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目的:观察国产盐酸林可霉素-硫酸大观霉素(Lincomycin Hydrochloride and Spectinomycin Sulfate)可溶性粉对鸡支原体和大肠杆菌混合感染所致雏鸡气囊病的治疗效果.方法:雏鸡气囊人工混合感染鸡毒支原体和大肠杆菌.结果:林可-大观可溶性粉按0.75~1.88g/l饮水治疗5 d,能有效地控制雏鸡大肠杆菌及支原体感染,降低感染鸡发病率、气囊病变指数、支原体抗体阳性率和死亡率;其效果与对照药物利高霉素100相近.  相似文献   

建立了测定林可霉素-大观霉素复方油混悬注射液中盐酸林可霉素与盐酸大观霉素含量的高效液相色谱(HPLC)方法.采用C18色谱柱(4.6mm×250 mm,5 μm),检测林可霉素的流动相为0.05mol/L硼砂溶液(用850 mL/L磷酸调节pH至5.0)-甲醇-乙腈(60∶36∶4),检测波长为214 nm;检测大现霉...  相似文献   

猪痢疾是由致病性密螺旋体引起的一种猪肠道传染病,其特征为黏液性或黏液出血性下痢,大肠黏膜发生卡他性出血性炎症,有的发展为纤维素性坏死性炎症。目前,控制本病主要采取综合防制措施,所以,有必要对该病进行检疫,及早阻断病原传播。  相似文献   

The length of incubation for 36 eight and 12 week old swine in eight experimental passages averaged 11 days and ranged from five to 24 days. The duration of diarrhea for 24 of these swine averaged 6.4 days and ranged from two to 19 days. The consistent macroscopic lesion was a colitis and, subsequently, a typhlitis. In the swine euthanized on the first day of diarrhea, the colitis was most intense in the coils near the apex of the colon and, frequently, these swine had a hyperemia of the fundus of the stomach. The amount of visible blood in the colon varied. Organisms identified microscopically and ultrastructurally as spirochetes were observed commonly in the feces and the mucosal glands of the colon of swine with a diarrhea, but not in the adjacent mesenteric lymph nodes. These spirochetes which were the most numerous on the first day of diarrhea, could not be isolated and propagated in vitro. Swine which recovered naturally or were medicated at the height of a diarrhea, developed a resistance to swine dysentery. Colon from infected swine remained infectious when stored at -77°C for nine months but not when stored at -16°C. Feces from infected swine were not infectious after lyophilization and storage at -12°C.  相似文献   

为了研究延胡索酸泰妙菌素对猪支原体肺炎的临床疗效,选用体重90 kg左右的2月龄健康杜洛克长白杂交猪,通过建立疾病模型和疗效评价指标判别延胡索酸泰妙菌素的治疗效果。结果表明,按1000 kg饲料添加100 g或200 g延胡索酸泰妙菌素,可以显著减轻感染猪的临床症状和病理变化,提高猪的增重,其效果优于磷酸泰乐菌素预混剂。  相似文献   

Three experiments have been carried out to elucidate the possible influence of the vitamin E and selenium content of the feed on experimental swine dysentery. In most of the pigs given a vitamin E and selenium deficient diet, large and diffuse pseudomembranes appeared in the spiral colon, which also usually displayed a distended appearance and prominent oedematous infiltrations in the mesentery. The histological examination revealed large fibrinous pseudomembranes attached to defects on the mucosal surface. There were also pseudo-membranes containing necrotic mucosal tissue. Fibrinoid thrombi within minute vessels were readily observed in the latter lesions. The vitamin E supplemented pigs had colonic lesions very much like the deficient animals, while half of the selenium supplemented animals developed none or moderate inflammatory changes, the other half displayed, however, prominent pseudomeinbranes in the colon. Ten out of 26 pigs supplemented with both vitamin E and selenium were not affected by swine dysentery. In the remaining pigs catarrhal inflammatory lesions dominated in the colonic mucosa. In some of these animals pseudomembranes occurred, but they were usually small and of limited distribution. The vascular thromboses and tissue necrosis demonstrated within the colonic lesions are found to be compatible with a Shwartzman reaction. Erythrocytic “thrombi” and other phenomena associated with stasis are further believed to be of pathogenetic importance in this respect. It is emphasized that this report also illustrates the enhancing effect of a combined supplement of vitamin E and selenium on resistance to swine dysentery.  相似文献   

A 5 year history of swine dysentery and treatment has been described.  相似文献   

药物对猪囊尾蚴体外作用的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选用芬苯达唑、奥芬达唑、氟苯达唑和伊维菌素体外作用猪囊尾蚴,并与吡喹酮和阿苯达唑比较。于用药后6,12,24,36h进行光镜观察。结果表明:芬苯达唑,奥芬达唑和氟苯达只均能体外杀灭猪囊尾蚴,强烈程度顺序为吡喹酮、芬苯达只,阿苯达唑,奥芬达唑,氟苯达唑,发挥作用的时间顺序为吡喹酮,奥芬达唑,芬苯达唑,阿苯达唑,氟苯达唑。伊维菌素无杀灭猪囊尾病作用。  相似文献   

三九克痢对仔猪黄白痢及传染性胃肠炎的防治效果研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
三九克痢注射剂对仔猪黄白痢及传染性胃肠炎的防治效果表明,预防有效率达100%;治愈的总有效率分别为90.8%,93.4%,87.7%,与其他药物的疗效比较,差异极显著。  相似文献   

以人工复制细菌性下痢的猪、鸡为模型,采用不同剂量的菌痢消颗粒进行了疗效观察.从疗效来看,高、中剂量组的有效率显著高于阳性对照组(P≤0.05).从治愈率来看,菌痢消颗粒高、中剂量组与低剂量组和阳性对照组差异显著(P≤0.05),高、中剂量组治愈率差异不显著(P>0.05).结果表明,菌痢消颗粒能安全、有效地治疗猪、鸡细菌性下痢.  相似文献   

将人工感染发病的25只未免疫犬和自然发病的48只(大型犬和小型犬各24头)免疫犬分别随机分成3组,进行不同药物组合的治疗比较试验,在治疗试验第7d比较体征、病程,以判定治疗效果。结果表明:猪TF联合抗生素等药物的治疗人工感染犬细小病毒发病犬,其治愈率为55.6%,有效率为77.8%,明显高于血清治疗组(治愈率为25.0%,有效率为62.5%)和药物治疗组(治愈率0,有效率为37.5%);猪TF联合抗生素等药物治疗自然发病(犬细小病毒病)犬,治愈率为56.3%,有效率为81.3%,明显高于血清治疗组(治愈率为37.5%,有效率为68.8%)和药物治疗组(治愈率12.5%,有效率为56.3%),猪TF联合抗生素等药物治疗平均治愈时间也较短。  相似文献   

Several successful attempts have been made to induce swine dysentery in pigs using pure cultures of Treponema hyodysen-teriae (Taylor & Alexander 1971, Harris et al. 1972, Akkermans & Pomper 1973, Hughes et al. 1975). In these studies, either conventional or specific-pathogen-free pigs were used. In the present study, 2 approximately 8 weeks old conventional pigs (Nos. 1 and 2) were purchased and fed the same basic ration as used by Teige et al. (1977). In addition, 10 % cod liver oil was incorporated in the diet at each feeding. After a feeding period of 25 days rectal swabs were applied and examined for the presence of spirochaetes. The pigs were then fed a 3 days old primary and pure culture of T. hyodysenteriae on TSA-S400 medium (Songer et al. 1976). The culture originated from the colon of a pig with swine dysentery (Pig No. 4, Teige et al. 1977). Each pig received the agar contents of 5 petri dishes which were mixed with the food.  相似文献   

大观霉素分析方法的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对近20年来大观霉素的分析检测方法进行了介绍,如微生物法、分光光度法、薄层色谱法HPLC法、气相色谱法、免疫分析法,以及它们在大观霉素在食品中残留检测中的应用实例。  相似文献   

现代集约化养殖对猪的行为产生了诸多限制,使猪的福利受到损害,也影响到猪的生长甚至猪肉品质等许多方面。玩具是动物表达其天性的一种用具,也是环境富集的手段之一。玩具主要影响动物的行为、生长性能、应激和免疫功能甚至猪肉品质等。随着人们对动物福利的重视,越来越多的研究把玩具作为提高动物福利的一种手段应用到不同的动物上面。玩具对猪福利影响方面的研究在国外已有不少研究报道,近年来,在中国也开始受到关注和重视。文章简述了动物福利的意义、环境富集原理以及玩具对猪的影响方面的研究和应用概况。  相似文献   

吴易雄 《猪业科学》2002,19(2):48-49
以长白猪、大白猪、杜洛克猪、PIC猪四个品种的三个杂交组合长大、杜长大、杜PIC为研究对象,测定并比较了三个杂交组合的肥育效果.结果表明,长大组合在胴体直长、肉色、熟肉率等性状上优于杜长大和杜PIC组合,因此,可考虑长大杂交组合在外向型猪场推广应用.  相似文献   

农村散养猪猪瘟疫苗首免及二免效果观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索农村散养猪猪瘟疫苗首次及二次免疫抗体变化规律,选择20头35日龄仔猪,35日龄首次免疫,75日龄二次免疫,用猪瘟正向间接血凝试验监测免疫抗体。结果:猪瘟疫苗首次免疫合格期为40天,二次免疫合格期达到95天以上。  相似文献   

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