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近5年来, 我国在害虫变态发育与生殖调控、害虫滞育调控、害虫迁飞、害虫与共生微生物互作、害虫对杀虫剂的抗性、害虫与寄主植物的化学通讯、害虫对植物抗虫性的适应、害虫对作物种植结构调整的响应、害虫对全球气候变化的响应等农业害虫发生新规律新机制解析方面取得了系列重要进展, 同时推进了抗虫作物、RNA农药、行为调控和生态调控等害虫防控新技术与新产品的研发; 提出迁飞性草地贪夜蛾分区治理、多食性盲蝽区域防控、地下害虫韭蛆绿色防控和抗性麦蚜精准化学防控等害虫绿色防控新模式新体系。根据国内外农业害虫综合防治科技发展趋势和中国农业高质量发展现实需求, 我国需进一步重视农业昆虫交叉学科前沿和新兴技术领域, 以产业需求为导向, 强化害虫防控基础理论创新, 创制智能监测预警和绿色防控新技术、新产品, 创新集成区域绿色防控和跨区协同治理技术体系, 为保障国家粮食安全、助力乡村全面振兴提供强有力的植保科技支撑。 相似文献
荔枝主要害虫及其防治 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
荔枝的主要害虫有荔枝蝽蟓(TessaratomapapillosnDrury),荔枝蒂蛀虫(Conopomorphasinensis)荔枝龟背天牛(AristobiafestdoVoet)荔枝叶瘿纹(Dasinerusap.)荔枝瘿螨(EriophyeslitchiiKeifer)等。果农采用的防治方法包括农业防治,生物防治,化学防治等,国内外目前仍依赖化学防治,荔枝的主要害虫都有相应的重要天敌。 相似文献
棉花是巴基斯坦重要的经济作物,棉花产品出口是该国外汇收入的主要来源。在过去10年中巴基斯坦棉花种植面积大幅减少,棉花产量也从2011年的261万t下降至2021年的154万t。烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci及其传播的棉花曲叶病和棉红铃虫Pectinophora gossypiella等有害生物危害是棉花产量下降的主要原因之一。目前,棉花害虫的防治主要依靠背负式喷雾器或机车式喷雾器喷施杀虫剂,无人机施药的政策及大规模推广应用尚处于起始阶段。害虫对杀虫剂抗性上升是目前害虫治理的主要问题。由于信德省和旁遮普省等传统植棉区棉花害虫发生比较严重,巴基斯坦政府计划在俾路支省和开伯尔-普赫图赫瓦省扩大棉花种植面积。为了恢复棉花的生产,政府制定了一系列计划来提高害虫综合治理水平,如研发生物杀虫剂、转基因品种等。针对当前棉花生产过程中所面临的虫害问题,未来应更新害虫治理策略,加强对农业部门技术人员的培训,为巴基斯坦棉花的可持续生产提供技术支持。 相似文献
柑橘是全世界重要的经济作物,易受到柑橘木虱、柑橘全爪螨、柑橘大实蝇等多种害虫危害;随着其种植规模的不断扩大,管理不科学等问题导致害虫防治形势日益严峻.本文总结了目前柑橘害虫化学防治、物理防治、引诱剂诱捕、天敌资源利用等方面的技术措施与应用方法,以期为我国柑橘产业健康发展提供理论参考. 相似文献
茶树的大面积、连片种植导致虫害发生日趋严重,虫害的有效防控成为保障茶叶产量的关键环节。科学应用生物防治、农业防治和物理防治措施,及时使用化学农药进行应急防治,以保障茶叶的产量和品质。 相似文献
为了解甘肃省河西走廊棉区5种常见害虫的田间种群消长动态,明确防治适期并提出以植物源药剂为主的棉花害虫绿色防控技术,于甘肃省敦煌市和瓜州县棉田连续3年采用人工调查和性诱剂诱捕器监测棉蚜Aphis gossypii、棉叶螨、棉蓟马Thrips tabaci、烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci及棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera的发生动态,同时开展以植物源农药为主的不同类型杀虫剂的田间药效筛选试验,建立科学防控用药技术流程。结果表明,棉蚜全年有6月中旬和7月中下旬2个发生高峰期,建议防治适期为7月上中旬;棉叶螨全年有7月上旬和7月下旬(2017年除外)2个发生高峰期,建议防治适期为6月下旬和7月中旬;烟粉虱全年只有8月中旬至9月中下旬1个高峰期,建议防治适期为8月上中旬;棉蓟马全年只有7月上旬至8月上旬1个高峰期,建议防治适期为7月上旬;棉铃虫1年发生3代,幼虫在7月下旬、9月上旬和9月中旬各有1个发生高峰期,成虫在7月上中旬、8月中下旬和9月中旬各有1个高峰期,建议防治适期应为7月上旬。软皂水剂、藜芦碱、苦参碱、啶虫脒和吡虫啉可用于防控棉蚜,药后14 d防效达76.93%~91.25%;藜芦碱、苦参碱、矿物油、软皂水剂、松油、阿维菌素、阿维·哒螨灵、螺螨酯和硅藻土+有机硅助剂可用于防控棉叶螨,药后10 d防效达72.39%~92.81%;软皂水剂、藜芦碱、印楝素、硅藻土+有机硅助剂、阿维菌素和噻虫嗪可用于防控烟粉虱,药后7 d防效达65.84%~84.29%;除虫菊素、苦参碱、多杀霉素、噻虫嗪和吡虫啉可用于防控棉蓟马,药后14 d防效达72.92%~90.93%。表明在该地区棉田主要害虫防治适期,建立以植物源农药替代传统化学药剂的防控技术,可用于我国河西走廊棉区棉花害虫的绿色防控。 相似文献
2018年以来, 我国在主要农作物真菌、卵菌、细菌、病毒和线虫病害的病原菌致病机制解析、寄主植物抗病机理研究、主要农作物病害监测预警及绿色防控关键核心技术研发与应用方面取得了系列重要进展, 同时推进了抗病品种、纳米农药、免疫调节和生态调控等病害防控新技术与新产品的研发。根据国内外农作物病害综合防治科技发展趋势和中国农业高质量发展现实需求, 我国需进一步重视农作物病害交叉学科前沿和新兴技术领域, 聚焦保障国家生物安全和粮食安全的主责主业, 强化农作物病害防控理论创新、技术创新, 创制智能监测预警和绿色防控新技术、新产品, 创新集成区域绿色防控和跨区协同治理技术体系, 为实现高水平农业科技自立自强、支撑农业强国建设贡献植保力量。 相似文献
Walter J Bentley 《Pest management science》2009,65(12):1298-1304
The foundation of an integrated pest management program involves valid treatment thresholds, accurate and simple monitoring methods, effective natural controls, selective pesticides and trained individuals who can implement the concept. The Integrated Control Concept written by Stern, Smith, van den Bosch and Hagen elucidated each of these points in an alfalfa ecosystem. Alfalfa hay (Medicago sativa L.) has a low per acre value, requires little hand labor and is primarily marketed in the USA. In contrast, fresh market table grape (Vitis vinifera L.) has a high per acre value, requires frequent hand labor operations, suffers unacceptable cosmetic damage and is marketed throughout both the USA and the world. Each of the components of a working IPM program is present in table grape production. Marketing grapes to foreign countries presents special problems with pests considered invasive and where residue tolerances for some selective insecticides are lacking. However, fresh market grape farmers are still able to deal with these special problems and utilize an IPM program that has resulted in a 42% reduction in broad‐spectrum insecticide use from 1995 to 2007. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献
亚热带果树病虫害动态咨询网站的构建及其功能 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
网站由病虫识别、网络咨询、植物医院、专家论坛、信息快车、BBS等子系统组成。在Frontpage 2000和Dreamweaver 4.0网页编辑工具下开发,采用ASP动态网页技术提高咨询性能,可提供在线病虫识别、发生规律、防治措施、农药品种和防治处方咨询。系统动态性强,果树病虫害最新信息可在网上发布,为同行间的协作提供畅通的交流渠道。网站采用后台管理模式,进行数据添加、修改和维护。 相似文献
生物防治——害虫综合防治的重要内容 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文阐述了生物防治在综合防治中的重要性和如何全面正确认识生物防治技术。指出生物防治技术在生产上的成功应用,必须要注意与其他植保技术协调。文章还介绍了国内外成功的生防实例和生防必须遵循的基本原则。 相似文献
Emily R. Grace Mojgan Rabiey Ville-Petri Friman Robert W. Jackson 《Plant pathology》2021,70(9):1987-2004
Trees and woody plants can be attacked by many pests and pathogens either individually or as polymicrobial infections. In particular, infections caused by tree-specific bacterial pathogens have become more common during the last decade, causing serious concern for important tree and woody plant species in horticulture, urban environments, and forests. For example, Xylella and Pseudomonas bacteria are causing significant economic and ecological devastation throughout Europe in olive, cherry, and other stone fruits, mainly because of lack of efficient control methods and the emergence of bacterial resistance to traditional antimicrobial compounds such as copper and antibiotics. Hence, there is an urgent need for innovative approaches to tackle bacterial plant diseases. One way to achieve this could be through the application of biological control, which offers a more environmentally friendly and targeted approach for pathogen management. This review will explore recent advances in use of pathogen-specific viruses, bacteriophages (or phages), for the biocontrol of bacterial tree diseases. Phages are an important component of plant microbiomes and are increasingly studied in plant pathogen control due to their highly specific host ranges and ability to selectively kill only the target pathogenic bacteria. However, their use still poses several challenges and limitations, especially in terms of managing the bacterial diseases of long-lived trees. A particular insight will be given into phage research focusing on controlling Pseudomonas syringae pathovars, Erwinia amylovora, Xanthomonas species, Ralstonia solanacearum, and Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Recent milestones, current challenges, and future avenues for phage therapy in the management of tree diseases are discussed. 相似文献
中国水稻病虫草害治理60年:问题与对策 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
自第一次绿色革命以来,随着感性高产品种的大面积推广、化肥和农药的大量使用,在显著提高产量的同时,严重削弱了稻田系统的自然调控功能,导致病虫草危害加重。为有效控制有害生物危害,防治技术和治理策略已经历了从化学防治、初级综合防治和综合治理进而生态治理等多个阶段的发展。然而,尽管在有效控制有害生物对当季作物危害上取得了良好成绩,每年挽回稻谷损失数千万吨,但小虫成大灾、多病共发、杂草群落演变、重要病虫草害抗药性突出等问题,仍严重地威胁到粮食安全和生态安全。为确保水稻生产的可持续集约发展,植物保护研究必须从建设健康稻田系统总体目标出发,加强与相关学科合作,努力提升科技协同创新能力和稻田生态系统自然调控功能,并完善管理和政策保障体系,以确保绿色防控、生态治理技术的成功实施。 相似文献
Enhancing the effectiveness of biological control programs of invasive species through a more comprehensive pest management approach 下载免费PDF全文
Joseph M DiTomaso Robert A Van Steenwyk Robert M Nowierski Jennifer L Vollmer Eric Lane Earl Chilton Patrick L Burch Phil E Cowan Kenneth Zimmerman Christopher P Dionigi 《Pest management science》2017,73(1):9-13
Invasive species are one of the greatest economic and ecological threats to agriculture and natural areas in the US and the world. Among the available management tools, biological control provides one of the most economical and long‐term effective strategies for managing widespread and damaging invasive species populations of nearly all taxa. However, integrating biological control programs in a more complete integrated pest management approach that utilizes increased information and communication, post‐release monitoring, adaptive management practices, long‐term stewardship strategies, and new and innovative ecological and genetic technologies can greatly improve the effectiveness of biological control. In addition, expanding partnerships among relevant national, regional, and local agencies, as well as academic scientists and land managers, offers far greater opportunities for long‐term success in the suppression of established invasive species. In this paper we direct our recommendations to federal agencies that oversee, fund, conduct research, and develop classical biological control programs for invasive species. By incorporating these recommendations into adaptive management strategies, private and public land managers will have far greater opportunities for long‐term success in suppression of established invasive species. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献
中国水稻害虫治理对策的演变及其展望 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
本文简要回顾了中国水稻害虫的变迁、相应的对策演变,从中了解、总结害虫发生与人类治虫对策之间的因果渊源,指出只有师法自然、通过生态工程实施生态治理技术才能持续双赢。 相似文献
Vincent P Jones Thomas R Unruh David R Horton Nicholas J Mills Jay F Brunner Elizabeth H Beers Peter W Shearer 《Pest management science》2009,65(12):1305-1310
The seminal work of Stern and his coauthors on integrated control has had a profound and long‐lasting effect on the development of IPM programs in western orchard systems. Management systems based solely on pesticides have proven to be unstable, and the success of IPM systems in western orchards has been driven by conservation of natural enemies to control secondary pests, combined with pesticides and mating disruption to suppress the key lepidopteran pests. However, the legislatively mandated changes in pesticide use patterns prompted by the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996 have resulted in an increased instability of pest populations in orchards because of natural enemy destruction. The management system changes have made it necessary to focus efforts on enhancing biological control not only of secondary pests but also of primary lepidopteran pests to help augment new pesticides and mating disruption tactics. The new management programs envisioned will be information extensive as well as time sensitive and will require redesign of educational and outreach programs to be successful. The developing programs will continue to use the core principles of Stern and his co‐authors, but go beyond them to incorporate changes in society, technology and information transfer, as needed. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献