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草原作为我国畜牧业发展的重要基地、生态屏障,但是目前由于草原种群恶性膨胀导致了草原鼠害的加剧,不仅消耗了牧场饲料,更是对牧草根系、草原土壤结构的破坏,从而造成了草原退化的加剧。在文中首先分析了草原鼠害对草原的影响,然后就草原鼠害的防治措施展开了探讨。  相似文献   

我国农业鼠害发生状况及防控技术进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国的农业鼠害发生十分严重,全国31个省(市、自治区)农区均有发生。每年农田鼠害发生面积2 000~4 000万hm2,造成的粮食损失可占总产量的5%~10%。草原鼠害发生也遍及青海等13个草原大省(自治区),每年草原受灾面积达2 500~4 300万hm2左右,严重危害面积1 500~2 300万hm2。近年,我国农业鼠害防治工作取得了长足进步,成绩斐然。农田鼠害的防治可占到发生面积的50%~80%,农户鼠害的防治数占到发生总数的80%以上。草原鼠害防治面积占严重危害面积的1/3。鼠害监测预警体系的软硬件建设被不断推进。毒饵站技术,抗药性监测等技术措施被用来优化传统化学灭杀法,以减少其环境副作用。不育控制,TBS技术和生态管理等新型可持续鼠害管理技术的研究和试验推广也取得了丰硕成果。指导相关鼠害防治方法实践的国家标准、行业标准及优化策略等陆续推出。综合运用各种技术和方法来控制鼠害的能力得到了很大加强。  相似文献   

《植保技术与推广》杂志以为社会主义农业经济建设服务为办刊方向,以争创名牌期刊,满足读者需求,为农业生产服务为办刊宗旨,刊载全国农作物病虫草鼠害的测报、防治、检疫、农药械新技术、新成果,刊载我国有关植保工作方针政策,全国性重要病虫发生预测和防治指导意见...  相似文献   

刘晓辉 《植物保护》2023,49(5):335-339
鼠害治理事关国家粮食安全、生物多样性保护、生态安全及人民健康安全。鼠害治理的行业需求差异及鼠害防控理念的转变对鼠害治理提出了新的挑战。本文根据鼠害发生和治理技术的特点从技术层面分析了我国鼠害治理的主要瓶颈及短板, 提出了未来鼠害治理理论与技术研发的重点方向。  相似文献   

东北西部沙尘暴灾害发生规律及防治对策   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
东北西部地区地处半干旱生态脆弱带,是我国主要的农牧交错地区,近几十年来,由于自然和人类活动的影响,该地区生态环境退化严重,主要表现在大范围的草原退化和沙漠化扩展,湿地萎缩。文中利用考察成果和文献资料分析了东北西部地区近年来沙尘暴灾害性天气的发生规律,提出了比较可行的防治对策。  相似文献   

鼠害是制约农业可持续发展的生物灾害之一。为了发展无公害、可持续控制农业鼠害的新方法、新途径,迫切需要加强有关鼠害防治的基础研究,提升鼠害防治的科技水平。本文基于我国农业害鼠发生状况与学科发展趋势,从3个方面探讨了农业鼠害需要加强的研究方向,即基础生物学、鼠害成灾规律及鼠害防治技术。  相似文献   

绝大多数啮齿动物种类为植食性的小型哺乳动物,其生物学特性导致了鼠类危害的复杂性。当前,面对日益提高的生态安全需求,粮食安全、人民健康和生物安全以及生态安全对鼠害控制需求的差异造成了中国鼠害防控策略制定及实施的困扰。尤其在草原地区,如何在应急性灭杀和长效缓控之间找到一个平衡点是目前鼠害防控面临的一个巨大挑战。针对这些矛盾和挑战,该文分析了我国鼠害监测防控的现状、主要瓶颈与短板,并从技术层面提出“精准监测指导精准防控”可能会是解决这些矛盾的有效途径,是在有效控制鼠害暴发对粮食生产和人民健康安全威胁的前提下,推进生态保护和修复的有效途径。  相似文献   

周军  白云 《湖北植保》2012,(3):8-11
笔者通过对塔城地区10多年来草原蝗虫、鼠害的发生规律和治理工作的现状与治理成效进行了分析,找出了治理工作存在的问题,从有效保护草原生态环境的角度出发,提出了防治蝗虫、鼠害的有效对策。  相似文献   

农区鼠害监测数据管理系统的开发研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
系统依据<农区鼠害调查规程>与基于PDA的农区鼠害监测软件的实际需求,以C#为开发语言,Visual Studio 2005为开发环境,SQL Server 2000为数据库管理系统.应用XML、AJAX等工具与技术,开发研制了农区鼠害监测数据管理系统,实现了农区鼠害监测数据上载、管理、查询、归纳统计等功能.系统高度集成化、操作响应局部化,对于加强农区鼠害防治具有较强的实际应用价值.  相似文献   

甘肃省夏河县草地退化驱动力及可持续发展对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
天然草地是牧区居民赖以生存和发展的重要的物质基础和生态屏障。由于牧区长期的超载、过牧及对草地缺乏有效的管理与保护,致使草原退化导致的区域生态、经济问题越来越突出。本文采用20世纪50年代至今的文献数据资料和实地调查资料,对甘肃省夏河县草地退化的驱动力进行了研究,结论是自然原因是草地退化的潜在条件,而不合理的人类活动和不完善的经济、体制则是草地退化的主要驱动力,并据此提出以社会-经济-自然复合系统协调发展的对策。  相似文献   

王勇  刘晓辉  王登  刘少英 《植物保护》2023,49(5):325-334
鼠害作为一种重要的农业生物灾害, 造成的危害不仅涉及国家粮食安全、生态安全, 还严重威胁人民健康。随着鼠害防控理念的转变, 对鼠害治理工作提出了新的要求和目标。本文简要介绍了我国近5年来在鼠害治理研究及相关领域取得的成绩和不足之处, 提出了在生态文明建设为目标的要求下, 研究不同生态区域害鼠群落结构和危害特征、种群数量暴发机理等生物学特性, 建立害鼠物联网智能监测系统, 构建不同生态系统的鼠害防控生态阈值。研发生态环境友好型的鼠害绿色防控技术是鼠害治理的基本发展方向。  相似文献   

根据我国农业部统计数据,结合全国草地覆盖遥感数据,结合全国草地覆盖遥感数据,利用生态能学方法,评估了2000—2010年虫害对我国草地生态系统生物量危害损失。结果表明:11年期间全国由于虫害造成草地生物量损失约为年均230.9万t,损失量呈现先上升后下降后上升再下降的波动趋势,年份间危害差异变化很大,最高年份(2008年),损失328.5万t,占我国牧草需求量的32.8%。区域草地虫害强度排序为:中部西部东部,西部和中部共占比例高达96%;华北西北东北西南,其中内蒙古省年均损失量占全国总量的53.47%。这种特征与中国草被覆盖分布及防治科技发展程度密切相关。评估结果显示,我国草地生态系统虫害分布范围广,危害损失巨大,危害动态波动变化,应该加强对重点区域的草原虫害监测和预报,制定应对草原虫害治理策略。  相似文献   

南疆农区鼠害严重,但基础资料不足。为摸清当地鼠害发生特点,提供有效治理依据,本研究于2018年-2019年在南疆5地州39乡64村开展实地与问卷调查,并采用夹捕法调查害鼠种群构成。结果表明,南疆5地州农村普遍遭受鼠害影响,喀什与和田地区农田受害比例达89.4%,问卷结果表明农户和农田鼠害发生率均大于75%,且西部地区重于东部,约一半受访农户估计每年因鼠害损失超过500元。褐家鼠Rattus norvegicus是农户主要害鼠,占比超过70%;农田则以小家鼠Mus musculus和乌拉尔姬鼠Apodemus uralensis为主。这些结果表明,南疆农区鼠害处于重发态势,褐家鼠是主要鼠害来源,并有外来入侵风险。下一步应聚焦于监测主要害鼠种群动态规律,阐明褐家鼠来源和侵入机制,并探索建立适于当地的害鼠防治模式。  相似文献   

Eighteen species of rodents are pests in agriculture, horticulture, forestry, animal and human dwellings and rural and urban storage facilities in India. Their habitat, distribution, abundance and economic significance varies in different crops, seasons and geographical regions of the country. Of these, Bandicota bengalensis is the most predominant and widespread pest of agriculture in wet and irrigated soils and has also established in houses and godowns in metropolitan cities like Bombay, Delhi and Calcutta. In dryland agriculture Tatera indica and Meriones hurrianae are the predominant rodent pests. Some species like Rattus meltada, Mus musculus and M. booduga occur in both wet and dry lands. Species like R. nitidus in north-eastern hill region and Gerbillus gleadowi in the Indian desert are important locally. The common commensal pests are Rattus rattus and M. musculus throughout the country including the islands. R. rattus along with squirrels Funambulus palmarum and F. tristriatus are serious pests of plantation crops such as coconut and oil palm in the southern peninsula. F. pennanti is abundant in orchards and gardens in the north and central plains and sub-mountain regions. Analysis of the information available on the damage and economic losses caused by rodents in rice, wheat, sugarcane, maize, pearl millet, sorghum, oil seed, legume and vegetable crop fields, horticulture and forestry, poultry farms, and rural and urban dwellings and storage facilities clearly shows that chronic damage ranging from 2% to 15% persists throughout the country and severe damage, sometimes even up to 100% loss of the field crop, is not rare. Several traditional and modern approaches and methods of rodent control are being used. The existing knowledge of the environmental, cultural, biological, mechanical and chemical methods of rodent control in India is reviewed. Considerable variations exist in the susceptibility of the pest species to different methods, particularly to rodenticides and trapping, their field applicability, efficacy and economics in different crops, seasons and geographical regions, behavioural responses of the pest species to these methods in different ecological conditions and their adoption by farmers in different regions of India. Environmental and cultural techniques, such as clean cultivation, proper soil tillage and crop scheduling, barriers, repellents and proofing which may reduce rodent harbourage, food sources and immigration have long lasting effects but are seldom adopted. However, their significance in relation to normal agricultural practices, intensification and diversification are discussed. Rodenticides, which provide an immediate solution to the rodent problem, form the major component of rodent control strategies in India. Poison baiting of rodents with zinc phosphide and burrow fumigation with aluminium phosphide are common in agricultural fields and recently Racumin (coumatetralyl) and bromadiolone have been introduced for the control of both agricultural and commensal rodent pests in India. Methods and timings of campaigns and successes and problems in implementation of rodent control are also reviewed.  相似文献   

对青海省大通县退耕还林还草地及周边农田鼠类群落组成进行调查研究,在退耕还林还草地共捕获鼠类6种728只,以根田鼠和高原鼢鼠为优势种;农田中共捕获各种鼠类3种75只,以长尾仓鼠为优势种。比较发现,退耕还林还草后,鼠类群落组成发生了明显的变化,与之相适应,鼠害治理应针对不同的鼠类种群和危害程度采取相应的控制措施。  相似文献   

Modern commercial poultry production under large companies is expanding worldwide with similar methods and housing, and the accompanying arthropod and rodent pest problems. The pests increase the cost of production and are factors in the spread of avian diseases. The biology, behavior and control of ectoparasites and premise pests are described in relation to the different housing and production practices for broiler breeders, turkey breeders, growout (broilers and turkeys), caged-layers, and pullets. Ectoparasites include Ornithonyssus fowl mites, Dermanyssus chicken mites, lice, bedbugs, fleas, and argasid fowl ticks. Premise pests include Alphitobius darkling beetles, Dermestes hide beetles, the house fly and several related filth fly species, calliphorid blow flies, moths, cockroaches, and rodents. Populations of these pests are largely determined by the housing, waste, and flock management practices. An integrated pest management (IPM) approach, tailored to the different production systems, is required for satisfactory poultry pest control. Biosecurity, preventing the introduction of pests and diseases into a facility, is critical. Poultry IPM, based on pest identification, pest population monitoring, and methods of cultural, biological, and chemical control, is elucidated. The structure of the sophisticated, highly integrated poultry industry provides a situation conducive to refinement and wider implementation of IPM.  相似文献   

蝗虫是世界性重大成灾害虫,时常在草原、沙漠区或农作区暴发为害.当前的非洲沙漠蝗灾害再次提醒人们,蝗灾依然是粮食生产和生态安全的严重威胁.在寻求绿色可持续防蝗的新策略新技术研究中,昆虫病原真菌显现出种类多、毒力强、易规模化生产及环境友好等明显优势而倍受重视.近30年,真菌防蝗研究和应用进步加快,国际、国内都有真菌防蝗产品...  相似文献   

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