2.0–5.0% glucose and 0.1–0.3% NH4Cl. The results showed that the liberation of these vitamins was increased under adiazotrophic conditions and with an excess of C source.Group of Environmental Microbiology, Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Pharmacy and Institute of Water Research, University of Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain. 相似文献
膜下滴灌氮肥分期追施量对玉米氮效率及土壤氮素平衡的影响 总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6
Many herbs and spices have been shown to contain high levels of polyphenolic compounds with potent antioxidant properties. In the present study, we explore how nutrient availability, specifically nitrogen fertilization, affects the production of polyphenolic compounds in three cultivars (Dark Opal, Genovese, and Sweet Thai) of the culinary herb, basil ( Ocimum basilicum L.). Nitrogen fertilization was found to have a significant effect on total phenolic levels in Dark Opal ( p < 0.001) and Genovese ( p < 0.001) basil with statistically higher phenolic contents observed when nutrient availability was limited at the lowest (0.1 mM) applied nitrogen treatment. Similarly, basil treated at the lowest nitrogen fertilization level generally contained significantly higher rosmarinic ( p = 0.001) and caffeic ( p = 0.001) acid concentrations than basil treated at other nitrogen levels. Nitrogen fertilization also affected antioxidant activity ( p = 0.002) with basil treated at the highest applied nitrogen level, 5.0 mM, exhibiting lower antioxidant activity than all other nitrogen treatments. The anthocyanin content of Dark Opal basil was not affected by applied nitrogen level, but anthocyanin concentrations were significantly impacted by growing season ( p = 0.001). Basil cultivar was also determined to have a statistically significant effect on total phenolic levels, rosmarinic and caffeic acid concentrations, and antioxidant activities. 相似文献
菠萝变温压差膨化干燥工艺优化 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
为了确定最佳的菠萝变温压差膨化干燥工艺范围,在单因素的基础上,采用三因子二次回归正交旋转组合设计,对菠萝变温压差膨化干燥工艺进行了优化,分析了膨化温度(X1)、膨化压力(X2)和抽空时间(X3)这3个因素对产品含水率(Y1)、色泽(Y2)、硬度(Y3)和脆度(Y4)这4个指标的影响及其交互作用。根据试验数据推论出描述这4个指标的二次回归模型,并进行了响应面分析,得出了菠萝优化膨化工艺范围。结果表明:膨化温度、膨化压力和抽空时间对产品的含水率、色泽、硬度和脆度都影响显著,三因子间的交互作用也显著地影响产品质量。最佳菠萝变温压差膨化干燥工艺范围是:膨化温度115~123℃;膨化压力0.04~0.08 MPa;抽空时间为2~3 h。 相似文献
针对气体绝对压力小于40kPa的低压、宽温(-70~+80℃)状态下流量的测量,目前仍无简便有效的质量流量测量手段的问题,该文基于动态平衡原理提出了一种流量测量方法,设计了一套流量标定装置,其原理为低压、宽温状态下,流经调节阀的流量取决于阀前、后压力、阀门开度、气流温度4个变量。通过对由流量标定装置采集的原始数据样本的分析,利用BP神经网络方法建立了流量与阀前、后压力、阀门开度、气流温度的关系表达式。试验结果表明模型计算值与实测流量偏差小于1.8%,验证了该文所提出的流量测量方法有效性。 相似文献
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(3-4):379-388
Abstract Sphagnum peat moss was supplemented with 0, 0.01, 0.1, or 1.0 mg as C/cm3 of medium using glucose, galactose, succinate, or acetate as a carbon source. These treatments were factorially combined with 0, 30, or 60 μg N/cm3 using ammonium sulfate as the nitrogen source. Medium treatments were then incubated at 20°C and 40% water holding capacity. Urease activity was determined immediately prior to treatment (day = 0), and 7, 14, and 21 days following treatment. In another study, sphagnum peat was treated with 1.0 mg C/cm3 of medium using galactose as a carbon source. These treatments were factorially combined with 0 or 60 μg N cm3 medium using either ammonium sulfate or urea as a nitrogen source. Treatments were incubated and assayed for urease activity as described for the previous experiment. In the first experiment, the addition of carbon stimulated urease activity with activity being greatest for the highest rate of carbon. Treatments receiving the two monosaccharides, glucose and galactose, showed greater urease activity levels with treatments receiving galactose having the greatest urease activity. The addition of ammonium retarded the increase in urease activity from the addition of carbon. In the second experiment, in the absence of galactose, urease activity increased in samples supplemented with urea as compared to when ammonium was added. When galactose was present, the addition of urea had no effect on urease activity as compared to treatments receiving ammonium. 相似文献