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简述固始县香菇产业发展现状,指出香菇产业发展过程中存在的重生产技术管理轻市场开发、缺新型农业经营主体、香菇文化而导致品牌效应不强等问题,并结合香菇产业发展优势,提出对策:通过培育新型农业经营主体,做到生产管理与市场营销并重,解决专业合作社广大种植户的后顾之忧;把香菇产业发展作为全县都市型休闲农业发展的重要一环,做好香菇地方标准体系建设和执行,加强香菇文化建设让品牌产生价值,促进全县香菇产业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

从香菇栽培方式及栽培管理方面阐述了我国香菇栽培技术的研究现状,并在此基础上,结合目前香菇产业发展状况浅析未来香菇栽培技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

开阳县属于我国少有的富硒区,气候温凉湿润,利用当地丰富的农林果业剩余料,能栽培出硒含量在0.03 mg/kg左右的纯天然无公害富硒香菇,结合该县特殊有利的自然地理、区位优势和香菇产业目前的发展现状,应该积极申报特色农产品地理标志、选育适合的香菇优良品种、建立富硒香菇无公害栽培基地,做大做强开阳无公害香菇品牌以占领市场先机。  相似文献   

垫江县是重庆市食用菌原材料的主要产区之一,菌类资源丰富,主要生产平菇、金针菇、香菇、杏鲍菇等常见食用菌品种。从垫江县区位优势、产业发展现状等方面分析了垫江县食用菌产业发展面临的问题。针对性地提出增强垫江食用菌产业竞争力的对策:工厂化、标准化生产是垫江县食用菌生产的必由之路;改进技术,进一步降低成本是关键;成立食用菌协会是稳定食用菌价格、提升市场话语权的重要手段。  相似文献   

甘肃康县地处嘉陵江上游,地质构造复杂,滑坡、泥石流等灾害众多。2002年该县被列入了长江上游滑坡泥石流预警系统,开展泥石流监测预警。最近,该县县委、县人民政府联合采取措施,进一步加强该项工作。一是研究成立了康县滑坡泥石流预警群测群防工作领导小组,县长亲自担任领导小组组长,办事机构设在水土保持局,全面统筹和领导全县滑坡泥石流的群测群防工作;  相似文献   

食用菌栽培因具有投资小、经济效益高等优点逐渐成为一项备受社会关注的新兴产业。当前,食用菌的种类繁多,其生长特异差异较大。因此,只有经过严格的栽培管理,才能生产出符合人们口味的食用菌产品。近年来,河口乡人民政府为实现早日脱贫折帽、全面小康,强力推进产业富民战略,高度重视食用菌的栽培,并修建大棚用于栽培香菇,以香菇为例,对大棚香菇高产栽培技术进行简单探讨,希望为广大香菇栽培农户增收尽绵薄之力。  相似文献   

为了探究宁南山区柠条枝作为香菇代料栽培基质的可行性,以78%苹果木为对照,柠条枝39%、苹果木39%进行柠条枝代料栽培香菇的初步探究,对于不同处理的香菇菌丝生长、子实体发育以及营养成分状况进行了测定与分析。结果表明:加入39%的柠条枝后菌丝生长速率降低0.88 mm/d,转色天数延长12 d,生育期延长35 d,基本实现全年生产;单棒产量与生物学效率不存在显著差异,表明所选柠条枝配方对于香菇子实体发育无显著影响;营养成分中,干物质、粗纤维、必需氨基酸以及部分矿物质元素含量降低,其中粗纤维含量与陕西传统栽培基质所产香菇不存在显著差异,脂肪、氨基酸总量以及鲜味氨基酸含量增加,重金属含量均低于国家相关标准,其他营养成分差异均不显著。该研究表明,宁南山区可进行香菇反季节栽培,柠条作为香菇产业的替代性资源具有可行性。由于香菇部分养分含量降低,适宜添加比例还需进一步探究。  相似文献   

生态清洁小流域建设契合新时代人们对山清水秀、生态宜居的需求。5年多来,甘肃省生态清洁小流域建设通过治山、治水、治污、治乱等,打造了两当县马家沟、乔河,康县梅园沟、凤凰谷,徽县滩店,成县小川河等一批水土保持与美丽乡村建设和脱贫攻坚深度融合的示范工程。在梳理总结甘肃省生态清洁小流域建设情况的基础上,从乡村旅游经济角度出发,对康县生态清洁小流域建设的典型经验进行了分析,以期能够为加快甘肃省生态清洁小流域建设步伐,改善生态环境,促进区域生态、经济、社会发展提供可复制、借鉴和推广的模式。  相似文献   

杨晖  赵鹂  张龙  梁巧玲  柯乐芹 《核农学报》2015,29(1):183-191
香菇等可食用菇类比绿色植物体内更能逐步聚集浓度大的镉等重金属。子实体中的镉危及食用者的健康,因此减少菇类子实体中镉的含量,对人体健康意义重大。本研究检测了5种外源添加物水杨酸、沸石、石膏、壳聚糖及硫酸锌对镉胁迫下香菇体内镉含量的降低作用,并测定不同添加物对香菇羧甲基纤维素酶和漆酶活性的影响。试验结果表明,被测试的添加物中,硫酸锌对香菇808和868子实体中的镉含量著,石膏次之,表明硫酸锌是5种外源添加物中降低香菇体内镉浓度的最佳选择。此外,通过测定5种外源添加物在3 mg·kg-1镉胁迫下对香菇羧甲基纤维素酶和漆酶活性的影响,试验数据表明菌丝满袋期时,在添加硫酸锌或石膏时,香菇羧甲基纤维素酶和漆酶活性达到最高,说明培养料中添加硫酸锌或石膏在降低香菇体内镉含量的同时,也可以一定程度上增强生长代谢酶的活性。  相似文献   

为构建香菇营养品质评价体系,本研究测定了46个不同来源香菇菌株的15项营养品质指标,通过相关性分析、因子分析和聚类分析对营养品质评价指标进行了简化,通过灰色关联度分析和主成分分析建立了香菇营养品质综合评价函数,并通过概率分布建立了香菇营养品质综合评分标准。结果表明,香菇营养品质指标之间离散度不同,变异系数介于8.72%~70.52%之间。综合分析结果将15项营养品质评价指标简化为10项指标(即灰分、粗蛋白、粗多糖、维生素C、Na、Ca、Fe、Cu、Zn、Mn),并建立了香菇营养品质综合评价函数和香菇营养品质综合评分9级标准。本研究为香菇营养品质评价提供了一定的数据支持和方法。  相似文献   

为了研究厌氧消化过程中日产气量、累计产气量和甲烷含量随厌氧消化时间的变化规律,在中温35℃±1℃条件下,采用批式单相厌氧消化工艺,分别用香菇、杏鲍菇和平菇废弃菌棒与猪粪混合发酵。结果表明,蘑菇菌棒具有很好的产气潜力,其中香菇菌棒TS产气量最高,为142.9mL·g^-1,平均产气量664.1mL·d^-1,杏鲍菇菌棒所产气体甲烷含量最高,平均63.8%;添加猪粪调节蘑菇菌棒C/N至25/1,对香菇菌棒前期严重酸化现象起到了很好的缓冲作用,使香菇菌棒、杏鲍菇菌棒和平菇菌棒累计产气量较单一物料分别提高了131.5%、97.9%和79.9%。研究结论为:香菇、杏鲍菇和平菇废弃菌棒均具有良好的产气潜力;添加猪粪能显著提高蘑菇菌棒累计产气量,同时提高香菇菌棒甲烷含量,降低杏鲍菇菌棒甲烷含量,对平菇菌棒甲烷含量影响不大。  相似文献   

Changes at the rural/urban interface are presenting new challenges for many mushroom farms, who increasingly find themselves the subject of public complaints from nonfarming neighbors. Identifying the type and extent of neighbors concerns is important for farmers and local officials to respond appropriately. This study examined neighbors' perceptions of mushroom farms in Chester County, Pennsylvania, the nation's most productive mushroom producing area. Telephone interviews with 601 neighbors found about 23 percent of neighbors reported having a concern. Odors were the most common concern, held by 14 percent of respondents (and being 36 percent of all concerns). Neighbors were less likely to have concerns if they were aware of the mushroom farm before moving to the area, and more likely to have a concern if the farm changed operation after they moved. (Ed. Note: Data provided in this analysis of neighbors' attitudes are valuable to operators of composting facilities.)  相似文献   

[目的]探究不同改良剂对融雪剂盐害土壤的修复效果及其对矮牵牛生长的影响,为改良剂的大田推广提供理论依据。[方法]采用香菇菌糠、平菇菌糠和脱硫石膏3种改良剂,通过土柱室内模拟试验,对改良后土壤的pH值,土壤电导率(EC),K+,Na+,Cl-、容重和孔隙度进行测定。[结果]改良处理后,pH值均有不同程度的降低;香菇菌糠施用量为24g/kg时,降低土壤EC值效果最显著;平菇菌糠改良可以有效提高土壤中K+离子含量;对于降低土壤中Na+离子含量而言,表现为:平菇菌糠香菇菌糠脱硫石膏;香菇菌糠处理(24g/kg)对于降低土壤中Cl-离子含量、土壤容重和提高孔隙度等方面效果最显著,土壤容重比CK减少了57.3%,孔隙度增加了24.6%,使矮牵牛单株鲜重较CK增加了244.64%。[结论]当香菇菌糠施用量达到24g/kg时,改良融雪剂盐害土壤的效果最显著。  相似文献   

Shiitake (Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler) mushroom production in the United States has increased greatly over the last twenty years. Additional expansion of the shiitake mushroom market should be possible if the product can be marketed as a functional food, i.e., a food that has health-promoting effects beyond its nutritional value. High-molecular-weight polysaccharides (HMWP) including lentinan in shiitake may promote human health. This study was conducted to determine if management protocols influence the HMWP of shiitake mushrooms. Results indicate that measuring the total carbohydrate content of water-extractable, ethanol-insoluble polysaccharides was a simple way to estimate HMWP. Results also indicate that log-grown shiitake contained more HMWP than did substrate-grown shiitake. Among log-grown shiitake, both mushroom strain and tree species influenced HMWP content. The results suggest that there is considerable variation among shiitake mushrooms in HMWP content and that production protocols influenced the HMWP content of mushrooms.  相似文献   

山丹县是甘肃河西走廊地区的马铃薯制种大县,在河西走廊乃至甘肃省的马铃薯产业发展中具有重要地位。为了推动甘肃省河西地区马铃薯脱毒种薯产业高质量发展,为全力打造河西走廊“薯都”提供一定的参考依据。通过调研和文献资料的梳理、归纳,分析了山丹县马铃薯脱毒种薯产业现状和存在问题,并从质量监管体系、繁育体系、新品种开发应用、营销体系建设等视角提出了发展对策:健全质量监管体系,提升种薯质量;加大种薯繁育体系建设,持续巩固产业基础;推进新优品种研发,增强产业优势;逐步完善贮藏体系,稳步提升种薯贮藏能力;加强营销体系建设,提升种薯市场竞争力。  相似文献   

Phytase is used commercially to maximize phytic acid degradation and to decrease phosphorus levels in poultry and swine manure. To determine phytase content in edible mushrooms, basidiomata of Agaricus bisporus and three specialty mushrooms (Grifola frondosa, Lentinula edodes, and Pleurotus cornucopiae) and spent mushroom substrate (SMS) were surveyed. Enzyme activity ranged from 0.046 to 0.074 unit/g of tissue for four A. bisporus types (closed and open whites and closed and open browns) grown at The Pennsylvania State University's Mushroom Test Demonstration Facility (MTDF). The addition of various nutrient supplements to phase II mushroom production substrate did not alter phytase activity in A. bisporus. Portabella mushrooms (open brown) obtained from a commercial farm had significantly higher levels of phytase activity (0.211 unit/g of tissue) compared to A. bisporus grown at the MTDF. Of the specialty mushrooms surveyed, maitake (G. frondosa) had 20% higher phytase activity (0.287 unit/g of tissue) than commercial portabella mushrooms. The yellow oyster mushroom (P. cornucopiae) ranked second in level of phytase activity (0.213 unit/g of tissue). Shiitake (L. edodes) contained the least amount of phytase in basidiomata (0.107 unit/g of tissue). Post-crop steam treatment (60 degrees C, 24 h) of SMS reduced phytase activity from 0.074 to 0.018 unit/g. Phytase was partially purified from commercially grown portabella basidiomata 314-fold with an estimated molecular mass of 531 kDa by gel filtration chromatography. The optimum pH for activity was 5.5, but appreciable phytase activity was observed over the range of pH 5.0-8.0. Partially purified A. bisporus phytase was inactivated following a 10-min incubation at > or =60 degrees C.  相似文献   

Consumption of a shiitake mushroom diet has been reported to have effects on serum phospholipids. However, much less is known about the effect on serum polar lipids including lysophospholipids and free fatty acids. In the present study, the effects of a shiitake diet were evaluated on the basis of identification and quantification of individual polar lipid components in rat serum using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry. By comparison with standards and published data, 50 lysophospholipids and 32 free fatty acids were identified, and the concentrations of 27 polar lipids in rat serum were determined. Shiitake diets decreased the levels of all individual polar lipid components in the serum of male rat. The total level of serum polar lipids in males fed 4% shiitake diets (1365.71 mol/L) was significantly lower than that of the control (2270.26 mol/L). However, shiitake diets did not significantly affect the levels of serum polar lipids in female rats.  相似文献   

Major complaints, nuisance suits, and vandalism threaten the ability of farms in suburbanizing areas to survive as development occurs around them. This is a particular concern in one county in southeastern Pennsylvania, an area of rapid population growth but also the nation's most productive mushroom producing area. This study examines mushroom growers' indications that on-farm composting is a major source of complaints from nonfarming neighbors. The study found that the size of the farm and the number of homes nearby were significantly more important factors than composting in explaining which mushroom farms receive complaints.  相似文献   

基于纹理分析的香菇品质分选方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为了实现天白花菇、白花菇、茶花菇和光面菇这4种类型香菇的分选,研究了多种菌盖纹理模型以及各个模型参量的融合,并设计了整个香菇类型自动分选系统。首先从香菇菌盖中截取合适大小的纹理区域,利用灰度直方图统计,灰度共生矩阵(grey level co-occurrence matrix),高斯马尔科夫随机场(Gauss Makov Random Field)模型和分形维数模型从该区域中共提取23个纹理特征参数。然后使用顺序前向搜索法对各个模型特征数据进行融合,从中得出6个简约特征。最后构建K近邻分类器作为香菇类别分类器并对提取后的简约特征进行分类。试验结果表明,香菇类型分选模型的分选正确率可达到93.57%,利用香菇菌盖纹理对香菇进行类型分类是可行的。  相似文献   

The mushroom industry in the United Kingdom, the country's second largest user of horticultural peat, considers it important to examine alternative materials. Reflecting this objective, a series of trial were conducted to examine whether SMS could hygienically and rapidly be recomposted and reused as a peat alternative for mushroom casing. Alternative horticultural uses of recomposted SMS, such as greenhouse crop substrates, also were considered. Analyses were conducted on leaching, physical and chemical factors, mushroom yields, disease generation, and the economics of different approaches.  相似文献   

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